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单词 Pursuing
1 A man is called selfish ,not pursuing his own good ,but neglecting his neighbour's. 
2 She was intent on pursuing a career in business.
3 He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.
4 The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
5 He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.
6 A heart will not be hurt for pursuing a dream, when you truly want something, all the universe conspires to help you complete the.
7 He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
8 He used to play with a group but now he's going solo/pursuing a solo career.
9 The police are pursuing their inquiries with great diligence.
10 Motherhood won'tstop me from pursuing my acting career.
11 They're pursuing a strategy of massive retaliation.
12 The government is pursuing a policy of containment.
13 The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.
14 Police are still pursuing their investigations.
15 The police are still pursuing their enquiries.
16 I decided the matter was not worth pursuing further.
17 The government is pursuing a policy of non-intervention.
18 She is pursuing her linguistic researches.
19 Jake has been pursuing her for months.
20 Cabinet Ministers are selfishly pursuing their own vested interests.
21 She is ruthless in pursuing her goals.
22 We will not be pursuing this matter any further.
23 The two groups are pursuing a common objective.
24 I don't think this idea is worth pursuing any further.
25 The police are pursuing a new line of enquiry / inquiry .
26 Smith had expended large sums in pursuing his claim through the court.
27 The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.
28 Briggs ran across the field with one officer pursuing him.
29 Dreams don't abandon a painstaking pursuit of the people, as long as you never stop pursuing(),[] you will bathe in the brilliance of the dream.
30 He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.
1 She was intent on pursuing a career in business.
2 He was still doggedly pursuing his studies.
3 The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
4 He was pursuing a utopian dream of world prosperity.
5 He accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
6 He promised there would be no more hesitations in pursuing reforms.
7 He used to play with a group but now he's going solo/pursuing a solo career.
8 She is pursuing her linguistic researches.
31 The police are currently pursuing several lines of inquiry into the case.
32 He's been pursuing her for months and yet she's so clearly not interested.
33 He has accused the British media of pursuing a vendetta against him.
34 The company has been pursuing Holton for some time, but so far he has rejected all their offers.
35 Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.
36 His support was one of the nicest fringe benefits of pursuing this research.
37 That is what we are actively pursuing.
38 In 1943 he was still doggedly pursuing his studies.
39 She becomes fixated on pursuing justice at all costs.
40 We are actively pursuing that now.
41 McVeigh later decided against pursuing additional appeals.
42 Carol's been pursuing him for months.
43 That they may also be interested in pursuing their aims by occult means should afford no surprise.
44 At fifteen he ran away to sea, pursuing the myth of his absent father.
45 Some researchers are pursuing studies in soil stabilisation using cement, lime and bitumen.
46 The means of escaping poverty are not worth pursuing by a woman who genuinely wishes to be happy.
47 This degree will provide the graduate with an excellent basis for pursuing a professional qualification with one of the accountancy bodies.
48 Though it created problems in times of political crisis, it was the price one had to pay for pursuing high ideals.
48 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
49 He was seen as an enlightened despot pursuing liberal policies in the face of dogmatic reaction from priests and landlords.
50 Hofheinz, however, could only go so far in pursuing administrative rationality without risking the alienation of an important constituency.
51 The legislation pertaining to protection of wetlands and endangered species is clearly being abused by extremists pursuing ulterior motives.
52 The performer is pursuing an objective and the great variety of his activity has meaning in relation to his objective.
53 A considerable amount of time and money has been spent in pursuing the study of river basin dynamics.
54 Politics is the competition among individuals and groups pursuing their own interests.
55 For lawyers or accountants the notion of pursuing a flexible strategy towards employment makes a lot of sense.
56 There is an element of utopianism in drafting such proposals, though I believe these ideas are worth pursuing.
57 There is no question of the representatives of the various States being in competition with each other or pursuing national interests.
58 I had been there only a few weeks when I had second thoughts about pursuing doctoral work.
59 More often than not, cable companies are forced to rely on tips and leads in pursuing pirates.
60 But shortly after the trial the twin's parents announced that they were considering pursuing a civil case for damages.
61 Microsoft, meanwhile is pursuing a far different on-line strategy of weaving Internet features into its existing product lines.
62 Well, skirmishes over language are a certainly a distraction, they prevent you from pursuing other national goals.
63 No mean combatant, Mr Holdsworth dismissed two solicitors for not pursuing his case with sufficient vigour.
64 The Government are pursuing policies that are directly linked to the rise in crime.
65 Milford Haven coastguards are very concerned with the way that some divers are pursuing their sport.
66 George had been pursuing Ameliafor professional reasons, then for personal reasons from the moment they met.
67 This is the very last place where they would want some outsider installing himself and pursuing his researches.
68 In the forties, many lab scientists labored at their benches pursuing vaccines with inactivated or killed viruses.
69 Lombardi went to great lengths over the weekend to deny the Sharks were pursuing Gretzky.
70 This target looks realistic because Corning is only just starting to reap the rewards of patiently pursuing earlier long-term investments.
71 Who were the country gentlemen who were so put out from pursuing their time-honoured pastime?
72 Notable among these are Volunteers contemplating careers in the field of economic development, after first pursuing graduate study in economics.
73 The difficulties of pursuing such a methodology are immediately evident.
74 He would not risk bringing himself and the Kharkov base into disrepute by pursuing the matter any further.
75 Pursuing new technologies to increase roadway capacity without adding travel lanes has become fashionable.
76 Green is pursuing a musical career and Priestley has turned producer-director.
77 The government was also pursuing plans for the increased privatization of state-owned enterprises.
78 Whatever goal I am pursuing, all the others - plus many I may not even recognize - are involved.
78 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
79 In pursuing this object, they had the formidable weapons of their superior knowledge and direct executive control.
80 Old people do not live in a social vacuum, pursuing their personal goals in ways which do not impinge on others.
81 Scarcity of resources and marketing opportunities Companies are restricted by a shortage of resources from pursuing every identifiable marketing opportunity.
82 One, Abigail Church, remained somewhat shameless in pursuing him, even after I had become a fixture in his life.
83 The course will appeal to advanced level students interested in pursuing conceptual issues about the nature and preconditions of politics.
84 The thought of all those blonde movie stars in Palm Springs pursuing him made her feel quite sick.
85 This usually takes the form of obsessively pursuing the minutiae of experimental phenomena and theories that leave a subsequent generation cold.
86 Conscious of the gender gap, even more are pursuing initiatives targeted specifically at women.
87 Likewise, the teacher is most motivated to study educational problems when pursuing his own problem defined in his own language.
88 The rest of the media reflected this view of an activist President keenly pursuing a policy he deeply believed in.
89 He added that nevertheless the electricity industry is pursuing its own and funding independent, research.
90 Her thin lip curled in a rare smile - one might say she had been pursuing her own studies.
91 Few are willing to take the risk of pursuing major new opportunities that are not covered by their stated objectives.
92 In the course of pursuing that fascination, McGrath offers us plenty of the first kind of suspense, too.
93 Margaret was encouraged to continue pursuing her enquiries with the solicitor.
94 Why the hell they can't spend their energy pursuing the likes of is beyond me.
95 Again, therefore, Truman had to be satisfied with pursuing only parts of his reform programme.
96 Obviously it is not a matter of pursuing both objectives at the same time.
97 At no time can I remember ever being stopped from pursuing an objective which was of ultimate potential gain to the company.
98 Malone said a different chain, which he declined to identify, is pursuing financing for such a project.
99 Before long, people are pursuing change for the sake of change.
100 A country abandons the possibility of pursuing its own economic and social policies.
101 Perhaps they were open to pursuing a new career path because of their developmental stage.
102 My wife has the opportunity these days of pursuing, with great enthusiasm, her hobby as a singer.
103 After several minutes, he began skipping around, asking questions randomly, pursuing instruction at different levels.
104 It takes a special strength of character to spend decades doggedly pursuing a theory that attracts harsh opposition.
105 Alarmed by Hitler's rise to power, Stalin was actively pursuing an alliance with the Western democracies.
106 In the group approach, politics can be understood as the interaction among groups that are pursuing their political interests.
107 Opposition leaders have talked about pursuing a criminal case against Estrada for corruption and other offenses he allegedly committed in office.
108 The managers motivations appeared to be ones consistent with traditional assumptions about the appropriate reasons for pursuing a managerial career.
109 However,[http:///pursuing.html] any observer will note that the energy people are prepared to expend in pursuing organizational goals varies greatly.
110 If you are interested in pursuing this opportunity please sign and return the attached undertaking of confidentiality to me.
111 I learned that there were thousands of men pursuing my sisters, who seemed not the least bit concerned.
112 So their employees assiduously protect their jobs and build their empires, pursuing larger budgets, larger staffs, and more authority.
113 He seemed burdened with melancholic thoughts and dark visions as he wrestled with his pursuing demons.
114 Voice over April's pursuing compensation though no amount of mony can make up for what she's lost.
115 These include pursuing a claim for policy excess, car hire charges and loss of the use of one's vehicle.
116 And never mind that Autry was pursuing a goal that had nothing to do with end zones.
117 The members of society thus perceive themselves as private individuals, each pursuing their own private and competing interests.
118 Shula-Slawa would tell you how she was run down while absorbed in a Look article by mounted policemen pursuing an escaped deer.
119 Business development in many companies consists of individuals pursuing exciting deals without a clear sense of how these contribute to the company.
120 The New Democrat agenda of his 1992 campaign tried to update liberalism by pursuing new means to advance traditional Democratic goals.
121 It is easy to assume that people were therefore pursuing their own interests, were unprincipled when they went about their politicking.
122 Social pathologies abound, yet people are peacefully pursuing political solutions to the myriad problems.
123 It was a kind of loop and roll that dodged the pursuing aircraft and brought you up behind it.
124 There is a protocol for pursuing such actions, and police time and money is not usually wasted on minor assaults.
125 Most responded by aggressively pursuing a policy of getting and acting smaller.
126 She and Charles worked hard and, despite the fact that they were pursuing the same course, without rivalry.
127 Many people intent on pursuing an exciting and fulfilling career neglect the other two legs.
128 Mr Glocer, a creature of instant messaging and web interfaces, can not imagine pursuing any other path.
129 To my knowledge at this point, nobody has been stopped from pursuing any course of action....
130 The unit will be responsible for pursuing fraud and malpractice relating to banks.
131 Many nations began pursuing measures that took this discrepancy into consideration.
132 But those were different times at an unusual agency pursuing a visionary mission.
133 Lord Ross, the Lord Justice-Clerk, said that the two men deserved every commendation for their action in pursuing Forman.
134 If single motherhood magnifies the problems of contemporary motherhood, it can also underscore the rewards of mothering while pursuing independent goals.
135 Delco is pursuing the low end of the market with its $ 900 Telepath 100 system.
136 Within a generation or two aristocratic Christians were pursuing the same interests as their pagan ancestors.
137 The NGOs are suspect because they are often foreign-funded and therefore, by definition, pursuing a foreigner's agenda.
138 Since late August, Milhoan has been pursuing a complaint against Capt.
139 The state bureaucracies created by eighteenth-century absolutism signified the arrival of a universal class pursuing a universal interest.
140 It seems right to see Hubble's greatness in recognising splendid opportunities and pursuing them with utmost devotion and superb vision.
141 That is ironic given Labour's supposed support for the concept of unitary authorities which the Government are pursuing.
142 Then they throw up their hands, wondering why the benefits they have been pursuing never seem to accrue.
143 He is now pursuing his clinical and research interests in diabetes and metabolism at the Clinical Research Centre, Harrow.
144 Contrary to appearances, Mabel was a business student pursuing an advanced degree in international trade at Xiamen University.
145 Wagner, in retreat from pursuing creditors and political enemies, was one.
146 Conversely, pursuing a mundane, poorly paid job or no job at all may provoke a sense of alienation from society.
147 He suggested that people's interests are best served by pursuing personal gains.
148 In search of an answer, you follow your nose, wherever it leads, actively pursuing the mystery.
149 The Justice Department is pursuing criminal charges against the company as a result of the deaths.
150 At least for the moment, the Conservative government has wrecked its popularity by pursuing misconceived projects such as the poll tax.
151 If I took any of this particularly seriously I would risk suffering from nutritional whiplash, pursuing health in precisely contradictory binges.
152 Irritated she swept away, flushed the tissues down the lavatory and returned to hear Oliver pursuing her question.
153 He makes it clear that pursuing money is distasteful but having money is morally neutral.
154 So I've ended up pursuing these issues on two fronts.
155 They had worked hard in pursuing their education and had considerable achievements to their credit.
156 The problem of business managers pursuing their own ends while shareholders foot the bill is tackled head-on.
157 Nonresidents thus constituted only 13 % of all hunters pursuing their sport in the State....
158 After fifteen years he was still pursuing his feud against his master-mason, unwilling to let even his bones rest.
159 The Federals halted, turned, and fled, our friends crossing the railroad and pursuing them.
160 Favored locations included Riverside and San Bernardino counties, listed by 42 percent of builders pursuing this strategy.
161 In such circumstances, why raise the stakes by pursuing independence?
162 I want to ensure that, in pursuing cost-effectiveness, there is independent arbitration on quality.
163 By pursuing top management commitment and new organization designs, the committee members would have condemned themselves to three dilemmas: Illusion.
164 Now that he was being the perfect gentleman in not pursuing her, at last she began to breathe more easily.
165 Forest Service officials have been notoriously lax in pursuing forest clear cutting elsewhere.
166 That is why we are pursuing the matter in detail, particularly the transitional arrangements.
167 He also promotes his staff according to merit, rather than by pursuing the traditional path of steady, age-linked advancement.
168 By contrast,[http://] recent partnerships have both parties equally active in pursuing their problematical objectives.
169 The two gunmen triggered a massive search when they fled in a stolen car and opened fire on pursuing officers.
170 Neither Clinton nor the Republicans are pursuing a health policy.
171 We should begin our test of pragmatism by pursuing the question raised a moment ago.
172 Some other local housing authorities such as Islington or Walsall are pursuing schemes of widespread decentralisation of housing management.
173 We have two sons, one already away pursuing a career and the other about to take A levels.
174 Higgins' parents are pursuing a civil suit against six Cowboys officers.
175 Thankfully she did not persist in pursuing her mad idea.
176 Although no member of the pursuing teams was hit by this gunfire, on several occasions, shots hit very close.
177 Can I honestly reassure her that she will come to no harm in pursuing this phenomenon?
178 Expecting 2008, the everlasting is faith, the insistent is pursuing, and the ageless is youth.
179 The Dead Sea Scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.
180 Why not travel alone , in single blessedness , unencumbered and swiftly pursuing one's goal?
181 It is our task to con-vince the multitudes that we are pursuing a lawful hobby in a lawful way.
182 HP's directors may not be scared off pursuing their suit by the blustering of Oracle's boss.
183 The Dead Sea scrolls were found by a shepherd pursuing a stray goat into a cave.
184 This Spanish school is not the only business school pursuing expansionist dreams.
185 Apollo Global Management , a rival , is pursuing an initial public offering.
186 What is the nature of the Accountancy course which you are pursuing?
187 He was drawn by his innate desire to act the old pursuing part.
188 Under militia's the the pursuing and attacking, gangsters escaping the remote mountains.
189 Arbour warned delegates to the U . N. Human Rights Council against pursuing narrow parochial political agendas.
190 BHP has been aggressively pursuing this for years,[sentence dictionary] as has Vale.
191 Border patrol agents were pursuing the vehicle at the time.
192 Chapter four deals with the pursuing of people's all - round development in bettering the enterprise inner conditions.




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