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单词 Issue in
1. Immigration is a contro-versial issue in many countries.
2. Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses.
3. Her argument decided the issue in his favour.
4. Education has become a central issue in public debate.
5. The strike was a divisive issue in the community.
6. Education has become a burning issue in this election.
7. The two candidates will square off on this issue in a debate tomorrow.
8. The Vietnam war was an extremely divisive issue in the US.
9. I suggest that you keep off political issue in negotiations with them.
10. Immigration is shaping up as a major issue in the campaign.
11. The central issue in the strike was the preservation of jobs.
12. The Bank has approached the issue in a practical way.
13. We need to consider this very serious issue in its totality.
14. Legal immigrants -- Unresolved issue in the state budget.
15. Neither is honesty an issue in politics.
16. We had discussed the issue in great depth.
17. Leslie never did resolve the issue in the dorm.
18. People approach this whole issue in terms of the ugliness they are confronted with day in and day out in their surroundings.
19. The second issue in Exparte Handscomb is, however, directly relevant to our decision.
20. Trust will be a big, big issue in the campaign.
21. That was the first issue in the Chicago civil rights movement.
22. This became a central issue in opposition to new housing since population growth as such was something of a red-herring.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. The city council agreed to hold a referendum on the issue in November.
24. This has not stopped Senator Biden and company from trying to make it an issue in the election.
25. The strike of ten years ago is still very much a live issue in the town.
26. Costs ... Production costs, for all aspects of the advertising business, have become an increasingly major issue in recent years.
27. I believe the enormous pressure put on women to be skinny is the most important feminist issue in Western society.
28. Note: Joint and several liability unlikely to be an issue in an asset sale.
29. Several trends have contributed to the growing attraction of peddling a new share issue in a number of markets simultaneously.
30. What do you think is the most important current issue in fishkeeping?
1. Immigration is a contro-versial issue in many countries.
2. Even an oversight in the design might issue in heavy losses.
31. Moreover, it rethinks the quality time issue in terms of relationships in and outside the family.
32. In a backwards kind of way, it became the decisive issue in the race.
33. The delivery of Central Arizona Project water was a key issue in the election.
34. Please retry specifying a preferred issue in the format 99.99A, where 9 represents a numeric and A represents an alphabetic.
35. But any rise in fuel prices carries a second issue in its slipstream.
36. But since its premier issue in January 1993, Wired has led a charmed life.
37. And there is a more pressing issue in its tie with Standard Life.
38. Abortion is still a very emotionally charged issue in the U.S.
39. This approach is then illustrated conceptually by discussion of a central issue in Marxist anthropology, the analysis of work.
40. The plan calls for an $ 18 million bond issue in June 2002 and a $ 19 million bond issue in 2005.
41. Cohen is expected to receive his own internal report on the issue in about a month.
42. Some Republicans believe Dole can draw a clear enough distinction with Clinton to make foreign policy a telling issue in the campaign.
43. At times they have become an overt issue in industrial disputes.
44. It would be deciding the issue in advance(), if she took it.
45. The question now was, did I want to peep at the issue in which my niece appears?
46. A major issue in hypermedia, however, is the danger of users getting lost among the complex network of multimedia nodes.
47. Your directors would consult the appropriate investor protection bodies before making any cash issue in excess of the guidelines.
48. At issue in the Gingrich case is a college course he taught in 1993-95 with financial support from a nonprofit foundation.
49. The most contentious issue in the early days of the second session was the collegiality of bishops.
50. Despite all this, very little attention has been given to the issue in Great Britain as compared with other countries.
51. Pupil driven funding is now re-establishing school meals as an important issue in school management and funding.
52. The dominant issue in most searches is how well the executive search consultant understands and relates to the culture of the client./issue in.html
53. The assistant recorder determined the preliminary issue in favour of the plaintiff, and the council now appeal to this court against his decision.
54. Lawyer B, however, tried to resolve the issue in the terms of the presenting, everyday, discourse.
55. Researchers, too, can sometimes be carried away in delving deeply into some issue in the minutest detail.
56. The fundamental issue in the current debate is whether environmental lead causes intellectual impairment or behavioural disturbances in children.
57. But the soaring incomes of top executives are not the major issue in the great productivity slowdown.
58. Also, I wanted to address the issue in a celebratory way, to take the fear out of the issue.
59. This is the same president who did not raise a single foreign policy issue in his second inaugural address.
60. In the early 1950s the anthropologist A. Irvin Hallowell reconsidered the whole issue in the light of what it meant to be a human person.
61. But waste management, I predict, will become an important issue in the next general election.
62. The ultimate determinants of real investment, whether by foreign or domestic firms, remain a contentious issue in economic theory.
63. The relatively sudden rise of xenophobic parties, or of the xenophobic issue in politics, is largely due to this.
64. The housing needs of the elderly, in particular, must be a prominent policy issue in years to come.
65. Trade sanctions have been threatened and copyright has been made a high-profile issue in international negotiations.
66. Mens rea is not normally an issue in the case of pollution of watercourses when cause is to be established.
67. At issue in the Gingrich case is a college course he taught from 1993-95 with financial support from a nonprofit foundation.
68. These developments took place against a background of growing activism on the abortion issue in the country at large.
69. Der Spiegel magazine made Waldsterben a front-page issue in November 1981. Bitter scientific disputes soon developed.
70. Hyde's defence counsel has told Northampton Crown court that provocation would be an issue in the trial.
71. Another issue in the Army inquiry is whether those found guilty of wrongdoing are held accountable, a subject that concerns Jones.
72. Public opinion polls show crime and violence to be a major issue in the November elections.
73. The real issue in the proceedings was the principle of public interest immunity.
74. Hurd raised the issue in a speech on 25 March, and Baker pitched in more stridently a day later.
75. Maintaining the state's economic vitality is an important issue in this fall's election.
76. She did not admit to herself that to leave it was also to decide the issue in advance.
77. This is the first issue in a series which will include all of Elgar's electrical recordings.
78. Education is likely to be a key issue in the forthcoming election.
79. We here came to a central issue in all our discussions.
80. Susan Molinari, who never mentioned the issue in her keynote address.
81. But precise length is purely a secondary issue in art music.
82. My sister-in-law handles the allowance issue in such a way that her kids have learned to budget money.
82. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
83. The motion called on the chamber to reconsider the issue in a few years' time.
84. This requirement was the issue in Wilson; the court was asked to decide whether there was a valid offer and acceptance.
85. It is as if teaching quality is only an issue in subjects like mathematics and science.
86. At the time, 1948, the Cold War was becoming the pervasive issue in international affairs and domestic politics.
87. The assistant recorder determined that issue in the plaintiff's favour.
88. If the defendant states he was wrongly convicted, he puts that fact in issue in the civil proceedings.
89. Recognizing the volatility of the issue in an election year, 27 Republicans joined all 47 Senate Democrats in supporting the measure.
90. This is an important issue in relation to avant-garde culture.
91. Of this, 25 percent would come from a share issue in 1990 or 1991 and new bank borrowings.
92. But personal space is also an issue in outer space.
93. The effectivity of the duty to disarm is probably the most crucial issue in international law and international relations of this era.
94. Here is the central issue in the debate over the ordination of women.
95. At other times, however, he is more circumspect and admits that this is a hotly disputed issue in biology.
96. Labour Markets A central issue in the 1984-5 miners' strike was the preservation of jobs and communities on the coalfields.
97. Clinton, 49, has not sought directly to exploit the age issue in the fall campaign.
98. This brings us back to the underlying issue in this chapter about welfare and dependency.
99. The justices today agreed to consider the issue in connection with two similar federal drug prosecutions.
100. What is more, immigration policy will clearly be a key issue in 1996.
101. MacDonald, had he still been Prime Minister, would have lost the issue in verbiage and drowned himself in self-pity.
102. The strike became a divisive issue in the community, turning neighbors against neighbors and even relatives against relatives.
103. More generally, the impact of the market is often and issue in development studies of the Third World.
104. But privatization of any government function has been hotly contested issue in Sacramento.
105. A previous rights issue in 1991 raised some £25 million and helped the company buy up development land at bargain prices.
106. Trimming retirement privileges is an explosive issue in France.
107. Pollution is really a hot issue in the world.
108. He tries to defuse the issue in three ways.
109. Line of sight is another issue in wireless technology.
110. In the meeting they discussed this issue in depth.
111. His imprisonment had been a contentious issue in Israel.
112. Unsafe injection is becoming a big issue in EPI.
112. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
113. But prisoners'rights are a losing issue in Venezuela.
114. Modesty is a big issue in Nigeria these days.
115. This paper focuses on these judicial decisions and intends to study this reapportionment issue in Japan from the constitutional viewpoint.
116. The appearance of anatomically modern Homo sapiens is a hotly debated issue in paleoanthropology.
117. As one controversial issue in the context of the law of evidence, character evidence plays an important role in criminal proceedings.
118. Current, I save an outstanding issue in economic progress is industrial development problem.
119. The endogenetic and gradual feature of institutional evolvement makes informal institution be an important issue in economic growth and social development.
120. Construction of policy and law of compensation for ecological benefit of welfare forest has become a new issue in the reformation of socialist market economy system and that of forestry.
121. The quality control of automatic rain gauge data is the most fundamental and the most crucial issue in the joint estimation of precipitation using radar and automatic station data.
122. We have published in our previous research regarding the same issue in that lactulose is quite effective for the secondary prophylaxis of HE.
123. The first issue in building the analysis program is to define a representation for the data structures used by a target program.
124. Spiritual damage compensation on administrative tort issue in our country is still not perfect in legislating.
125. Contraception is still a controversial issue in this part of the world.
126. The thesis firstly analyses the development of China's automotive consumption loan market, showing its true status and the key issue in the process of the development.
127. How to appropriately use antibiotics is a hot issue in each hospital.
128. The local phenomena of religious ritual is a very important issue in religious studies.
129. Automatic summarization is an important issue in natural language processing.
130. The Presidential power at issue in Midwest Oil was confirmed by the Pickett Act.
131. Nowadays, psychometrics has already been a hot issue in psychological research.
132. I like the way you reframe the issue in terms of attention.
133. With the emergence of a global knowledge economy, skilled migration has become an important policy issue in the discussion of national competitiveness.
134. A key short-run issue in advanced countries is that balance sheet pressures are knocking the wind out of the recovery.
135. A huge issue in designing and writing a test suite is how to handle common setup and teardown code.
136. Decision tree classifier is an important data mining problem. The key issue in constructing the decision tree on data streams is to derive the best criterion of internal nodes.
137. GSM - R is a hot issue in nowaday railway field.
138. In 2007, the government began permitting Chinese banks to issue in renminbi, under annual quota restrictions, in Hong Kong.
139. Paul addresses this issue in his letter to the Philippians.
140. The third part completes the discussion of representation issue in this novel by exploring the pathetic fallacy in the representation of the surrounding world.
141. Safety of business travel was an important social issue in commercial society, and was of primary importance to the formation and stability of the market.
142. Marshalling of kits in preparation for issue in line with production schedule.
143. Simply post an issue in the issue queue for the module and suggest that the module support microdata.
144. Data reduction is one of important research issue in rough set theory.
145. The ban was passed with 52% of the vote after the ballot was sponsored by the group Protect Marriage in what has been classed the most expensive political campaign on a social issue in US history.
146. The teaching of community nursing is a new issue in the nursing education.
147. We've centralized the note issue in the United States starting in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Board so your notes that you see are called Federal Reserve Notes.
148. He raised a new issue in support of Comrade Wang's opinion.
149. The protection of folklore is an unresolved issue in copyright law.
150. The stridency of part of speech knowledge is still an open issue in the study of automatic Parsing .
151. This, they think, was due to a huge increase in discussion of the issue in the media in 2001-02, following the Enron and WorldCom scandals and the publication of the Gompers study.
152. The key issue in large tower device fabrication is to guarantee the linearity, rectangularity and parallel.
153. Gain and loss of oil products gas station are a very important issue in metering management.
154. Ensuring proper central nerve system ( CNS ) development is the core issue in premature infant care.
155. Most The most pressing issues issue in his presidential entry in-tray will be dealing with the current financial crisis.
156. Along with widely using of H. 264/AVC, the scene change detection in H. 264/AVC compressed domain becomes a hot issue in Context-Based Video Retrieval field.
157. Retail internationalization is a very important issue in retailing research.
158. Face - honour and prestige - is a visceral issue in China.
159. Lip synchronization is the key issue in speech driven face animation system.
160. Overpressure is an important issue in the research and exploration of petroleum system.
161. What is at issue in the Gospel of John is Christology.
162. Busing will continue to be highly emotional issue in a good many large cities.
163. Dillon: Note issue in Japan is controlled by the Bank of Japan, isn't it?
164. The change of added-value tax is an issue in the present financial field. It involves the economic problems of all aspects, and it also influences the investment decisions.
165. Judicial notice, which is also known as"judicial knowing", is an important rule in civil proceedings as well as a key issue in evidence act.
166. So for now[], let's not attempt to address the ROI issue in terms of pure profit.
167. Land tenure is a leading political issue in many parts of the world.
168. Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD ) is a difficult issue in many fields of natural language processing, e.
169. Currently intangible assets transfer pricing issue has become increasingly hot issue in both theory and practice.
170. An asteroid seeding issue in the G 5 KW region has been addressed.
171. Recognition, Suppression, and cooptation are all at issue in the relationships among symbolic forms.
172. China hosted a round of talks on the North Korean nuclear issue in August, but the talks – in which Russia, the United States, Japan, and South Korea also took part – ended inconclusively .
172. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
173. Despite advances, drug delivery "remains a key issue in the development of calmative agents as nonlethal techniques, " the Penn researchers pointed out.
174. To localize the evolution and development of criminal policy in China determines that the Criminal Policy of Temper Justice with Mercy is a key issue in the criminal law circle.
175. Since the time of Socrates, education has been a major issue in every society.
176. There exists divergence as to such issue in academic circle as well as practical circle in China, of which a typical view is to hold no-fault liability.
177. Yet another contentious issue in the manufacture of infant formula involves the omission of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
178. Image rejection is a significant issue in wireless transmitter design.
179. Designing codes with the ability to approach Shannon limit and low coding complexity is a challenging and meaningful issue in channel coding field.
180. Global microcode compaction at present is an important issue in firmware engineering.
181. All the issue is not regulated or not fully regulated by law, however we can frequently face the issue in the juridic practice.
182. Process monitoring and fault diagnosis is an important issue in process industries. It is also a key technique for safe operation and productivity improvement for process plant.
183. The legalization of marijuana ___ becomes the focus issue in our community.
184. The debate about "performance and non-performance" has always been the controversial issue in the theory sphere.
185. At present, Jatropha curcas L. meal protein has become a hot issue in study of Jatropha curcas L... The content of the seed meal protein after degreasing and detoxification can be up to 60%.
186. Chinese auto - segmentation is the foundation of NLP and also is a crucial issue in NLP.
187. Pragmatic failure an academically hot issue in pragmatic and cross - cultural study at home and abroad.
188. Nanotube bio - technology has become the frontier and hot issue in nano - technology.
189. Core issue in the political system reform still is to resolve the problem about impetus, and actuating mechanism regards as the essential of political restructuring.
190. So how to regulate affiliated transaction has become a hot issue in securities market.
191. Peak searching algorithms are the key issue in alignment automation between a laser diode (LD) and a single-mode fiber (SMF).
192. Objective To discuss and summarize the surgical management and issue in Autogenetic Costal Cartilage Harvest for Total Auricular Reconstruction.
193. Sentence processing is an important issue in psycholinguistic research, which focuses on factors related to sentence processing.
194. With its further development, there are more and more infringement disputes, especially the tortious act of authorship, which has gradually become the point at issue in theory field.
195. Military logistics capability research is a new issue in military logistics area.
196. Human pose estimation is an essential issue in computer vision area since it has many applications such as human activity analysis, human computer interaction and visual surveillance.
197. Cyanobacterial blooming has become of the most challenging environmental issue in shallow lakes in China.
198. The protection of folklore an unresolved issue in copyright law.
199. It was fairly easy to contemplate the race issue in the shop.
200. Spare parts inventory decision - making is an important issue in Spare parts management of manufacture industries.
201. The paper focuses on faithful representation of the phonetic beauty in the original text and views this issue in terms of rhyming beauty, rhetorical beauty and rhythmical beauty.
202. Presupposition,[http:///issue in.html] as a notion borrowed from philosophy a controversial issue in the linguistic field since 1970.
203. Mr Vesey has been criticised by industry chiefs for raising the issue in The Grocer but animal welfare experts say his argument is valid.
204. Recently, the miniaturized and high performance microwave filter researches become a hot issue in the relevant research areas.
205. Law - and - order is the longest - running and probably the best - loved political issue in U.S. history.
206. Part three analyzes the most basic and the core issue in rural land trust– the rights and obligations of subjects in legal relationship of rural land trust.
207. Elements of the arbitrational agreement also have been hot-discussed issue in the academic field, because of the decisive role it played in the effectiveness of the arbitrational agreement.
208. Transient performance evaluation of high-speed packet-switched networks is one important issue in the field of high-speed information networks.
209. As much as subsidies and welfare programmes are important, sexlessness is also a critical issue in this problem.
210. As stereochemistry in drug molecule govern it's biological activity, chirality is emerging as a key issue in pharmaceutical research.
211. Alkylphenol ethoxylates(APEO) ecology has been a disputed issue in the past 20 years for its reported poor biodegradation and toxicity of its metabolite.
212. And a trickle of tragic tales keeps the issue in the public eye.
213. The key issue in PACS implementation is analyzed by introducing the basic theory and structure of PACS, which prepares the basis for study of PACS implementation strategy and requirement analysis.
214. A key issue in dental practice for patients with coronary heart diseases is to avoid any risk factors incurred from dental treatments.
215. The design of fault-tolerant routing algorithm is an important issue in fault-tolerant computing as well as parallel computing.
216. Law - and - order is the longest - and probably the best - loved political issue in U.
217. Public confidence was a crucial issue in safeguarding a smooth rollover to the new millennium.
218. The generation of new anti-infective agents has emerged as an urgent issue in modern medicine.
219. Environmental robustness is a very important issue in the field of automatic speech recognition ( ASR ) research.
220. An investigation in Shangdong School of Business and Trade is conducted by the author in order to get the first hand information about the issue in question.
221. The civil liability concurrence is an important issue in the legal application to the civil laws.
222. An issue in the syntax editor in which running a syntax command with a blank right after the command terminator lead to Error 5213 was fixed.
223. Mental test comes to be a new issue in the field of penal evidence and its positioning is closely connected with its fate.
224. Financing problem is always the hot issue in real estate.
225. Even though thirty thousand people downloaded the free issue in its first week, only about 300 of them felt it was worth paying for.
226. The Supreme Court of the United States considered this issue in New York Times Co. v. United States (1971), often referred to as the Pentagon Papers case.
227. It became a contentious domestic issue in Britain in 1970 s.
228. Is note issue in Japan controlled by the Bank of Japan?
229. This point was at issue in litigation resulting from the famous' saturday Night Massacre " incident.
230. And I think it's important to see this because hormone replacement therapy------ the topic of my lecture is an important issue in our both common field in gynecology and endocrinology.
231. Production priority is a key issue in production scheduling into ( make to order ) enterprises.
232. Extremum problem of multimodal functions is a difficult issue in optimization fields.
233. Enterprise Value Assessment is a core issue in Venture Investment.
234. Word Sense Disambiguation ( WSD ) is a difficult issue in many fields,[] e.
235. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy is a key issue in macroeconomics.
236. Water mist containing an additive is considered as the one of the most front hot issue in the research field of Fire Science.
237. In eighteen forty-three, Texas was a major issue in American politics.
238. Innovative low cost, energy and space efficient sewage treatment processes are necessary to deal with the sewage treatment issue in China.
239. A comparative analysis of how the three pluralistic democracies solve their church-state tensions might provide a reference on this issue in Chinese politics.
240. A campaign issue in John Quincy Adams's unsuccessful reelection campaign of 1828 was the White House expense account: $50 for a billiard table, $6 for billiard balls, $23. 50 for chessmen.
241. Personnel reassignment is a vital issue in institution reforms of public health unit.
242. The legal nature of exploitation right is the hot issue in mining right market in China.
243. "Transforming consciousness and gaining wisdom" , which is firstly proposed by Yogacara school of Buddhism, is a fundamental issue in philosophy and religion.
244. And it is my sincere belief that most American statesmen are farsighted, rational and gifted with adequate political wisdom to tackle the issue in a satisfactory fashion.
245. Commencing with one brief joist rack optimizing design issue in the engineering practice, this paper discussed that optimizing design of two bar joist rack structures about pressure bar stabilization.
246. Deal with all logistic and custom affairs and resole issue in time.
247. Currently the relationship between management stock position and corporate performance always is an argumentative issue in theory and practice.
248. A new field of investigation, called Theory of Mind, is now emerging as a major issue in cognitive studies.
249. It could pass resolutions ( senatus consulta) which the Emperor might adopt and issue in the form of edicts.
250. Liquid atomization is an important issue in the investigation of two-phase flow, and has been widely used in agriculture, energy resources and environment engineering.
251. It is a vital theoretical issue in criminal justice study in China that how to ensure the implementation of the Criminal Policy of Temper Justice with Mercy during building the harmonious society.
252. In the study conducted using a fruit fly, they found that negative feedback mediated by PI3K regulates the excitability of neurons, an issue in a number of ailments that include neurofibromatosis.
253. Refocusing strategy has already become a hot issue in theoretical and industrial circles.
254. However, Random House, which publishes many of the titles at issue in print, objected to the deal and launched a boycott of Wylie clients.
255. User strategy is an important issue in video information retrieval.
256. This article discusses the independent director system, a controversial issue in academia.




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