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单词 Habitability
1. Any number of experiments on deep space habitability could be carried out.
2. Imagery and Habitability in Urban Design: Can these Two Functions be Reconciled?
3. From that data, they've devised what they term the "habitability metric, " a value representing a planet's temperature and mass that determines whether or not it can support life.
4. The habitability of Earth depends on a lot more than just orbit location and its mass.
5. Those ideas about terrestrial planet formation and habitability of terrestrial planets will need to be re-evaluated from scratch.
6. And it's worth noting that scientists' requirements for habitability count Mars in that category: a size relatively similar to Earth's with temperatures that would permit liquid water.
7. "I think we're in basic agreement on" the habitability of the Hadean, says geophysicist Norman Sleep of Stanford University in Stanford, California, who has done similar calculations.
7. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
8. 'Studies of habitability on the galactic scale are gaining attention, ' says the team, 'As planetary searches improve our understanding of life.'
9. "Whether this is related to Mars' habitability or not, " he added, "I think you'd need a lander or something to go investigate in more detail.
10. As for 85512 b, the case for true habitability depends on another variable that neither HARPS nor Kepler can study: how cloudy it is.
11. Aim To evaluate the habitability of every spot of region.
12. However, to really assess Mars' habitability we need to consider the properties of its water.
13. "Perhaps arsenic is not an essential component for habitability or for life, but it may be one that can be tolerated()," she added.
14. Most of those planets are more massive than Saturn, which makes them unpromising from a habitability standpoint—such giants tend to be gaseous bodies without a surface to walk on.
15. Scientists have set thresholds for key environmental processes that, if crossed, could threaten Earth's habitability.
16. It doesn't mean there is life, but it means it's an Earth-like planet in terms of potential habitability .
17. "One of the things that this new work is emphasizing is that one needs to be very careful about defining habitability, " commented Phil Armitage of the University of Colorado, Boulder.
18. Very large optical interferometry telescope arrays on the Moon will not only detect planets around other stars, but also analyze their atmospheres and characterize their habitability.
19. Although the Earth as a goal, but the satellite search for life and habitability of the signs of our journey is not as easy as that and easily.
20. All of that is the good news. But things are not quite so simple, because galaxies—like solar systems—have habitability zones of their own.
21. No one has yet discovered any extrasolar moons, but some researchers think the capacity to detect them—and even analyze them for habitability—may be just over the horizon.




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