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单词 Lower-ranking
1. This also applies, to a degree, to some lower-ranking villages.
2. Lower-ranking officials would go instead.
3. Vertices of higher-ranking features will not move to lower-ranking features, but vertices of equal-ranked features will be geometrically averaged.
4. They approached peacefully and allowed the lower-ranking specialists to eat a portion of the popcorn.
4. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
5. Lower-ranking officials tended to escape to countries bordering China, the report said. The independently administered Chinese territory of Hong Kong was also a popular transit point.
6. Mothers in poor condition, here lower-ranking co-wives in a polygynous marriage, may overproduce daughters because these give them greater fitness returns than sons.
7. The biggest difference was between third or lower-ranking wives who had 106 daughters for every 100 sons compared with those in monogamous marriages who had 99 daughters for every 100 sons.
8. In any case many rulers were for long reluctant to send ambassadors to foreign capitals if a lower-ranking representative would suffice.
9. Our initial suspicion was that those who were being attacked were lower-ranking than those who were not.
10. The police pension division estimates there are at least 144 policemen with two families in the city, including lower-ranking constables and senior inspectors, out of a force of nearly 40,000.
11. Between July 2008 and this month, U.S. drones have killed dozens of lower-ranking militants and at least 10 mid- and upper-level leaders within al Qaeda or the Taliban.
12. For each individual tries, in every choice, to pursue his highest-ranking end; he foregoes or sacrifices the other, lower-ranking, ends that he could have satisfied with the resources available.
13. When two former presidents were involved in massive corruption, would lower-ranking officials not follow suit?
14. In 2008, the Bush administration broadened the campaign to include lower-ranking foot soldiers.They also started targeting groups that Pakistan saw as threats.




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