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单词 Sobriety
1. She was a model of sobriety and honesty.
2. John had periods of sobriety, but always went back to drinking.
3. Again he failed a sobriety test.
4. That was our one break with sobriety.
5. His sobriety and temperament are questionable.
6. Consequently pentecostals have gained a reputation for sobriety, punctuality, and honesty.
7. When he was through, Tip sensed the awkward sobriety that had overcome his table.
8. Terry had many periods of sobriety, including eight years in the 1980s.
9. Mortified by the twist in his sobriety, George decided to go the whole hog and join the Total Abstinence Society.
10. With the wild night, after two months, sobriety, he had a hangover would stiffen an eel.
11. He became irregular in his sobriety and would launch into disconnected, hortatory speeches about such matters as space exploration.
12. But, employing the commercial sobriety for which they were being approached, they all refused.
13. Women for Sobriety is a self-help group for women with drinking problems.
14. She has many rare and charming qualities, but Sobriety is not one of them. Jane Austen 
15. I insist on perfect sobriety and silence.
16. Jane's new sobriety surprised her friends.
17. Eventually those days of sobriety add up to years.
18. We had the priest sitting at our table which instilled a little sobriety into the occasion.
19. We sat, staring up at it, awed almost to sobriety.
20. Against the sensuality of the romantic, Berlin offered the sobriety of the realist.
21. Gentry was stopped May 26, 1995, for weaving and failed a roadside sobriety test.
22. The old tiger himself pronounced it a good idea, even if his friends had to listen in a state of uncharacteristic sobriety.
23. And he'd been more unkind than usual in this odd period of sobriety.
24. But were I marking his inaugural effort for its calm sobriety, I fear my assessment would be beta minus.
25. As for the teacher, in most eases, he behaves with a sense of sobriety.
26. In fact, Terry McGovern had been through treatment many times as she alternated between sobriety and binge drinking.
27. With such passions flaring inside, I approached the development of corn bread with all due sobriety.
28. Step seven emphasizes the importance of humility in maintaining sobriety.
29. Cripps Christmas dinners were not noted for their decorum nor their sobriety and sooner or later the bread rolls began to fly.
30. Looking around the room[Sentencedict], I was immediately struck by the sobriety of these undergraduates.
31. Her expression bespoke sobriety and saneness of soul.
32. Sobriety alone is not enough.
33. Buss was arrested after failing a field sobriety test.
34. Jo had sudden fits of sobriety.
35. Genuinely enjoy the brief moment between drunkenness and sobriety.
36. It is undoubtedly a real mind game to test which part can hold longer time with sobriety and intelligence.
37. Once you take the first step, you are committed to a struggle for sobriety.
38. In order to qualify for the minimum wage, an employee had to establish a decent home and demonstrate good personal habits, including sobriety, thriftiness, industriousness, and dependability.
39. It could holds 10 pax, tea table which made of solid wood with the corium couch, the modern meeting room facilities from soup to nuts, special style let you feel sobriety and entirely free.
40. AA aims to change not only the behavior but the personality in order to reinforce sobriety.
41. China's traditional consumption culture that thrift and sobriety being a feature is the reason at deep layer that the smallholding economy is redundant in our country.
42. Most treatment programs are modeled on Alcoholics Anonymous, but rather than pushing cold-turkey abstinence, they advocate something called “sexual sobriety.
43. Ginevan refused to take a field sobriety test and was arrested.
44. When women started working in offices, they opted for severity in dress in order to imply sobriety.
45. Even Steichen did not pilot fashion photography into the waters of cold sobriety.
46. An increase in sobriety would put thousands of bartenders out of business.
47. The man denied drinking, but he failed the police test for sobriety.
48. If a person is sober, how can he be a drunk? Sobriety alone is not enough.
49. But I once was such sobriety, such is clear I.
50. Sobriety of d é cor ; both nouns denote moderation in or abstinence from the consumption of alcoholic liquor.
51. The hundred knights were all men of choice behaviour and sobriety of manners.
52. Cause breakdown of the old moral [ i ] values - honesty, sobriety , self - restraint , faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.
53. You had to get to Henry in those moments of sobriety.
54. Through helping others, members reinforce their own sobriety and build up self - esteem .




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