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单词 Borrower
1. For example, a borrower may negotiate a floating rate.
2. The borrower, never the bank, pays for its mistakes.
3. Various fees are paid by the borrower.
4. A borrower had a personal covenant with the lender who could still sue for outstanding debts.
5. The lender releases money to the borrower, who then uses the money to pay wages and other expenses of the harvest.
6. If the borrower should default, the investor has legal recourse to the bank that made the first acceptance.
7. The new borrower will insist on some element of non-recourse.
8. Paradoxically, the tax subsidy cushions the borrower from the full effects of a restrictive monetary policy.
9. Every borrower benefits when there is more money to spread around.
10. Consequently the Bank satisfies itself that the borrower can meet the interest and capital repayments before making the loan.
11. The borrower does not receive a copy of the basic valuation.
12. Eventually, there is a payment to be made when the would-be borrower receives an offer letter.
13. The percentage loaned is again a function of the credit rating of the borrower and the quality of the accounts receivable.
14. The city is not liable for payment on the bonds even if the borrower defaults, Gittings said.
15. Second, it is important to consider the circumstances of the borrower.
16. Any excess money collected above the amount owed the bank must be returned to the borrower.
16. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
17. The lender will also charge a premium for risks, perceived by the lender, surrounding the project and the borrower.
18. The Library relies on data from the student management system to create borrower file records within its automated circulation control system.
19. In May 1988, when the mortgage rate stood at 9.8 percent the same borrower was paying only £221.40.
20. Respondents gave examples of situations where this would not reflect the substance of the arrangement between the borrower and the lender.
21. The research aims to document the range of factors that give rise to arrears, as identified by the borrower.
22. Depending on the details of the transaction, this adds to the interest rate being paid by the borrower.
23. The amount loaned depends mainly on the credit reputation of the borrower and the quality of the receivables pledged.
24. But remember that this change in the composition of assets came about because the borrower used his overdraft facility.
25. If the society chooses to use its own employee, then there is no separate contract between the valuer and the borrower.
26. Payments received in excess of the amount loaned are the property of the borrower.
27. This makes it less likely that investors would encourage a dissolute borrower to mend its ways by withholding finance.
28. In an appropriate case a bank will require a mortgage to be explained by a solicitor to the borrower. 7.
29. But it is here that the long-standing personal relationship between borrower and lender allows scope for abuse.
30. Any funds realized in excess of the amount owed must be returned to the borrower.
31. A number of circumstances in which a transparency could be lost or damaged would be quite beyond the control of the borrower.
32. But I do not think that these circumstances demonstrate a contract between the valuer as principal and the borrower.
33. Suppliers of credit exact severe penalties if the borrower defaults.
34. The banks helped to fund a loan-loss reserve of $ 24,000 in case any borrower were to default.
35. They also tend to pay the lender a big fat fee if the borrower makes enough money to repay his loans prematurely.
36. They are an unsecured loan, generally to a borrower with a low credit rating.
37. But the borrower must cooperate with the lender, particularly by answering correspondence and making contact at the earliest possible moment.
38. But it thinks that to rely solely on market forces is a messy way of reining in a big borrower.
39. As inventory items are moved into the warehouse, loans are made to the borrower.
40. It protects lenders and large mortgage investors if the borrower defaults on the mortgage.
41. If they can't it is misery for both borrower and lender.
42. As recognised by the conditions of engagement, the report is made to the borrower and the valuer accepts liability to him.
43. The problem of a borrower who fell into arrears through no fault of his own should be handled sympathetically and positively.
44. The borrower is referred to as the mortgagor.
45. The borrower can terminate an overdraft facility at will.
46. The borrower is referred to as the grantee.sentence dictionary
47. The borrower should be the policy-holder.
48. But the matching principle may require the borrower to recognize this cost gradually over the life of the bond issue.
49. A dramatic courtroom trial determines if the money-lender Shylock can take a pound of flesh from the borrower Antonio, who defaulted on a loan.
50. The investigation process into the operation and management of a potential investment target or borrower to verify material facts. It is ...
51. EXAMPLE: The bank did not consider personalty when assessing the worth of the borrower.
52. A floating-rate note that has no final maturity, and therefore has no arrangement for repayment of principal. For this privilege, the borrower pays a higher margin over a relevant base interest rate.
53. Article 207 A borrower who fails to repay the loan within the contracted time limit shall pay an overdue interest pursuant to the contract or to the relevant regulations of the State.
54. This type of loan works like a credit card, and has a revolving line of credit , in which the borrower may borrow against the principal more than once over the life of the loan.
55. Pledged goods should be sturdily tagged with a note indicating name of pledgor, borrower number, date, collateral number, etc.
56. As a borrower, you need to research on the small personal loan company that you want to apply. You need to check their terms and payment schemes.
57. Borrower of book-those mutilator of collections, spoiler of the symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume.
58. Those costs that might be small for each borrower, but in total could essentially mean a tightening of credit in the country at a time when a weak economy can ill afford higher rates.
59. Some local-government investments will prove “bankable” in the strict sense that the borrower captures a big enough return to repay the loan.
60. Book and borrower numbers are encoded on to bar - coded labels.
61. Borrower of book - those mutilator of collections, spoiler of symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume.
62. Whether you are a hard money commercial broker or a borrower, you'll find Nissim Gas and Oil Group a refreshing change from business as usual.
63. Repurchase agreement (also known as a repo or Sale and Repurchase Agreement) allows a borrower to use a financial security as collateral for a cash loan at a fixed rate of interest.
64. The borrower defaulted, and the bank instituted a foreclosure suit.
65. In some cases, the interest rate could be far higher than the interest rate that a borrower borrow from an ordinary loan from a bank, which means 20%, credit card rate.
66. As a result of the borrower's lowered credit rating, a conventional mortgage is not offered because the lender views the borrower as having a larger-than-average risk of defaulting on the loan.
67. The borrower sells a security to the investor and agrees to repurchase it at a specific date and a pre-agreed price so that the investor could get the benefit.
68. For contracts subject to post review, the borrower shall publish the results no later than the date of contract award.
69. Also, the borrower cannot trade the eyesight of the god of death.
70. The borrower will pay any replacement cost for damaged or lost library materials.
71. The borrower paid the point and it then the loan was transferred.
72. The separate nature regarding the relations between each member and the borrower side by side with internal legal relations within the syndicate is the main framework feature of syndicate loan.
73. Father was a needy scholars often rely on the borrower to live.
74. The investigation process into the operation and management of a potential investment target or borrower to verify material facts.
75. Any damage resulting negligence must be paid for by the borrower.
76. Under the house price rise's enticement, the home - buyer, the borrower, the money-lender , the investor and the speculator, to make money to carry on gambling.
76. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
77. The guaranteed redemption price is offered by the borrower to the holder if the warrant is not exercised.
78. As far as credit market is concerned, the borrower and the accommodator play a game because of information asymmetry.
79. Security issued by a borrower to a lender, covering short-or long-term debt at variable or fixed interest rate.
80. If a borrower fails to repay a fiduciary loan upon maturity, he shall bear liability in accordance with the provisions of the contract.
81. The Borrower fails to pay amount payable thereunder as amount shall become payable.
82. Party B received by the issuing bank SWIFT query electricity original format effectively, Party B Loan Bank should import 16% of Party A designated bank account within the borrower.
83. When market interest rates lower than the coupon rate , the borrower will repay the loan early, thereby facilitating IO bond prices.
84. The borrower offers the holder a guaranteed redemption price if the warrant is not exercised.
85. Is that the best way to have a conversation with the borrower?
86. Payments received by Holder from Borrower shall be applied first to outstanding liquidated and other damages, then to accrued but unpaid interest and then to principal.
87. Any damage resulting from negligence must be paid for by the borrower.
88. "Copyright Security Agreement" means the Copyright Security Agreement by the Borrower in favor of the Lender of even date herewith.
89. With the consent of the lender, the borrower may servicedebt ahead of schedule.
90. Tax official: It means that the leasing operation has a financial nature and the ownership of the leased property will ultimately be passed to the borrower at the end of the leasing period.
91. Being a borrower, you need to choose the best company who offers the lowest interest rate.
92. Housing as collateral to the borrower should handle "personal housing mortgage contract" notarized , mortgage insurance and real estate mortgage housing registration.
93. After a one - year deferral, the borrower repays the loan over five years.
94. Assets pledged by a borrower to secure a loan or other credit, and subject to seizure in the event of default.
95. Secondly, deal cost can prevent borrower from optimal execute prepayment and default option, and increases the mortgage price, and protects the loaner's interest .
96. Borrower would thus tend to offer better terms in order to persuade lenders to switch over into the long market.
97. Bangladesh, the third-largest borrower of funds from the Bank's concessional lending arm, the International Development Association, is one of the most densely populated countries in the world.
98. Book and borrower details are recorded on to 80 - column cards and badges respectively.
99. Borrower shall pay to the Lender, the agreed service fee of 10% (Ten Percent) of the face amount of the instrument for a period of one year and one day.
100. The Borrower fails to pay any amount payable thereunder as and when such amount shall become payable.
101. When the borrower issues securities to the lendner[], both parties benefit.
102. A similar male borrower , she says, will reinvest only 60 cents.
103. Furthermore, the savers/investors can insist on a full list of lenders from any borrower to be disclosed by signing a non-disclosure agreement.
104. Shakespeare says, " Neither a borrower nor a lender be. ".
105. A minimum average balance that a bank may require a borrower to leave on deposit in a non- interest-bearing account.
106. The borrower must cooperate with the lender,[] particularly by answering correspondence.
107. Options on the table included offering state guarantees to borrower banks or injecting cash into the European Investment Bank, the EU's project finance arm.
108. The US does acting as the world's largest emerging borrower.
109. Unlike closed-end loans, open-end credit does not require a borrower to specify the purpose of the loan and the lender cannot foreclose on the loan.
110. Personal comprehensive consumer loan is referred to the RMB loan provided to the borrower by the bank, used for designated concrete consumption.
111. Public offering in Japan of a non - yen bond by a foreign borrower.
112. The Issuer files a registration statement and when monies are desired, the borrower can draw down against that offering under predetermined terms.
113. Article 24 The lead arranger, after consultations with the borrower, will send invitations to potential participating banks, together with documents such as the syndicated loan term sheet, memorandum.
114. But if it becomes too intrusive, the borrower will walk away.
115. It also sets out the duties of borrower and the lender and in the event of default, the rights and remedies of each party.
116. Bailout loan: Loan made to Borrower whose ability to service outstanding indebtedness has become doubtful.
117. Borrower numbers can also be entered into the trapping - store.
118. A borrower should undertake liabilities in accordance with the contract if cannot repay the credit loan on time.
119. Both borrower and financial institution have certain rights and duties during the course of the loan.
120. Bisque clause: Clause in loan agreement that entitles a Borrower to postpone payments of interest and principal for limited periods of time in Balance of payments difficulties.
121. At the same time, the lender shall go through the pledge deregistration formalities as well as return the certification documents of stock-pledge registration to the borrower.
122. Large consumer durables loans are lenders (banks) issued to the borrower, the borrower himself or for the purchase of consumer durables yuan family secured loans.
123. The people who are in the know -know who's trustworthy as a borrower and who has a good prospect of paying it back -but if I go in there ignorantly, I'm going to get stuck with the worst stuff.
124. Transactions between an initial borrower and a lender are called primary market transactions.
124. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
125. If the last repayment day of loan principal is not within interest payment day, the borrower shall pay up all the interest payable on the last repayment day of loan principal.
126. In the event that the succession or donation happens to the Borrower, the responsibilities and obligations under the contract must be succeeded to the heir or the donee.
127. The borrower may, after return the original certificate of creditability back, prepay all or any part of the loan.
128. ADB shall add the amount of the Surcharge to the interest payable by the Borrower for the Interest Period commencing immediately after the Semester for which the Funding Cost Margin was calculated.
129. The second is in the hall to the provident fund management - and the borrower issuing questionnaires.
130. A one-time or lump-sum payment made by a borrower in addition to the regular payments on a loan or mortgage which reduces the principal owing on the debt.




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