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单词 Constitutionalist
1. A constitutionalist president should make every day in D.C. like a snow day!
2. Therefore, on the first day in office, a constitutionalist can begin the orderly withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan.
3. A strict constitutionalist, he wasalso more consistent than the rest of them in his rejection of debts, deficitsand runaway government spending.
4. A constitutionalist in the Oval Office would want to revise those regulations to make it as easy as possible for pilots to get approval to carry firearms on their planes.
5. The Constitutionalist explores landscapes for a constitutional democracy in China and provides on-line resources. It invites serious discussions about all topics related to the above purpose.
6. The feature of constitutionalist civilization by nature is the political order under constitution governing.
7. But a serious constitutionalist cannot be deterred by cries of “it's irresponsible to shut down the government!”
8. A constitutionalist administration would also defer to state laws refusing compliance with the REAL ID act and denying federal authority over interstate gun transactions.
9. This article aims to provide a constitutionalist perspective to the debates over the dual track interpretation of Hong Kong Basic Law.
10. The constitutionalist goal of a legalist rule country is surrounded by the development of the administration rule of law.
11. Either way, the next strategic step varies among the three convicted constitutionalists.
12. This paper explores those questions, suggesting a basis for the articulation of a legitimizing constitutionalist theory for states organized on a state-party model along certain lines.
13. No prior experience as a judge, expertise as a constitutionalist, or any legal training is mandated.
14. Since my 2008 campaign for the presidency I have often been asked, “How would a constitutionalist president go about dismantling the welfare-warfare state and restoring a constitutional republic?”
15. If Congress failed to produce a budget that was balanced and moved the country in a pro-liberty direction, a constitutionalist president should veto the bill.
16. Modern political civilization is first of all more the constitutionalist civilization than the constitutional civilization.
17. In order to comply with the development of rural constitutionalist democracy, an appropriate procedure and a right-relief system based on peasants' interest need to be set up.
18. In order to restore the country to the kind of government the Founders meant for us to have, a constitutionalist president would need the support of an active liberty movement.
19. Eliminating federal involvement in K—12 education should be among a constitutionalist president's top domestic priorities.




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