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单词 single
释义 Word family  noun single singles singleness the singular singularity adjective single singular adverb singly singularly  Related topics: Transportsin·gle1 /ˈsɪŋɡəl/ ●●● S1 W1 adjective  1  one 一(个) [only before noun]ONLY only one 单一的,唯一的,仅一个的 A single tree gave shade from the sun. 唯有一棵树遮阴。 They won the game by a single point. 他们仅以一分的优势赢得比赛。 the highest price ever paid for a single work of art 为单件艺术品所支付的最高价格 a single-sex school (=one for only boys or girls) 单一性别的学校2  every single used to emphasize that you are talking about every person or thing 每一个〔用于强调〕 Don’t write down every single word I say. 不必把我说的每一个字都写下来。 He works every single day. 他每天都工作。3  not a single no people or things at all 一个也没有 The plane was brought down safely and not a single passenger was killed. 飞机安全降落,没有一名乘客丧生。 We didn’t get a single reply to the advertisement. 这个广告我们连一个回应也没有收到。4  the single biggest/greatest etc used to emphasize that you are talking about the one thing that is the biggest, greatest etc 最大的/最伟大的等 Cigarette smoking is the single most important cause of lung cancer. 抽烟是导致肺癌的最重要原因。 Tourism is the country’s single biggest earner. 旅游业是这个国家最大的收入来源。5  not married 未婚的 not married, or not involved in a romantic relationship with anyone 未婚的,单身的;没有男[女]朋友的,没有情侣关系的 The changes in tax rates will benefit single people the most. 税率改变的最大获益者是单身人士。 Is he single? 他是单身吗?► see thesaurus at married6  single bed/room etc DHa bed, room etc that is meant to be used by one person only 单人床/单人房间等 You have to pay extra for a single room. 你要单人房就必须加钱。 → double1(4) →4  See picture of 见图 BED 17. ticket 票 British EnglishTT a single ticket etc is for a trip from one place to another but not back again 单程的 SYN one-way, → return, round-tripExamples from the Corpussingle• Jeff is 38 years old and still single.• How does it feel to be single again?• However, the biggest single barrier remains the memory limitation inherent in chip storage.• A single bug may catch ten or more termites in succession in this way.• In 1990 the Gift Aid Scheme allows tax relief on single cash gifts to charities.• Top with a spoonful of Creme fraiche or single cream and some whole mint leaves.• But Schweiker did not add a single delegate.• Forbes wanted to simplify filing taxes by narrowing the current five rates to a single flat rate.• a single-lane bridge• Please fill in the section on the form that asks if you're single, married or divorced.• And some will just have a single mention of the term you are searching for.• I'm a single mother, so I don't have much money.• The first four acts of Don Juan Tenorio take place in a single night.• Many of the children at the school come from single parent families.• The Cubs won the game by a single point.• We hope to establish a single safety standard for all airlines.• Carla wore a single strand of pearls around her neck.• These trees can grow over a foot in a single summer.• At my age it's difficult to meet single women.Related topics: Recording, Cricket, Baseball, Transport, Currencies, Musicsingle2 ●●○ noun [countable]  1  music 音乐TCR a CD that has only one song on it, not a number of songs, or a song which is sold in this way 单曲唱片;单曲唱片的歌曲 → album Have you heard their latest single? 你听过他们最新的单曲唱片没有?2  sport 体育运动 a) DSCone run2 in a game of cricket 〔板球的〕一分打 b) DSBa hit that allows the person who is hitting the ball to reach first base in a game of baseball 〔棒球的〕一垒打3  TENNIS 网球singles [uncountable]DL a game, especially in tennis, in which one person plays on their own against another person 〔尤指网球的〕单打比赛 I prefer playing singles. 我喜欢单打。 Who won the women’s singles? 女子单打谁赢了? → doubles at double2(3)4  NOT MARRIED 未婚的singles [plural] people who are not married and are not involved in a romantic relationship with anyone 单身者,无伴侣者 The show is especially popular among young singles. 这个节目尤其受年轻单身者的欢迎。 a singles night at the club 在俱乐部举行的单身之夜5  ticket 票 British EnglishTT a ticket for a trip from one place to another but not back again 单程票 SYN American English one-way ticket → return A single to Oxford, please. 请给我一张到牛津的单程票。6  money 钱 American EnglishPEC a piece of paper money worth one dollar 一美元纸币 Anybody have five singles? 谁有五张一美元纸币?7  room 房间 a room in a hotel for just one person 〔宾馆的〕单人房间 → double I’m afraid we haven’t got any singles available. 恐怕我们已经没有单人房间了。Examples from the Corpussingle• the Top 40 singles chart• Or how many divorced singles live there.• Does anybody have five singles?• The category of singles includes people in various stages of life.• The average cost of recording a pop single was in thousands rather than hundreds of pounds.• In the men's singles, Hunter proceeded to the final without conceding a set and ended wildcard entry.• She began playing tennis at age 4, and has 21 Grand Slams singles titles to her credit.• The possibility of commercial suicide aside, the single was to become the perfect deflecting plate for the new album.single3 verb  1 single somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb CHOOSEto choose one person or thing from among a group because they are better, worse, more important etc than the others 挑出,选出〔一人或物〕 for I don’t see why he should be singled out for special treatment. 我不懂为什么单单要给他一个人特殊待遇。 as One programme was singled out as being particularly good. 有一个节目被选为特别精彩。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpussingle• They single out an old, young, or infirm animal and only then start the chase.• The mobile phone is then instructed to single out and decipher only the conversation with the right code.• He didn't single out anyone by name.• In singling out gay men, the offence bears the hallmarks of homophobic prejudice, and belongs to the less tolerant era.• By singling out the black population for a special history month makes all other races feel slighted.• Frequently we abstract from this covenant by singling out the Ten Commandments and ignoring much of the remainder of the Mosaic code.• I will single out two of them.• Rodriguez singled to left field.From Longman Business Dictionarysinglesin‧gle /ˈsɪŋgəl/ noun [countable] British EnglishTRAVEL a ticket for a journey from one place to another but not back againA single to Oxford, please. → compare return2Origin single1 (1200-1300) Old French Latin singulussin·gle1 adjectivesingle2 nounsingle3 verbChineseSyllable  only Corpus Business one




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