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单词 Austen
1 The collected Austen novels on CD-ROM will cost £35.
2 Austen has been living in New Guinea so long he's gone native.
3 What a precocious child — reading Jane Austen at the age of ten!
4 Gwyneth Paltrow goes the Jane Austen route in this tale of a meddler in the romantic lives of others.
5 Thus Austen represents in her a portrait of one who is a stranger to love but wedded to reason.
6 His brother Austen, affronted by the lack of respect paid to his seniority, reluctantly accepted the Admiralty outside the Cabinet.
7 I feared souvenir stands selling bumper stickers and Austen joke books.
8 In this case, however, Jane Austen does not assume that past values are irrecoverable.
9 In 1920, Austen Chamberlain transformed the system by allowing tax exemptions to be claimed nomatterhow big the taxpayer's income.
10 Austen Chamberlain, who succeeded him, had little skill in party leadership.
11 Austen is hot, and Amis puts much of our interest in her down to a fascination with class.
12 Austen thus advocates a conditional view of women's freedom within society.
13 Austen has been living in Papua New Guinea so long he's gone native.
14 Within the society that Jane Austen features there are many strict rules.
15 His second task was to bring Austen Chamberlain back into full communion.
16 Austen Chamberlain, despite his limitations, was an ally of a staunchness rarely seen in politics.
17 He approached his task, as Austen Chamberlain noted, with a new firmness and confidence.
18 Austen believes in love and marriage - the happy medium.
19 Although in many ways conservative, Jane Austen tolerates and even welcomes change.
20 In Austen the continent is a shadow across the horizon.
21 And as all worthy Austen women eventually do, I met and married a man I loved and respected.
22 Jane Austen need not have feared.
23 But for Jane Austen, that was just the beginning.
24 The collected Austen novels on CD-ROM will cost £5.
25 I was reading Jane Austen and dreaming about college.
26 Does this mean that the message hasn't got across, that Jane Austen has somehow failed to communicate?
27 Today, antagonism towards Birmingham remains as strong as when Jane Austen wrote the words in Emma in 1816.
28 Morals play an important part in both novels and the reader notices that Jane Austen is actually a moralist.
29 Now his fate is to be for ever bracketed in the political record books with Austen Chamberlain.
30 Go to bed wishing I could have bestowed an extra twenty years' active life upon Bunuel and Jane Austen.
31 Mrs. Austen: Affection is desirable. Money is absolutely indispensable!
32 WhatJane Austen novels have you read?
33 The past gave us kings and queens, great cathedrals and beautiful gardens; the past gave us Shakespeare, Newton, Cook, Nelson, Wellington, Austen, Darwin, and Elgar.
34 In the novel, Austen portrays the women's low status and the reasons of women's low status.
35 This new film is said to be adapted from a novel by Jane Austen.
36 Full of misunderstanding, tricking, and teasing in the novel, Emma by the famous British writer Jane Austen in early 19th century is often conceived of as a comedy of self-deceit and self-discovery.
37 Consider some of the great thinkers: H.L. Mencken, Tom Paine, Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln, Bertrand Russell, and Jane Austen.
38 Why is Sir Walter Scott so hard to read now, and Jane Austen not?
39 Our first impression, according to Jane Austen, are usually wrong.
40 In none of the issues of conduct arising in the novel is Jane Austen morally neutral.
41 When ? Where ? and How did you run into Jane Austen?
42 British country house movies are a mix of Jane Austen, Agatha Christie and Evelyn Waugh, with Wodehouse as the mixologist.
43 The movie, based on the Austen novel Pride and Prejudice and featuring Bollywood-style song and dance, transforms Austen's Bennet family into the Bakshis of Amritsar.
44 Northanger Abbey is the first mature novel written by Jane Austen.
45 First was Love, which prioritised writers with a gift for psychological verisimilitude, such as Austen, Fitzgerald, Flaubert, James, Hardy and Kundera.
46 The text of the new edition is roughly 85% Austen and 15% Grahame-Smith.
47 Well, I'm in the library parsing a Jane Austen novel looking for dramatic irony, while many of my old friends are dead or in jail.
48 Sella pass, near Godwin - Austen glacier , is named after him.
49 A number of people on twitter and elsewhere (including my grad student, Austen) alerted me to an interesting story making its way across the interwebs.
50 Sense and Sensibility was the first novel Jane Austen published.
51 Seth Grahame-Smith's bestselling mash-up of Jane Austen and George A Romero became one of the most pre-ordered titles this side of The Lost Symbol, based solely on a zeitgeist-surfing title.
52 Like Norah Jones8), Austen seems to offer middlebrow entertainment with an up-market sheen9).
53 Jane Austen to Elizabeth and Darcy's marriage as an example gives a negative answer.
54 In 1816, Austen contracted Addison's Disease, a tubercular disease of the kidneys.
55 Beau Brummell wrote nearly all of Jane Austen, and two men and a cat wrote most of Charles Dickens, with the exception of "A Tale of Two Cities, " which Napoleon wrote while visiting St.
56 The two major novelists of the Romantic period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott.
57 Jane Austen hurriedly replied, with as much trepidation as amusement.
58 A western literature critic once said that " even David Ricardo (a British economist) had a unlikely clearer understanding about the function of money in daily life as Jane Austen had."
59 Austen caters to Americans'perennial 11 Anglophilia 12 as does that odd preoccupation with the royals.
60 Beau Brummell wrote nearly all of Jane Austen, and two men and a cat wrote most of Charles Dickens, with the exception of "A Tale of Two Cities, " which Napoleon wrote while visiting St. Helena.
61 "He has but one fault, which time will, I trust, entirely remove," Austen wrote in a letter to Cassandra. "It is that his morning coat is a great deal too light."
62 Jane Austen: She liked him too little to care for his approbation.
63 Austen died in 1817, and after Cassandra's death in 1845 the table was given manservant.




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