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单词 Classroom
1. The students swarmed out of the classroom.
2. The classroom was thronged with students.
3. We go to the classroom in sequence.
4. Interviews can be simulated in the classroom.
5. Videos are useful things to have in the classroom.
6. They ransacked the whole classroom for their basketball.
7. There are forty people in the classroom.
8. He strode angrily into the classroom.
9. The pupils trotted to the classroom.
10. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child'sneeds.
11. There are twenty desks in the classroom.
12. The children put up posters on the classroom walls.
13. The students littered their classroom.
14. Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.
15. Will you collect all the students to the classroom?
16. Each classroom has a flip chart to write on.
17. The storm is coming.Run into the classroom!
18. It's your turn to clean the classroom up.
19. The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.
20. This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. You've mucked up the whole classroom with your dirty shoes!
22. There's a mini-library in each classroom, as well as the central library.
23. The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked.
24. Other students rushed out of the classroom, but she kept behind.
25. The windows of the old classroom were closed up with brick.
26. They rushed out as soon as the classroom began to burn.
27. He entered the classroom.
28. The pupils lapsed into silence when the schoolteacher came into the classroom.
29. On seeing the teacher coming, the students in the classroom piped down.
30. Don't forget to turn out the light when you leave the classroom.
1. We go to the classroom in sequence.
2. Interviews can be simulated in the classroom.
3. There are forty people in the classroom.
4. He strode angrily into the classroom.
5. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child'sneeds.
6. There are twenty desks in the classroom.
7. The children put up posters on the classroom walls.
8. Laughter was a rare occurrence in his classroom.
9. Each classroom has a flip chart to write on.
10. The classroom was full of activity; every child was busy.
11. This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
12. There's a mini-library in each classroom, as well as the central library.
13. The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked.
14. He entered the classroom.
15. School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.
16. Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.
17. Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.
18. Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
19. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
20. We cleaned the classroom alternately.
20. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
21. Once the teacher left the room , the chatter in the classroom gradually rose to a din.
22. The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.
23. There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher.
24. Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.
25. On entering the classroom, he shouted the good news to us.
31. School trips give children firsthand experience not available in the classroom.
32. Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom.
33. The students charged into the classroom to greet their teacher.
34. Students are expected to be quiet and obedient in the classroom.
35. Stay in your classroom until it is time to go home.
36. We'll have the meeting in the classroom rather than in the auditorium.
37. She ran back to the classroom to get her schoolbag.
38. How to sleep faster: Decorate your bedroom to look like a classroom.
39. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
40. The classroom is buzzing with rumours.
41. A video is a useful aid in the classroom.
42. The teacher shifted the chairs around in the classroom.
43. There are twenty four pupils in the classroom.
44. Language teachers often use role-play in the classroom.
45. How long were you by yourself in the classroom?
46. He thrust past me into the classroom.
47. She darted her eyes around the classroom.
48. The classroom equipment is pretty rudimentary.
49. The students trooped into the classroom.
50. Children's pictures decorated the walls of the classroom.
51. Discipline in the classroom is very slack.
52. Several students were turning out the classroom.
53. You can't crush so many people into the classroom.
54. The classroom was quiet during the examination.
55. A quiet murmur passed through the classroom.
56. He is abstracted by a bird outside the classroom.
57. Teachers rule in classroom teaching.
58. The headmaster glanced about our classroom.
59. He forbids talking loudly in the classroom.
60. He insists on discipline in the classroom.
61. The teacher herded the children into the classroom.
62. Their classroom is chocked up with desks and chairs.
63. A fence runs around our classroom.
64. The headmaster glanced round our classroom.
65. Everyone cooperated in decorating the classroom.
66. He couldn't re-collect his mind in the classroom.
67. It was hot and stuffy in the classroom.
68. She is reading loudly in the classroom.
69. This classroom is a madhouse: be quiet!
70. They catapulted into the classroom.
71. The pupils take lunch in the classroom.
72. The classroom resounded with children's laughter.
73. She left the classroom,but the lights remained on.
74. The classroom was crammed with students.
75. The course is suitable for classroom or home study.
76. Their classroom is decorated with portraits of scientists.
77. The pupils tore out of the classroom.
78. The classroom has been specially adapted to take wheelchairs.
79. The classroom stands empty during the holiday.
80. The report examines teaching methods employed in the classroom.
81. Pandemonium reigned in the classroom until the teacher arrived.
82. He sat in the classroom, day-dreaming .
83. She'd sent him outside the classroom.
84. On-the job training will be supplemented by classroom lectures.
85. Will you save me a place in the classroom?
86. She fainted in the classroom and was carried out.
87. The students took turns to clean up their classroom.
88. The students filed in the classroom.
89. We cleaned the classroom alternately.
90. The pupils are racketing about in the classroom.
91. The pupils tumbled out of the classroom.
92. The classroom was in an uproar.
93. The headmaster glanced around our classroom.
94. They went into the classroom one after another.
95. The sunlight percolates into our classroom.
96. The late boy made a beeline for his classroom.
97. You must not smoke in the classroom.
98. The boy bounced out of the classroom.
99. The children's work has been mounted on cards and put up on the walls of the classroom.
100. He turned the handle of the door and went into the classroom.
101. Games and songs provide the perfect opportunity for classroom interaction and language development.
102. Students learned the practical application of the theory they had learned in the classroom.
103. Once the teacher left the room , the chatter in the classroom gradually rose to a din.
104. The children cooperated with their teachers in keeping the classroom neat.
105. Within two minutes of walking into the classroom, she had the kids eating out of her hand.
106. Teachers have to apply in the classroom the insights that they gain in educational courses.
107. She had to tidy the classroom as punishment for being late.
108. The students began to enter the classroom and Anna was startled at their loudness.
109. Blind and sighted children are taught in the same classroom.
110. The end result of using this method is that learners leave the classroom discouraged.
111. You must quieten down when the teacher comes into the classroom.
112. There are not enough desks to go round in the classroom.
113. There are thirty people in the classroom, counting the teacher.
114. The laughter blanked out when the teacher came in the classroom.
115. The teacher confiscated my radio because I was playing it in the classroom.
116. There was so much noise in the classroom that I could hardly hear myself think.
117. Computer games are being put to use in the classroom.
118. This is our classroom.
119. There is a chart on the classroom wall showing the relative heights of all the children.
120. He ran those books over to the classroom for me.
121. The classroom was in a constant state of anarchy .
122. Her voice will carry far enough to the back of the classroom.
123. A kid like Tom would be a liability in any classroom.
124. The teacher rattled out a story and left the classroom.
125. I grabbed the little boy by the scruff of the neck and bundled him out of the classroom.
126. Students stampeded out of the classroom when the bell rang.
127. Can you help me to carry these books to the classroom?
128. I draw great encouragement from the fact that the classroom is always full.
129. She attempted in vain to introduce some order into the classroom.
130. The book is full of practical examples of classroom activities.
131. Every pupil is supposed to be in his classroom at 9 a.m.
132. If you don't do your homework, you can leave the classroom.
133. All voices tailed off when the teacher entered the classroom.
134. The whole floor of the classroom was bestrewn with bits of paper.
135. Being taught in a small group is far preferable to being in a large, noisy classroom.
136. The classroom was a hive of activity as the children prepared for the concert.
137. In the classroom the teacher is stiff and stern but after class he unbends.
138. He rumbled out a few words and left the classroom.
139. His father rushed in when we were having an examination in the classroom last Wednesday.
140. Every time the new teacher appears in a classroom he gets the piss taken out of him.
141. The strength of the book lies in the fact that the material is from classroom experience.
142. The school students were distracted by the noise outside the classroom.
143. He had a reputation for making trouble in the classroom.
144. The children were drilled to leave the classroom quickly when the fire bell rang.
145. Even the physical arrangement of the classroom can influence the way children learn.
146. The teacher is doubtful about having parents working as classroom assistants.
147. Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar with the classroom.
148. With no one to keep order the situation in the classroom was chaotic.
149. But Jules was not eager for classroom learning[Sentence dictionary], he hungered for adventure.
150. He was an early exponent of multimedia in the classroom.
151. The naughty kid was in the classroom in body but not in spirit.
152. Without realistic sanctions, some teachers have difficulty keeping order in the classroom.
153. The children rabbited together again when the teacher left the classroom.
154. No one may leave the classroom until the bell goes.
155. The music in the next classroom called off his attention from his teacher.
156. There are also no promotions within the school, so that teachers remain in the classroom throughout their careers.
157. The doors and windows of our classroom were refinished recently.
158. The government gave us a grant to build another classroom.
159. There was pandemonium in the classroom till the head appeared.
160. I don't think another desk will fit into this classroom.
161. There isn't enough space in the classroom for thirty desks.
162. There are not enough desks to go around in the classroom.
163. The bell went and everyone rushed out of the classroom.
164. My personal opinion/view is that the students should be doing more work outside the classroom.
165. On entering the classroom, he shouted the good news to us.
166. There was complete anarchy in the classroom when their usual teacher was away.
167. I was a classroom helper at the local primary school.
168. The teacher made me move my seat to the front of the classroom.
169. Does anyone own this coat? It was left in a classroom.
170. I have never lectured in a finer classroom.
171. Other times they crammed into a vacant classroom.
172. The classroom content reflects a clear socialist bias.
173. In the chalky air of the classroom[Sentencedict], still?
174. Like explanations, questions figure prominently in classroom interactions.
175. The classroom was airless and uncomfortably hot.
176. Requests for adaptations to classroom lighting or for individual lamps can not sensibly be made until the principles are understood.
177. Classroom activities here would prepare the learners to recognize the relevant co-occurrences and correlations as they occur in actual use.
178. I built my world outside the classroom around physical activity.
179. In the classroom, photos of the trip to the seaside were on display and there were small circular tables.
180. This week, Nakamura and the others are spending at least 10 hours a day in classroom studies.
181. The design involves repeated testing of the extent of the children's literacy and numeracy, and classroom observation of the children.
182. As members of the school community outside the classroom, the Volunteers have probably registered somewhat less impact.
183. It is evident that many Volunteers enjoy close friendships with some of their students in and outside the classroom.
184. Video can now be used mainly as a source of information and as a stimulus to classroom activity such as debate and discussion.
185. She wrote: Philip presents as a compliant and willing participant in classroom activities.
186. Principals at individual schools could hire those teachers but would have to cut regular classroom positions to do it.
187. The earlier materials were almost all produced for television broadcast as well as classroom use.
188. Traditionally, collaboration in the classroom, for instance, has been taboo, condemned as a form of cheating.
189. Nor did everyone see the need for an update on current classroom practice.
190. One extremely useful diagnostic technique is classroom observation by psychologists and / or educators familiar with the disorder.
191. Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom.
192. There was the air, in the classroom, of adults engaged in a collaborative exercise.
193. Officials were working to redo the gridwork on classroom assignments, and figure out how to contact students.
194. The one-to-one teaching usually meant that they learned more and did better than they would have in the classroom.
195. There are also extensive entries on classroom practice, teaching methods, the language laboratory and the psychology of learning.
196. The introduction of National Curriculum History will have an impact on teachers' methodologies and on classroom management techniques.
197. A particular priority is research on classroom interaction in multiethnic and multilingual classrooms. 10.
198. The project is gathering information about the way understanding is achieved through the construction of shared meanings in primary classroom interactions.
199. Flexibility within the classroom, the hallmark of the gifted teacher, must find a place in far more of our schools.
200. The preview and evaluation of instructional materials through classroom use. 5.
201. Adapting the curriculum just for children with special educational needs may lead to their becoming increasingly isolated and segregated within the classroom.
202. These features give continuity to broadcast programmes but this kind of continuity is not so important with classroom materials.
203. Kids find themselves sitting on the threatening boundaries of the classroom.
204. Each of the latter two came into my classroom for a particular part of every morning,[http:///classroom.html] the Art Teacher twice weekly.
205. But teachers in the classroom argue that both methods have to be used side by side.
206. Several of these students stress the difficulty of their roles within the classroom.
207. Even the newly qualified teacher manages time, pupils, resources and the curriculum within the classroom.
208. This does not mean that these procedures can not be adapted to classroom use.
209. The classroom erupted into bedlam whenever Miss Simpson left for longer than a minute.
210. This was evidenced by the continuation of her long-established teaching methods and forms of classroom organisation between sessions with the advisory teacher.
211. Teachers often have to buy supplies to be used in classroom activities.
212. Every week we practice leaving our desks quickly, crossing our arms over our heads, lying still on the classroom floor.
213. After fifteen or twenty minutes, the big classroom with the bare walls was empty.
214. Seven different teachers in the course of ten days became the final catastrophe of this classroom.
215. What mattered to them most was effectiveness in the classroom.
216. Only when it is actualized through classroom activity can it have an effect on learning.
217. Does a father who is convinced that his child is being fairly treated burst into the classroom and attack the teacher?
218. As we saw earlier, each Fratney classroom has a specific time set aside for class-room meetings.
219. I want you all to have a little break from your classroom work, so we're all going to the library.
220. Classroom management for the use of computers A new style of classroom management may be required when using computers in history teaching.
221. There are numerous pressures on them which manifest themselves in a variety of ways within the classroom setting.
222. Things have been going downhill since the kitchen help moved into the classroom.
223. Every item taught in each lesson should be useable in the living cultural situation outside the classroom.
224. It sought continually to encourage teachers to reevaluate classroom practice - both in curriculum content and methodology.
225. The class has to come to the cameras rather than the camera going into the classroom.
226. And through another he saw a classroom with lots of tiny desks and a blackboard at one end.
227. Another Volunteer, a biologist, started to work as an informal research assistant, but did not enter the classroom.
228. The fire was brought under control, preventing further destruction in a neighbouring classroom.
229. Research into classroom interaction has not focused directly on children's explanations.
230. Whilst the Technology was being built there was a fire at the school which meant an extra classroom had to be built.
231. She is currently researching into the use of learning logs and Personal Journals and into classroom group work.
232. She offers a persuasive and very interesting hypothesis, as yet unsubstantiated[Sentencedict], to which classroom research could usefully be directed.
233. Teachers have already developed considerable expertise within the classroom to provide a good basis upon which to build effective communication outside.
234. Follow-up interviews, case studies and classroom observation are also planned.
235. There was a state of near anarchy in the classroom.
236. A wide variety of reasons exist for the reluctance to move outside the classroom in order to engage students in their learning.
237. In Roswell, a resource room is a classroom for special education students who require part-time special assistance.
238. This can range from one-hour visits to the classroom to talk about their company to formal apprenticeship programs.
239. These books need to be readily accessible to pupils, both in the classroom and in the school library.
240. The thought of a cold classroom on an autumn evening is the last thing she probably wants!
241. We already exploit this facility when we use audiotape in the classroom.
242. Two young men have walked in late and are standing around the back of the classroom, halfheartedly looking for seats.
243. The crucial point is that such expressions should be warranted by conceptual and communicative purposes recognized as having point in classroom activity.
244. Grammar Dictation offers an innovative approach to the study of grammar in the language classroom.
245. The story of her campaign to get Jacob put back in the regular classroom sums up the entire battle.
246. They enable the student to practice the language outside the classroom and at the same time learn more about the country.
247. The research methods will include classroom observation, interviews with teachers and analysis of curriculum documents and of other support.
248. The pedagogic relevance of research outside the classroom can only be realized by research inside the classroom.
249. What kinds of classroom interaction, then, are most likely to provide conditions for effective learning?
250. Some element of classroom observation and practice is included and is important for illustrative purposes.
251. On one occasion William catapulted a lump of metal into a classroom full of pupils and a girl was quite badly injured.
252. Until that moment Sabour had seemed to fit perfectly into the demoralized atmosphere of the classroom.
253. The information will now be analysed by the pupils in the classroom as part of their wider studies.
254. In the long run, this less obvious influence of miscue analysis may cause great change in the primary classroom.
255. However this is beginning to apply to classroom video materials too as more and more people today have video machines at home.
256. But hey, students will be in the classroom a whopping 13 minutes more a day.
257. Innovative new curricula in science, mathematics and the humanities combined with fresh approaches to classroom method.
258. It transpired in backyards and on doorsteps and inside offices as well as in the classroom.
259. In the first stage the Support for Learning Group would identify and publish the criteria to guide classroom observations.
260. Here, in this otherwise familiar classroom, bilingual education is being practiced.sentencedict .com
261. What tipped the balance against that was my continuing dreadful performance in the classroom.
262. In a classroom situation blackboard is more available than, say, theatre. avoidance behaviour See under behaviour.
263. Posted in huge letters on classroom walls, the words bore into plebes.
264. Warden: We as a centre have been developing our skills ... in that area of classroom observation.
265. This sense of self-responsibility does not lead to a set formula of classroom management at Fratney.
266. In the classroom, cultural analysis encourages students to examine for themselves the underlying assumptions in the texts they are studying.
267. Where in the regular classroom, there was no way the teacher would help him.
268. Inside the ruined and deserted school building, the classroom walls are still adorned with a series of moral slogans.
269. Their attitudes, values, habits of learning are ever-present in a school classroom.
270. This book explains the relevant theory and related it to classroom activities designed to improve students' discourse skills.
271. For those who wished to widen their horizons there were educational influences outside the classroom.
272. The use of special education materials in regular classroom settings. 4.
273. Yet few teachers take advantage of the world outside as a classroom.
274. They can work with teachers in high schools and colleges to improve their understanding of the workplace and to support classroom activities.
275. Indeed, if necessary, it can be integrated into other classroom activities.
276. The nature of classroom interaction is one factor which may affect children's ability to cope with explanations in the classroom.
277. It is to the changed world of the primary classroom that I shall now turn.
278. The other women in the classroom, except for two in the uniforms of the regular army[sentencedict .com], wear dresses.
279. Discipline comes from enticing and exciting classroom activity and a genuine commitment to the classroom as a community.
280. You can't go into the classroom and forget about what's happening to you.
281. Teachers or students so exempted may remain in the classroom and sit or stand respectfully while others participate in the ceremony.
282. Video did reveal insights into teaching practice although these insights tended to be limited to issues of classroom management.
283. Applying with special experiment condensation, typical synthesis minification, experiment resource circulation and classroom educated criterion, we will create new pro...
284. When children with hearing loss try to learn in a noisy, unsupportive classroom environment, they can quickly fall behind in their educational efforts.
285. "Are you a real homosexual or a bi-sexual?"Garrick asked me at the computer classroom in Global Village Organization, our English cram school classroom.
286. Eric Sanfordlikes to perform a kind of magictrick for his students at Bodega Marine Laboratory, giving his introductorypatter in the classroom and heading down to the rocky coast for the payoff.
287. Whenever mentioning school days, they would recollect the endless hours when they sat in the classroom idly and boringly.
288. And suddenly, the classroom was like the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, with everybody swapping corn-futures contracts in a trading frenzy.




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