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单词 Instruction
1) Adversity comes with instruction in its hand. 
2) First we have to lift the level of instruction.
3) Virtually all instruction is in small groups or one-on-one.
4) You'll get nowhere if you follow his instruction.
5) The computer comes with a 600-page instruction manual.
6) Each candidate is given instruction in safety.
7) The medium of instruction throughout the course is English.
8) She was released on instruction from the Foreign Ministry.
9) The patient pantomimed an exit instruction to the nurse.
10) The information is for the instruction of passengers.
11) English is the medium of instruction .
12) The manufacturers helpfully provide an instruction manual.
13) The instruction manual completely defeated me.
14) His father's instruction rained influence on his behaviour.
15) I had to refer to the instruction booklet.
16) She stared at the instruction booklet in complete perplexity.
17) She had no formal instruction in music.
18) In this course,[http:///instruction.html] students receive instruction in basic engineering.
19) Read the instruction book carefully.
20) I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.
21) The course gives you basic instruction in car maintenance.
22) The students generously gave them instruction in social responsibility.
23) The police were under instruction to fire if necessary.
24) The school gives instruction in First Aid.
25) This group of trainees is still under instruction.
26) The video provides instruction on how to operate the computer.
27) The instruction manual includes a section on troubleshooting to help you with any simple problems you might have with the television.
28) The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.
29) The instruction manual that came with my new computer wasn't very enlightening about how to operate it.
30) Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given.
1) First we have to lift the level of instruction.
2) Virtually all instruction is in small groups or one-on-one.
3) Two lawyers were told not to leave the building but no reason for this instruction was given.
4) You'll get nowhere if you follow his instruction.
5) I anticipate deriving much instruction from the lecture.
6) They'll radio for instruction.
31) They'll radio for instruction.
32) Have you seen the instruction manual for the washing machine?
33) This technique brings life to instruction and eases assimilation of knowledge.
34) On-line instruction is a useful adjunct to the real thing.
35) We've run across a slight problem with the instruction manual.
36) He claimed that he was not capable of giving instruction in poetry.
37) To make sure I did everything right, I bought a fat instruction book.
38) I pointed out several mistakes and carefully repeated my original instruction; that is to say, I told him I was not at all pleased with his work./instruction.html
39) In Sierra Leone, English is used as the medium of instruction for all primary education.
40) The Cleveland Clog Dancers were on hand to offer instruction on the important steps.
41) English is still the main medium of instruction in Nigeria.
42) English is the medium of instruction in many African countries.
43) The worst part of the set-up is the poor instruction manual.
44) Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.
45) Some were sent on courses of instruction.
46) The training command... constitutes the bulk of the instruction.
47) Basic instruction and safety equipment are provided.
48) She wanted technical manuals, instruction sheets.
49) All the children receive religious instruction.
50) The instruction manual is written in clear, concise English.
51) In-flight magazine, duty-free price list, safety instruction cards.
52) The program includes intensive instruction in English.
53) Try the main search engines and study their instruction.
54) Can students receive religious instruction during school hours?
55) The women needed no further instruction.
56) The patient is not given any specific instruction.
57) How she found the instruction manual.
58) It laid down guidelines for religious instruction.
59) The intermediary requires a greater depth in instruction.
60) Printed alloy instruction labels for attachment to manufactured products.
61) Instruction Instruction is informal and tailored to individual needs.
62) This child would normally be given special reading instruction.
63) He was reluctant to let us browse without instruction.
64) Miss Gabriel offered to give instruction in First Aid.
65) I also remember a specific instruction: come alone.
66) Only a psychopath would include children in the instruction.
67) The State Committee's resolution was issued on Yeltsin's instruction.
68) Probably the instruction manual for the first vacuum cleaner.
68) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
69) Following his instruction, his party hastened to the windows.
70) A brief review of existing work in library user instruction evaluation was then given and related to the parameters previously described.
71) Classroom instruction is invaluable in providing some of this background and in giving the learner confidence.
72) You simply set a starting bid and leave an instruction to raise the bid in preset increments up to a ceiling.
73) Religious instruction and lessons in writing Arabic, followed by training in weapons and tactics.
74) You can also expect to see true multi-tasking and use of the faster 386 instruction set.
75) This is particularly so in the case of course-integrated instruction and this ideal is more seldom reached in practice than course-related education.
76) Programme A course of instruction with a pre-determined timespan, content and structure, whether a short or long course.
77) Since the incremental value is encoded in the operation field, there is room to specify a store address in the instruction.
78) It may be uneconomic or too inflexible to implement in hardware all of a computer's instruction set.
79) Half an hour's instruction from an experienced horse-rider is much better than anything you can learn from a book.
80) They have less need of instruction manuals and can follow their instincts and the dictates of their heart.
81) The greatest problem at the orientation stage is getting the balance between orientation and more advanced instruction.
82) More prayers, more training, sometimes with live firing, followed by more religious instruction.
83) Also does anyone have an instruction book for a Singer Magic Memory.
84) Instruction is in various media and covers landscapes, portraiture, still life, book illustration and more.
85) The duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction training and ensuring use of safety equipment.
86) LEFT-HANDED Chapman Stick, including case lead and instruction book, £500.
87) What he must do is to formulate an assertion which contradicts our own, and give us his instruction for testing it.
88) Conversely, you may be entitled to disobey an instruction which management ostensibly has the power to give.
89) There is little point in reproducing the instruction manual here.
90) Several basic procedures are included in the instruction manual supplied with the de Fonbrune microforge.
91) Wrapped in copious instruction leaflets and next to a neat pile of syringes, formidable quantities of snakebite serum had thoughtfully been provided.
92) While the system of instruction was pondered upon further, Hardwick's work continued apace.
93) Instruction is concerned with enabling the user to learn in detail how to carry out computerized information retrieval.
94) In contrast, when tape-slide presentations were used for individual instruction, students found them more acceptable.
95) The run-time code is loaded on to a real processor and translated on the fly into the chip's native instruction set.
96) These provide a basis for further instruction, either with the assistance of the teacher, or for individual work.
97) Motivation can be increased in another way - by introducing credits for library instruction courses.
98) Users also stated that they lied this type of audio-visual material for library instruction.
98) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
99) When a further instruction stated that vessels used in services were not exempt, the Patriarch Tikhon told the faithful to resist.
100) Membership of leisure clubs is on the increase due to a growing demand for professional instruction in keeping fit.
101) Psychometric methods have also been used in comparisons of two or more methods of library instruction.
102) Students in the more-advanced classes are more likely to receive better instruction and spend more time on learning.
103) Failure to comply with that instruction might give rise to a charge of obstructing the police in addition to that of obstructing the highway.
104) This involves: Installing a written system for checking temperatures, plus adequate training and instruction on the system for staff.
105) Instruction Coaching is informal and tailored to individual needs, though novice instruction may be interrupted occasionally by stronger winds.
106) The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet, containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords.
107) Children learn to speak and understand speech first and without the formal instruction needed when learning to read and write.
108) The company secretary had simply passed on an oral instruction.
109) But the advent of almost universal programming in high-level languages alters the requirements of a computer's instruction set.
110) The inculcation of political orthodoxy and instruction of a more coercive nature was left strictly in the hands of the Party.
111) Prior to sharing her young mistress's lessons, she received instruction in deportment and etiquette.
112) She unpacked a self-locating mine, punched in her identifier and gave it a simple verbal instruction.
113) The instruction to evacuate the buildings came as a complete surprise.
114) There the religious instruction started by his father, who for all the lean years had been his schoolteacher, continued.
115) In Delhi, an International Labor Organization-backed pilot program gives instruction on how to rehabilitate discarded shoes.
116) Her admitted object was the instruction of the kitchen maid, who had absorbed none of Mrs Geary's genius.
117) The Department of Public Instruction provided a guideline of administrative duties, advice and judges for the state meet.
118) So all it takes is a little expert instruction, good eye-hand coordination and a flair for mimicry?
119) It is a particular example of a no-operation or dummy instruction.
120) State officials put the price at up to $ 3 billion to provide a half-day of instruction for 1 million children.
121) There are very full instructions for doing this on pages 125 to 132 in the instruction book.
122) The program gives money to primarily low-income schools to beef up staff and resources for individualized instruction to disadvantaged children.
123) The companies are likely to provide basic instruction on how to use the computer.
124) Thus we may be able to initiate an instruction fetch from store and increment the program counter in one micro-instruction.
125) The most common system on word-oriented computers is, of course, one instruction per word for all instructions.
126) Our policy is that Information memoranda should be issued only on the instruction of the disposing entity.
127) It has since been used on many small computers as a means of implementing a rich instruction set at a reasonable price.
128) If properly appreciated, and seen as instruction[/instruction.html], the empirical can be used to assess theoretical and conceptual formulations.
129) He gave no verbal instruction but occasionally would gesture with his hand, like a conductor.
130) This allows us to write programs which incorporate instruction modification.
131) Young drivers come to us for instruction in safe and skilful driving.
132) At the University of Denver Computer-Assisted Library instruction was developed in 1972 and used until 1977.
133) He was fidgety and in a dream world when being given instruction in a group.
134) The most recent approaches have been language laboratories and computer-based instruction.
135) Eight women sent away for instruction booklets, pliers, beads, crosses and hundreds of feet of wire.
136) Students had defied an earlier instruction from the King to end the boycott, the second in six months.
137) It may be run at other time during the working day on specific instruction.
138) Before the 1988 Act, the governing bodies had control only over religious instruction.
139) The full power of the instruction set is now available for manipulating each half of the product.
140) The second assumption is that females require step-by-step instruction and continuing education in the arts and crafts of femininity.
141) Cost of membership and instruction range from $ 100 to $ 250(), depending on initial skill level.
142) Not surprisingly these devices are distributed with little or no instruction on correct use - thus increasing women's health problems.
143) Obtain a manual describing the instruction set of a medium or large computer.
144) No longer passive recipients of instruction, pupils are encouraged to be active collaborators in the learning process.
145) User attitudes to specific presentations and to the tape/slide method of instruction were also studied.
146) Where a manufacturer's instruction book specifies the use of alkaline batteries, then these should be used.
147) This statement should be enclosed with the letter of instruction.
148) I think perhaps you should have paid more attention to Chapter 85 in your instruction manual.
149) The three participating high schools had made minimal changes in curriculum or instruction.
150) Uncle Shim shared these thoughts both as a courtesy to our family and as instruction to me.
151) A better method is to provide a special supervisor call instruction which causes a distinguishable interrupt into the supervisor to be generated.
152) The intensity of instruction is a combination of fast pace and close focus.
153) The trainees work at their machines under instruction from a supervisor.
154) During recent years, librarians have become more aware of the need to evaluate programmes of library instruction.
155) Last I saw, a couple of hand-in-hand schoolkids had fished them out and were avidly reading the instruction leaflet.
156) Stewart and Jones have produced something extremely rare - a computer instruction manual written with verve, life and humour.
157) What he experienced through his hands made more sense to him than written words of instruction.
158) Underlining: Never underline in a release as this is a printing instruction to set in italics.
158) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
159) The technique of guidance is often used by parents when a child refuses to comply with a request or instruction.
160) There are positive implications for the providers of well organized clubs offering guidance and instruction at varying levels.
161) Either way it allows rather better continuity of instruction - frequently advocated by user education librarians.
162) An instruction book is included in the box, with helpful hints and suggestions for projects.
163) An assembler instruction will correspond to a frequently performed operation and represents many machine code instructions.
164) Notice that a clear accumulator instruction can be seen as such an instruction with an implied operand value of zero.
165) The tutor will provide instruction in methodologies involved in an investigation and in the interpersonal skills which may be required.
166) She started giving children religious instruction and grew to love teaching.
167) You had an Instruction Book, all your various accoutrements at home.
168) In the simplest case an instruction tests for all, some or none of the bits being set to one.
169) A film of Tuva will be shown, followed by instruction in throat-singing.
170) In this way, contracts can serve as a basis for individualised instruction.
171) It was aimed at teaching children correct diet(), oral hygiene instruction and the importance of visiting the dentist.
172) A computer needs one cycle to process a basic instruction.
173) Employers' duties under the Regulations include assessment of suitable equipment, maintenance information, instruction and training.
174) Televised instruction is, at best, a useful adjunct to the real thing.
175) In the light of this distrust in the effectiveness of verbal instruction, what was Rousseau's opinion of reading?
176) I was wondering if you have, or know where I can get, an instruction book.
177) The activities of the business partners provide other sources of instruction and motivation for students besides those provided by teachers.
178) Even courses in effective communication rarely include instruction on media use.
179) Have you had lots of instruction with each new teacher seeming to contradict the one before?
180) But another factor is that instruction manuals that usually accompany new computer hardware and software are difficult to understand.
181) The kit also contains a disposal instruction guide, temporary disposal bag and tie.
182) This includes such things as computer-assisted instruction, teaching machines, programs, television, and other audiovisual devices.
183) But when they shoved him into the box and dropped the cage door down, his hands quit taking instruction.
184) Where needed the Police are supplying road safety literature, advice and instruction.
185) Once the initial skills have been mastered, progression relies upon plenty of practice interspersed with further instruction and coaching.
186) It has been designed to execute most single-word instructions in a single clock cycle through a four-stage instruction pipeline.
187) Careful instruction in the use of metered dose inhalers is an essential part of educating asthmatic patients.
188) There is no substitute for adequate training, instruction and supervision.
188) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
189) We could have hiked, taken four-wheel-drive excursions, ridden horses, signed up for diving instruction.
190) An assembly language statement consists of 3 elements; an optional label, an instruction and an operand.
191) All MicroSparcs are uniprocessors capable of one instruction per cycle and again follow the 32-bit Sparc V8 guidelines.
192) As a junior nurse it is important that you receive extra instruction and practice under supervision before caring for these patients.
193) However, despite careful instruction, there will still be incidents in which the airbrakes open during a launch.
194) In the former the student is given one unit of instruction and then tested.
195) All men would receive instruction in women's rights as well.
196) There was express authority, indeed instruction, to collect the goods.
197) This computer has no machine code instruction set or data formats in the ordinary sense.
198) State law, however, gives control of instruction to local school boards.
199) The objectives for instruction in online information retrieval have been outlined above.
200) How would you modify the instruction format and add to the instruction set?
201) In advanced stages of instruction students are guided towards techniques of self-defence, under realistic conditions.
202) I pulled out our instruction sheet on which was printed the name of the ryokan where we were all to have lunch.
203) But situations were also encountered that had not been foreseen by the Instruction Book.
204) It transpired later that the social workers were all under instruction to have identification.
205) During these golden years of instruction, parents can make a world of difference by staying engaged and supportive.
206) When she arrived in Hollywood, she had taken further instruction from Earl Daugherty, who taught her stunting.
207) The half-day courses include two hours practical experience of firing and driving with full instruction on safety and how the engine works.
208) That technical instruction should be provided during the compulsory school years.
209) The company provide a glossy instruction manual and a telephone support service to make sure your project is a success.
210) Child instruction has always been hampered by the age-old problem posed by constraints of religion.
211) The Herbarium photocopier was still giving cause for concern in respect of a lack of information and instruction on its use.
212) Pairs of jump instructions were provided to transfer control to the left- or right-hand instruction of a specified store location.
213) Card No. 3 has a new instruction: you will pull the selector lever on occasions and no needles will be selected.
214) And, in this modern era, the squad sessions are not restricted to instruction on technique.
215) Installation is made easy by using the fixing kit and simple instruction booklet that is supplied with the hood.
216) Your first impulse was to step into the fray, select a likely teacher, and present yourself for instruction.
217) We don't provide formal instruction, but novices pick up a lot by sailing out and back in light winds.
218) Gradualism had failed to secure the collaboration of masters or their agents in educating or providing religious instruction for the slaves.
218) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
219) To achieve a more uniform instruction set, such specialized registers are replaced by the use of accumulators in the array.
220) A method is needed for the rationalization of the instruction, in terms of sequencing, presentation and feedback as to progress.
221) In return, local authorities were empowered to appoint the teachers in such schools for all subjects other than religious instruction.
222) Further, it is not the standard for pharmacists to provide a specific patient instruction sheet when dispensing sildenafil.
223) The control unit executed first the left-hand instruction, then the right-instruction, of each word in the program.
224) Sobchak said the presidium's decision was illegal since his instruction had been made in accordance with the presidential decree of January 1991.
225) Change-ringing combinations are almost endless, and the instruction books look like circuit diagrams for a missile.
226) There was no instruction on contraception in medical school; many doctors knew less than their patients.
227) As to take home a copy of the appropriate operating and safety instruction leaflet, so you can familiarise yourself with these procedures.
228) The text details the methods used in the selected illustrations and is spiced with good advice and instruction.
229) Photograph: a picture painted by the sun without instruction in art. Ambrose Bierce 
230) The second main phase of programmed instruction became feasible with the development of low cost computing.
231) But the Gods were once more on my side, I took very kindly to flying instruction, but again I was lucky.
232) Our primary objective is to collect, organize and disseminate information and materials relating to academic library orientation and instruction.
233) They too had been promised further instruction on the ground, but there was no one to provide it.
234) Pages 72 to 74 in the instruction book give details of reading the card.
235) If the program seemed useful, she would suggest that they renegotiate her contract for the next year to include language instruction.
236) The next instruction is brnz $4, case_zero.
237) What is a computer - assisted instruction system?
238) Mathematical Implication of AND Instruction in Assembly Language Programming.
239) One MHz equal one million instruction cycles per second.
240) Most climbing gyms offer basic instruction.
241) Digital logic instruction set architecture assembly language high-level language.
242) The first position producing device of the checking byte produces the inserting position N ( N is a plus integer) of the checking byte according to the instruction and a preconcerted principle.
243) The different characteristics between S/R instruction and Step Ladder instruction (STL) for designing sequential control program of PLC are putted forward passing through comparison.
244) Here is a fairly clear instruction book. Be sure to read it carefully before using it.
245) Manage complete jig in escalator factory, and compile operation manual and maintenance instruction about jig.
246) Under the contract, AAI will provide simulators and multimedia instruction for National Guard operation of RQ-7B Shadow Tactical Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
247) The .align operation tells the assembler to align the next instruction or declaration at a certain boundary.
248) It has a great influence on the revisiting rate and recovery effect that doctors give a complete instruction to the patients.
248) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
249) The device comprises a call request receiving unit, an operation instruction obtaining unit and a call holding execution unit.
250) Simultaneously also becomes under the developing nation adaptation globalization background the industrial structure adjustment and the promotion effective instruction theory.
251) It contains Ladder Diagram editor, Instruction List editor and converting module from Ladder Diagram to Instruction List.
252) The other alternative is to modify the instruction pointer register using the rm command and just type go.
253) Teaching materials, instruction and evaluation system on the basis of the beliefs of the new curriculum is an indiscerptible entity.
254) Actuator must be connected and operated exactly according to the operation instruction.
255) Please confirm and I will send you the shipping instruction later.
256) Oral health instruction, fissure sealing, fluoridation, caries filling, space retainer, deciduous root canal treatment, functional appliance.
257) Description The number of operands given to some machine instruction mnemonic does not match the number of operands required by that instruction.
258) This paper analyses the return instruction of MCS-51 and gives the answer to releasing the interrupt. Some special use and program are also given.
259) The higher order position of the instruction code indicating the location of data to be processed.
260) The processor receives an enable signal to initialize one of the service routines through a branch instruction.
261) Student model plays a key role in the dynamic instruction process of ICAI.
262) The instruction level simulation discussed in this paper is a system simulation for a CPU, and is also an effective software debugging tool.
263) If no specific instruction is given here, the "Payment Effective Date" will be the request processing date.
264) Fathers , do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them the training and instruction of the Lord.
265) The processor contains a clock, an instruction control unit, an arithmetic and logic unit, and registers.
266) The aims of this paper is that it can provide some theoretical reference instruction and valuable policy-making basis on the crude oil transportation for the policy-maker in our country.
267) In the course of instruction we are required to adopt the object teaching, the map made by oneself to improve the quality of instruction and training.
268) The last row of the structure table ( Table 2) lists those elements that occur as subsidiaries to particular instruction or declaration elements.
269) This was basic instruction for expecting parents, who were helped and guided by the Wise Ones throughout the pregnancy.
270) Objective : To explore proper instruction on discharge after allogenic hemopoietic stem cell transplant ( HSCT ).
271) Third, strengthens the window instruction and the credit policy direction, the optimized credIt'structure.
272) When the instruction to the server is to resume, the failure of an individual operation does not affect execution of the remaining requests, and the positional correspondence is maintained.
273) Up to four data ( components ) can be manipulated simultaneously with a single instruction.
273) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
274) The formation of control instruction of one antiaircraft missile is practiced by utilizing time-segmented digital PID control principle.
275) Finally, the org.apache.bcel.generic package also defines classes to represent every type of JVM instruction.
276) After example validating, the macro program wrote with macro instruction system designed in this dissertation can run well in open NC system.
277) The example indicated that the strategy can reach higher authorities to the better control effect on the reduced active control instruction.
278) The fourth part for practices the part, hoped can raises middle-school student's physical modelling ability through the classroom instruction and the extracurricular activity.
279) In the terms of Ontology, normal instruction communication makes conscious subject(human being) to gain and develop individual-subjectivity, inter-subjectivity.
280) Effect of phonological and morphological awareness instruction for Chinese children.
281) The system for the classroom instruction information real time test and feedback is one of the main parts of the Computer Managed Instruction(CMI).
282) The co verification environment consists of an embedded software debugger and an embedded hardware simulator. It adopts instruction set architecture co simulation model.
283) If special packing or shipping instruction are agreed, charges will be billed separately to Buyer.
284) What are the essential contents of the process instruction preventative measures?
285) Objective This study observed plaque distribution on primary dentition to offer more scientific toothbrushing instruction.
286) The latter that does instruction maybe parasitize in my body, it will leave me when time is due, just like the shell of cicada and the skin of snake.
287) The new instruction is xsl:next-match, which is similar to xsl:apply-imports but can trigger a matching template of the same precedence, not just ones of lower import precedence.
288) This paper introduces the basic concepts of states, State Procedure and Step Ladder Instruction and its application method in designing VMGC100 electric system.
289) Operator the machine according to the work instruction and operation manual.
290) Emergent instruction a special instruction form that viewed from the generative thinking mode.
291) Retargetable techniques can greatly reduce the re - development cost of instruction - set architecture ( ISA ) simulators.
292) The target of the jump instruction itself may be hidden by computing its address in a register and using an indirect jump instruction to transfer control to the address in that register.
293) And, it designs according to the current state of the enterprise of a small bulk shipment and is suitable for the instruction system of the enterprise of a now small bulk shipment.




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