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单词 Poking
1, He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops.
2, Don't go poking your nose into other people's business!
3, Why are you poking about among my papers?
4, I saw his head poking through the window.
5, I spent Sunday afternoon poking around an old bookshop.
6, Stop poking around in my business!
7, Horses were poking their heads over their stall doors.
8, Stop poking me in the ribs!
9, He enjoys poking fun at others.
10, He was poking at the rubbish with his stick.
11, A few daffodils were already poking up.
12, I see a finger poking through .
13, She's always poking fun at herself.
14, He's always poking his nose into other people's business.
15, The first green shoots are poking up/through the soil.
16, Two kids were poking a stick into the drain.
17, The police spent the day poking around in his office but found nothing.
18, The boxer kept poking at him but never hit him.
19, The girl is always poking her nose in other people's affairs.
20, She is hostile to people who go poking into her private affairs.
21, Some of the kids were poking fun at Judy because of the way she was dressed.
22, I was poking about in the drawer, looking for the key,(http:///poking.html) when I found this!
23, The end of the cable was left poking out of the wall.
24, Ella looked at the tiny face poking out of the blanket.
25, He was poking at the dust with a stick, making little patterns.
26, Weeds had started poking through the cracks in the patio.
27, I'm sick of your mother poking her nose into our marriage.
28, The man is always poking about in the office, and that is a bad habit.
29, James began poking about in the cupboard, looking for the sugar.
30, I wish he'd stop poking his nose into my personal life!
1, He spent his weekends poking around dusty old bookshops.
31, We can certainly do without John poking his nose in every five minutes.
32, He kept the car in the slow lane, poking along at about 40 miles an hour.
33, We've had journalists poking around and asking a lot of questions.
34, Somebody was in there, poking about.
35, He resumed poking at his meat with his fork.
36, Didn't he ever stop talking, poking his nose in?
37, Sort of round and with little things poking out.
38, He was like Doctor Cooper poking a sore appendix.
39, There were ends of broken rattan poking up.
40, Ted said, poking Petey in the ribs.
41, The little lamb was curled on top of the arched stone, its small snout poking aggressively into the air.
42, Tam had complained earlier about how he was for ever sneaking up on them and poking about while they were building the fence.
43, Many of them were the tops of volcanoes poking out of the ocean, and most were surrounded by deadly coral reefs.
44, The tourists who were already there had long plastic sticks they were poking down into the fenced area.
45, After that he'd spent a lot of time with Jekub, poking around, finding out about it.
46, Dan loves poking around in hobby shops, looking for new airplanes.
47, One of my socks is poking out from where the two zips meet, like a floppy white hernia.
48, With wet clothes clinging to her back, she looked skeletal, her shoulder blades poking up like sharp crags.
49, Policemen were poking among the ruins by the fence, shining hurricane lamps.
50, We pass some strangely shaped mountains that must have been volcanic plugs poking up through vast panoramas.
51, Poking through chain link fences at factories and construction sites.
51, try its best to gather and make good sentences.
52, Hector trusted him to guard his back, and concentrated on the men poking spears at him from the front and sides.
53, She had gained the opposite bank and was poking about in a great drifting mass of torn grass and brushwood.
54, I'm tired of the press poking around in my private life.
55, Dad sat poking the dead ashes in the grate and sucking on his empty clay pipe.
56, Numerous sponge bags hung on pegs, some with rubber ducks poking out!
57, The animal was stalking around my store, poking his head into corners.
58, A count at low tide tallies nearly 800 rocks, reefs, islands and other features poking above the surface.
59, Poking my head into a cement-lined cell, I found myself reflected between greasy mirrors, a head in a grim void.
60, I looked across the street and saw Mike's head poking out above the fence.
61, But the way the man kept poking and prodding at the leg unnerved him.
62, Lee was poking about, knocking dusty packets of seeds off the shelf and moving flower pots.
63, Not her national monument I told her, and she shouldn't come poking her nose in where it wasn't wanted.
64, You can tell if it is done by poking the middle of the cake with a toothpick.
65, The top stick of dynamite is covered with earth, leaving the wire poking through.
66, I looked up then and saw the head of a wasp poking up from the top of a candle on the altar.
67, Old fogey that I am, after that I stayed in the slow lane, poking along at 80 or 90.
68, As I got to the office I could see Alec poking his head round the open door.
69, He was there, and there for some time, poking into everything.
70, The Arvins came picking their way through rubble, nervous as rats, poking people aside with the barrels of their M-16s.
71, In the rustic humour there were opportunities for poking fun at lords and masters and oppressive authority, both civil and military.
72, Getting feedback about your writing can be as pleasant as poking your finger into a food grinder.
73, He would silence noise by poking his head down the first step and yelling threats of appalling punishment.
74, One particularly macabre statue of Saint Sebastian, arrows poking out of every limb, was given centre stage.
75, If the dahabeeyah had had an engine-room Owen could have imagined him poking around happily in it.
76, Alix was out front of the premises poking a flickering neon sign with a length of plastic tubing.
77, Dominic, Barnabas, Samantha and Georgina were sitting on the kerb poking sticks through the drain cover.
78, They were doubled over, poking at each other, making cryptic comments and bursting again into laughter.
79, Or maybe they resented a stranger poking his nose into their affairs?
80, Some shuffle and bustle along, with stiff, tense movements, head poking forward.
81, The other boy walked around the house poking the walls with a thick pole.
81, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
82, I didn't really want her poking her nose in anyway.
83, Belts were slung around both their hips, guns poking out of the holsters.
84, Robert and Peter were crawling around under there, poking sills and floor joists.
85, A slim frame but tight little muscles there poking out from under the rolled-up sleeves.
86, He is himself fresh snow, and the baby shoots poking through.
87, Charlie told me it wasn't nothing for them to get through twenty nicker poking about in the shops.
88, How dreadful it would be if you hooked a big fish only to lose it through poking around with an inadequate net.
89, She nodded to them, went on with her stirring and poking.
90, At the heads close-cropped to combat the lice and the holey jumpers with elbows poking through.
91, I'm tired of the doctors poking and probing me with needles and tubes.
92, A marabou stork was poking about nearby in a pile of rubbish, and I gave it a wide berth.
93, People must sit in front of these computers constantly, poking and prodding to do even the simplest task.
94, Two small boys trapped a crab, repeatedly poking it with a stick until it went belly up and played dead.
95, Sneezes at evening, poking the peevish gutter.
96, His big toe was poking through his stocking.
97, It was his darling Eve poking him rather vigorously about the torso.
98, Not a brassiere to be seen , nipples poking out at the world.
99, Revered by many Indians, the peepul has a habit of making room for itself, poking up through roads, sometimes smothering its rivals.
100, If I went to Lago Agrio as myself and pretended to write a story, no one would suspect that the starry-eyed young American poking around was actually shilling for Chevron.
101, Often she stopped on the way to get him a plastic bag of Milo, tied shut with raffia string, a straw poking through.
102, I spent last night poking around the site with a flashlight and a Polaroid.
103, DODOMA, Tanzania — Lying side by side on a narrow bed, talking and giggling and poking each other with skinny elbows, they looked like any pair of teenage girls trading jokes and secrets.
104, The sight of incey wincey's legs poking out of a dark spidery lair can send even the toughest wildlife enthusiast screaming for the hills.
105, The flocks and herds were poking along, holding up the traffic.
106, I've been poking around General Miscellany for a few minutes when a Chinese ceramic Jesus stops me cold.
107, 'The companion galaxy that looks as if it's playing peek-a-boo through the larger galaxy could have plunged through, poking a hole, ' said Helou.
108, But poking fun at some of these inane situations can perhaps alleviate some of that distress.
109, I see a finger poking through ( a hole in your glove ).
110, She's always poking her snout into everything , ie interfering.
111, Some nosy people should stop poking their noses into her divorce.
112, We opened up the car bonnet and he started poking around in my engine.
113, A malicious meddler who tries to discover sensitive information by poking around.
114, Some revelers wore straw sombreros and stick-on mustaches, poking fun at a national stereotype,(http:///poking.html) while the government sought to promote a more serious side with an open-air philharmonic orchestra.
115, But the dictionary writers like looking them up in Shakespeare because there was more cross dressing and people poking each other's eyes out.
116, You are also great at poking holes in arguments and common beliefs.
117, After plunging into a sorry plight, the pollster quit poking about and plotted a conspiracy.
118, Recent temperature readings by THEMIS have detected water ice poking through in certain places, so the answer seems to be yes.
119, Imagine you are poking a stick into an animal's burrow.
120, The sharp-edged triangle poking out of the flat ocean was in fact the tip of a shipwreck.
121, Jordanian postdoc Iyad Zalmout and grad student Ryan Bebej had been excavating a whale rostrum poking out of a cliff face.
122, It was made of aluminiumtubing, Mylar and piano wire, with a weird horizontal stabiliser poking fromthe front like the head of a stork.
123, SYDNEY (Reuters) - An Australian swimmer survived a great white shark attack by poking the creature in the eyes as it dragged him through the water after badly savaging his left leg.
124, Mr. Craven won 't permit you to wander or go poking about the house.
125, Poking the bushy brownstone mustache of another with his cane, he declared, “This guy is Gallic.




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