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单词 Institution
1. Marriage became an institution in ancient societies.
2. Giving presents on Christmas is an institution.
3. Marriage is a sacred institution.
4. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
5. Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom.
6. The institution of slavery was once widespread.
7. The woman will be confined to a mental institution.
8. Bernard works at the same institution as Arlette.
9. Fish and chips became a national institution in Britain.
10. May Day has become a venerable institution.
11. Does this institution have any redeeming features?
12. He had defended the institution of a celibate priesthood.
13. Institution of such schools was geared to these needs.
14. You must know him-he's an institution around here!
15. Fish and chips have become a British institution.
16. I believe in the institution of marriage.
17. Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls.
18. The institution of a Freedom of Information Act has had a significant effect.
19. The European Parliament is not an institution which excites interest in voters.
20. This degree programme is fully accredited by the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
21. My uncle has become quite an institution at the club!
22. Larry has been in an institution since he was four.Sentencedict
23. Life itself, without the assistance of colleges and universities,() is becoming an advanced institution of learning.
24. The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution.
25. The British pub isn't just somewhere to drink - it's an institution.
26. We're searching for a couple of runaways from the young offenders' institution.
27. Drinking tea at 4 pm is a popular British institution.
28. That old man in the park is a regular institution.
29. They were sentenced to 12 months' detention in a young offender institution.
30. And may I make so bold as to ask what institution sponsored your husband's expedition?
1. Marriage became an institution in ancient societies.
2. Giving presents on Christmas is an institution.
3. The scandal threatened to undermine the institution of the Presidency.
4. The Hong Kong Bank is Hong Kong's largest financial institution.
5. Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom.
6. The institution of slavery was once widespread.
7. He had defended the institution of a celibate priesthood.
8. Institution of such schools was geared to these needs.
9. That old man in the park is a regular institution.
10. My uncle has become quite an institution at the club!
11. The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children.
31. We want this to be like a home, not an institution.
32. I was determined not to put my mother in an institution.
33. Unbelievably, our Government are now planning to close this magnificent institution.
34. They heard sob-stuff from one man about his deprived childhood in an institution.
35. Many people with dementia would rather remain at home than be placed in an institution.
36. Some nationalists would like to depict the British monarchy as a purely English institution.
37. The tradi-tionalist influences within the navy marked it off as a rather old-fashioned institution.
38. The Brookings Institution has assembled a collection of essays from foreign affairs experts.
39. The government built a charitable institution for the education of young children.
40. His grand design was to connect up every academic institution in the world.
41. There was never an official institution of censorship in Albania.
42. Recently escaped from the state mental institution.
43. By this time he had become an enduring institution.
44. Crazy Rita is in a mental institution.
45. She's a volunteer docent at the Smithsonian Institution.
46. It would be damaging to the institution.
47. As a social institution, marriage transcends all individuals.
48. Stop in and say good-bye to another local institution.
49. Sentence: three years' detention in a young offender institution.
50. Clearly the Community is not a democratic institution.
51. The councils have the power to attach terms and conditions to the provision of funds to any institution.
52. Trading in ivory had become an institution in this part of Africa.
53. What Brown inherited when he became speaker in December 1980 was an institution well down the road toward gridlock.
54. This is the pub as social institution[sentencedict .com], so much more than just a place for drinking.
55. But it has not sought to gain the backing of an official international financial institution.
56. Severe lipaemia in an undiagnosed diabetic will usually resolve with the institution of insulin therapy and effective diabetic control.
57. The institution of bishops he defends as convenient and of long standing, rather than as based on Apostolic succession.
58. In addition there is one other institution which symbolizes the continuing dependency of agricultural workers upon local farmers - the tied cottage.
59. Language is a social institution of a kind; and self-evidently it is open to all sorts of change.
60. In retrospect it is clear to me that my arrival at Salomon marked the beginning of the end of that hallowed institution.
61. But as an institution, Congress remains largely detached from foreign affairs.
62. All persons engaged in public administration serve in a special legal relationship whereby the public law institution is the employer.
63. Every day refugees pulling carts passed the gates of the Institution.
64. Each cohort of students will be admitted to only one institution and will normally remain registered with that institution until graduation.
65. When he died he left the land to the Drapers Company - a charitable institution for residents of East London.
66. The kind of institution that can best provide the protection depends on the nature of the transaction, an issue discussed later.
67. The school is the only institution ever to be awarded the scholarship two years in a row.
68. The House Committee continued to exercise its jurisdiction over a wide variety of day-to-day matters at the institution.
69. The judiciary, not the executive or legislative branches, was the most powerful institution, I decided.
70. The modern nuclear family is a vulnerable and fragile institution.
71. Brown Institution trust funds were never adequate, but Twort preferred impecunious independence.
72. Church leaders are meeting this week to discuss ways of preserving the institution of marriage.
73. The institution has run deficits in four of the past eight years.
74. Each country runs a national network that links to a host computer in a research institution that acts as a national hub.
75. The peculiarly disinterested institution of science develops only in special circumstances and remains constantly vulnerable.
76. At a meeting of the Committee appointed to enquire into the Complaints made by the Officers of this Institution.
77. Money from the fund was payable to depositors on the insolvency of a recognised bank or licensed institution.
78. As welcome as these changes were, they none the less produced strains within the institution.
79. The school was that rare achievement - a family within an institution.
80. Teachers would be trained on an Institution of Environmental Health course and schools would be given booklets on food safety.
81. The University of Birmingham will be the first academic institution in Britain to offer a degree course in golf.
82. Many institutions are formulating guidelines to insure the protection of the rights of persons housed by that institution.
83. The Salvation Army is an institution that performs good works[/institution.html], and it is entitled to its views of homosexuality.
84. But this group are the bedrock of the institution - and as such should figure prominently in our prayers.
85. The Cabinet as an institution does not have an adequate bureaucratic infrastructure to enable it to perform a coordinating role.
86. Punch is an institution as it will probably be so remembered.
87. The most distinctive institution of capitalist economies is the privately owned corporation.
88. An even distribution has an added advantage, the institution will be better able to cope with the Unpredictable.
89. Revered by many, the institution now finds itself confronted by critics.
90. Anyone inclined to mock this suggestion should note that the armed services are perhaps the most respected institution in Britain today.
91. The accounts of the institution of the Eucharist are very important to Christians.
92. Yet the trust was a new legal institution, developed only in Augustus' reign.
93. Cattle stealing was an institution which provided benefits to different groups.
94. Mrs Clinton has said her work for the institution was minimal, but documents appear to indicate more extensive dealings.
95. Rather than create a new institution, is it not more feasible to improve our existing one, the police?
96. In a sense, the very institution of literary criticism is concrete testimony of this assumption.
97. But others in the professional psychological field regard the institution as an effective and important way of dealing with grief.
98. The correct sentence would have been nine months' detention in a young offender institution, and that sentence would be substituted.
99. It is the only educational institution in the world that teaches aesthetic appreciation primarily through an objective method of investigation.
100. Any careful cost-benefit analysis will show that every social practice and institution has limitations and presents difficulties as well as opportunities.
101. Virtually every academic institution, it seemed, wanted a piece of the pie.
102. The Labour Court, a supposedly independent party, with national institution credentials, has delivered a knockout recommendation on Bank Assistants.
103. So did another friendly institution called the Cooking Class, organized to enhance the wives' culinary skill.
104. Nominated by President Nixon in 1974, Quello has evolved into an institution at the commission, outlasting chairman after chairman.
105. The family itself is a self-contained, almost private, institution - a world to itself.
106. I would never betray a friend to serve a cause. Never reject a friend to help an institution. Great nations may fall in ruin before I would sell a friend to save them. Edward Abbey 
107. In another group of cases the courts grappled somewhat variously with a new institution.
108. Ominously, however, this confidence-promoting institution is itself undergoing a crisis of confidence.
109. They say the centre, to be based at a former young offenders institution, will treat refugees as criminals.
110. By the logic of open admissions, the failure of the students implied a failure of the institution.
111. He thought that preferable to the child's being in an institution or with foster parents.
112. The inmates of the institution were treated well, whether they ware in the workhouse or in the infirmary.
112. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
113. But this hierarchy focuses mainly on building and sustaining McKinsey as an institution.
114. The current wisdom is devised for the prevailing types of mind and body and to support the prevailing institution.
115. The objection to the House of Lords is that it is not a democratic institution.
116. We recognize and respect the family as the major investment institution that it is. 2.
117. He further held that in any event the public interest did not require the institution of criminal proceedings.
118. So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution, then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases.
119. Tokyo University is the most important educational institution in Japan.
120. Judge William Hannah sentenced Elsdon to 21 months and Cook to 19 months, both in a young offenders' institution.
121. Determined not to re-enter blind institution life, I headed for the nearby technical college who wouldn't have me either.
122. Any culture, because it has to retain traditional customs and beliefs, has to be in a sense a conservative institution.
123. Pastor Braun was periodically called to Berlin to justify the continued existence of the Institution and its inmates.
124. The boys in the institution had all been on their guard, searching for a way out.
125. The idea of each institution forming a coherent academic community seems to have little purchase in reality.
126. This is a private hospital, not a state institution, and your sister committed you with-out any stipulations as to time.
127. The Edinburgh based Institution of Fire Engineers specialises in developing fire engines and safety equipment.
128. An old City institution tucked away down a narrow alleyway.
129. Frequently Ruth wondered why he hadn't ended up in borstal or some other institution.
130. He was sentenced to 18 months in a young offenders' institution disqualified from driving for two years.
131. The institution of political parties is one that was established in modern political systems.
132. Oglethorpe was still a conservative, private institution ruled by those who were determined to keep it that way.
133. First, it makes a detailed analysis of the conceptual understanding of the teaching and learning of the subject within the institution.
134. The Royal Institution appointed him Tyndall lecturer on volcanoes, and he won awards for photographic studies of mountains and glaciers.
135. So far, he's had his licence endorsed and spent 28 days in a young offenders institution.
136. As described earlier, in Ipswich a multi-disciplinary psychogeriatric team maintained involvement with all patients whether or not they were admitted to an institution.
137. The pivotal safeguard in the Act is the new institution of custody officer.
138. In effect, a personalized automated trading system can be created without having to go to any financial institution.
139. And straight into the history books at Royal Belfast Academical Institution.
140. Dines is already serving thirty months at a young offenders' institution for robbery.
141. In short, the ration book would have become a national institution like the council house.
142. The museum's own commercial activities, always criticised as unsuitable for a prominent national institution, have not been very effective.
142. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
143. HENLEY-NEDERLAND Henley-Nederland is an independent, private institution and a recognised educational establishment.
144. What movie do Brad Pitt and Willis watch in the mental institution?
145. Beyond the key pieces of information outlined on the curriculum and resources, each institution will choose which further items it reviews.
146. Their background knowledge of an institution is typically and corporately small, and sojourn within its walls brief.
147. To say it was perfectly ordered was to make an idol of the institution.
148. But the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors is angry that some other local authorities are letting agents get away with murder.
149. Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution? Groucho Marx 
150. It is a cultural institution, no less important than the Hermitage or the Bolshoi Theatre.
151. The definition of what constitutes an institution varies across time and between different countries.
152. A database should be as dynamic as the institution that creates it.
153. The home thereby acquires a special significance; an institution protected by the males, if necessary by aggressive actions towards others.
154. Ohio has restructured its community college system so that no resident lives more than twenty minutes away from a local institution.
155. It now became easier to send multiple copies of papers to colleagues rather than sending a file on the circuit of an institution.
156. Begun in 1679, the new institution was opened on 21 May 1683.
157. At age 26, she was committed to a mental institution.
158. The case reveals the extent to which the church as an institution was coupled with the nation.
159. Therefore, there was strong pressure on chief constables to adopt a hard-line approach from within their own institution.
160. His sights also are set on putting Clark Atlanta University on the global map as a research institution.
161. They never married because they believed that marriage was a bourgeois institution.
162. The institution is expected to wait until investigations are complete and criminal responsibilities are more clearly defined before bringing charges.
163. Then in an appropriate case the public authority may be able to secure the institution of a prosecution for criminal libel.
164. The three criteria for promotion within the institution require the demonstration of excellence in teaching, research and administration.
165. The students transformed the nature of the institution; but the institution also put its imprint on the students.
166. My analysis of the particular qualities of the institution shows that it may well extend to cover a homosexual union.
167. Perhaps the most promising example of this kind of institution is the gay community center.
168. Campsfield House, a former young offenders' institution has been refurbished for the Immigration Service.
169. The national institution of the past 60-odd years could soon be a distant memory.
170. It is associated with the Catholic Church, the institution of marriage, loyalty to the fatherland, and belief in general.
171. For an orphan or a child taken into care, the institution involved constitutes the family.
172. A brother and sister are split apart, and his identity gets swallowed up in an institution.
172. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
173. Hayman, a first offender, was sent to a young offenders institution for three years.
174. The Midlands was the workshop of the world and his new institution became its banker.
175. Thornton also stars as a mildly retarded man who returns to his hometown after 25 years in a mental institution.
176. However, the class struggle is played out in medicine as in every other institution of society.
177. The problem was they now wanted their languages accepted within a major social institution.
178. However the entry requirements and the course content will be the same for all students regardless of which institution has admitted them.
179. Similar success stories can be found in other countries - for example, the aerospace exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.
180. We shall of course send a report of the questionnaire results to every institution which completes the questionnaire for us.
181. Donating blood was an example of a social institution that embodied non-selfish actions by individuals without demeaning the recipient.
182. Television is an indispensable medium for enlarging public understanding of an essential institution.
183. A major study of women and heart disease is being carried out by the Johns Hopkins Medical Institution.
184. Upon the introduction of a new institution it is commonplace for analogies to be drawn with existing institutions.
185. But neither could they be threatened with expulsion from the institution.
186. How can a perfectly well established institution change its name overnight and why should it?
187. It would then be the responsibility of the institution itself to decide upon the detailed allocation of resources within the programme.
188. And when they pick apart the history of modern art, they attack modern art's most powerful institution.
189. They also may become superintendent of a school system or president of an educational institution.
190. The church for its part acted as an administrative agency of colonial expansion and a major institution of social control.
191. Discussion in this chapter will confine itself to evaluation within an established institution.
192. Until this month, they were an institution, just like the White House.
193. The mischief produced by this institution was incalculable because it made religious differences the deciding factor in every political contest.
194. In the last chapter we looked at how the social institution of marriage has changed at different times in history.
195. The objective is to re-position the University as a strong teaching and research institution.
196. Next, we have Walter impounded in a large mental institution with other inmates, played by real mentally handicapped people.
197. Relations between the institution and its 800-pound gorilla have steadily deteriorated and are not about to improve soon.
198. American Liberty University is an equal opportunity institution.
199. Prior experience in a financial institution a plus.
200. Since Andrew Jackson Downing laid out the Smithsonian Institution grounds in 1850, the region has been a laboratory for the best that landscape architecture has to offer.
201. The study also discusses the feasibility and necessity of slight defective evidence from the perspective of value, institution, reality and nomology.
202. Navtej Dhillon, a former Brookings Institution fellow who led a project to study youth in the Middle East, spoke presciently in 2008 about the challenges facing the region.
202. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
203. In accordance with an agreement between the Office of Naval Research and the Smithsonian, the Institution operates with predetermined fixed overhead rates with carry-forward provisions.
204. As an informal institution, customary rule serves as the institutional foundation for agricultural labor market and safeguards the operation of the market.
205. This may strike a modern reader as an envious institution.
206. Subsection two: The reasons for the Chinese insurance adjuster institution came into being.
207. Thus specifically in China, those evolve to the construction and perfection of credit institution .
208. Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
209. As an international vulgate institution of labor and social security, minimum wage is disputed after its birth.
210. Article 25 The People's Bank of China may open accounts for banking institution as needed, but may not allow them to overdraw.
211. The effective system is united thing of state institution and public serve system. Moreover, mercerization and socialization are the tendency of the public security working development.
212. The Shenzhen Municipal Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce is an institution for management of contracts.
213. This is a volume - based agreement purchased for a collegiate institution.
214. Young females serve their sentences at Tai Tam Gap Correctional Institution, which accommodates remand prisoners, training centre inmates and young prisoners.
215. At the same time, the said limitation can also reduce trade expenses institution.
216. But in making the government they left this institution with many clear marks of disapprobation upon it.
217. "As far as I'm aware this is the most complete and long term data set for little bits of trash floating in the ocean," said oceanographer Miriam Goldstein of Scripps Institution of Oceanography.
218. The distorted administration values and void institution settings are the dominant difficulties in administration reforms, which hold back the reforms' process in essence.
219. Meanwhile, the responsibility of credit fund balance was practised, the institution of reserve ratio was built, and the economic leverage function of rate was performing.
220. I don't have a clue who she is or what she believes, " says Thomas Mann , a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, " I don't know if she has any views about politics or public affairs.
221. LANZHOU, October 12, 2005 — World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz has arrived in China for his first visit to the country since taking over as head of the global institution.
222. For example non-bank finance institution, financial corporation may provide auto financing.
223. The external dimension is focused on the implementation process and its consequences and effects of measurement institution used in social life brought about by the impact of effects of measurement.
224. There exist big institution gaps such as the gaps of the non-nationalization degree, the marketization degree and the intervener degree of government between developing regions and eastern re- gion.
225. Demographer William Frey, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, noted that Hispanics accounted for more than half the overall population growth in the United States between 2000 and 2008.
226. We should draw lesson from "amicus curiae" and establish the institution of consulting the expert, in order to promote the communication between the theory and the practice.
227. Institution restricts people's actions, while culture rules can prompt people's dynamic role because of its spontaneousness.
228. That's according to John Hildebrand of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. He published a 2009 study on whale songs.
229. Institution reform is a key that deepness commercializes reform and project of assault fortified positions.
230. British financial institution which pools deposits from savers to provide mortgage financing for house purchases.
231. As a third-party institution China Internet Association, a trade association to join, then the effect of making the Internet the control of public opinion to be greatly enhanced.
232. The Common Law is hostile to comprehensive institution of negotiorum gestio,[Sentencedict] but it had changed its standpoint to some extent through law of restitution(unjustified enrichment) and law of torts.
233. A standard, commercial letter of credit is a document issued mostly by a financial institution, used primarily in trade finance, which usually provides an irrevocable payment undertaking.
234. The court referred to the concept of arra contractu imperfecto data, a rather obscure institution of Roman law (paras 44-55).
235. Song Lei holds Bachelor of Economics and Master of International Economics from Department of Economics and Institution of Japanese Studies, Jilin University.
236. Mr. Wopsle's great-aunt , besides keeping this Educational Institution, kept - in the same room - a little general shop.
237. The visit will include a visit to a flight school that trains commercial pilots, a credit institution, visits to Chengdu's business district, and other meetings.
238. Check section towards defying a superintendence, obstructing state agency functionary ipso jure functus officio of, from communal security's institution being by law.
239. Each institution has its own dedicated channel and each channel has a fully-specified SSLPEER value.
240. For home loans for GIs, the VA guaranteed a sizeable portion of the loan to the lending institution and mortgage rates were set at a low 4 percent interest.
241. Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management ( Hong Kong Branch ).
242. "Project 211 " is that the Chinese government is oriented toward the 21st century , priority builds institution of higher learning and priority discipline construction project controlled by 100.
243. Atotal of 182 consecutive patients who underwent ESWL for a solitary proximal ureteral stone of between 5 and 20 mm in size in our institution were included in this study.
244. The Church of Scientology had recently gained tax-exempt status as a religious institution, making donations, as well as the cost of auditing, tax-deductible.
245. The Electoral College is an important part of the American presidential selection institution.
246. The paper seeks the way to analysis the institutional arrangement of information disclosure in the environment accounting, it uses the new institution economy and it has built a basic frame.
247. The UCSF School of Dentistry also is a top research institution and has since 1992 ranked first among U. S. dental schools in funding from the National Institutes of Health.
248. The Institute, founded in 1930 , is a private , academic institution located in Princeton, New Jersey.
249. A notarization institution enjoys an exclusive right to its verified name.
250. A project principal shall use the funds as required in the project plan, and a supporting institution shall surveil the project principal's use of the funds.
251. A whistle-blower's e-mail from someone at the authors' institution indicated that data in the study were fabricated.
252. What are the composition and function of the individual credit institution?
252. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
253. Establish block trade platform and market maker system, so as to provide basis for OTC block trade to institution investors.
254. Beijing IDM institution of bio - technology's operation scope is research on life sciences and biomedicine.
255. Moreover, the implementation of the limitation of liability for maritime liens and bankruptcy institution will affected realization of maritime lien.
256. Although it is facing up to great crisis in digital age, this institution still has un- substitutable institutional value.
257. It was only then that the religious tendency which had arisen out of a reaction against the heathenism of Arabia took on the form of a real, positive institution.
258. The adjustment in staffing after dissolution or merger of the institution.




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