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单词 Sidewinder
1. GLU SideWinder game, low quality, won't, the game can be lengthened, reduced racket, you can shoot shooting square.
2. Tech specs aside, the Sidewinder is a hell of a comfy slipper that can be worn all day and can withstand various conditions.
3. The Microsoft Sidewinder Steering wheel uses combined pedals as a default setting, this will need to be turned off in order to perform some maneuvers such as left foot braking.
4. The SW Sidewinder Flat Flame burner is a nozzle mix excess air burner designed for radiation heating.
5. Theimpact of both was modifications to the Sidewinder by both servicestoimprove its ability to perform in the demanding air-to-air arenaandincrease reliability.
6. GLU SideWinder game, the player in the game play a little hamster, you want to repair, hamster building, it is restored to its former glory!
7. The Air Force also used the Sidewinder on its F-4CPhantoms and when MiGs began challenging strike groups, the F-105 Thunderchief also carried the Sidewinder for self-defense.
8. They call it Operation Desert Sidewinder. It is the third military operation aimed at ending the daily attacks on U. S. troops in Iraq.
9. Sidewinder, an air - to - air missile bearing the name of a rattlesnake, is launched from a fighter plane.
10. Sidewinder Sport - Z - Sidewinder's unique rear steer tadpole got decidedly cheaper in 2006.
11. Others have manually operated sidewinder mechanisms. Older blinds may have pulley cords,(/sidewinder.html) but modern blinds tend to be fitted with chain-operated controls.
12. The fighter jet fired one Sidewinder missile at the Reaper, causing the UAV to crash into a mountain side.
13. The Sidewinder missile can home in on its target with pinpoint accuracy.
14. In 1957, he invented a navigational system that he hoped the military would use in its Sidewinder missiles.
15. From out of nowhere, Nike comes out with the Sidewinder - a pair of slippers that combine the rugged durability of the ACG line, with the environmentally-conscience Considered technology.
16. A statement from U. S. Central Command says Desert Sidewinder opened with 20 simultaneous raids Sunday, using attack helicopters, tanks and infantry.
17. Fox Two - A radio call from a friendly aircraft announcing that he is firing IR Guided Missile such as an AIM-9P Sidewinder.
18. U. S. troops tightened security around several key buildings in Baghdad Sunday, possibly in connection with Operation Desert Sidewinder.
19. A couple of years later, in 1983, it blastedsome Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.




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