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单词 Mantle
1. One's mantle falls on somebody.
2. She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.
3. She will soon inherit her father's mantle.
4. The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.
5. The earth has a core and a mantle around it.
6. A mantle of snow lay on the trees.
7. A thick mantle of snow lay on the ground.
8. The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation.
9. He has been asked to take on the mantle of managing director in the New York office.
10. We watched the building vanish under a mantle of thick grey smoke as the fire swiftly moved through it.
11. The parks and squares looked grim under a mantle of soot and ash.
12. He lit the gas mantle and light beamed.
13. Who will wear the lower-tax mantle in the election?
14. Charles took on Diana's mantle speaking on terminal illness, while she prepared to tread the world stage.
15. Above that a heavy mantle is wrapped all round the body and brought over the head.
16. The mantle was fastened by a series of wooden and bone pins.
17. The latest flushing models of mantle convection have shed new light on what may keep the supercontinents dancing.
18. The box and her mantle fell unheeded to the floor.
19. Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990.
20. It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues.
21. Mabel Boll was exactly the kind of person upon whom Guest was determined the mantle of fame would not fall.
22. Scientists and administrators bickered over whether this should be a continuing program in ocean-bottom drilling or a one-shot drive to the mantle.
23. Only then comes the point where the crust finally ends and the mantle rock begins.
24. This proposed that mid-oceanic ridges represent regions where new oceanic crust is being generated by the upwelling of hot mantle material.
25. Chatri Sophonpanich, the second son, has now assumed his father's mantle.
26. Radiogenic studies indicate that there have been metasomatic enrichment events of comparable antiquity in the mantle.
27. What would happen if this man were to assume the mantle of the most powerful person on earth?
28. When this landmass begins to warm up that section of the mantle, the cycle begins anew.
29. The problem with all these calculations is they assume a homogenous chemical mantle.
30. Comparison of their chemistry with that of magmas erupted on oceanic islands demonstrates the plumes differ chemically from the upper mantle.
1. She unsuccessfully attempted to assume the mantle of presidency.
2. She will soon inherit her father's mantle.
3. The vice-president must now take on the mantle of supreme power.
4. Glasgow has broadened its appeal since taking on the mantle of European City of Culture in 1990.
5. It is up to Europe to take on the mantle of leadership in environmental issues.
6. The earth bore a thick green mantle of vegetation.
31. This suggests that the mare basalts and the highland rocks have both been derived from mantle rocks of intermediate density.
32. A round face with a high forehead, blue eyes, short straight nose, a mantle of shining, fair hair.
33. A marble mantle clock made £170; an Edwardian dressing table £240 and an inlaid writing desk £230.
34. This occurs because rifting of the lithosphere allows hot mantle rock to move towards the surface.
35. Samples of rock from them have provided researchers with most of their knowledge of the chemical makeup of the mantle.
36. That way researchers could see the waves passing through ever deeper layers of the mantle.
37. But whereas the mare basalts are too dense to represent the lunar mantle, the highland rocks are not dense enough.
38. Change-up curves are what Mantle hits out of ball parks.
39. Twisting and turning, roiling and churning, the core and mantle were impinging on one another continually.
40. Observers saw Ochs poised to become the folkie / activist pillar mantle that Dylan had abandoned for rock and less political songs.
41. He left no natural successor to take on the Nehru mantle.
42. Hess mistakenly thought that the oceanic crust consisted of altered peridotite(), the material of the mantle itself.
43. He was tall and skinny, with a high bald forehead and a mantle of long hair half way down his back.
44. Thus, without any change in the composition across the boundary, the phase change produces a temporarily layered mantle.
45. Then another, smaller concentration shows up near the top of the lower mantle, around 745 miles down.
46. The cowrie concentrates its secretion along the sides of the mantle, forming a shell like a loosely clenched fist.
47. Accepting then that the material making up the mantle can behave as a viscous liquid,(/mantle.html) this raises an interesting possibility.
48. At least during the special case of reversals, it may be steered by the mantle.
49. The streets and roofs of the houses were covered with a thick mantle of snow.
50. Three-dimensional blobs slip down into the mantle or rise like fat flames from the surface of the core.
51. The credit card key slithers into a crack built into the door mantle.
52. The new pope was given the name Innocent by the archdeacon and invested with the scarlet mantle which signified his pontificate.
53. In 1990, researchers took an even deeper step into the mantle.
54. Oldham soon realized that P waves diving into the earth were encountering the boundary between the core and mantle.
55. Magmas erupted at mid-ocean ridges are derived from the upper mantle.
56. Stoked by heat, they said, the thick layer of rock known as the mantle could be supple enough to flow.
57. It was one more unmistakable sign that the core and mantle are linked.
58. Combined with simple models of mantle convection, the maps have already thrown new light on sinking slabs.
59. This relative concept of liberty undermines the claim of interests theory to don the mantle of a liberal theory of contract.
60. Hot magma from the mantle would rise to the surface to fill in the crack.
61. A large black and white wader, mantle and wing-tips grey in immature.
62. In a slip of time, the mantle of achievement passed from private enterprise to public works.
63. Seismic tomography showed once and for all that the mantle was indeed in motion.
64. The sports bar is alive and kicking Downtown, and they give Monday Night Football a special place on the mantle.
65. As the plate descends frictional heat is generated between its upper surface and the surrounding mantle.
66. The Saul Syndrome had settled upon me and I was wrapped tightly in his mantle.
67. The shell is secreted by the upper surface of the mantle.
68. According to Wegener, the sial masses of the continents shifted on the earth's actual mantle,() the sima foundation.
69. It extended the web of relationships under the mantle of a few comprehensive terms of relationship connoting close, primordial loyalties.
70. Now he is giving himself the chance to be chosen by direct election again, thus gaining a mantle of legitimacy.
71. An alternative explanation of such uplifts involves the effects of density changes in minerals in the upper mantle.
72. A similar chemical reaction, researchers discovered, could be taking place between the mantle and the core.
73. Because of his brother's hanging, he assumed the mantle of laibon.
74. Mantle compositions that could yield both mare basalts and highland rocks are consistent with the constraints on the interior outlined earlier.
75. For one, Earth has an iron core and a silicate mantle.
76. Inside this box, the hot, red upwellings of the mantle moved past cold, blue downwellings.
77. The roof of the tent begins to glow, like the mantle of a gas lamp turned up very slowly.
77. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
78. Joey held second spot for two laps before Robert assumed the mantle.
79. In this view, hot, insulated mantle wells up beneath a supercontinent, causing it to balloon upward.
80. Against all expectations, it has not taken on the mantle of best pupil in the euro class.
81. The rocks began to assume a mantle of translucent ice that dripped in grey icicles from overhangs.
82. This would drag the underlying asthenosphere along and promote a compensatory upward movement within the mantle under mid-oceanic ridges.
83. At Mount Olympus, the highest point of the massif, mantle rock is visible.
84. Summer adult and juvenile speckled paler; purple gloss on mantle only visible in very good light.
85. The relative abundance of these elements is increasingly being used to trace chemical processes in the mantle, crust, and oceans.
86. The heavy oceanic lithosphere descends into the mantle, beneath the lighter continental lithosphere.
87. In arid and semi-arid regions leaching may be minimal and solutions in the weathering mantle can attain high concentrations of dissolved constituents.
88. Differences in the vegetation cover can affect erosion by direct protection of the ground and by binding the soil mantle together.
89. But the upper mantle, which is crisscrossed by both surface and body waves, is far better understood.
90. He wore that mantle well at Rome University until his retirement in 1978.
91. It marked the point where the solid rock of the mantle changed into molten iron.
92. Nobody looks for the next Mickey Mantle in baseball.
93. Modeling of lower mantle seismic anisotropy beneath subduction zones.
94. The upper mantle behaves as a dense solid.
95. The Tianshan basalts may result from a mantle plume.
96. Panxi Rift with the dome-shaped volcano pattern has undergone three evolutionary processes: the lithosphere dome by mantle bulge, the continental crust dome and the subvolcano-dome.
97. Fluor carbonate minerals from the late stage veins have relatively low carbon and oxygen isotopic values, implying an involvement of mantle derived solution.
98. What is more, Pepin notes, solar gas once embedded in Earth's mantle may have been exhausted long ago.
99. Plunger mantle has a hexagonal structure and also is fitted with special tools.
100. Think upon these things as they are important when you are attempting to throw off your earthly mantle, and move more completely into the Light.
101. The wide spatial and temporal distribution of alkaline magmatism shows that mantle metasomatism is a widespread, long-lived and continuous geological process.
102. A hermit, he wears a camel - hair tunic beneath a dark - green mantle.
103. Occurrence of lying slab on 660 km phase change boundary is mainly due to the higher viscosity contrast between lower mantle and upper mantle.
104. The shoshonitic magma is considered to be the partial melting product of phlogopite -bearing lherzolite in the enriched Mesozoic lithospheric mantle.
105. Their source was like an asthenospheric mantle of ocean-island basalt and geosphere was also involved in the magma rising and eructating process.
106. The researchers think that silicate perovskite — the more prevalent source of iron in the lower mantle — should also exhibit the spin transition zone, although they have not tested it yet.
107. Our result shows the nonuniform distribution of mantle heat flow in China.
107. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
108. In the Late Mesozoic, the strong deformation of Qilian structural domain caused obduction, faulting, and upwelling of hot fluids from lower earth crust and mantle for three times in western Ordos .
109. Over the next three years, scientists will tack on at least an extra mile of drill and attempt the most ambitious mission ever: piercing the Earth's mantle.
110. These magmatic rocks, including basic, intermediate, intermediate-acid, acid and alkaline rocks, came from earths crust and mantle and these both and were controlled by the mantle plume(hot spot).
111. It really does support the idea that plumes are features that come from the lower mantle.
112. This paper introduces a lug mantle and solution of bottom protuberance.
113. This paper deals with the advance in study of the composition, geochemistry and deep seated fluids of lower mantle.
114. The earth is a multi-layered rotating system, which is mainly made up of aerosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, mantle, outer core and inner core.
115. The team suspects the plume is pooling at the boundary between the upper and lower mantle, then snaking its way to the crust below the archipelago before rising to feed Hawaii's volcanic islands.
116. There is a gold-framed mirror over the mantle with a boxed bottle each of Louis XIII and Richard Hennessay cognac on either side of the white orchid centerpiece in black ceramic vase.
117. The later is controled by melting degree upper mantle rock.
118. The magma belongs to the crust mantle mixed type of Archeozoic crystalline basement remelted and recomposed.
119. The results show that the crust and upper mantle structures present obvious lateral and vertical inhomogeneity.
120. When Mon Mothma stepped down from her position of Chief of State of the New Republic due to health issues, she passed on the mantle of leadership to Leia.
121. The diabase and lamprophyre are typical mantle source rock while the granite pegmatite is typical crustal source rock.
122. Mantle plumes induced asthenosphere upwelling and development of magma chambers along deep-sited faults, and thus resulted in fracture eruption of flood basalts on large scale.
123. Gold metallization is very in. tensive in the east upwarpet district of mantle plate.
124. The source area of K-rich magmatic rocks in the Dabie area is closely related to the enriched mantle, while the rocks in the lower Yangtze Valley area are more affined to the lower crust.
125. Ultrastructure of mantle cells in Hyriopsis cumingii Lea was observed with transmission electron microscope.
126. The pale mantle of the Chinese crested tern was the most evident feature from a distance and as we got closer, the yellow-orange bill with a black tip came into view.
127. The study identified two mountain ranges raised almost entirely by mantle flow, according to the authors: the southern Meseta Central plateau in Spain and the Massif Central in France.
128. The neocortex – the six-layered mantle covering the brain's hemispheres – is unique to mammals.
129. The crust and mantle are separated by a seismically determined boundary known as the Moho - discontinuity.
130. My bodice is the color of the peacock's throat, and my mantle green as young grass.
131. He concluded that the depth marked the boundary between a solid mantle and the liquid core.
132. Scientists call this layer of crust and upper mantle the lithosphere.
133. At the very end of the poem, the uncouth swain "rose, and twitch't his Mantle blue: tomorrow to fresh Woods and Pastures new."
134. Like the CORE of earth, the mantle can also be divided into two concentric layers, the lower mantle and the upper mantle.
135. Based on this concept, the effect of cement mantle on the collapse strength of casing and the sensitivity of collapse strength to the parameter variation of cement mantle are calculated and analyzed.
136. The crustal and upper mantle structure of Kunlun-Chaidamu-Qinling-Dabie tectonic zone is studied by using the data available from Chinese Digital Seismographic Network.
137. Put of thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil!
137. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
138. It is inferred that, before explosion, the primary mantle minerals were hydrous magnesium silicate or magnesium-aluminium silicates.
139. Comparing low degree geoid anomaly with mantle density anomaly, The authors think the earth shape asymmetry is mainly caused by lower mantle density inhomogeneity .
140. Originally, it belongs to the syntectic granite series, and about the source, belongs to mixed type of crust mantle having obviously multistage magmatic activities.
141. Through test, the paper studies how to apply granite in freeway antiskid mantle.
142. The study indicates strong composition differences between noble gases from MORB and OIB supporting two-layer mantle structure. Mantle degassing process is controlled mainly by SCD model.
143. That is one of the possible reasons why there is no "high-conductive layer of the upper mantle" in the MT profile from Yingxian to Shanghe, which images the asthenosphere electrical characters.
144. Causes the NGU pathogen mainly for the blister mantle bacteria reconciliation urine mycoplasma.
145. We rotate trinkets and decorative objects on the mantle; shown here is a metal bike made from a soda can found on John's trip to South Africa at a Johannesburg flea market.
146. Shuijingtun gold deposit is located in the central axis of the Zhanjiakou-Xuanhua mantle branch and in the west of alkaline hornblende monzonite in the area of Shuiquangou-Dananshan in Zhangjiakou.
147. The metallogenic source material comes from the upper mantle and the lower crust.
148. The paper studies the chronology and geochemistry of limburgite at Liucheng, Fujian provience, in order to better understand the Cenozoic mantle nature and the geotectonic setting of Fujian.
149. Seamounts form from magmatic eruptions, which occur when lava seeps up to the crust through the partially-melted sub-layer, known as the asthenosphere, in the mantle.
150. The memory image would thus be a man, possibly one's friend, with a silk mantle pulling a golden bough with his mouth and giving it to the incumbent.
151. But when I am discouraged or downcast I need only fling open the door of my closet, and there, hidden everything else, hangs the mantle of Michel de Montaigne, smelling slightly of camphor.
152. The noble gas in the igneous glass and mantle xenoliths is an effective tracer for the earth information, and the research in this field has been developed very fast recently.
153. What scientists have done is to complete the egg model, divided it into 3 parts——Crust, Mantle and Centrosphere.
154. Carbonaceous chondrite planetesimals were adsorbed on the mantle surface of the primitive earth, forming primitive carbon-rich areas.
155. Basinal extension and subduction was related to activity of mantle plume, formation and evolution of mantle plume resulted in geothermal decreasing of lithosphere in the basin.
156. A harzburgite xenolith sample from Paleogene basalts in Shuangliao area of Jilin Province records the information of upper mantle metasomatism.
157. Altun south margin fracture is a regional - rooted fracture reaching upper mantle alongthere are plenty of - ultrabasic rocks.
158. Thirdly, large scale satellite altimetry gravity data is used to analysis the distribution of mantle flowage.
159. This is the key problem for the constraint on the possible composition of lower mantle.
160. Kudi ophiolite suite is composed of ultramafic rocks, gabbro, mantle source granitoid, basic volcanic rocks and flysch. It was formed during Sinian and Cambrian.
161. This had the same impact for me as charting the price of the 1952 Topps Mickey Mantle baseball card: it had allure and mystery because it traded for thousands.
162. It is postulated that a high conductive body exists in the lower crust or upper mantle.
163. This paper reported the result of trace dement composition and distribution at micro area of melt from mantle metasomatism of peridotite in the Shuanggou ophiolite.
164. These anomalies might be due to the temperature variation of subsurface fluid that caused by transmission of long cycle waves through upper mantle or asthenosphere before the earthquake.
165. Mantle slammed his third round - tripper of the day 21 st of the season.
166. Material basement and migration dynamic are two essential problems that have to be answered by the crust mantle hydrocarbon abiogenesis theory.
167. Asthenosphere uplift indicates the deep adjustment process during the interaction of plates(), and also shows the adjusting process of gravitational equilibrium between upper layer of crust and mantle.
168. The basic-factor affecting the content of mantle fluids is oxygen fugacity which is highly related to tectonic setting. Major components of mantle fluid are CO2 and H2O.
169. The mantle source of LGV show typical OIB-signature. It suggests deeper and slower melting of the mantle source for the generation of the Longgang basalts.
170. In Mesozoic, the most important interaction occurred between the crust and the mantle, whereas in the older and Cenozoic it did between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere .
171. Noble gas isotopic geochemistry is a useful tool for studying on mantle degassing and evolution of the Earth′s atmosphere.
172. They try every mean to wrap them in the mantle of lofty thoughts and highbrow pursuits.
173. Under the influence of the subduction, the source mantle of the potassic lamprophyres has a high geothermal gradient and oxygen fugacity.
174. Only one ore sample is compositionally close to mantle inclusion, chondrite mantle or komatiite, indicating the property of deep mantle source.
175. A tentative analysis of the mechanism of mantle circulation flow, continent drifting and earthquake origin is first clearly made, giving a simple mechanics-based explanation of the nature.
176. The intrusive is believed to be syntectic type with its diagenetie materials derived from the lower crust and upper mantle.
177. The mesosphere comprises the rest of the mantle below the asthenosphere.
178. The photos show clearly the black tipped bill and pearl grey mantle.
179. The research of diamond have being promoting the development in the mantle mineralogy, material sciences and gemology etc.
180. The main symptoms of dying Argopecten irradiang and Chlamys farreri were black gill and atrophy of mantle on appearances.
181. The main detachment zone system between metamorphic magmatic complex uplift and cover of the periphery of the mantle branch is good for ore-forming and ore-controlling structures.
182. All these results have shown that an upper mantle diapir had continued to occur during the Quaternary in this area.
183. With such a makeup of mantle gases, Holland says, "you can't outgas the interior to make the atmosphere—the atmosphere has to come from somewhere else."
184. Noble gas isotopic compositions in mantle fluids are associated with their tectonic settings and magmation in deep mantle.
185. Eclogite plays an important role in mantle convection and dynamics in subduction zone.
186. In an interview last month, hard-line separatist leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani claimed the mantle of leadership.




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