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单词 shouting
释义  shout·ing /ˈʃaʊtɪŋ/ noun [uncountable]  1  when people say things very loudly 大声嚷嚷,叫嚷 We heard a lot of shouting and went to investigate. 我们听到一片嚷嚷声,就走过去看个究竟。2. be all over bar the shouting British English spoken used to say that something is almost finished and there is no doubt what the result will be 大局已定Examples from the Corpusshouting• But their attention was attracted to the sounds which arose in the background - a sort of confused hammering and shouting.• They crack jokes, laughing and shouting.• Down the stairs, in the hall, a noise of rough laughter and shouting arose, and grew.• Screaming and shouting are a help, though stress may be transferred to neighbours or family unless they are prepared for it.• The singing and shouting ceased as we did this.• And adults do not need to be on the verge of shouting or crying for these mechanisms to be involved.• Some commentators, however, believe that some of the most important points were lost in the shouting.shout·ing nounChineseSyllable  say loudly when Corpus people things very




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