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单词 shout
释义  shout1 /ʃaʊt/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  [intransitive, transitive]SHOUT to say something very loudly 大声说,喊叫,呼喊 → scream, yell There’s no need to shout! I can hear you! 用不着大声喊叫!我听得见!shout at I wish you’d stop shouting at the children. 我希望你别再对孩子们大声嚷嚷了。shout for We could hear them shouting for help. 我们听到他们大声呼救。 ‘Watch out!’ she shouted, as the car started to move. “小心!”汽车开动时,她大声喊道。shout something at somebody He was shouting insults at the lorry driver. 他对卡车司机大声谩骂。shout something to somebody ‘He’s down here!’ she shouted to Alison. “他在这里!”她对艾莉森大声喊道。2  shout in pain/anger/frustration etc British English to call out loudly 疼痛/气愤/沮丧得大叫 SYN American English scream Al shouted in pain. 阿尔痛得大叫起来。3. shout something from the rooftops SHOUTto tell everyone about something because you want everyone to know about it 使某事尽人皆知,使某事家喻户晓4. [intransitive] to write in capital letters in an email, which makes it look as if the writer is angry 使用大写字母〔写电子邮件,表示生气〕5 shout somebody ↔ down phrasal verb SHOUTto shout so that someone who is speaking cannot be heard 大声喊叫把〔某人的声音〕压下去 An older man tried to shout him down. 一位年纪稍大的人大声地喊着,想盖过他的声音。6 shout something ↔ out phrasal verb SHOUTto say something suddenly in a loud voice 突然大声地说 Don’t shout out the answer in class, put up your hand. 上课时回答问题不要大声喊,要举手。n COLLOCATIONSnounsshout abuse/insultsHe was surrounded by a group of boys who shouted abuse at him.shout obscenitiesThey came to his apartment, shouting obscenities and threatening him.shout slogansThey were carrying placards and shouting slogans.shout ordersThe lieutenant was shouting orders at the workmen.shout somebody’s nameThen she heard Ferdinando shout her name.shout a warningThe man had shouted a warning to other passengers just before the blast.shout for helpI opened my mouth to shout for help.adverbsshout something angrily‘Don’t touch me!’ he shouted angrily.shout something loudlyHe hears the voice of his downstairs neighbor shouting loudly.phrasesshout yourself hoarse (=shout until your throat is sore)Matthew shouted himself hoarse until he was discovered.shout of the top of your voice (=shout as loudly as possible)'Watch out!' he shouted at the top of his voice.scream and shoutPeople were screaming and shouting in the streets.n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with shout• You shout at someone when you are angry with them: My teacher never shouts at us.• You shout to someone when you want them to hear you: He shouted to me to throw down the rope.• You shout for something that you want: They shouted for the driver to stop. THESAURUSshout to say something very loudly 大声喊叫The two men were shouting angrily at each other. 两个男人在互相叫骂。‘Wait for me!’ he shouted. “等等我!”他大喊。yell (also holler American English) to shout very loudly, especially because you are angry, excited, or in pain. Yell is more informal than shout 〔尤因生气、激动或疼痛而〕大声喊叫〔yell比shout更通俗〕The children were yelling at each other across the street. 孩子们隔着街对喊。n‘Steve, are you there?’ Patti hollered up the (out) to shout in order to get someone’s attention 大喊,高叫〔以引起某人注意〕He called her name but she didn’t hear him. 他大声喊她名字,但是她没有听见。‘Is anybody there?’ he called out. “有人吗?”他大喊。cry (out) written to shout something loudly, especially because you are in pain, frightened, or very excited 〔尤因疼痛、害怕或非常激动而〕大喊,高叫,大叫‘I can’t move, ’ Lesley cried. “我动不了啦。”莱斯利大叫。He cried out in panic. 他吓得大叫起来。‘Look what I’ve found!’ she cried. “看我找到了什么!”她高声喊道。scream to shout in a very loud high voice, because you are frightened, unhappy, angry etc 〔因为害怕、不开心或气愤等而〕尖叫The baby wouldn’t stop screaming. 宝宝尖声哭叫个不停。She screamed as she jumped into the cold water. 她跳进冷水时尖叫了一声。 ‘It’s my money!’ she screamed at him. “这是我的钱!”她冲他尖声叫道。roar written to shout in a loud deep voice 吼叫,咆哮The crowd roared their appreciation. 人群中响起一片赞叹声。‘Stop this nonsense!' he roared. “别胡说!”他吼道。bellow written to shout in a loud deep voice, especially when you want a lot of people to hear you 〔尤指希望许多人听到而〕大声喊出He was bellowing orders at the soldiers. 他正在对士兵发号施令。bawl to shout in a loud and unpleasant way, because you are angry or unhappy 〔因为生气或不开心而〕叫嚷,大喊‘What are you doing?’ he bawled. “你干什么?”他大声吼道。The kids were bawling in the back of the car. 孩子们在汽车后座大声嚷嚷。nShe was always bawling at the children.raise your voice to say something more loudly than normal, especially because you are angry 〔尤因生气而〕提高嗓门I never heard my father raise his voice. 我从来没有听到过父亲提高嗓门说话。cheer if a group of people cheer, they shout as a way of showing their approval 欢呼,喝彩The crowd cheered when the band came on stage. 乐队一上台,人群就欢呼起来。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusshout• "Get out of the way!" she shouted.• The companies that follow this principle often don't shout about it, but they are easy to recognise.• They shouted and laughed like tourists, and called out greetings to Langford and Wall.• One day we had just made camp when a local caste of herders came and began shouting and threatening us.• "Get out!" she shouted angrily.• All those people shouting at each other.• Fong turned to Soo and shouted at her in Swahili.• They were shouting at her to get on with it.• I wish you'd stop shouting at the children• These newcomers trotted through the streets-nobody seemed to walk anymore-waving papers, shouting at the top of their lungs.• You don't need to shout. I'm standing right here.• Linda leant out of the widow and shouted out my name.• The drumming disoriented him, the darkness frightened him; he shouted out.• The protesters marched through the streets, shouting slogans.• There was so much noise from the engine that we had to shout to hear each other.shout at• The men shouted at them to stay away.shout2 ●●● W3 noun  1  [countable]SHOUT a loud call expressing anger, pain, excitement etc 〔表示生气、疼痛、兴奋等的〕喊叫(声),呼叫(声) → scream, yell a warning shout 警告的呼喊声shout of Tom gave a shout of laughter when he saw them. 汤姆看见他们,发出一声大笑。 shouts of delight 欢呼声2  give somebody a shout British English spokenSAY to go and find someone and tell them something 告诉某人一声 Give me a shout when you’re ready to go. 你准备好动身时告诉我一声。3  a shout out to somebody informal a message to someone that is broadcast on radio, put on a website etc 〔通过广播送出或在网上发布等的〕给某人的留言 I just want to give a quick shout out to my friend Dave, who’s in hospital at the moment. 我想给我的朋友戴夫简短地留个言,他目前正在住院。4  somebody’s shout British English, AusE informalDFD someone’s turn to buy drinks 轮到某人请喝饮料 It’s my shout. Same again? 这回轮到我请客了,还要同样的吗?5. be in with a shout (of doing something) British English informal to have a chance of winning (做某事)成功在望,有获胜的机会Examples from the Corpusshout• At each round the Confederate artillerymen gave a shout, which seemed surprisingly near.• He gave a shout of joy as he realised he'd won the race.• Suffice it to say that the whisper eventually turned into a shout and the five-foot pile of dirt was reduced considerably.• Lisa's voice rose to a shout.• Just then Angie burst in with a shout of excitement.• A shout made them look up.• You swagger in here, into my lady's chamber, and shout allegations yet show no evidence.• Dowd felt his master's hand on his neck, and heard shouts of horror on all sides.• Just then Grant heard shouts and running feet from various parts of the house, converging on the sounds of gunfire.• There were songs and testimonies, spontaneous sermons and exhortations, joyous shouts and prayers punctuated by sobs and tears.• As we got near the stadium, we could hear the shouts of the crowd.• The urgent shout had come in through his unlatched gate as he was about to take a sip of the broth.gave ... shout• Angel glanced round and gave a shout of warning.• At each round the Confederate artillerymen gave a shout, which seemed surprisingly near.• Suddenly the man called Barakai gave a shout, then charged.• Melwas gave a shout, and swung his sword up for the kill.• Mindy gave a little shout when her name was called.shout1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1shout2 nounLDOCE OnlineChinese  very something to say Corpus loudly




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