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单词 Fortran
(1) Sourced in Fortran it contains several of the features listed above.
(2) In traditional Fortran versions, the language's hierarchical data storage order isn't flexible and can not provide this information.
(3) The corresponding FORTRAN program is discussed as well.
(4) All modules were implemented using the FORTRAN programming language.
(5) A optimal program was compiled by FORTRAN language.
(6) A FORTRAN language statement used to define arrays.
(7) A program was written in FORTRAN for numerical computation.
(8) Real Programmers do String Manipulation in FORTRAN.
(9) The NPES is implemented with SIMAN and FORTRAN language.
(10) The code was written in FORTRAN Language.
(11) I was quite familiar with Fortran and C language.
(12) A package of FORTRAN computer programs for biomedical statistics.
(13) FORTRAN language statement used to define arrays.
(14) Based on the Fortran program DYNA3D. a special program for analyzing three-dimensional impact and contact of barriers and a corresponding post processor are modified and completed.
(15) The FORTRAN definition decided in favor of efficiency to allow either parameter passing mechanism.
(16) In FORTRAN a reference in an arithmetic or logical expression to a previously defined statement function.
(17) In Fortran(http://), procedures after a CONTAINS statement are internal procedures and can only be used within the program unit that contains them.
(18) HPF(High Performance Fortran)is a parallel language based on data partition specification.
(19) A mathematical model and a FORTRAN program were established for simulation of the temperature field of the molten mullite and verified by the measurements in a factory.
(20) The system will also support message passing models such as parallel virtual machine and the high performance Fortran extensions of Fortran 90.
(21) To maintain a high level of performance in modern parallel architectures(), High Performance Fortran also provides non-uniform memory access capabilities.
(22) Numeral calculation have been carried out on vector computer with FORTRAN language.
(23) Popular Linux distributions commonly include a copy of the GNU project's free G77 Fortran compiler.
(24) MATLAB has strong function of matrix calculation and plotting and FORTRAN is still a better software in the large dimension data calculation.
(25) On the basis of the tight-binding approach in the energy-band theory, the EHMO crystal orbit program to be used in a microcomputer was compiled in the FORTRAN language.
(26) Jiangxi Hydrologic Database System (JHDBS) is a large hydrologic information management system using VAX-11 information management system software and host language FORTRAN.
(27) KIVA - 3 V was written for giant computer , using the Cray FORTRAN ( CFT ) and CFT 77 compilers.
(28) The EMD and HH spectrum programs are written in Fortran and Matlab, respectively.
(29) With the purpose to work out the overall failure probability of foundation pit, FORTRAN program has been established to find out the most dangerous slip plane through calculation and comparison.
(30) Finite element analysis of plane, simple and practical, you can compile and run on a FORTRAN compiler.
(31) This method has been programmed with FORTRAN algorithmic language and put into use on FELIX C-256 electronic computer.
(32) However, standard computer languages such as Fortran and Basic can be very difficult to use to write the programs. A special simulation language, known as GPSS, is discussed.
(33) FORTRAN Formula translator is a popular language for mathematical and scientific computation.
(34) The author has compiled a FORTRAN program of the design, and this paper illustrates you the block drawing of the program.
(35) FORTRAN program to generate random convex polyhedron aggregate based on the topology of spherical aggregates and the codes of the mesoscale structured finite element grids of concrete is developed.
(36) The paper presents two methods, CIEMAT/NIST method and a Fortran program, in order to calculate the counting efficiency of a liquid scintillation counting system.
(37) This paper describes a FORTRAN program for producing a perspective dr- awing of an arbitrarily curved surface with its hidden parts removed.
(38) Anecdotes suggest that Linux hosts an increasing fraction of new development; Fortran and Linux often come together on high-performance science-oriented clusters, for example.
(39) Real Programmers do not write in FORTRAN. FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
(40) Based on the characteristic method the numerical experiments are con- ducted by computer using FORTRAN program.
(41) Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden(Sentence dictionary), slow implementation of half of Common Lisp.
(42) We take these for granted now, but Fortran I didn't have them. It had only a conditional goto closely based on the underlying machine instruction.
(43) At present nearly all systems of polynomial manipulation are written by LISP or FORTRAN, and run on a serial computer.
(44) If a lot of Matlab function to be called in Fortran, the Mex file mixed...
(45) Among the active programming languages only Fortran a longer life.
(46) This algorithm has been implemented in SORLAR 16 - 65 computer in Fortran language.
(47) FORTRAN program has been developed in VAX—11/750. The results are given both for simulation and practical data.
(48) BFGS algorithm using large - scale unconstrained optimization problems, the code language for Fortran 77.
(49) Using mix language of VC and FORTRAN to program, the original MT data processing and interpretation program can be fully used for the system.
(50) A simple example is a loop that computes a particular function for multiple arguments, such as the following Fortran program.
(51) The calculations both by hand and by FORTRAN Program show that this method is simple in computation, rapidly recursive and more intuitive.
(52) In this paper, we further discuss the minimum entropy method, pro- vide the calculating formula and FORTRAN program, and give an example to show where to pay attention during calculation.
(53) CSSL-F2 (Continuous System Simulaion Language in FORTRAN, Version 2) isa machine-independent language written entirely in FORTRAN for continuous sys-tem simulation.
(54) Any one technology professionals, as long as a specific issue for the mathematical process of solving a clear concept of the solution process should be translated into FORTRAN language is very easy.
(55) We use Fortran 90 to program the homologous programs, and try to calculate the affection of different burial depth, section length, dot pitch and magnetic intensity to the inversion of the same model.
(56) The results prove that Fortran program of static characteristic in two-degree-of-freedom motor is correct and available.
(57) Conditions for vectorization of FORTRAN DO-loops are discussed in this paper. Based on these conditions, the decision theorems and the algorithm for vectorization are given.
(58) Even among the proprietary compilers and tools, several are available for no charge, including a downloadable form of Intel's 7.0 Fortran compiler for Linux.
(59) Considering that the diameter of the steel wire is discrete, the problem can be worked out with a direct search method and the program is made in FORTRAN language.
(60) The system is a software system that Fortran 90 wrote, adopt the module structure.
(61) This is a collection of mathematical software written in C and Fortran.
(62) Based on the two-dimension theory, a computer code is made in FORTRAN language to design the high specific speed mixed-flow pump.
(63) Furthermore, the corresponding program has been prepared with FORTRAN language.
(64) One city's distribution network's reliability parameters are calculated using a FORTRAN program.
(65) FORTRAN program for the elastoplastic analysis of STCC stub columns under concentric loading is developed and the behavior of STCC stub columns is analyzed.
(66) Real Programmers don't write in FORTRAN . FORTRAN is for pipe stress freaks and crystallography weenies.
(67) It, as well as COBOL , contains the function of data description. Its facility likes FORTRAN.
(68) For example a program written in standard FORTRAN is machine independent.
(69) The FORTRAN program based on this method can run on the microcomputer , and actual calculations show that the method is effective.
(70) You are FORTRAN You are an old-timer who likes math and science. Many have heard of you, but few care about you any more.
(71) It is a large, multi - author, Fortran library for numerical linear algebra.
(72) A program of FORTRAN language is worked out to calculate ventilation system in hydroelectric generator.
(73) By studying the functional properties of index expressions of array elements in FORTRAN DO-loops, a new algorithm, called the associative function algorithm, is developed.
(74) FORTRAN: Procedural computer programming language developed for numerical analysis by John W. Backus and others at IBM in 1957.
(75) In this paper we introduce some FORTRAN real-time statements and FORTRAN real-time functions that are suitable for a certain environment on a home-made computer.
(76) Moreover, a hybrid programming of FORTRAN and assembly language is used for the software system. In this way a fast run speed as well as the various powerful graphics functions have been achieved.
(77) The FFT to the discrete data is implemened by using FORTRAN program.
(78) Fortran is perhaps the most widely used high level programming language.
(79) For instance, suppose the operator received one Fortran job, one Cobol job and another Fortran job.
(80) The software of system was written in FORTRAN and 8088 assembly language.
(81) In this paper research work was summarized as follows:(1)The new random aggregate model of concrete was established by Ansys and Fortran program.
(82) In this paper the counting process of the Hysteresis Loop Counting Method is translated into a FORTRAN program, the time history of load of chassis frame-of the trailer is counted with the computer.
(83) This paper presents an economical algorithm for static storage allocation in FORTRAN implementation.
(84) By adopting FORTRAN language to simulate and calculate the absorbing tower of methylamine tail gas, the filler height and composition of tail gas can be got.
(85) If FORTRAN and COBOL were the first compiled high - level languages, then C is their grandchild.
(86) The display block is developed with 80286- macro-assembly and can be interfaced with FORTRAN to realize graphic functions. It is conveniently used to mechanism display and other purposes.




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