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单词 Press
(1) Where the press is free and every man able to read,all is free. 
(2) They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press.
(3) Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.
(4) The press have been very nasty about him.
(5) A free press is fundamental to democracy.
(6) For two weeks they evaded the press.
(7) He leaked the news to the press.
(8) The opera had a good press.
(9) Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.
(10) We read news in the daily press.
(11) The seat tilts forward(), when you press this lever.
(12) She was besieged by the press and the public.
(13) You must press this button to start the radio.
(14) Press this button to start the engine.
(15) They were hounded day and night by the press.
(16) They're holding a press briefing tomorrow.
(17) Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.
(18) This book is published by Oxford University Press.
(19) I press the thumbtack into the board with thumb.
(20) Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied.
(21) Press the buzzer when you want to talk.
(22) He is frequently misquoted in the press.
(23) The whole sordid affair came out in the press.
(24) They demanded a free parliament and press.
(25) My speech has been misinterpreted by the press.
(26) The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge.
(27) Which switch do I press to turn it off?
(28) Press the button to start the machine.
(29) He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.
(30) The incident has been widely reported in the press.
(1) They crush the olives with a heavy wooden press.
(2) Organizers of the strike are determined to press on.
(3) The press have been very nasty about him.
(4) A free press is fundamental to democracy.
(5) For two weeks they evaded the press.
(6) He leaked the news to the press.
(7) The opera had a good press.
(8) Local feeling does not necessarily concur with the press.
(9) We read news in the daily press.
(10) The seat tilts forward, when you press this lever.
(11) She was besieged by the press and the public.
(12) You must press this button to start the radio.
(13) They were hounded day and night by the press.
(14) They're holding a press briefing tomorrow.
(15) Flatten the dough with a press of the hand.
(16) I press the thumbtack into the board with thumb.
(17) Recent reports in the press have been hotly denied.
(18) Press the buzzer when you want to talk.
(19) The whole sordid affair came out in the press.
(20) They demanded a free parliament and press.
(21) My speech has been misinterpreted by the press.
(22) Which switch do I press to turn it off?
(23) Press the button to start the machine.
(24) He believes that the tabloid press has behaved disgracefully.
(25) The incident has been widely reported in the press.
(26) The story has received scant attention in the press.
(27) The government has imposed strict censorship on the press.
(28) The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy.
(29) He believes that the product's poor image is partly the fault of the press.
(30) The Spanish media were still sniping at the British press yesterday.
(31) The spokesman finally disclosed the facts to the press.
(32) The story has received scant attention in the press.
(33) The government has imposed strict censorship on the press.
(34) The debate in the mainstream press has been a classic example of British hypocrisy.
(35) He believes that the product's poor image is partly the fault of the press.
(36) The Spanish media were still sniping at the British press yesterday.
(37) The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way.
(38) The press was accused of being subservient to the government.
(39) She had kept all the press cuttings about the murder.
(40) The story was reported in the press and on television.
(41) The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
(42) Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.
(43) They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.
(44) Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
(45) The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.
(46) Cambridge University Press arranged a tie-up with the German publisher Klett.
(47) At the concluding press conference, both leaders said that the talks had been constructive.
(48) He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.
(49) Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.
(50) After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press.
(50) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(51) He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.
(52) He is a writer who has often been criticized by the press but never before with such vitriol.
(53) Which button do I press to turn the radio on?
(54) The announcement was made in an impromptu press conference at the airport.
(55) You can't press anything more in the suitcase because it is already full.
(56) Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.
(57) The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons.
(58) The subject got a thorough airing in the British press.
(59) We must press on with the work if we are to finish it in time.
(60) She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information.
(31) The press has been blamed for intruding into people's personal lives in an unacceptable way.
(32) The press was accused of being subservient to the government.
(33) She had kept all the press cuttings about the murder.
(34) The story was reported in the press and on television.
(35) The minister held a press conference in order to pre-empt criticism in the newspapers.
(36) Insert coins into the slot and press for a ticket.
(37) They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer.
(38) Think carefully about what you say: your views could be easily misrepresented by the press.
(39) The gutter press has held the royals up to ridicule.
(40) Cambridge University Press arranged a tie-up with the German publisher Klett.
(41) At the concluding press conference, both leaders said that the talks had been constructive.
(42) He looked relaxed and determined as he fended off questions from the world's Press.
(43) Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.
(44) After the court case Lee was hounded relentlessly by the press.
(45) He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.
(46) He is a writer who has often been criticized by the press but never before with such vitriol.
(47) Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.
(48) The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons.
(49) The subject got a thorough airing in the British press.
(50) She took out an injunction to prevent the press publishing the information.
(50) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(51) Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.
(52) Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale.
(53) I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
(54) Press on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.
(55) His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
(56) Press and hold down the control key while you press '9'.
(57) The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.
(58) A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
(59) In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.
(60) Simply point your camera at the subject and press the button.
(61) Our success was the cue for other companies to press ahead with new investment.
(62) Unlike the American, the British press operates on a national scale.
(63) I'm extremely sceptical about what I read in the press.
(64) Press on the wound with a large pad of cotton wool.
(65) His words to the press were deliberately equivocal - he didn't deny the reports but neither did he confirm them.
(66) Press and hold down the control key while you press '9'.
(67) The press conference was followed by a walkabout and a factory visit.
(68) A full-scale character assassination of the dead woman got underway in the tabloid press.
(69) In an awkward press conference, Mr King parried questions on the allegations.
(70) Simply point your camera at the subject and press the button.
(71) The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom.
(72) According to French press reports, three people have been killed.
(73) As a personal favour to me, please don't release my story to the press.
(74) The public were not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event.
(75) Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court.
(76) One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police.
(77) The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
(78) There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.
(79) The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
(80) Highlight the area of text on screen and press the 'delete' key.
(81) He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.
(82) The new law strikes at the very fundamentals of a free press.
(83) The members of the committee agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem.
(84) Give the button a slight press and the music would die.
(85) Despite his aversion to publicity,[] Arnold was persuaded to talk to the press.
(86) The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.
(87) The government,bear-led by the Press,had decided that this minister must resign.
(88) She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.
(89) The press did a very effective hatchet job on her last movie.
(90) He could not unmake the public image his press agents had so carefully built.
(61) The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom.
(62) According to French press reports, three people have been killed.
(63) As a personal favour to me, please don't release my story to the press.
(64) Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court.
(65) One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police.
(66) The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
(67) There's a big press launch today and you're most welcome to come along.
(68) The minister's provocative remarks were widely reported in the press.
(69) Highlight the area of text on screen and press the 'delete' key.
(70) He hastened to assure us that the press would not be informed.
(71) The new law strikes at the very fundamentals of a free press.
(72) Despite his aversion to publicity, Arnold was persuaded to talk to the press.
(73) The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.
(74) She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference.
(75) I'd hate to be someone really famous with the press reporting my every move.
(76) The event is bound to attract wide press coverage .
(77) The press branded him a liar.
(78) The accommodation for the press was makeshift at best.
(79) We listened in on the premier's press conference.
(80) The foreign minister declared in a statement to the press that he would never submit to blackmail.
(81) Printing visiting cards on a thirty - inch press is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.
(82) As a diplomat, you have to pick your words at a press conference.
(91) I'd hate to be someone really famous with the press reporting my every move.
(92) The event is bound to attract wide press coverage .
(93) Press the buzzer if you know the answer.
(94) He gave the bell another press.
(95) There was a crescendo of parliamentary and press criticism.
(96) Press control and F2 to exit.
(97) This new rotary press prints very rapidly.
(98) She had a friend in the press bureau.
(99) The play got rave praises in the local press.
(100) The poems were printed on a small hand press.
(101) Type your password, then press 'Return'.
(102) He blamed the press for forcing his hand.
(103) She has been harried by the press all week.
(104) Aristide spoke to the press through an interpreter.
(105) The announcement was greeted sceptically by the press.
(106) He does despair at much of the press criticism.
(107) To copy a file, press F3.
(108) The hospital issued press releases hourly.
(109) He made the mistake of underestimating the power of the press.
(110) The government did not deserve the opprobrium heaped on it by the national press.
(111) She hurried her hands to press the papers which were hiked up by a wind.
(112) Last year,[] a civil servant was imprisoned for leaking a document to the press.
(113) President Clinton has been making a full-court press for Catholic voters.
(114) Once again the popular press in Britain has been rife with stories about their marriage.
(115) You must stop the press from finding out at all costs.
(116) This is an automatic press that performs shaping operations, such as bumping, heading and pocketing.
(117) The story was grossly exaggerated by certain sections of the press.
(118) There was a flood of complaints from the press about the bad language used in the special TV show.
(119) Carol held a press conference and declared that she was innocent.
(120) The police called a press conference to appeal for witnesses.
(121) To judge from the press, the concert was a great success.
(122) They like to press wet snow hard to make snowballs.
(123) The press followed the president round the hospital, waiting for a photo opportunity.
(124) The printing press gave power to a few to change the world for the many.
(125) He decided it was the time to press his point home.
(126) He was censured by the council for leaking information to the press.
(127) If he remains here, he'll be away from the press and their probings.
(128) The Finance Minister's fall from grace gave the tabloid press great satisfaction.
(129) Since air has weight, it must press down on the surface of the earth.
(130) The right to deliberately alter quotations is not a concomitant of a free press.
(131) The tabloid press kicked up a stink about his seven-day visit.
(132) I've been bombarded by the press and television since I came back from Norway.
(133) Have you got the poop sheets ready for the press conference?
(134) The prime minister was crucified in the press for his handling of the affair.
(135) Brett is enjoying a honeymoon period with both press and public.
(136) At the press conference, he came over as cool and confident.
(137) The government imprisoned dissidents, forbade travel, and restricted the press.
(138) He belonged to what the press called "The Chelsea Set".
(139) She said if she had the chance to do it over, she would have hired a press secretary.
(140) The press want to sink his bid for the Presidency.
(141) No-one personally acquainted with the couple was permitted to talk to the Press.
(142) Until recently the civil war had been largely unreported in the press.
(143) He was portrayed in the press as a gold-digger and adventurer.
(144) We check prices at the time of going to press.
(145) Press reports revealed that ozone levels in the upper atmosphere fell during the past month.
(146) She had rung off before he could press her for an answer.
(147) The information was given at an unusually well-attended press conference yesterday.
(148) Press the apricot jam through a sieve and stir in one tablespoon of cold water.
(149) The child got lost in the press of people leaving the match.
(150) Shall we press ahead with the minutes of the last meeting?
(151) On this occasion the press have not been intrusive and they have shown great tact.
(152) The story was seized on by the tabloid press, who printed it under huge headlines.
(153) Bank robberies, burglaries and muggings are reported almost daily in the press.
(154) I had to press myself against the wall to let them pass.
(155) She feels she has been much maligned by the press.
(156) He felt the hardness of the iron railing press against his spine.
(157) Like many celebrities, she complained of being persecuted by the press.
(158) These prices are correct at the time of going to press.
(159) The Press was / were not allowed to attend the trial.
(160) All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:07:49