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单词 Relocation
1 The company says the cost of relocation will be negligible.
2 Relocation expenses were paid to encourage senior staff to move to the region.
3 But collegiate relationships dissolve mostly because of relocation.
4 This raises the question of eligibility for relocation allowances.
5 Moreover many firms will use relocation as an opportunity to shed jobs or introduce cheaper and less worthwhile ones.
6 The system relating to the Head Office relocation has been reasonably successful.
7 For now, the question of a relocation will be a matter for the courts.
8 Many of those affected by the relocation had left the south as refugees from the conflict there in the previous decade.
9 A section at the end looks at relocation allowances offered to new recruits who have to move to take up an appointment.
10 Relocation is bound to cause a certain amount of disruption in the running of the business.
11 They were engaged before the relocation and given their induction training in a nearby hotel.
12 The blow was softened somewhat by the relocation of a cream cake factory bringing 700 jobs.
13 A suitable relocation compensation and benefits package also needs to be provided.
14 With adequate resourcing and well designed support systems, relocation can enhance lives.
15 However, over the period of the relocation programme, house prices rose considerably.
16 The relocation of large companies is likely to attract national television, radio and newspaper coverage.
17 Some relocation policies exclude new recruits from receiving other allowances(), such as travel and accommodation expenses.
18 Employee Attitudes to Relocation A lack of knowledge about employees' willingness to move can disrupt the most carefully laid relocation plans.
19 In yet another, complete relocation of the library was under way under new leadership.
20 The relocation officer held departmental meetings during which every aspect of the move was discussed and employees' questions were answered.
21 Relocation is one of the big issues facing the San Francisco Housing Authority.
22 Employee attitudes towards a move may be made more favourable if the employer allows the relocation to take place during school holidays.
23 Some firms do this by giving non-essential workers less generous relocation allowances than those given to key staff.
24 In addition, the original plan called for the demolition of structures found beyond repair and the relocation of displaced homeowners.
25 The Asda cash will be used to cut debts to about £100 million and allow the revamping and relocation of some stores.
26 These steps are likely to result in many employees' worries being reduced and their attitudes towards relocation abroad becoming more favourable.
27 However, a number of companies report that employee attitudes towards relocation under such circumstances are becoming increasingly less favourable.
28 But many fans have said no to perhaps the biggest potential moneyspinner a club can indulge in, relocation.
29 Wilson Emergency payments or services based on specific needs: car repair, relocation expenses, rent and other things.
30 R.S. ran seminars in London hotels bringing in speakers from the relocation area to discuss issues such as health, education and housing.
31 Similarly the redundancy package was geared to match the relocation package so that staff would not base their decision on financial matters.
32 Residents fear a relocation at Hydebank could lead to another attack with massive blast damage being caused to nearby homes.
33 To illustrate the wide variety of allowances and benefits contained within relocation policies, this chapter gives some examples from named firms.
34 Additionally there is a comprehensive benefits package that will include relocation expenses if needed.
35 And in other administrative areas, such as personnel and accounts, most of the supervisory and long-term experienced people opted for relocation.
36 We offer an excellent salary and benefits package, including relocation costs.
37 Relocation or redundancy At the outset R.S. had no idea of how many staff would relocate or how many would choose redundancy.
38 The zones have thus had some success in preventing the relocation or closure of preexisting companies.
39 Some companies also reimburse costs incurred through premature termination of contracts for leased or rented housing as a result of the relocation.
40 The full texts of eight relocation policies from named companies are given as examples of good practice in Appendix 1.
41 Relocation to an area which presented the right company image together with good facilities for employees could ease the problem.
42 Phoenix expects to incur a one-time charge of $ 1 million to cover severance and relocation costs associated with the move.
43 University officials have insisted, however,() they will pay relocation expenses to the businesses.
44 Communication Sun Life appointed a relocation officer at executive level who reported directly to the company's general manager.
45 Even since the war industrial relocation schemes for rural areas have been half-hearted and inadequate.
46 If they leave before the relocation takes place, this could put the employer in severe difficulties with regard to staff shortages.
47 Not all employees are going to react negatively to a relocation abroad.
48 Companies may arrange such loans through a third party - for instance, through the relocation company.
49 However, the contents of a relocation package are not, in the main, considered to be a negotiable item by most employers.
50 This chapter analyses the problems associated with the relocation of organisations and with individuals moving within Britain and overseas.
51 Organisations may also not wish to pay relocation allowances to staff approaching retirement.
52 Senior staff may be offered the services of an independent relocation company.
53 Any relocation depends on a detailed cost/benefit analysis being carried out to ensure that the exercise is truly worthwhile.
54 The Chancellor has also cut back tax relief on relocation packages for employees.
55 Don McCormack, a former newspaper reporter and editor, publishes relocation and general information guides about Northern California counties.
56 Alternatively, they may employ an independent third party, such as a relocation company, to undertake this task.
57 This would involve freedom of information and relocation of civil services to regions along with widespread decentralisation.
58 But property acquisition, demolition, and relocation activities were progressing well in the Booker Washington project.
59 To reduce costs some firms lay down eligibility criteria for relocation assistance.
60 Relocation counsellors - occupational psychologists who are paid by companies to see their senior executives through periods of redundancy - recognise this.
61 One plant closing or relocation is enough to terminate the employment future of an entire city.
62 R.S. used Hill and Knowlton to research the five counties and to help it produce the relocation documentation.
63 News of a proposed relocation should not only be communicated to employees but should also be given to suppliers and customers.
64 The scheme would involve the relocation of the United Bus depot to another site in Darlington.
65 And more men are turning down promotion or relocation in order to give more time to their families.
66 Before taking any decision to relocate, organisations should consider carefully whether relocation is the answer to their problems.
67 Rescue and relocation efforts were still going on.
68 forced relocation to a job in another city.
69 She wasn't going along with our tenant relocation program.
70 Children at Sunday school class, Manzanar Relocation Center, California.
71 Wholesale relocation of residents has become norm than exception.
72 Our shop is having a Big clearance sale Because of its relocation.
73 The relocation was phased with departments relocating separately to the new location.
74 Because the ELF objects are based at offset 0 (until relocation), the convenience variables include the relative offset into the temporary memory block.
75 So questions over acceleration, relocation of resources and resequencing are all inherent and accounted for in the as-built programme.
76 LBJ has to show a South Beach relocation was smart.
77 The meaning and the software realization of the interrupt vector table relocation is introduced.
78 The existing IP address range may change because of the relocation.
79 The city house relocation Control section manages the scene drawing lots at the relocation pep rally to have the estimate organization, and invites the Notary organ appearance notarization.
80 Relocation of syngenetic uranium may explain a characteristic feature of the deposits.
81 OK, fine, I'll let you bankroll the relocation of farmers, and their schools, homes, hospitals, highways, and railroads poleward.
82 To passed through the full consultation mediation still the inextricability relocation dispute, should accept the administrative ruling application promptly.
83 As a result of this relocation, many thriving northern industrial centers became depressed areas.
84 Despite the inclement weather, this critical phase of the relocation exercise was completed successfully.
85 Operating work for all staff job rotation, transfer , and relocation plan.
86 ANQI core business is residential relocation solution to MNC's expatriates.
87 Arriving persons were told that they were merely at a transit stop for relocation further east or at a work camp.
88 When building the relocation table for an executable or shared object file, the link editor catenates those sections to form a single table.
89 The city house relocation Control section should strengthen the relocation permission the management by supervision.
90 In MMU scheme, the value in the relocation register is added to every address generated by a user process at the time it is sent to memory.
91 After the incident, Indonesia Ambassador to ROK embassy door Nicolas La Sida website issued a statement denying relocation information.
92 Our experimental results show that the model for dynamic relocation of component is feasible and efficient.
93 He is a trucker in a moving and relocation company.
94 After the end of the Seminole Wars in 1842, the Seminoles faced relocation to Indian territory near Oklahoma.
95 From the requirements of general urban planning, the bonding pad of Dalian Harbour and Barracuda Bay - Dalian Shipyard has been included in the medium-term relocation plan.
96 "There's massive interest compared to a few years ago, " said Stephen Parnell of WhichEB5, a consultancy that started as a relocation service and now focuses almost exclusively on EB-5 visas.
97 Builds five city civic building relocation estimate organization alternative storehouse.
98 In the meantime, Robert Gates, US defence secretary, has been anything but patient, branding the Futenma relocation non-negotiable and demanding its swift implementation.
99 WPARs are relocated using the MCR asynchronous mobility capabilities, which allow applications and processes inside the WPAR to continue running while relocation takes place.
100 The relocation of objects is done programmatically: This pointer manipulation opens the door to problems of duplication and dangling pointers.
101 After the relocation of companies to settle in Johnston County Lo(http://), and of a mosque.
102 Pet Relocation is the leading pet transportation service company in China.
103 General Airport: The airport relocation Suining , improve general aviation airports, such as flight training function.
104 The linking process performed by the linker involves symbol resolution and symbol relocation.
105 African music continued to be heard, including the use of drums, rattles and contrapuntal vocals, with the musical influences swinging wide on the hinge of forced relocation.
106 There was no way to tell the server, "Take back that bad block relocation error!"
107 A relocatable expression denotes a value that requires relocation at link time, while an absolute expression denotes a value that requires no such relocation.
108 Foreign individuals obtaining a housing allowance, meal allowance, relocation and laundry expenses not in the form of cash or on an actual reimbursement basis.
109 If you want to maneuver foreign exchange fund from other places because of job relocation or inhabitance registration transition, Bank can offer you the inter-city collection of deposit .
110 Even a one-meter rise in sea level would inundate half of Bangladesh's rice-growing land, forcing the relocation of 40 million people.
111 DT_RELA This element holds the address of a relocation table, described in Part 1.
112 The relocation results were compared with that from traditional absolute location.
113 A process of dynamic relocation in which contiguous segments are moved to one end of the memory to combine all unused storage at the other end.
114 For its new premises in relocation to inconvenience ntact you of disputes!
115 Moving Logistics movers relocation transportation warehousing removals routing nationwide factory to dock - door to door service.
116 Foreign individuals obtaining a housing allowance, meal allowance, relocation and laundry expenses in the form of non-cash or on an actual reimbursement basis.
117 The text segment code remains read-only, and all relocation updates are applied to corresponding entries within the data segment.
118 First, large - scale relocation caused massive separation of residents from household registration.
119 The expansion of a road in central Honduras forced the relocation of over 150 bodies.
120 Even without the relocation factor, some people are just not natural social butterflies and as a result, find it tough to have many friends no matter where they live.
121 As a whole, the relocation seems to have been beneficial.




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