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单词 Blurred
1 Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears.
2 The doors and windows were blurred with soot.
3 She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.
4 The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
5 We are all "were", blurred our closest happiness.
6 The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
7 The street lights were blurred by the fog.
8 The writing blurred and danced before his eyes.
9 Tears blurred her vision .
10 His eyes were blurred with tears.
11 Her eyes blurred with tears.
12 Many of the details in the picture are blurred.
13 The photograph was very blurred.
14 Everything blurred as we ran.
15 The tears blurred her vision.
16 The line between fact and fiction is becoming blurred.
17 The fog blurred the outline of the plane.
18 The mist blurred the edges of the buildings.
19 Tears blurred her eyes .
20 Fiction and reality were increasingly blurred.
21 His memory is blurred by his illness.
22 His speech blurred the more he drank.
23 My eyes were blurred with tears.
24 His vision was blurred .
25 Gender differences are becoming more blurred as both sexes become more liberated.
26 Dust blurred my vision.
27 Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.
28 The boundaries between history and storytelling are always being blurred and muddled.
29 For many television viewers the dividing line between fact and fiction is becoming increasingly blurred.
30 The differences between art and life seem to have blurred.
1 Their lazy, blurred voices fell pleasantly on his ears.
2 The doors and windows were blurred with soot.
3 She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision.
4 The sharp outline of the island had become blurred.
5 The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
31 She tried to piece together the blurred details and recollections of the accident.
32 Years of hard living had blurred but not erased her girlhood beauty.
33 Mist blurred the view.
34 Tears blurred his vision.
35 Do you agree that male and female roles are becoming blurred ?
36 Dizziness with blurred or double vision.
37 Newborn babies can see only blurred shapes.
38 Soft tears blurred the image in the mirror.
39 Eyes Blurred vision, double vision, sensitivity to bright lights.
40 The general colour is grey-brown with blurred black rosettes.
41 Problems with the mirrors blurred the telescope's view.
42 The big drawbacks are the blurred speech, tinkly background music and dull presentation.
43 The inability to enter a room that does not have indirect lighting. Blurred vision.
44 When he woke up he had a splitting headache and his vision was blurred.
45 In reality, of course, the 3 versions of the developmental role are blurred.
46 Symptoms include coughing, blurred vision, nausea, fits, faintness and skin rashes.
47 Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.
48 A monochrome landscape, grey under a low grey sky, its horizons blurred by a grey haze.
49 I received a blurred, indecipherable fax that didn't help at all.
50 Economic and political change has now blurred differences between ways of life then distinct.
51 Still, blurred or not, at least there is only one reality.
52 Without my glasses, anything more than a few feet away looks blurred.
53 But the sharp distinction between workers and consumers has now been blurred, since more and more people are both.
54 Frequently, the support teacher becomes the source of all forms of support as the boundaries between education and counselling are blurred.
55 In local news, the battle lines between rival news operations are being blurred even more.
56 The light was too dim, the newsprint wavered, the words blurred together.
57 For example, pressures to commercialism may lead management to replace blurred and ambiguous strategic objectives with clear and concise ones.
58 From the blurred picture you can see the vital point when the clubhead is catching up with the hands.
59 The change process has also blurred the boundaries of the firm.
60 The dividing line between acceptable and anti-social behaviour was often blurred.
61 A thin trickle of blood from the rapidly swelling bruise blurred to pale pink, diluted by the pounding rain.
62 A mug's game, because her mind was blurred and Jessica was far too intelligent, and caught her drift immediately.
63 He believes the truth gets blurred when entertainment takes over the news, as it has.
64 Even then, adjacent areas often merge into each other so that the boundaries are blurred.
65 The distinction between descriptive research and explanatory research is often very blurred.
66 The difference between male and female roles within the house has become blurred.
67 She tried to keep her blurred eyes focused on the sky.
68 Prince, and the artist formerly known as, has long blurred the lines between divinity and getting down.
69 When he tried, all he saw in his mind was a blurred grey oval.
70 But in his second phase the issues of systematicity and method become blurred and the connection with structural linguistics becomes vague.
71 Soon the blurred sketch of the view will disappear and in its place will come an entanglement of lights.
72 The shine of rain on the asphalt blurred abnormally, looking less liquid than electric.
73 Jimmy saw him coming through blurred vision and wished that he could get to his feet(), but he couldn't move.
74 The sun sets and the harsh lines of sun and shadow dissolve into blurred shapes and muted colours.
75 My heart lurched and seemed to miss a beat, but I went on reading calmly, though the print was blurred.
76 First, any distinction between party officials and state officials becomes very blurred.
77 In short-sighted people, images are brought into focus just in front of the retina, so distant things are blurred.
78 Frank slid into second base, wound up with blurred vision and missed the rest of the year.
79 Sufferers also complain of headaches, intermittent blurred vision and vision sluggishness.
80 The focus of the forum blurred into Charter 88's campaign for constitutional reform in general.
81 The emigrants dissolve their pasts in labour, in blurred decades where memory is functionless.
82 Tears blurred her vision as she swung out, hammering on the horn.
83 When ingested, Aldicarb can cause headaches, stomach upsets, diarrhoea and blurred vision.
84 After a few minutes of running through drills, the girls began to complain of headaches and blurred vision.
85 The outsized buildings march into infinity in shades of grey to mauve, blurred by a haze of fumes.
86 The picture of an agency which dispassionately administers scientifically-designed standards is blurred further by organizational practices.
87 The distinction between a haulage company and a freight forwarding company with its own road haulage arm is rather blurred at present.
88 Increasingly, the distinction is being blurred and fusion will eventually arrive in some form.
89 As the name implies, this operation involves emphasizing the boundary or edge features on the image so that it looks less blurred.
90 Peripheral awareness becomes progressively blurred as it recedes from the foveal zone and adjusts to an overall equilibrium.
91 The blurred margin between published and unpublished materials affects all of our work.
92 At some period during his affair the distinctions between the two had become a little blurred in Preston's mind.
93 Like most good myths, some of the details remain blurred, and Devi herself was fond of obfuscation.
94 There are square miles of shifting, sinking sand where the normally clean-cut edge between sea and land has become blurred.
95 For a moment her eyes blurred at the memories of happy days, days of innocence.
96 And thirdly, by distributing company stock to employees it has blurred the capital-labour distinction in a number of firms.
97 Instead of which she found herself having to blink away the sting of tears that blurred her vision.
98 The development of the concept of abuse of power blurred the distinction between merits and vires.
99 The adumbration of pedestrian figures by a kind of blurred notation seems to be entirely new in art.
100 I was facing a mirror that held my blurred image.
101 More generally,(http:///blurred.html) document boundaries may be blurred and a massive body of material may be collected together in one interlinked corpus.
102 Binoculars will show quite a number of globulars, though in most cases only as tiny, blurred patches.
103 But when parenting is shared the lines of responsibility are blurred and formal assessments can lead to resentment.
104 In the distance the several chains of lights indicating the main streets of the city were blurred, like tears.
105 Many chronophotographs combined the virtues of both the blurred and the instantaneous image.
106 The glitter of the street-lights on the damp tarmac was blurred by the thickening fog.
107 In almost all areas of modern life, the internet revolution has smashed down barriers and blurred boundaries.
108 The turbine whined familiarly and the rotors blurred above the cabin.
109 In real life the distinction between sheer brigandage and patriotic guerrilla activities was often blurred.
110 In the above account the distinction between changes in money wages and changes in real wages has been deliberately blurred.
111 Sin has certainly spoiled and blurred it, but man remains a reasoning, moral, creative creature.
112 Then he was kicking, frightened yet enraged, eyes blurred with the tears of his own anger and frustration.
113 All I have to remind me of Albert are a few letters and a blurred photo.
114 However, the field patterns over the land area in the upper left of the image are blurred by the smoothing operation.
115 Vaguely anthropomorphic, although distorted and blurred, they reminded me of some cross between man and beast.
116 These distinctions are necessarily very loose and easily blurred when actual diagnosis is attempted.
117 Caste divisions became blurred; occupation, status, wealth and influence were no longer commensurate with each other or in accordance with legal stipulation.
118 Smoke poured upwards, pale-grey and blurred, like make-up smudged by tears.
119 The 360 degree panorama blurred, and Susan was trapped inside her own skull.
120 The distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is blurred and may affect women disproportionately.
121 There will be blurred distance vision, but the near vision can be good, depending on the type of dislocation.
122 The bright images of individual stars elongated and blurred into melting crystalline shapes as bitter tears pricked in Vologsky's eyes.
123 The nameless one waited outside, its outline blurred by the slow ascent of steam from its clothes.
124 Then a face swam into view above him, filling his blurred vision, as he regained consciousness.
125 Some such understanding, or rather incomprehension, blurred my sight, filled my head with the crashing of the blackest sea.
126 It had both Egan's fingerprints on it and those of Place, blurred but identifiable.
127 The moths blurred at window screen.
127 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
128 The images you see are blurred and misshapen.
129 The light is being bent inconsistently, giving blurred images.
130 The moths tapped and blurred at the window screen.
131 I blurred my report by spilling milk on it.
132 Probably the dividing line occasionally became blurred even in Haig's mind.
133 " This is 4 days before it was not happening, then people "vomiting, blurred vision, especially in children who contracted the skin disease chloracne", a few weeks where everyone evacuated.
134 The impact includes the feeling of drowsiness, disorientation, shakiness , dry mouth, blurred vision and an inability to concentrate.
135 The presbyopic eye is unable to focus light from a near object, creating a blurred image of near objects.
136 The film, which opened in Indian cinemas last week with an adults-only rating, has courted controversy with blurred visuals of a naked woman and voyeuristic sequences in its trailers.
137 Serious side effects may include diarrhea, bloody vomit, haematuria (blood in urine), blurred vision, skin rash, itching and swelling, sore throat and fever.
138 The inscriptions on the stone tablet have become blurred with the passage of time.
139 The call letters on the microphone are blurred out on Internet sites showing the video.
140 Shortsightedness is a common eye condition that causes distant objects to appear blurred, while close objects can be seen clearly.
141 After four years of horse trading and compromise in the grand coalition, the identities of both the main parties had been blurred and many of their voters were disenchanted.
142 Perhaps, it is that twenty - five years , has blurred their memories, while away their yearning for home.
143 For treating weariness, leg - ache, waist - ache, blurred vision, difficult and frequents urination.
144 When the world's greatest living painter can't do justice to his theme, can only render it as blurred and almost unseeable, you get a sense of its enormity.
145 Fundal examination revealed that the left disc was mildly edematous ; however, its margin was not blurred and the appearance of mottled RPE was also noted in the left macula.
146 Good performance is observed with motion blurred image with using the EMM method.
147 The action scenes are hit-or-miss; you wonder whether the filmmakers blurred the images because they didn't have time to get the effects right.
148 His eyes darkened and the crowded flaring streets become blurred to his eyes.
149 And the sound of it blurred his criteria and funneled down his alternatives toward unity.
150 Eye symptoms including photophobia , tears, blurred vision, eye pain and red eyes.
151 The solution proposed here identifies important parameters with which to characterize the point spread function (PSF) of the blur, given only the blurred image itself.
152 But on the doorsill of her home the picture grew blurred.
153 Do complaints of amaurosis fugax and blurred vision after transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defect indicate microemboli to retinal vessels? Ehrlich R. Mutzmacher L. Averbuch L.
154 This has very negative results when the paper is printed on, especially in colour printing processes, where imprecisions in the four-colour process create blurred, poor quality images.
155 In hydrocortisone group, vascular structure blurred with broken branches, meanwhile, there were slight loss of color and decreased density of vessel.
156 Vieira's voice-over does not acknowledge the blurred figure that appears in the background shortly before the three final shots, and makes no mention of Christopher Owens's presence.
157 Drinking too much can cause inarticulate, blurred vision, loss of balance force.
157 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
158 Clinically , all developed blurred vision, 12 had hearing loss, 11 had headache, and 5 had tinnitus.
159 The evidence is blurred by central banks' reluctance to reveal their blunders.
160 Symptoms can include pain, photophobia, and blurred vision secondary to obstructing blood cells.
161 When his survival hopes take another hit the line between reality and imagination become blurred as the sky descends into a flurry of poignant crystal beauty.
162 Their blurred distance vision is caused by over use of the eyes' focusing mechanism.
163 Shenyang East New - Indication: sedation, sedative, for nervous exhaustion, insomnia, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, susceptible to fatigue, malnutrition, poor health.
164 If these pictures are now viewed in the light of that twenty-second year of my life, some features may be discerned even through their crude drawing and blurred colouring.
165 The tears sprung to his eyes and blurred all objects.
166 In the latest ones [mya], though, masks are no longer used, but some of those who are interviewed do have their faces digitally blurred.
167 Patients present with a painful, red eye accompanied by tearing, blurred vision, and photophobia.
168 Acute myopia and secondary angle-closure glaucoma - patients should be cautioned to seek medical attention if they experience blurred vision or ocular pain.
169 With the spreading of Christianity, the iconoclasm gradually infiltrated into icons worship, boundary between the two became blurred and it was difficult to determined the nature of icons worship.
170 In fluoroscopy images, the edges of the objects overlapped and sometimes blurred.
171 Limiting privateers to the activities laid down in their commissions was difficult, and the line Between privateering and piracy was often Blurred.
172 XHTML is the W 3 C's attempt to redraw lines blurred by browser makers.
173 The mahjong tiles blurred before her eyes. Her heart ached unbearably.
174 If you don't want a blurred picture, you'll need to first lock the focus with the subject in the middle and then recompose the picture so the subject is away from the middle.
175 The blurred image is produced when imaging light-wave is disturbed by atmosphere mist.
176 A few blurred images of a weapon labelled KD-88 have been seen prior to this but the CFTE film shows two distinct versions being trialled by Xian JH-7A attack aircraft.
177 Patients may report burning, pain, foreign body sensation, photophobia, and blurred vision.
178 (Strong Words, Bloodaxe, 2000). It is this blurred territory between the self and the other that Burnside has made particularly his own.
179 Disorders of the vestibular system of the inner ear can cause vertigo and shaky, blurred vision.
180 Blurred background and deep blue water make the two flowers very outstanding. Good print.
181 Myopia ( nearsightedness ) is an abnormal elongation of the eye, causing distant objects to appear blurred.
182 Some people may experience blurred distance vision only at night.
183 She believes, but is not certain, the interviewer was from a Hong Kong television station. The call letters on the microphone are blurred out on Internet sites showing the video.
184 With a cathode ray tube display device, when subject to static interference, it will cause the image disorders, blurred not ask.
185 And what were the people around him but so many blurred, misshapen figures?
186 The watery sunshine rested on the walls in blurred and desultory gleame.
187 At this time,(Sentence dictionary) the consumer market and the enterprise market in open platform has become blurred.
188 Both frigates, the Twilight Compunction and the Revenant, filled and blurred the edges of the holographic viewers, their lateral lines powering.
189 The fine lines between journalism, blogging, and writing a book have just become even more blurred thanks to a new tool called Anthologize.
190 Yesterday, in the restaurant , Lorraine had seemed trite , blurred, worn away.
191 If Chalazion great, you can make eyes deformation caused blurred vision.
192 The Greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations.
193 The symptoms of micropsia, metamorphopsia and blurred visiondisappeared in 87 cases.
194 I. Central nervous system. Headache, blurred vision, scotomata, and, rarely, cortical blindness are manifestations of preeclampsia; seizures in a preeclamptic woman are defined as eclampsia.
195 How blurred , by contrast, were the orders of society in Cooperstown ; how unreal, in Melville's Pierre.
196 Images acquired by the micro-vision system are usually defocus blurred images in micromanipulation.
197 At this time, girls will be caught in a slight drop of hypoxia, while showing a haggard eyes, blurred vision, body cramps and a series of so-called mild "symptoms of sexual climax."
198 How blurred , by contrast, were the orders of society in Cooperstown.
199 Moreover NAC can have unpleasant side effects including blurred vision, dysphoria , and gastrointestinal discomfort(9).
200 A blurred facsimile of the ball slices or hooks down the fairway.
201 Better to introduce an analogy: imagine how a coarsely structured image becomes more legible when blurred, like a pixilated figure seen from a distance.
203 Today, the demarcation line between art and design become and more blurred.
204 Do complaints of amaurosis fugax and blurred vision after transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defect indicate microemboli to retinal vessels?
205 Blurred image after image resolution down to the desired value.




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