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单词 Proposal
1. We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
2. The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
3. What do you think of my proposal?
4. The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.
5. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
6. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
7. Is he favourable to the proposal?
8. I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.
9. His proposal is not acceptable.
10. Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.
11. They launched out into a violent debate over proposal.
12. After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.
13. The proposal aroused little enthusiasm in the group.
14. Is he favorable to or against the proposal?
15. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn .
16. The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
17. She made the proposal, and I readily consented .
18. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.
19. A panel of experts has looked at the proposal.
20. Will you approve the proposal?
21. I cannot give my blessing to such a proposal.
22. She refused him/his proposal of marriage.
23. We agreed the proposal was a good one.
24. He opposed the proposal to build a new hall.
25. We can't finish our proposal in time.
26. They are favorable to the proposal.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.
28. We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
29. The boss approved my proposal.
30. After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal.
1. We agreed on a skeleton outline of the proposal.
2. The proposal is gaining more and more adherents.
3. What do you think of my proposal?
4. The proposal proposed by the President was sailed through.
5. The conference approved a proposal for a referendum.
6. They mounted stiff resistance to the proposal.
7. Is he favourable to the proposal?
8. I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.
9. He demurred at a proposal.
10. His proposal is not acceptable.
11. Some of them doubted the feasibility of the proposal.
12. They launched out into a violent debate over proposal.
13. After a short courtship, she accepted his marriage proposal.
14. Is he favorable to or against the proposal?
15. Her fellow teachers greeted her proposal with scorn .
16. The proposal provoked widespread criticism.
17. This proposal will incense conservation campaigners.
18. A panel of experts has looked at the proposal.
19. Will you approve the proposal?
20. We agreed the proposal was a good one.
21. The proposal was firmly rejected.
22. We can't finish our proposal in time.
23. They are favorable to the proposal.
24. There are countless arguments against this ridiculous proposal.
25. We do not anticipate any objections to your proposal.
26. The boss approved my proposal.
26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
27. After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal.
28. The proposal provides a sound basis for a book.
29. I thought she might be interested in Paula's proposal.
30. She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks.
31. The proposal provides a sound basis for a book.
32. I thought she might be interested in Paula's proposal.
33. She pondered his marriage proposal for weeks.
34. They put up a sturdy defence of their proposal.
35. Every council member voted against the proposal.
36. Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn.
37. Is the proposal acceptable to you?
38. I'm afraid it's thumbs down for your new proposal.
39. They will hold a council to discuss the proposal.
40. By any means, we should tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.
41. You have heard the proposal; now go away and think it over.
42. I'm against his proposal.
43. With respect to your proposal, we are sorry to say that we cannot agree to it.
44. Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until April.
45. Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have a veto over any proposal.
46. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.
47. He was the first to break the consensus and criticize the proposal.
48. We look forward to your comments on the above-mentioned proposal.
49. She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal.
50. This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election.
51. When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent.
52. Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.
53. The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
54. Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can begin.
55. We'll only get our proposal considered if we can gain the ear of the managing director.
56. He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
57. It is decided that their proposal will be put before the first plenary session of the congress.
58. We favour your proposal.
59. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
60. The management are putting together a plan/proposal/package to rescue the company.
31. We agreed to their proposal.
32. They put up a sturdy defence of their proposal.
33. Every council member voted against the proposal.
34. Researchers greeted the proposal with scorn.
35. They will hold a council to discuss the proposal.
36. By any means, we should tell him frankly what we think of his proposal.
37. You have heard the proposal; now go away and think it over.
38. I'm against his proposal.
39. With respect to your proposal, we are sorry to say that we cannot agree to it.
40. Further discussion on the proposal will be deferred until April.
41. He submitted his proposal for urban development to the city council.
42. He was the first to break the consensus and criticize the proposal.
43. We look forward to your comments on the above-mentioned proposal.
44. She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal.
45. This proposal is a political time bomb that could cost the government the next election.
46. When the time came to approve the proposal, there were one or two voices of dissent.
47. Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.
48. The committee put forward a proposal to reduce the time limit.
49. Once the directors have given their assent to the proposal we can begin.
50. We'll only get our proposal considered if we can gain the ear of the managing director.
51. He sees the proposal as more of a diplomatic gambit than a serious defense proposal.
52. It is decided that their proposal will be put before the first plenary session of the congress.
53. We favour your proposal.
54. The spokesman said no decision on the proposal was likely in the immediate future.
55. The management are putting together a plan/proposal/package to rescue the company.
56. I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it.
57. His proposal was no jest - he was completely sincere.
58. They could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.
59. Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.
60. Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
61. I read your proposal through last night and I think we'll agree to it.
62. His proposal was no jest - he was completely sincere.
63. They could not gain over anyone to support their proposal.
64. Irving Kristol delivered the coup de grace in a letter dated June 12: they had decided to reject the proposal.
65. Old folk and children alike are all against the proposal, not to mention the youth.
66. She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal.
67. How was the proposal?
68. A frequent criticism of the proposal has been its high cost.
69. I'll send you a fax with the details of the proposal.
70. The proposal is now under negotiation.
71. Reactions to the proposal so far have been adverse/favourable/mixed.
72. We opposed the proposal but to no avail.
73. The proposal has generated a lot of interest.
74. Her proposal met with strong opposition.
75. The proposal was greeted with a chorus of approval.
76. Their proposal seeks to remedy these shortcomings.
77. I was turning his proposal about all day long.
78. Your proposal is being actively considered.
79. Her proposal met with unanimous rejection.
80. Are most people against the proposal?
81. We understand the strength of feeling against the proposal.
82. The proposal was rejected as too costly.
83. Many people challenged the reasoning behind the proposal.
84. The committee, to a man[], adopted the proposal.
85. The committee chucked my proposal out.
86. The main weakness of the proposal is conceptual.
87. Fifteen scientists were massed against the proposal.
88. Their response to the proposal was, at best,[] cool.
89. This proposal is by no means a sure thing.
90. The president has agreed to whittle down his proposal.
61. She cast about for some excuse for refusing his proposal.
62. How was the proposal?
63. A frequent criticism of the proposal has been its high cost.
64. I'll send you a fax with the details of the proposal.
65. The proposal is now under negotiation.
66. We opposed the proposal but to no avail.
67. Your proposal is being actively considered.
68. Your proposal necessitates borrowing money.
69. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
70. The proposal was temporarily tabled due to more pressing business.
71. The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
72. The proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate.
73. The party in office has to negotiate with the parties out of office over this proposal.
74. The man pulled thoughtfully at his pipe before commenting on our proposal.
91. He refused to entertain our proposal.
92. Such a radical proposal would never get through parliament.
93. We hesitated to accept the present proposal.
94. As company secretary, you must tender the proposal.
95. The committee was divided over the proposal.
96. This proposal has attracted a lot of interest.
97. The proposal is weighted towards smaller businesses.
98. The proposal was rejected on a technicality .
99. We've got to put our proposal before the committee.
100. Your proposal necessitates borrowing money.
101. They voted overwhelmingly against the proposal.
102. The original proposal had been mothballed years ago.
103. A new proposal followed on from the discussions.
104. They reject the proposal as a matter of principle.
105. She accepted his proposal of marriage.
106. The majority voted in favor of the proposal.
107. The entire committee will talk over the proposal.
108. How many people voted for the proposal?
109. The proposal has received a generally favourable reaction.
110. The new proposal has several holes in it.
111. If you're agreeable to our proposal, we'll go ahead.
112. The proposal went nowhere in the Senate.
113. The Democrats rejected the referendum proposal.
114. The proposal was defeated by just one vote.
115. The proposal borders upon the absurdity.
116. The committee supported her proposal, without qualification.
117. The proposal was met with outright hostility.
118. Green's proposal provoked a firestorm of protests.
119. We hold that their proposal is just and reasonable.
120. Opposition to the proposal cuts across party boundaries.
121. The committee were unanimous in rejecting the proposal.
122. Your proposal is acceptable, as we all predicate.
123. I'm not entirely happy about the proposal.
124. We hold that their proposal is unfounded.
125. The proposal is currently being canvassed.
126. He put the proposal to his wife.
127. The proposal has been embodied in a draft resolution.
128. Opposition to the proposal came from predictablequarters.
129. The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.
130. The proposal has drawn the ire of local residents.
131. The proposal requires careful examination and consideration.
132. There is a strong constituency of support for his proposal.
133. If Bridget is agreeable to the proposal, we'll start the project in June.
134. The new proposal would create a reserve pool of cash.
135. Your proposal will be put to the board of directors.
136. The proposal seems designed to break opposition to the government's economic programme.
137. She argued with such vehemence against the proposal that they decided to abandon it.
138. Local residents were angry at not being brought in on the new housing proposal.
139. It was an embryo idea rather than a fully worked proposal.
140. The proposal was temporarily tabled due to more pressing business.
141. The British government used its veto to block the proposal.
142. Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the president.
143. As the author of the proposal I cannot agree with you.
144. What is the Municipal Authority's attitude to the proposal of a tunnel across the river?
145. After a three-weekend courtship, Pamela accepted Randolph's proposal of marriage.
146. The committee are looking at the merits and demerits of the proposal.
147. His proposal has been laid before the board of directors.
148. The mother flatly rejected my proposal that she meet her daughter tomorrow.
149. Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense.
150. She made clear her objections/made it clear that she objected to the proposal.
151. The proposal was approved by both the House and the Senate.
152. No one was more zealous than Neil in supporting the proposal.
153. There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.
154. After careful consideration of your proposal, I regret to say that we are unable to accept it.
155. The government's proposal has set alarm bells ringing for people on low incomes.
156. He has a novel proposal of his own for meeting unemployment.
157. The new proposal is in line with our general line.
158. The United States is certain to reject the proposal as a non-starter.
159. I don't know what head office will think about this proposal.
160. The tax proposal is really a side issue with us.
161. Can you recap the points included in the regional conference proposal?
162. There was a solid vote in favour of the proposal.
163. I'm sure she will be in sympathy with your proposal.
164. This latest proposal appears to veer in the direction of Democratic ideals.
165. The proposal will go ahead despite strong objections from the public.
166. I'll chew your proposal over for a few days and then let you have my answer.
167. The committee voted on the proposal, and accepted it unanimously.
168. I welcome the proposal to reduce taxes for the poorly paid.
169. The proposal to build a new road through the forest was voted down by the local council.
170. Members of the committee have come out in opposition to the proposal.
171. The proposal had made his clients sit up and take notice.
172. The dialogue and acting in Indecent Proposal are tired, cliched and corny.
173. The party in office has to negotiate with the parties out of office over this proposal.
174. The proposal could put 3p on a loaf of bread.
175. Any proposal must be seconded by two other members of the committee.
176. I felt I'd been bounced into supporting a proposal I didn't really agree with.
177. The councilor's proposal didn't succeed because his argument failed to carry conviction.
178. I've read your proposal and given it some serious thought.
179. Some of them still stood out even the rest had agreed to accept my proposal.
180. To say that the proposal has no disadvantages at all is patently untrue.
181. It lies with you to accept or reject the proposal.
182. Draft a proposal for the project and we can discuss it at the meeting.
183. They have agreed to the proposal in principle but we still have to negotiate the terms.
184. There are fears of a hidden agenda behind this new proposal.
185. This proposal was analogous to/with the one we discussed at the last meeting.
186. The British government would not stand in the way of such a proposal.
187. The man pulled thoughtfully at his pipe before commenting on our proposal.
188. They dallied with the proposal for days, but finally refused it.
189. The proposal is to pay everything you owe, so that you can start with a clean slate.
190. An overwhelming majority have voted in favour of the proposal.
191. Environmental groups have given a guarded welcome to the Prime Minister's proposal.
192. Everyone should put pencil to paper and complain about the proposal.
193. We'll put together a proposal, including detailed costings, free of charge.
194. They rejected our proposal, so it's back to the drawing board.
195. They have returned with a watered down and more acceptable version of the proposal.
196. They've rejected our proposal, so it's back to the drawing-board, I'm afraid.
197. Might I draw your readers' attention to the dangers in the Government's proposal.
198. The proposal offered both sides a way out of the diplomatic impasse.
199. She said she would commend the proposal to the Board.
200. She asked me to check the draft of her proposal.
201. Robinson called the proposal a quick fix of limited value.
202. They required / received approval for the proposal from the shareholders.
203. Your proposal is under consideration.
204. C Indonesian confrontation against the Singapore Malaya merger proposal.
205. There was no ulterior motive in his proposal.
206. He is leery of our proposal./proposal.html
207. The proposal borders upon the absurd.
208. I make a motion to a accept their proposal.
209. This time the proposal was couched as an ultimatum.
210. The top brass turned thumbs down on the proposal.
211. Your counter proposal unarguable act as originally designed.
212. Therefore, the proposal abolish national holiday system.
213. The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture.
214. I unreservedly subscribe to your proposal.
215. Hasn't the conclusion been confirmed that Nanking's peace proposal is hypocritical?
216. United States House of Representatives rejects proposal to give women the right to vote.
217. Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.1 is accept - able to us.
218. But when it became clear that this would knell for Cryos, tax authorities withdrew the proposal.
219. He has no credibility. We have to be leery of his proposal.
220. His proposal is that all machines here are well lubricated.
221. He felt that there was something indecorous in her proposal.
222. On second thought, she rejected his marriage proposal to finish college.
223. The enrichment proposal is part of a plan suggested by the International Atomic Energy Agency.
224. In fact, however(), there is no talismanic significance to the word " proposal ".
225. This will overcome a psychological mental block to the longevity insurance proposal.
226. We have discussed your proposal and we have to say your price appears unworkable.
227. The new proposal is quite a different kettle of fish from the last one.
228. He made such a cornball marriage proposal that the girl laughed out loud.
229. Businessmen of every stripe joined in opposition to the proposal.
230. The House and Senate held subcommittee hearings, but the proposal received no further attention during 1973.
231. The reason of this was perhaps that Isabel offered no resistance whatever to Madame Merle's proposal.
232. Then, also put forward the proposal to prevent objective incapability of procedure of execution.
233. My research proposal was The Rate of Memory Trace Decay and its Effect on Eyewitness Accuracy.
234. The citizens were stamping on the new tax hike proposal.
235. He had expected criticism but not the invective which greeted his proposal.
236. The proposal was part of the overall tax bill which was vetoed by former President Bush.
236. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
237. In short, Knox's proposal was ill conceived and naively made.
238. I'm totally against the proposal of making transshipment at Hong Kong.
239. They thought that the proposal would make it easier for employers to layoff workers.
240. " Your proposal is tantamount to calling off the general strike!
241. President Obama is expected to formally unveil the proposal today.
242. Finally, it put forward some proposal on protecting trade secret in practice.
243. We based our proposal upon a traditional Chinese courtyard house typology.
244. Not certain, target of mammary gland molybdenum is smooth piece can differentiate cancer, the proposal checks.
245. Hello, the hospital on the proposal is checked, suit the remedy to the case, interrogatory doctor!




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