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单词 Niggle
(1) He gets the occasional niggle in his right shoulder.
(2) It's difficult for him not to niggle.
(3) Our lawyers will niggle over every little detail of the case.
(4) My only niggle is that they should have told me sooner.
(5) So why is there a little niggle at the back of my mind?
(6) Don't you feel even a slight niggle about the morality of your experiments?
(7) I don't react anymore when opponents try to niggle me.
(8) You tend to niggle at your partner, and get hurt when he doesn't hug you.
(9) And that's my only other niggle, really.
(10) He'd meant to stay longer, but a wee niggle in his mind made him return early.
(11) He used to niggle at me for being a capitalist farmer and I got at him for being an unemployed commie.
(12) And the editor is the only area to niggle with, really.
(13) My only niggle is that the seams on the top of the shoulder are quite prominent and uncomfortable.
(14) I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.
(15) The life we have built together is more important than any minor niggle either of us might have.
(16) Almost as if he believed his story ... And she herself started to feel another niggle of doubt.
(17) Time may sort it out for me, but meanwhile I have to live with its niggle.
(18) We had tremendous difficulty getting the agreement signed Every clause was niggle over.
(19) Surely, I thought, the Messiah himself - if he should ever come - won't niggle over nickels and dimes.
(20) What should a Russian - free Afghanistan be called? This is no niggle.
(1) I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.




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