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单词 meal
释义  Related topics: Foodmeal /miːl/ ●●● S2 W2 noun  1  [countable]DF an occasion when you eat food, for example breakfast or dinner, or the food that you eat on that occasion 一餐;饭 We must have a meal together some time. 我们一定要找个时间一起吃顿饭。 Dinner is the main meal of the day for most people. 晚饭是大多数人一天中的主餐。2. [uncountable]DFTA grain that has been crushed into a powder, for making flour or animal food 〔谷类的〕粗磨粉 → bonemeal3  make a meal (out) of something British English informalTOO/TOO MUCHDIFFICULT to spend too much time or effort doing something 花费过多的时间[精力]做某事,对某事小题大做 He made a real meal out of parking the car. 他为了把车停放好真肯花时间。 COLLOCATIONSverbshave a meal (=eat a meal) 吃饭We usually have our evening meal fairly early. 我们一般晚饭吃得挺早。eat a meal 吃饭When they had eaten their meal, they went out for a walk. 他们吃完饭就出去散步了。cook/make a meal (also prepare a meal formal) 做饭Who cooks most of the meals? 饭多数是谁做的?serve a meal 提供饭食The bar serves snacks and meals. 这家小吃店提供小吃和饭食。nfix a meal informal especially American English (=make a meal)go (out) for a meal 出去吃饭nHow about going out for a meal tonight?take somebody (out) for a meal 带某人(出)去吃饭nHe took Anna out for a meal and then to the theatre.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + mealan evening/midday meal 晚饭/午饭The evening meal is served at 7.30. 晚饭7:30供应。the main meal 主餐,正餐They had their main meal at lunchtime. 他们的正餐是午餐。a three-course/five-course etc meal (=a meal with several separate parts) 有三道/五道菜等的一餐饭a three-course meal, including appetizer and dessert 有三道菜的一餐,包括开胃菜和甜食a good meal (=a meal that is large enough and tastes good) 一顿美餐We’ll get a good meal there. 在那儿我们将美餐一顿。a decent meal/a square meal (also a proper meal British English) (=with enough good food to satisfy you) 相当不错的饭菜/丰盛的一餐nI hadn’t had a decent meal in big/large mealWe don’t have a big meal at lunchtime, usually just sandwiches.a hot meal 热饭(菜)nWith a hot meal inside me, I began to feel better.a delicious meal 美味的一餐n‘It was a delicious meal, ’ Merrill said politely.a heavy meal (=with a lot of rich food) 不易消化的一餐nA heavy meal is likely to make you feel sleepy.a light meal (=with not a lot of food) 便餐na light meal of salada simple meal 简单的一餐,便饭na simple meal of soup and breada balanced meal (=with some of each type of food, to keep you healthy) 均衡的膳食nWe make healthy, balanced meals for our gourmet meal (=one with very nice and often complicated food)The day ended with a gourmet meal in a good slap-up meal British English informal (=a good meal)Jennie cooked us a slap-up full meal (=a complete meal)I’m not hungry enough to eat a full healthy mealHealthy meals can still be quick and easy to prepare.a school meal (=provided by a school) 学生餐nMany of the children are receiving free school meals.nregular meals (=ones that are eaten at the same time each day)Patients are advised to eat regular meals.COMMON ERRORS ► Don’t say ‘take a meal’. Say have a meal. 不要说 ‘take a meal’. 而要说 have a meal.n THESAURUStypes of mealbreakfast a meal that you eat in the morningbrunch a meal that you eat in the late morning, instead of breakfast or lunchlunch a meal that you eat in the middle of the daytea British English a meal that you eat in the afternoon or eveningdinner the main meal of the day, which most people eat in the eveningsupper a small meal that you eat in the evening, in British English; the main meal that you eat in the evening, in American Englishpicnic a meal that you eat outdoors, consisting of food that you cooked or prepared earlierbarbecue a meal that you cook outdoors over hot coals or wood and eat outdoorssnack a small amount of food that is eaten between main meals or instead of a mealside dish food eaten with the main course, such as vegetablesI’ll have the salad as a side dish.course one of the separate parts of a meal, such as the starter or the desserta three-course mealparts of a large mealhors d'oeuvre (also starter British English, appetizer American English) the small first part of a meala tempting plate of hors d'oeuvres including olives and small pieces of roast beetrootmain course (also entrée especially American English) the main part of a meal. entrée is used especially on restaurant menusFor the main course we had cheese and onion pie. The menu includes a few hot entrées.dessert (also pudding British English or sweet British English) sweet food eaten at the end of a mealWhat do you want for dessert?They serve a wide range of desserts, including ice cream and home-made apple pie.Examples from the Corpusmeal• Would you like to go out for a meal sometime, Emma?• It was Lisa's birthday so we took her out for a meal.• All meals are available in the Feathertonehaugh dining room.• You shouldn't exercise after a big meal.• Jeff cooked us a delicious meal last night.• Wipe kitchen counters after each meal.• Having informed him that the evening meal was at eight, the proprietor took himself off, leaving Karelius with his thoughts.• We had an excellent meal in a Chinese restaurant.• a five-course gourmet meal• We usually have our main meal in the middle of the day.• It's eight dollars for my meal, without the tip.• I usually have one meal a day with Mom and Dad.• Many of these patients claim that they can not be fat because they eat only one meal a day.• The other things must be matters connected with the sacred meal.• The hotel was nice, and the meals were really good.• She began to cook the meal, briefly wondering how her own household was coping without her.• Miriam was silent all through the meal.• From seven grateful clients, Project Open Hand soon grew to a charity serving eight thousand meals a day.Origin meal 1. Old English mæl “time, meal”2. Old English melumeal noun →COLLOCATIONS1 →n THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese  eat occasion for breakfast an example when Corpus you food,




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