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单词 Sector
1. The enemy have attacked the British sector.
2. It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.
3. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
4. In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money.
5. The banking and finance sector was booming.
6. The export sector will aid the economic recovery.
7. The public sector borrowing requirement is expected to rise.
8. Rocard set himself to reform public sector industry.
9. This is a double wham-my for public sector workers.
10. A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.
11. These jobs are disproportionately concentrated in the service sector.
12. The news gave a fillip to the telecommunications sector.
13. The property sector was another casualty of the lurch towards higher interest rates.
14. The sector dam broke and its water drowned the entire valley.
15. Much of the workforce in the banking sector is/are affected by the new legislation.
16. The private sector, by contrast, has plenty of money to spend.
17. Teachers in the state sector are asking for a 7% pay rise.
18. A large service sector and a small manufacturing sector would tend to inhibit growth in the economy.
19. More than 17.6 million firms compose the business sector of our economy.
20. Salaries in the public sector are expected to fall by 15% this year.
21. The private sector is increasing its spending so sharply that the economy is overheating.
22. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector.
23. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.
24. The new government's policy is to transfer state industries from the public sector to the private sector.
25. The company believes there is scope for expansion in this sector.
26. Job losses in manufacturing were balanced by job increases in the service sector.
27. The new salary deal for railway workers will be a bench mark for pay settlements in the public sector.
27. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
28. It is the largest ever private foreign investment in the Bolivian mining sector.
29. The latest figures show a clear growth trend in the service sector.
30. Regrettably, he resorts to the familiar numbers game when he boasts that fewer than 300 state enterprises currently remain in the public sector.
1. The enemy have attacked the British sector.
2. It is essential that the public sector orientates itself more towards the consumer.
3. The government is prioritising the service sector, rather than investing in industry and production.
4. In the financial sector, banks and insurance companies have both lost a lot of money.
5. Many scientists working for the government have left for greener pastures in the private sector.
6. Policemen, bankers and butchers are all lumped together in the service sector.
7. A small manufacturing sector inhibits growth in the economy.
8. The sector dam broke and its water drowned the entire valley.
31. The Government is making the taxpayer pay to fatten up a public sector business for private sale.
32. In the industrial sector, there are still relatively few women on the shop floor.
33. Hungary may have to lower its hopes of shrinking its state sector.
34. British commercial television has been steadily losing its lead as the most advanced sector of the industry in Europe.
35. We started out by looking at ways in which big projects such as railways could be financed by the private sector.
36. What is the total oil output from the British sector of the North Sea?
37. Public transport is run in direct competition with the private sector.
38. The government continued to believe it should give free rein to the private sector in transport.
39. This sector is one of the major growth areas and we cannot afford to neglect it.
40. The government plans to sell the railways piecemeal to the private sector.
41. Public sector pay is also in line to be hit hard.
42. There are good prospects for growth in the retail sector.
43. She's earning a reasonable wage, but nothing to what she could if she was in the private sector.
44. Local communities have been neglected in favour of private sector interests.
45. These figures compared with a sector average of -90.
46. Then he got the public sector borrowing requirement wrong.
47. There was no respite for the beleaguered retail sector.
48. Its use subsequently spread to other public sector analyses involving a comparison of costs and benefits over time.
49. In the tertiary sector, particularly financial services, the development of a single financial market may have important employment consequences.
50. The report would normally comment on the structure of the sector, the sector output, the major competitors and market shares.
51. In 1991 Zurich bought Genevoise Assurances to bolster its domestic position in the life-insurance sector.
52. The public sector continued to grow through a process of bureaucratic accretion financed by economic growth.
53. Nurses in that sector have to cope with the effects on their patients of poor housing conditions and a deteriorating social fabric.
54. But this sector has been beset by problems, and the evidence suggests that they have yet to be properly ironed out.
55. This extreme version of the distrust of government has often been manipulated by the corporate sector to block passage of government regulation.
56. Any new facilities constructed will closely resemble the facilities of commercial sector health clubs such as David Lloyd Centres or Esporta.
57. These claims are now examined by considering the position of each sector in turn.
57. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
58. Of this sector, electronic parts and components manufacturers made the smoothest transition to commercial markets.
59. Indeed, as chief executive Corrado Passera pointed out, Olivetti has a history of investment in the personal communications sector.
60. This will force up private sector interest rates and reduce private-sector borrowing and investment.
61. Services can be contracted out or turned over to the private sector.
62. The monetary sector now comprises those institutions subject to the Bank's supervisory powers under the 1987 Banking Act.
63. Many managers of similar funds are unwilling or not allowed to make very big bets on a particular market sector.
64. Teachers in state schools must adopt some of these selling techniques if history is to flourish in the state sector.
65. The department is reported to be formulating ideas for new mechanisms to raise money from the private sector to pay for clean-up.
66. In Akron and elsewhere, vibrant city governments are those that work in partnership with the private sector.
67. For sheer enjoyment of climbing at this standard the routes on the Clapis sector the Dentelles de Montmirail take some beating.
68. Locally and nationally, the expanding software and computer applications industrial sector offers challenging and rewarding employment prospects.
69. One of the problems is that once the commercial sector has been legitimated, it is difficult to limit its growth.
70. By this means capital equipment employed in manufacturing is owned by the services sector.
71. In the private sector, decision making can be guided and implemented by considerations that are subject to reasonably accurate escalation.
72. In particular, the Czechoslovakian agreement carries a cultural clause which covers conservation, training and special events alongside the audiovisual sector.
73. The initial increase in liquidity from the sale of government securities to the banking sector is given by item 1.
74. The figures also show the fact that the growth of foreign currency business has been primarily located in the wholesale banking sector.
75. There will be no outcry from the corporate sector about the disarray in the accountancy profession.
76. These data reflect, to some degree at least, activity within the hospital sector.
77. It is responsible for ensuring the smooth working of the banking sector and other financial institutions.
78. The commercial banking and finance sector was booming as of September 1991.
79. The point is that various combinations of government and private sector organization, finance and production are possible.
80. The health sector provides community nursing, long-stay care and day hospital places as well as acute beds.
81. It abandoned incomes policy in the private sector, seeking only to keep pay increases to public employees tightly under control.
82. The sector with which we are here concerned was thus an exceptional breach in a hitherto all-male part of the labour market.
83. In the public sector there is also the added dimension of the politician-official relationship.
84. It has gone on reducing the fantastic levels of public sector borrowing requirement that were reached under the last Government.
85. The Catholic sector is unable to accept such a view.
86. It hopes its own order book is solid but knows that double ordering is going on in the sector.
87. These effectively buttressed the sector against the kind of cutthroat competition raging amongst operators.
88. Private sector firms tend to be more efficient than public sector firms,(http:///sector.html) provided both operate in markets facing strong competition.
89. There will also be further reforms in the banking sector, plagued by corruption allegations.
90. This means that if the voluntary sector does not take action, virtually nothing gets done.
91. Private sector organisations have had difficulty making similar arrangements work effectively.
92. It reformed the judicial system, buttressing its independence, and introduced parliamentary scrutiny of important public sector contracts and appointments.
93. Second, the development of advanced capitalism produced both a large oligopolistic business sector and a large oligopolistic labour union movement.
94. The core of the sports industry is the sports goods sector: sports equipment, sports clothing, and sports shoes.
95. But it has been buffeted by the recession on two counts: it is in the south-east and in the services sector.
96. Seek private sector and alumni support in increasing scholarship funds.
97. Expansion in the service sector has been considerably smaller than the decline in manufacturing.
98. I welcomed the opportunity to spread the word and to broaden my knowledge about management approaches in the private sector.
99. They still remain by far the biggest group although most use is concentrated in the academic library sector.
100. The financial sector prepared itself for full deregulation and open competition with foreign institutions.
101. Although the White paper states the importance of the informal sector there are few concrete proposals as to how this will develop.
102. Many market analysts expect the sector to continue to climb in 1996, benefiting in part from the colder weather this winter.
103. He said spiralling public sector borrowing was the greatest threat to a sustained economic recovery.
104. The cuts add to the increasing bloodshed in the property sector.
105. They are paid on the basis of their superiors' assessments of performance, as in the public sector.
106. The overall profile of Clio customers during 1992 makes an interesting comparison to the average for the supermini sector.
107. Its activities were largely focused on telecommunications, the heavy electrical sector and on defence electronics and avionics.
108. Public sector borrowing requirement is forecast to rise from £37 billion this year to £44 billion next year.
109. In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.
110. He identifies the reasons for the emergence of the problem: Three factors have contributed to blurring these sector boundaries.
111. The future for the advanced industrial countries lies increasingly in a proper balance between manufacturing and the service sector.
112. A number depend upon special arrangements with one or more local schools, in either the state or the independent sector.
113. The following detailed breakdown is designed to help those wanting to fund out more about awards available in a particular sector.
114. Other measures show little commitment by government but provide opportunities for flexible provision by the community sector.
115. Moreover in the present context apart from factor rewards, output levels per firm in the manufacturing sector are also equalized.
116. This desire in the commercial sector to create a solid, established identity reflects the rise of the chain store.
117. The three-month trend shows sterling lending to the private sector averaging only about £1 billion a month.
118. The journal Public Money and Management contains topical articles covering the whole of the public sector.
119. Sydney: Continued activity in the banking sector helped the All Ordinaries index to close 7.4 points higher at 1,(http:///sector.html)743.4.
120. The sports hall of a public sector facility is used more for aerobics classes than was the case ten years ago.
121. The business population Businesses constitute the second major aggregate of the private sector.
122. Hence, many public sector operating statements do not only show actuals but also budgets and comparisons of actuals with budgets.
123. The more private the good, the more likely it is that the commercial sector will provide the additional output demanded.
124. The private developers have pursued the investment route with regard to the shopping centre, and to smaller sector shopping centres on particular estates.
125. Other measures include a special needs capital grant to be aimed at projects provided by voluntary organisations and private sector care providers.
126. It recognised the significant contribution to the quality of the environment made by members in the public sector.
127. Under such circumstances it is not surprising to see that the commercial sector can not compete.
128. These advanced studies build into the planning model information which is specifically relevant to a chosen retail market sector.
129. The regional overviews will form the background for detailed case studies of the engineering sector.
130. Crompton offers several different case studies where charges of unfair competition are made by the commercial sector provider against the government agency.
131. The first section reviews the major methods of capital project appraisal currently used by private sector companies.
132. Government chief executives, like their counterparts in the private sector, have overall responsibility for how their organizations perform.
133. Such growth, he reckons, will centre around local government, although the private sector is also showing some interest.
134. The 1970s saw the beginning of serious and substantial attempts to understand and improve the financial reporting practices of public sector organizations.
135. Chain superstores are crowded, yet the fastest-growing sales sector by far is on the Internet.
136. The project aims to contribute to increasing understanding of industrial relations in the public sector.
137. A member of the mineral trade association is being sought to ensure that there is also adequate linkage with the commercial sector.
138. Each sector and the separate segments were then analysed according to performance - pre-tax and turnover - and market valuation.
139. Not coincidentally, all three of them had been previously successful in the private sector and made major career changes in midlife.
140. Just because you shop at the local indoor mall does not make you an expert on the retail sector of the economy.
141. In the last decade the private sector has started to develop the amount of residential and nursing home care it provided.
142. What has also emerged, however, is that private sector attitudes and techniques can not easily be transplanted into central administration.
143. Mr Patten hinted that extra cash for public sector housebuilding will go where shortages are greatest.
144. Announcing the proposals Education Minister Michael Ancram acknowledged the importance of the voluntary sector as a source of independent advice.
145. Weisbrod argued that this type of non-profit is most similar to the commercial sector.
146. But the number of students per school in the state sector is considerably greater than in the private sector.
147. The monetary sector as a whole can not gain balances by bidding for deposits.
148. In real terms,(http:///sector.html) industrial production in every sector was 86.5 percent of the comparable period in 1991.
149. It must therefore remain an open question as to whether the local economy is sufficiently robust to attract private sector capital.
150. Is he further aware that since 1979, 2 million of our fellow citizens have lost their jobs in the manufacturing sector?
151. Nevertheless, obsession with the size of public sector borrowing requirements began at this time.
152. For the commercial sector, advertising revenue has represented an ever-growing pool of funds.
153. Some of his closest aides have been handpicked from the pharmaceutical sector.
154. There can hardly have been any business sector with so many strong contenders for it as the banking sector.
155. Conclusion Commitment and firm action are necessary in order to improve the standard of financial accountability in the public sector.
156. In September several senior officials were dismissed or reprimanded for poor work in the consumer goods sector.
157. This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
158. A manufacturing strategy was developed to strengthen the international competitiveness of Glasgow's manufacturing sector.
159. Government policies from 1979 have focused attention on the private sector.
160. The nationalization of the electricity sector followed 22 years later, bringing the full energy spectrum under state control.
161. The private sector service industries make only a small contribution while the public services make none.
162. Stocks sold off sharply amid fears of disappointing earnings in the technology sector as well as continued concerns over the budget stalemate.
163. If this trend continues, building societies are poised to provide a greater competitive challenge to the retail banking sector. 2.
164. If you find the concentration more than your risk tolerance allows, look for a value fund or one in another sector.
165. In other words, imported goods and services help maintain consumption levels in the marketable sector.
166. Little is known about the attitudes of older people towards the services offered by the acute hospital sector.
167. The army use a large acreage in the northern sector of the Pentlands as a training area and rifle range.
168. The private sector also offered an alternative system for delivery of urban Services.
169. Our city challenge and other inner-city initiatives were enthusiastically received by local authorities and the private sector - particularly in the north-east.
170. Small farms in the public sector have been grouped together in cooperatives to gain all the benefits possible from size and concentration.
171. Because of the wide range of problems that the public sector faces there will be different approaches to planning in different situations.
172. The private sector must be given a fair chance to compete for local authority contracts.
173. The foundry sector has been chosen to provide contrasts with more growth orientated sectors, such as(), chemicals and consumer electronics.
174. Last year, it won large outsourcing contracts worth more than Pounds 700m-mostly in the public sector.
175. Yet the campaign for foreign capital has foundered, except in the mining sector.
176. But the private sector had the pivotal role as the provider of jobs and the builder of the new urban resource base.
177. Indeed, the coal industry as a whole would be put at risk through premature shutdown of the opencast sector.
177. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
178. The displacement of oil in the industrial oil boiler sector would then be complete.
179. Lower interest rates designed to pep up the corporate sector threaten to add more fuel to the consumer boom.
180. If any sector commands attention for the immediate future of food, it is the women.
181. However, rapid changes are sweeping the sector and trends remain flexible.
182. The majority are adult women workers in below-average-income families laboring in unskilled jobs, often in the retail sector.
183. The private sector often complains about public enterprise, arguing that government should not compete with business.
184. Will those relying on the home market, particularly in the public sector, be ready to face the new competition?
185. It forbids bribery or kickbacks in any form to anyone in the public sector.
186. There are two important distinctions to be made in the type of business done in the banking sector.
187. Jobs in the state sector are allocated by examination, but in reality the system is riddled with nepotism and clientism.
188. That amount is topped up by a substantial contribution from the private sector in the form of loans.
189. The government concentrated on efforts to stimulate economic growth and industrial investment and to enlarge the role of the private sector.
190. The problems faced by the agricultural sector were offset by continued growth in the non-traditional manufacturing areas such as garments.
191. And yet private sector organisations are also political in the sense of competition between ideas and individuals within the organisation.
192. The decision to avoid this sector was consciously taken, but now Boyden is moving into recruiting in investment banking.
193. In Zurich, stocks eased, led down by the chemical sector.
194. There is also a problem in delineating this sector since self-employment is considered such a crucial factor.
195. Local car dealer Cowie, now regarded as the quality stock in the sector, also outperformed the market strongly.
196. He said interesting and constructive submissions on franchising had been received from the private sector and these were being examined closely.
197. The fall in record sales during the 1980s has damaged the newer sector of the industry more than the major companies.
198. The other development which caused consternation was the beginning of large public sector deficits.
199. Drought has caused further problems in the agricultural sector, both for domestic consumption and exports.
200. But this sector was the first to feel the heat of intense competition and spiralling development costs.
201. Moreover,() the refrigeration sector is fragmented and offers considerable scope for expansion by acquisitions.
202. Spicer points out that the sector has thrived in a bull market but the advertising boom may be coming to an end.
203. It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.
204. But the lack of finance in all but the commercial sector is inhibiting.
205. However, there are many public sector organizations which are unlikely to adopt current cost accounting.
206. This chapter analyses government policy towards private sector firms that are necessarily imperfectly competitive.
207. The political clout of the primary education sector in the struggle for resources is clearly limited.
208. The size of the service sector is an impediment to economic growth because it depends upon inflation to a considerable extent.
209. This then puts pressure on private sector borrowing, with the rise in interest rates inhibiting private sector investment and investment-led growth.
210. Within the civil service the Priestley pay bargaining system was abolished which linked civil service pay to rates in the private sector.
211. In the business sector, the users' needs approach to accounting theory has been adopted in a number of authoritative statements.
212. Rising capital growth also helped the retail sector retain its high return of 10.9 percent, again with rentals holding steady.
213. Although the voluntary sector still possesses a relative production cost advantage over the commercial sector, this advantage is narrowing.
214. In the public sector, many managers have liberal arts degrees in public administration or one of the social sciences.
215. I am sure you will find it extremely beneficial whatever sector of the industry you are employed in.
216. A number of studies based primarily upon private sector organisations have analysed the impact that these variables will have.
217. The Gladstonian principle that public sector budgets should be balanced - increased expenditure met by increased taxes - was the accepted rule.
218. A major policy aim of the government has, therefore, been to reduce public sector borrowing.
219. Industrial ReD in the public sector is a relatively new phenomenon and the expectations from it are not very clear.
220. This issue comprises an extensive effort to apply economic modelling techniques and other analytical approaches to policy issues in a specific sector.
221. Employing organisations within this sector are a mixture of local and international companies competing within a relatively static market.
222. With Thames privatised, it is a private sector project with appropriate incentives paid to workers who achieve their targets.
223. It is important that we bear these differences in mind when we attempt to analyse the formal nature of public sector organisations.
224. The Centre aims to maintain a strong focus on those questions affecting the voluntary sector and to maintain close links with it.
225. The lowest level of growth will be in the household and small consumer sector.
226. It will be seen that the bulk of the funding for the discount market comes from banking sector institutions.
227. Cohen anticipates more applications for the Internet coming forward to drive that sector to new gains.
228. Predictably, this putative development has aroused considerable opposition within public sector higher education.
229. In public sector schools in the late 1980s(), shortages of government funding were bringing pressures to charge fees.
230. Another example of resource constraints in the service sector is the shortage of trained motor mechanics required by garages.
231. In the public sector, the coal industry and the whole sphere of public administration and defence both appear.
232. The former political coalition which directed support towards the skilled working class in the private sector had begun to dissolve.
233. In the white sector, 94 percent of primary school pupils were aged twelve or below.
234. Sources of welfare are the family, the voluntary sector and the private market rather than central or local government agencies.
235. In addition, the public sector typically has more explicit and stringent value systems that emphasize legislatively based notions of ethics and codes of conduct.
236. They tend to be in the upper 10 % of their business sector.
237. Telecom industry is the first natural monopoly in public sector where the structural reform is implemented.
238. Since at current prices consumption rose by 16% and disposable income by 13%, there was evidently a fall in the rate of saving in the private sector of the economy.
239. Differing actors - the unions, employers, the private sector, federal or centralised governments - play different roles.
240. Of culture ministry make known his position to mean a government sector to will be in tutelar people fictitious belongings respect make relevant provision.
241. Small cap outperformance indicates confidence in economic recovery, since the sector has a more cyclical mix than blue chips.
242. The northern border of North China massif is an important sector of goldfields in China.
243. There is also a possibility: the emergence of the hard disk bad sector.
244. Instead of addressing sectors by cylinder , head, sector address they use LBA ( Logical Block Addressing ) mode.
245. But to be effective, these partnerships must be self-aware collaborations that utilize the strengths of each sector.
246. The action of a mutual fund or portfolio manager shifting investment assets from one sector of the economy to another.
247. MC: Which kind of business sector do think have great opportunities right now?
248. The implications of some technical options for decarbonizing the UK domestic sector are explored.
249. The sector address specified by upper layer must be scaled properly.
250. Lek and western sector Hongqi Triangle in Zhongshan City, Shunde County town a water separated.
251. They also have, as their corollary, the phasing out of all "faith" schools within the state sector.
252. In the naval sector Oto Melara hopes to win a contract for the supply of its naval guns, while Wass is a finalist for a contract concerning the delivery of 100 heavy torpedoes.
253. As a new technology of food manufacturing, Microwave puffing tech no logy is becoming widely use in food industry, especially in snack food sector.
254. According to Mincer′s two sector model, the economy can be divided into the minimum wage covered sector and the non-covered sector.
255. Being the key factor to influence the global consumer market, the price factor has always been the most important sector to affect the competitive strategies for the companies.
256. Industrial sector, focusing on the development of electronic electrical, food processing and other eco - industrial.
257. How that interrelationship between society and the private sector operates and potentiates greater scaling of innovative responses to the HRH crisis is not understood.
258. To centralize the external communication and international cooperation affairs in the sector of securities and futures.
259. The report, Towards universal access: scaling up priority HIV/AIDS interventions in the health sector, also points to other gains.
260. The public sector accounts for about a quarter of the fees Hays receives worldwide.
261. Accrual Accounting & Financial Reporting in the Public Sector: Reframing the Debate.
262. The unitary transformation to achieve the dual economy the central issue is the transfer of the agricultural sector labor force.
263. Although the plans focus on developing China's high-tech sector, they also include increases in state funding to popularise science, and to improve scientific training in rural areas.
264. Certainly bad loans at Chinese banks and massive off-balance sheet debt in the financial sector are legitimate worries.
265. To promote the nautical culture of American and patriotism, annual American nautical festival takes the lead by the government sector have solemnization activity.
266. The worship of Tin Hou constitutes a significant sector of the local consumption.
267. Bad Mark Block: A bad sector mark was found in the ID field of the sector or an Interface CRC error occurred.
267. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
268. Cover the basic information of Chinese chlor-alkali industry and the sectors related with chlor-alkali sector.
269. Even before the global financial crisis hit late in 2008, the Vietnamese government was already working to halt galloping inflation and investment due to an overheated real estate sector.
270. For example, in India where the overall growth rate is nine percent, but the agricultural sector is 2.2 percent," Heyzer said.
271. Is coordinated various sector executive management decision and the routine work, pushes the significant item.
272. The Company's line combines machine a number of advantages, with the precision manufacturing can play its full production capacity, high precision, productive sector of the production is shaping tool.
273. For the state sector, its role is shifting from provider of limited and fragmented services to subsidizer, regulator, monitor and provider in some fields.
274. Nativism is the rational selection for the third sector on the view of relationship between government and the third sector.
275. It is a story of a woman who looked at the privilege that the independent sector offered and decided that she wanted better than that for her children in Tower Hamlets, East London.
276. The acquired business will be merged with Palintest Limited, based in Gateshead, UK, which is one of Halma's Water analysis businesses within our Health and Analysis sector.
277. Bloom's appointment follows news that the U.S. manufacturing sector had expanded for the first time in 18 months and had the highest monthly output in two years.
278. This paper discusses the problem of traces processing when the search radar gets targets dots that is from the same sector.
279. The JUCCCE Blueprint uses collaborative Web features to catalyze international and cross - sector partnerships.
280. We should use information upgrade industrial sector and to promote the advancement of productive forces.
281. "Dairying is a very good means of improving livelihoods, especially for poor farmers," says Simon Bell,(http:///sector.html) World Bank sector manager in the South Asia region.
282. The experiment course of principles of metallurgy is an important sector of undergraduate teaching. The course has the features as practicalness, intuitiveness, comprehensiveness and creativeness.
283. If we don’t think twice about carrying a boatload of debt in our personal lives, we will elect people who don’t mind carrying debt into the public sector.
284. "I'd been a cufflink wearer for a long time and grew tired of seeing a lack of innovation in the sector," says media entrepreneur Anthony Hayward.
285. The IT sector, down 1.6 percent, was the biggest underperformer, followed by the materials and telecoms.
286. The development of production technology, the improved quality and improvement of production management in cigarette paper sector of China paper industry are introduced.
287. Whether or not the US economy has hit a recession, one thing is clear these days: Uncertainty is in the air, and it affects nearly every economic sector, including the job market.
288. For example, in 2009, China's retirement-system assets – national social security, local government retirement benefit plans, and private sector pensions – totaled just RMB2.4 trillion ($364bn).
289. Funds that took it on the chin last month were generally those that turbo-charge the already potentially risky sector.
290. Last year, China successfully reversed plummeting sales in its auto sector with policy measures that included a purchase tax cut on smaller-engine vehicles.
291. In terms of our sector, we expect consumer loans and credit cards to continue to get worse.
292. Publicity is the critical characteristic of government which is different from private sector.




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