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单词 Leasee
1. Rent: any cost payable by the Leasee to the Leasor in order to be granted the use right of the Leased Vehicle as well as related services.
2. The Leasee shall also pay the Leasor the expenses the insurance company is not responsible to compensate.
3. If the Leasee offers guarantee with deposit, the deposit shall not be used to set off the rent. After the contract is fully performed, the deposit shall be returned to the Leasee.
4. If the Leasee requires to add other sorts of risk, the Leasor may execute the formalities as an agent at the expense of the Leasee.
5. The Leasee shall be responsible to compensate any other indirect losses caused by any infringement or illegality against the subject during the lease.
6. Upon expiration of the lease, the Leasee shall return the Leased Vehicle and effective certificates on schedule.
6. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
7. Otherwise, the Leasee shall pay for the repair cost thus caused as well as the operating losses of the Leasor during the repair (losses as 80% of contractual rent).
8. Leasee: a natural person, a legal person or any other organization entering into a contract of auto lease with the Leasor and being granted the use right of the Leased Vehicle.
9. Where the work conducted after 19:00, the Leasee shall provide supper, or RMB 30 for lunch fee.
10. It shall not include any fuel cost, toll, parking fee, penalty for breach of regulations occurring in the use of the Leased Vehicle by the Leasee.
11. In the event of violating the traffic security rules, the Leasee shall accept the punishment within 5 days of notification.
12. Guarantor: a third party who assumes relevant responsibilities on behalf of the Leasee in the event of failure of performance by the Leasee of the obligations agreed in the auto lease contract.
13. Rent shall be paid in cash. If the rent or deposit is paid with check, the Leasee can only draw the vehicle after the Leasor confirms that the payment has been made to his account.
14. Leasor: an enterprise with a business license and a permit of auto lease operation to offer automobile lease service for the Leasee.




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