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单词 Therapy
1. I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.
2. Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
3. They discuss their problems in group therapy sessions.
4. A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.
5. Joining a club can be a therapy for loneliness.
6. She needed speech therapy after she suffered severe head injuries in a car accident.
7. Mention sex therapy and most people will titter in embarrassment.
8. Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
9. She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
10. The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.
11. The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
12. Her condition is not responsive to drug therapy.
13. Physical therapy is an important adjunct to drug treatments.
14. What you need is a bit of retail therapy!
15. I went into therapy because my doctor suggested it.
16. Some cancers are treated by radiation therapy.
17. Counselling was given as a primary therapy for depression.
18. Group therapy classes have been his salvation.
19. Bright-light therapy is used as a surrogate for sunshine.
20. Therapy helped her overcome her fear.
21. He will have to have shock therapy.
22. Rob was in therapy for several years.
23. The therapy has helped people with clinical depression .
24. He is having therapy to conquer his phobia.
25. The drug therapy has not succeeded.
26. I needed a lot of retail therapy to help me get over my ex-boyfriend.
27. therapy for the handicapped.
28. It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
29. The doctor said she should be given a physical therapy.
30. The hotel's new Spa offers every kind of rejuvenating treatment and therapy.
1. I underwent aversion therapy for my addiction to smoking.
2. Physical therapy alternates with chemical.
3. They discuss their problems in group therapy sessions.
4. A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy.
5. Joining a club can be a therapy for loneliness.
6. She needed speech therapy after she suffered severe head injuries in a car accident.
7. Mention sex therapy and most people will titter in embarrassment.
8. Most patients undergo some sort of drug therapy for leukaemia.
9. It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
10. She will now begin occupational therapy to regain the use of her hands.
11. The scientists are cautious about using enzyme therapy on humans.
12. The next stage in the economic shock therapy will be freeing energy prices.
13. The doctor said she should be given a physical therapy.
14. We used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy.
31. Despite what many people think, aversion therapy is no longer used by professional psychologists in this country.
32. She used cognitive therapy on her client to try to inhibit those negative thoughts which were damaging his self-esteem.
33. I'm a great believer in the benefits of this form of therapy.
34. The book gives you a flavour of what alternative therapy is about.
35. We used a combined regimen of injection treatment and radiation therapy.
36. She felt better and the psychiatrist took her off drug therapy.
37. Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.
38. Research has shown that hormone replacement therapy can reduce the risk of fracture by 50 to 60 per cent.
39. If Arthur was attracted here by the prospects of therapy, John came down purely and simply to make money.
40. Speech therapy helped correct her lisp.
41. Remember to see your doctor before undertaking vitamin therapy.
42. Medication can be a useful adjunct to physical therapy.
43. Another, more controversial form of treatment, is neutralization therapy.
44. Is it amenable to psychotherapy or gene therapy?
45. Thus gene therapy may be feasible for these patients.
46. The FDA has approved Crinone for progesterone therapy.
47. He got therapy at school for articulation and comprehension.
48. Most cricket schools prefer group therapy.
49. What we practised was aversion therapy.
50. Such a search is not germane to therapy.
51. He got divorced and went into therapy.
52. The women also receive individual and group therapy.
53. After several years of therapy,() Deanna was finally able to forgive her father.
54. Eight patients were studied in detail and were given supervised exercise therapy.
55. It has taken therapy and training as a counsellor for me to begin to tackle them.
56. The remaining units make dialysis equipment and provide renal therapy to treat kidney disease and ease transplants.
57. Severe lipaemia in an undiagnosed diabetic will usually resolve with the institution of insulin therapy and effective diabetic control.
58. Pharmacological studies also indicate that these two forms of complementary therapy act through different pathways.
59. Male speaker One of the concerns of gene therapy is that other tissue will be affected.
60. Clearly, until these questions are answered, gene therapy will be reserved for life threatening diseases.
61. When the uremia is severe enough to warrant dialysis, this therapy usually results in a correction of the serum calcium concentration.
62. When this point is reached, the patient is classified into a different category, for which therapy is clearly indicated.
63. I've never found therapy to be a sign of weakness; I've found the opposite to be true. The willingness to have a mirror held up to you definitely requires strength. Brooke Shields 
64. Insulin therapy is started if blood glucose levels remain elevated despite following these measures.
65. The only treatment is symptomatic and supportive therapy and using sedatives to control convulsions.
66. The outlook for pharmacist initiation and modification of drug therapy.
67. They combined domestic, personal care, and specialist skills, taught by other professionals, such as physiotherapy, or speech therapy.
68. This diet now forms the basis of the Gerson Cancer Therapy.
69. Chemically based methods of attending to disease and their toxic effects will soon be replaced by electro-magnetic therapy on a global scale.
70. This is discussed in the following section on bromocriptine therapy.
71. Renal function also progressively deteriorates during high dose therapy, leading to both oliguria and electrolytes disturbances.
72. But I was not of that age, had no desire to learn programming languages, and had undergone game aversion therapy.
73. In the chronic therapy of hypercalcemia caused by increased bone resorption or increased intestinal calcium absorption glucocorticoids are effective.
74. They meet in a daily group therapy session, and very quickly become lovers.
75. Diet, therapy, exercise... It's all part of the cult of self-improvement.
76. The two charities have worked successfully together, advancing occupational therapy in the drug detoxification centres.
77. Thus, it seems most reasonable to PostPone drug therapy of primary hyperuricemia until clinical manifestations occur.
77. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
78. Drug abuse cannot ever be eliminated by law, and medical therapy can only be effective for those who are extremely determined to quit taking drugs. Dr T.P.Chia 
79. A creative approach to the use of family therapy techniques with later life families is to be encouraged.
80. I have had counselling, bereavement counselling, psychotherapy, drug therapy, and hypnotherapy.
81. Taken together, the studies are a clarion call to doctors to make drug therapy safer.
82. Or it may take a more structured approach drawn from cognitive therapy techniques.
83. Using the scoring method of Palmeri, good myocardial function was preserved until therapy was delayed beyond 180 minutes.
84. To correct imbalances arising internally within the organism requires the use of a therapy which can counteract such imbalances.
85. The various ways to accomplish this are the techniques and arts of therapy.
86. Hamlet re-visited, or Art aspiring to the condition of group therapy for the chattering classes?
87. Adler paid less attention to the unconscious mind and more to goal-directed therapy.
88. His thinking has affected modern approaches to therapy and to counselling and education.
89. Berkowitz said a portion of the money paid to her clients would be earmarked for therapy and counseling sessions.
90. Mthough there is some evidence that this recovery is hastened by speech therapy, it may also occur without any therapy.
91. The first, Thomas F.. Eagleton, was axed after it was disclosed he had undergone electric shock therapy for depression.
92. It can take years of therapy to undo early childhood conditioning.
93. Gelsinger died from the treatment in September, in what is believed to be the first death caused directly by gene therapy.
94. Therapy based on these questions can be wonderful and effective for help with a wide variety of emotional or cognitive problems.
95. Adjunctive therapy with salmon calcitonin can be given in a dosage of 200 units every 6 hours.
96. All but one patient exhibited the response while on interferon therapy.
97. They reject help from outside agencies which they see as interfering and so often show a poor response to therapy and intervention.
98. She runs a natural therapy business in nearby Brereton Heath.
99. Stop therapy if side-effects are severe and seek medical assistance Give prescribed anti-emetics.
100. In such a case, pain and emotion can eventually be contacted, after which therapy is more beneficial.
101. It can sometimes be difficult to decide when to start antibiotic therapy.
102. For those afflicted by headache, many alternative therapy options are available which focus more on prevention rather than treatment.
103. Thus, for several reasons, combination therapy with artemisinin or a derivative makes therapeutic sense.
104. The therapy works by increasing the healing and life energy within the body, bringing about better health.
105. I started therapy because of a lot of unresolved conflicts in my childhood.
106. The modification of dysfunctional attitudes is a key concern in Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy.
107. The physiotherapists, newcomers who had gotten a tremendous boost from Sister Kenny,(http:///therapy.html) championed physical therapy.
108. The most rational therapy in these conditions is calcium supplementation and vitamin D replacement.
109. Even if all goes well, it is unlikely that gene therapy treatment will be available for at least 10 years.
110. Medical therapy of diarrhoea caused by chronic radiation enteritis has been largely empirical and there have been no adequate controlled studies.
111. Mr and Mrs Key are said to be grief-stricken and still undergoing therapy after the loss of their baby sons.
112. Twelve of these children received previous antibiotic therapy for various reasons, with possible inadvertent effects on the diagnosis of H pylori.
113. Disseminated histoplasmosis can be treated effectively if the diagnosis is made quickly and anti-fungal drug therapy is started early.
114. Without drug therapy she risks developing liver cancer, which would make a transplant her only hope of survival.
115. Only the benefits of estrogen replacement therapy have been clinically proven: It guards against heart disease and osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.
116. In this sense cognitive therapy might sometimes serve a preventive function.
117. Psychotherapy and group therapy - as an out-patient or in-patient - may also be prescribed.
118. The second is that his treatment of psychotic patients fulfils most of the criteria for an ideal milieu therapy.
119. The two-phase therapy was designed to restore respiratory muscles so breathing could be accomplished without mechanical assistance.
120. In therapy he began to examine carefully the reasons for his previous passivity.
121. In others, the general hospital psychiatric service will be able to provide aftercare, including where necessary, family therapy.
122. Miss Geller's handicap is barely noticeable after three years of physical therapy.
123. Some of them are returned to normal prisons before they ever make the intensive group therapy regime.
124. He made up his mind to participate in the group therapy sessions he had been sitting through mutely.
125. Were he alive today, Tchaikovsky would be a candidate for psychiatric counseling and drug therapy.
126. Prophylactic therapy to avoid acute gouty arthritis should accompany the initiation of allopurinol therapy.
127. Thus, therapy for a particular ailment may specifically be excluded from a policy, whilst surgery would be covered.
128. Radiation, coming along shortly thereafter as a therapy method, reinforced this concept of cancer as a local body problem.
129. But besides estrogen therapy there are no medical therapies known to stop the hot flashes and improve sleep.
130. In their entirety the cognitive therapy techniques of Beck and his colleagues offer a complete system of psychotherapy.
131. Demanding oral triple therapy eradicates H pylori in up to 96% of patients treated but does have considerable side effects.
132. Therapeutic counselling for long-term problems - these may be triggered by the fertility problem and sometimes need outside referral to marital therapy.
133. Because the disorder is specific to B cells, it may be a candidate for somatic gene therapy.
134. All this makes a complex pattern, but complex in therapy only if one does not know the source of aberration.
135. In addition, none of the patients had been treated with bismuth preparations or with immunosuppressive therapy.
136. Ludington plans to introduce the therapy into the transitional care unit that caters to preemies at the University of Maryland Medical Center.
137. We believe therefore that the available evidence strongly supports the use of full-dose aspirin as adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis.
137. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
138. The network focuses on a single application: networking powerful computers to help doctors plan radiation therapy for cancer treatment.
139. Its main attractions are the optimal utilisation of permanent grassland and the control of internal parasitism without resort to therapy.
140. Perhaps gene therapy could prevent the mutation of the prion gene that causes hereditary brain disease.
141. But he says that any drugs to block this process would have to form part of a combination therapy.
142. All this talk about counselling and therapy left me cold.
143. Others might think it takes a controlled dangerous substance or shock therapy.
144. Despite aggressive antibiotic therapy, the epidemic strain continued to be isolated from his sputum and subsequently from blood cultures.
145. In therapy, we chip away at this, bit by bit.
146. Spencer hoped that therapy would free her from her inner demons.
147. No prior drug therapy had that effect and neither had any previous course of ECT.
148. I do both psychoanalysis and family therapy and act as a go-between between the two camps.
149. This is a cop who is in therapy because of his habit of shooting innocent bystanders dead.
150. In the early 1960s the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota researched exercise therapy as part of the treatment for patients suffering from angina.
151. These professional advisers will need statistical and analytical skills as well as expertise in drug therapy.
152. Although the success rate is high, about 22 percent of apnea sufferers find the mask too cumbersome and discontinue the therapy.
153. The results of this approach are that some individuals may be committed to lifelong drug therapy which they do not need.
154. After two years of therapy, Duane was able to conquer his eating disorder.
155. When a complementary therapy is shown to work, further questions arise.
156. Hypnosis and electroconvulsive therapy were tried but had no effect, and he became heavily dependent on tranquillizers.
157. Supervised clinical training is provided in cytotoxic drug treatment and radiation therapy.
158. She received an 11-day course of empirical antibiotic therapy and was discharged.
159. The treatment of this condition consists of vitamin D therapy and calcium supplementation.
160. Therapy is not an exact science because everyone responds differently.
161. Therapy will extend to families of victims who often suffer their own trauma because of the abuse.
162. Generally they must save or enhance lives and offer an advance on current therapy.
163. Therapeutic input makes heavy use of group work, though individual therapy is also possible.
164. It may reduce the accelerated bone loss of menopause, even in the absence of estrogen replacement therapy. 3.
165. There was a local schoolteacher coming round to give art therapy; that at least should provide some light relief.
166. Discovering these chains or networks of negative irrational thoughts is the basis of cognitive therapy.
167. Data from combination therapy studies are also gradually becoming available.
167. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
168. Programmed ventricular stimulation not only helps to guide the selection of antiarrhythmic drug therapy but also provides important prognostic information.
169. The most effective treatment before 1960 for severe and disabling depression was electro-convulsion therapy.
170. Simply removing this stress can, in many instances, restore an individual to normal function without any other therapy being required.
171. A course of low-dose tetracycline antibiotic therapy is often effective, but topical steroid creams should be avoided.
172. Some general practitioners may be willing to offer individual counselling or marital therapy themselves.
173. From an outside viewpoint, the therapy led to few changes.
174. To eliminate this, as in double-blind trials, would in many cases render the therapy impotent.
175. Cream Silk Hot Oil Therapy is a deep conditioner, developed to add strength and body to fine, flyaway hair.
176. In these instances you might then be able to offer more successful therapy than pure beta blockers.
177. But cruel Freudian aversion therapy proved incapable of changing it, and the fashion then changed to hormonal explanations.
178. During the intervening seven years, he has become replacement therapy for little girls who have just donated their dolls to Oxfam.
179. Therapy to life: Eat with the wise, and drink with the fools. Anthony Liccione 
180. Though the early stages of cognitive therapy are primarily behavioural, one often has to introduce cognitive material in order to facilitate tasks.
181. The rate of stroke in high-risk cardiac surgery patients receiving aprotinin therapy is lower than would be anticipated.
182. The company had fallen into the habit of using George to administer a sort of organizational shock therapy.
183. The dual character of therapy, then, is actually two sections of the same thing: relieving engrams.
184. If successful, gene therapy could eventually offer effective treatment for as many as 4,000 hereditary illnesses, including cystic fibrosis.
185. And trendsetters will almost certainly be talking about this week's U2 concert and the latest single from local band,() Therapy.
186. After 20 years on the couch, Richard is finally giving up therapy.
187. I painted the nibbled area with a well known brand of chilli sauce as aversion therapy.
188. Finally, such medical care will generally involve invasive drug therapy.
189. Manz told her physician about the idea, and he agreed that group therapy might just do the trick.
190. Imagery offers another approach to aversion therapy which is not as painful or invasive as the procedures mentioned above.
191. Nevertheless, it has emotional charge and therapy is slowed by that charge.
192. In the future, one or more of the new forms of family therapy may prove applicable to the cancer field.
193. She said he had not shown any symptoms for some time but had recently started taking combination therapy drugs.
194. In our second study we sought to confirm our findings that group and individual cognitive therapy were equally effective.
195. Apnea is a form of aversion therapy which produces a terrifying paralysis of breathing for about 60 seconds.
196. Video links were set up in Tucson and Phoenix for family therapy conference calls.
197. Reichian therapy, acupuncture and many other healing techniques have as their basic principle the concept of energy flows in the body.
197. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
198. It has been postulated that the symptoms of gonorrhoea have diminished since the introduction of effective antibiotic therapy.
199. If your insomnia is similar to the following examples, you might want to give bright-light therapy a try.
200. One set was given grief therapy and the other sent on a community programme.
201. Because of this he often failed to bring about cures and eventually became disillusioned with hypnosis as a form of therapy.
202. The manometer readings provide the best guide to circulatory volume and thus allow fluid replacement therapy to be accurately calculated.
203. For others, it might mean therapy to root out the underlying causes of overeating.
204. The more Renee Henry learnt about the therapy, the more she became convinced that it was right for her.
205. Homoeopathy is the exception and is recommended as an alternative therapy should treatment with essential oils and herbs be only partially effective.
206. Unhappy with the working environment, she decided to quit the job to pursue her interest in alternative therapy.
207. The area concerned continues to be in desperate need of the benefits of Oral Rehydration Therapy.
208. This may be accomplished by periodic formal physical therapy sessions backed up by daily home exercises.
209. Discussions about texts dwindled into silence; discussions about moms threatened to turn into full-blown therapy sessions.
210. This paper describes Individual and Group Cognitive Therapy with depressed clients and cites two recent outcome studies.
211. Weeping in therapy sessions, say some, can be used as a defence against having to talk about the pain.
212. While my therapy method was being developed, 1 had to live with the fact that nearly all my patients died.
213. Nor should they be; unless they are in the therapy business, their expertise lies elsewhere.
214. Five of the 26 Crohn's disease patients underwent a flexible sigmoidoscopy after four weeks of 1 mg/kg/day prednisolone therapy.
215. Objective:Discuss the venesection and phlebotomy therapy.
216. The invention provides a bit block for the electroconvulsive therapy, which is capable of protecting teeth and preventing glossoptosis.
217. Methods Allergens were detected in 135 patients with allergic diseases, among whom 63 ones received systematic desensitization therapy by Biocom's device, then.
218. However, their therapy with this antiprotozoal must be closely supervised by an authorized health care provider.
219. Radical surgical therapy is the main procedure of choice but it can not control the latent micro-metastatic foci.
220. Intravesical medicine therapy has been widely used to prevent or postpone postoperative recurrence of bladder tumor.
221. Objective To explore the effect of massage cooperating with short-wave therapy in the treatment of parturients galactostasis.
222. Therefore, using the "three maintain and three control" therapy early, especially keeping the high normal-glucemia is very important for improving the rate of successful emergency treatment to HID.
223. Objective To observe the effect of long-term enalapril and metoprolol therapy on cardiac function in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy(DCM).
224. Psychodrama and drama therapy are based on a common source, but they are not identical.
225. Hence the need for a flexible interpretation of the guidelines to INDIVIDUALISE therapy to suit the circumstances of each patient.
226. Perphenazine therapy for anxiety and depression was associated with hiccups in a 32 - year - old man.
227. Play therapy is rooted in psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud was the first person who integrated psychotherapy with play.
227. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
228. The survival rate of children suffering from highly differentiated nephroblastoma increased to 90. 48% by combined therapy by operation, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in 42 cases.
229. The prognosis may be improved after cortin and immunosuppressant therapy.
230. Bionor does not plan to develop the vaccine to protect people from HIV, but as a way to give them a break from the AIDS drug cocktails called highly active antiretroviral therapy or HAART.
231. Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
232. Conclusion LMWH is one of the significant method on the therapy of chronic cholestatic hepatitis B by low molecular weight heparin.
233. Objectiveo evaluate therapy results on axillary osmidrosis by full skin flap with manually excision.
234. In this review, tumor targeting, killing efficiency, safety and the evaluation of oncolytic viruses therapy are discussed.
235. Objective:To discussing the effect of diagnosis and therapy of gastrolith by combining traditional Chinese with Western medicine.
236. Slogra: Vurtne , Do you know ECT ( electroconvulsive therapy electric shock treatment )?
237. Conclusion The therapy reported here should be effective for atrophic rhinitis in clinical practice.
238. To evaluate serum levels of insulin like growth factor I (IGF 1) and IGF binding protein 3 (IGFBP 3) in newborns with congenital hypothyroidism (CH) before and after the replacement therapy.
239. It was in the town hall there two former colleagues alleged that he gave them foot massages to brush up on his reflexology, an alternative therapy.
240. Conclusion: The therapy of acupuncture is superior to western medicine in the treatment of diabetes-associated oculomotor nerve palsy.
241. Methods 105 CUL patients were recruited , their clinicopathologic features, B - ultrasound therapy and recidivisms were analyzed.
242. For the great majority of patients therapy is based on palliation of pain and obstructive jaundice.
243. Objective To explore the nursing effect in drug therapy in obstetrical.
244. Original Chinese medicine massage organs and meridians to adjust some of the Traumatology disease symptoms, as well as massage, fresh off combination therapy, welcomed by the majority of patients.
245. Objective To explore the prevention of hypoglycemia and hypoglycemic symptoms during the therapy of diabetes ketoacidosis(DKA) with low-dose insulin.
246. This case emphasises the importance of an adequate environmental and dietary history in uronephrological disease and highlights the dangers of unregulated herbal therapy.
247. Objective:To study clinical value of radiocystitis therapy with thrombin intra-bladder perfusion.
248. In this thesis, digital technology as the core, a new design of Decimeter wave therapy instrument is researched.
249. Conclusion Stone needle therapy is a safe and effective for primary dysmenorrhea.
250. The result suggested that the measurement of intracytoplasmic lysozyme might be helpful to judge the effect of induced differentiation therapy for APL.
251. Conclusion This therapy is of a good tranquilizing and somnific action.
252. Osteopathic therapy is the preferred approach to make for " drainages " and "allow for the supply of physical and nerve nutriment to the eyes.
253. The news coming from the landmark gene therapy clinical trial for Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) continues to be very encouraging.
254. Objectives : To evaluate the therapeutic effects of acute superficial phlebitis with ultraviolet Irradiation and ultrashort wave therapy.
255. The invention provides a precious metal magnetic component for a homemade magnetic therapy jewelry system; a magnetic part is arranged in the component, and precious metal is wrapped on the outside.
256. Traditional acupuncture therapy is effective to the slight cases of hemiparalysis caused by wind-stroke, but for some typical symptoms such as foot drop, the effect is not as well as people expected.
257. Conclusion epidermal autografts is now a highly efficient therapy for stable vitiligo.
258. Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of intracutaneous catgut embedding therapy on chronic injury of soft tissues.
259. The whole point of exposure therapy is to expose oneself to an anxiety-provoking situation, and then stay in that situation until the defensive mechanisms and anxiety subside.
260. The drug is also approved for use as maintenance therapy for chronic hyperammonemia that results from NAGS deficiency.
261. Methods:6 cases of PTU-induced ANCA-associated vasculitis were analyzed on clinical manifestation, laboratory and biopsy findings, therapy and prognosis.
262. OBJECTIVE: To study the feasibility and safety of serotonin (5-HT) reuptake inhibitor in the adjunctive therapy of the patients with OAB.
263. For example, the method could help doctors quickly make human antibodies against a pandemic flu strain as a stop gap therapy, or to protect people against infection, said the researchers.
264. Sixty-three percent of persons on antiretroviral therapy in low- and middle-income countries today are African, compared with 25 percent in late 2003.
265. We expect the study of iron and bone metabolism could be helpful for diagnose and therapy of clinical diseases of skeletal system.
266. Several applications in medicine are then presented, including imaging calcific arteries, detecting microcalcifications in breast, and detecting tissue lesions caused by thermotherapy or HIFU therapy.
267. To observe the effect of combination therapy of acarbose and Liuwei Nengxiao capsule (LWNXC) in improving senile postprandial hyperglycemia and insulin sensitivity.
268. Objective To observe therapeutic effect of stone needle therapy on primary dysmenorrhea .
269. Regarding proton cancer therapy, Cosgrove, Aro and Green et al.
270. In this subject, the purpose is to study the nape-acupuncture therapy for treatment of pseudobulbar palsy according to the acupoint property of "nearby-action" .
271. Professor Zhang Weirong treated palpitation mainly by mind-tranquilizing therapy, in combination with methods of activating blood, tonifying spleen, unblocking collaterals, etc.
272. Conclusion: The study provided an experiment basis on the gastrointestinal tract therapy of HZL in clinic.




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