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单词 Descendants
1, The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
2, They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.
3, He has no descendants.
4, They claim to be descendants of a French duke.
5, Many of them are descendants of the original settlers.
6, They are the descendants of Queen Victoria.
7, They were the direct descendants of the Dutch settlers.
8, His works swayed the descendants deeply.
9, These were the descendants of Bunbury.
10, Their surviving descendants remain there to this day.
11, Those who choose infertile mates leave no descendants.
12, Its descendants evolved in quite different ways.
13, She appears only to male descendants of the family who slaughtered her own long ago, dumping their bodies in Lake Darmstadt.
14, For centuries, their descendants led a harsh and precarious existence, relying heavily on the sea to provide food.
15, In many ways the Aphrodisians were the direct descendants of Hellenistic and, more specifically, Pergamene sculpture.
16, Against these historical profanities, the descendants of those colourfully dressed figures in Roberts' lithographs stood no hope.
17, By 1500, however, peoples thought to be descendants of the Athapaskans had moved south.
18, Your article made it to a Woodson descendants list on the Internet of which I am a recipient.
19, Many Malays were descendants of men first brought to Sri Lanka as soldiers in the earlier days of colonial rule.
20, These survivors, and their many descendants, provide us with one of the most versatile of tree fruits.
21, Six generations of his direct descendants continued to live in Myddle throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
22, The descendants of this group are the sharks and rays.
23, His manuscript was preserved by the descendants of his daughter,(http:///descendants.html) Anne.
24, Many of their descendants have since been presented to zoos around the world.
25, Only later do he or his descendants begin to talk about their responsibilities to their stockholders.
26, In the US the enslavement of Africans and their descendants continued well into the second half of the 19th century.
27, Although those great animals have gone, they followed the same rules of instinct and habit as did their descendants.
28, It did not have to die itself and trust that it would be reincarnated in its descendants.
29, Those who made it an issue were the direct descendants of the anti-military counter-culture of the 1960s.
30, The success of an individual in biological terms depends on his ability to leave successful descendants.
1, The coastal areas were occupied by the descendants of Greek colonists.
2, They are descendants of the original English and Scottish settlers.
3, He has no descendants.
4, They are the descendants of Queen Victoria.
5, They were the direct descendants of the Dutch settlers.
31, Perhaps the technicians who control the mast are descendants of the shamans who presided over religious rites here.
32, To put it another way, ancestors of stick insects that did not resemble sticks did not leave descendants.
33, Out of his manors, William chose to reside at Hammoon, and his descendants certainly lived here until the seventeenth century.
34, Time has since overlaid this corpus with errors that obscure what the original patriarchs taught to their descendants.
35, Their goslings never learned how to migrate, and their descendants live on.
36, When such changes are induced in the germ cells, they may be transmitted to descendants of the irradiated persons.
37, The rich and deep topsoil that lured the first settlers to Deerfield still nourishes the agricultural efforts of their descendants.
38, The sick spider at the heart of the web? Thus leaving the descendants of the cabal in charge of the Imperium?
39, And the tame descendants have kept the same views on this matter.
40, Pierpont Morgan was attacked by populist Democrats - whose descendants now argue for closer links between banks and industry.
41, But why should the descendants of Eusthenopteron have troubled to clamber about laboriously on the land?
42, Those that did so would last longer and leave more descendants than those that did not.
43, The Shias believe that Ali's descendants - the Imams - are the lawful successors of Mohamed.
44, His descendants were to live here for the next 120 years.
45, It has been proposed that Japanese and Korean are descendants of a common language.
46, But what are the mechanisms that cause the direct linear descendants of the zygote to change their character so radically?
47, Those who conserve animals in the hope of returning their descendants to Nature may be disappointed by what they let loose.
48, They had dropped out of the human chain of ancestors and descendants that had formerly bound them all together.
49, Many of its problems are direct descendants of the central problems of philosophy.
50, It provides buoyancy and this, for the bulk of the descendants of these air-breathing pioneers, became a more important faculty.
51, This is because where selfishness brings higher rewards than altruism, selfish individuals leave more descendants, so altruists inevitably become extinct.
52, The postmodern descendants of the Organization Man are not victims, after all, but pioneers.
53, This episode reveals a deep and continuing rift between the descendants of Oswiu and the kings of Leodwald's line.
53, Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
54, People have such genes because those that employed criteria of beauty left more descendants than those that did not.
55, Government spending is not just about irresponsible generations ripping off their descendants or leaving their children broke.
56, You may change your own password and privileges, and those of your descendants.
57, The descendants of a very few, transformed by natural selection, make up the world today.
58, Other descendants of the marine invertebrates have also left the water.
59, Very quickly the greatest fortune tended to be dissipated among innumerable descendants.
60, And, of course, we harness the cranial material of the descendants of the colonists.
61, What are our enlightened descendants going to do about the fourth element, Earth?
62, Their descendants are evidence of how nature has been moulded to human ends.
63, But neither fish can be regarded as the one whose descendants eventually colonised the land permanently.
64, Instead of trying to change old attitudes we can set out to design new ones which are not descendants of the old ones.
65, In 1983 the descendants of these owners of geese were to burn the local conservationists in effigy.
66, Should we flatter ourselves that our descendants will find our concerns of the utmost importance?
67, Meanwhile the owners or their descendants champ impatiently to recover and lovingly restore what is left of the family heritage.
68, Then perhaps a hundred thousand people can change the trend, if they and their descendants labor for five hundred years.
69, But what was the cur whose descendants burst into such variety?
70, Frederick and Bertha moved to Iowa in 1852, and their descendants still live in the area.
71, Its descendants someday will be rodents, and someday further, as smart and nimble as apes.
72, Sometimes they took little dancing steps, as their blood responded to rhythms that their descendants would not create for ages yet.
73, The city has never officially acknowledged the losses of the displaced residents and their descendants.
74, Thus leaving the descendants of the cabal in charge of the Imperium?
75, The ancestral language can itself be reconstructed from the hints held in its much diverged descendants.
76, The third is an immune system, used only by the descendants of reptiles.
77, Ham dishonours his drunken father, and Noah curses him through his descendants.
78, The Brownes and their descendants lived here for many years and played a prominent part in the life of the village.
79, Pakicetus, as it was called, lacks the fatty earplugs of its descendants.
80, In creating new users a parent may grant subsets, up to the full set, of his own privileges to his descendants.
81, The shire horses are direct descendants of the great war horses, and each one weighs a ton.
82, These splendid and intricate bronze castings are enigmatic: they appear on the scene without apparent precursors and with no obvious descendants.
83, The pigeons, descendants of the wild Eurasian rock dove, also present a sanitation problem.http://
84, Jacob's dying blessing focusses on the distant future, when the descendants of these twelve will occupy the promised land.
85, Aethelbald's accession broke the monopoly of royal power in Mercia by Penda and his descendants which had lasted over seventy years.
86, Their descendants are full of genes that enable them to cope with several antibiotics at once.
87, Over 60 descendants of the rubber barons, who continued exploiting the inhabitants, have been forced to leave.
88, The descendants of William Elloitt threatened to sue us.
89, Their descendants became the dazzling white lipizzans.
90, Acadians are descendants of Canada's original French-speaking population.
91, Today's bicycles are descendants of the earlier velocipede.
92, Our hero was very solicitous about his descendants.
93, Then you Gaima I unfilial descendants.
94, They are descendants of indentured importees.
95, We are the descendants of Huangdi.
96, Dejected wife descendants dream rain, will also remain down?
97, These "isles" were Ireland, from where their descendants reached England and became the royal house.
98, Charlemagne"s descendants ruled France until 987, when Hugh Capet, Duke of France and Count of Paris, was crowned King of France.
99, Toyota says the first of them could be in service next year, and their descendants could be working on the moon by 2020.
100, As descendants of intermarriages between European settlers and Indian people in the 1870s, the Metis Nation of Manitoba, Canada, has faced virulent discrimination from both whites and Indians.
101, Sex control is referred to the animal reproduction new technology which can make adult livestock according to people's desire produce certain sex descendants by artificial means.
102, In the cross descendants of Tenebrio molitor and Tenebrio obscurus, the character manifestation of the cross descendants were similar to the yellow mealworm mostly.
103, No Ammonite or Moabite or any of his descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, even down to the tenth generation.
104, Galilee was ruled by a son of Herod the Great,Herod Antipas, and different descendants of Herod would rule in different parts of Palestine for many years after that.
105, The descendants of Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 able men.
106, Walter directed and performed in On & On Theatre's Descendants of the Eunuch Admiral.
107, But this only shows the pride the descendants of Confucius felt.
108, This louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
109, Now Gideon had seventy sons who were his direct descendants, for he had many wives.
110, A very significant proportion of contemporary Americans are descendants of small merchants, craftsmen, and professional people.
111, Descendants of the intestate to the remotest degree stand in the place of their parent or other ancestor, and take according to their stocks the share which he or she would have taken.
112, In the reconstruction process of social order at the beginning stage of Qing Dynasty, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty are political dissident force of consequence.
113, Now, Leung Puiyuk, half-blooded sister of Leung Yeuklam,( ) is looking for Leung Yeuklam's three sons and their descendants.
114, Breton Island; French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns.
115, Therefore, we should strengthen farmland protection system design, land of ecological, social, and the value to the descendants and so on to make evaluation and accounting.
116, With her dying breath, Queen Dido pronounced a malediction on Aeneas and all his descendants.
117, The LORD your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart and with all your soul, and live.
118, NIV The descendants of Perez who lived in Jerusalem totaled 468 able men.
119, This view provides exact information about the number of calls to methods, time spent in methods only, time spent and memory accumulated in selected methods and all their descendants, and so on.
120, Are there people alive today that are descendants of Jesus?
121, As they fanned out, Eve's descendants replaced the locals, eventually setting the entire world.
122, A city of southern Quebec, Canada, north of Montreal. It was founded in 1841 by descendants of the explorer Louis Jolliet. Population, 16,987.
123, Real estate industry is a basic, precursory, supportable industry. Whether real estate industry develops healthily or not is vital to our country and descendants.
124, After Adam had sinned, and brought death upon himself and his descendants, God gave the promise that a man born of woman should conquer the power of Satan and Sin.
125, Ptolemy II was the first general who ruled Egypt, and then his descendants would be named II,III, and IV and that sort of--and so forth.
126, As descendants of the early settlers, they were tolerant and hardworking.
127, Ruling house of Great Britain (since 97), including George V, who adopted the name Windsor in 97, and his descendants Edward VIII, George VI, and Elizabeth II.
128, Descendants live outside San Francisco in Cortina and Colusa, Calif.
129, Their descendants now make up more than 12 percent of the population.
130, French settlers who called the area Acadia were exiled to Louisiana by the British in the 1750s and their descendants are know as Cajuns.
131, Eskimo and Aleut have enough similarities to justify the theory that they are descendants of a single ancestor language.
132, In 1985 the Haas family, along with other descendants of Levi Strauss, staged a leveraged buyout that returned the company to private ownership.
133, Descendants of slaves settled here tilling the fertile land of these islands and the adjacent coastline.
134, Albanians in the Balkans on the ancient inhabitants were descendants of Ilya. 4 century AD, was a part of the Eastern Roman Empire.
135, Henceforth the line of succession would run only through his sons and their descendants.
136, The domestic oil industry in particular is almost entirely run by two state-controlled companies, Sinopec and PetroChina; both are descendants of the China National Petroleum Corporation.
137, Many years later, in the 1750s, their American Indian descendants greeted French and British traders.
138, Nowise benefit oneself, exclusively harm a person, connect own descendants to all almost put to death!
139, They are the descendants of emperors and kings and are now living in reduced circumstances.
140, And a final clause would tidy up a rule under which all descendants of George II, an 18-century monarch, require royal permission to marry.
141, Augustus' court, wife, daughter, descendants, ancestors, sister, Agrippa, kinsmen, intimates, friends, Areius, Maecenas, physicians and sacrificing priests- the whole court is dead.
142, A tiny society whose basis is just a half dozen families, some of whom are descendants of polar explorers Robert Peary and Matthew Henson, say they are being "squeezed" out of existence.
143, All those who went to Egypt with Jacob-those who were his direct descendants, not counting his sons' wives-numbered sixty-six persons.
144, King David and his descendants reigned upon the throne of the Kingdom of the Lord (1 Chronicles 28:5).
145, Its descendants gradually improved the function of their primitive lungs, morphed their lobe fins into legs, and jury-rigged their jaw joints to hear in the air instead of water.
146, And the Lord your God will circumcise your hearts and the hearts of your descendants, to love the Lord your God with all your mind and heart and with all your being, that you may live.
147, Descendants of Geronimo want answers to the persistent rumors that members of Yale's Skull and Bones Society unearthed the remains of the Apache warrior to bring back to their New Haven campus.
148, The development of green food is benefit country of descendants of benefit civilian, benefit lift, change progress the style of our country agriculture and food industry...
149, Since 1633 the Imperial Crypt in Vienna has been the principal place of entombment for the Habsburg dynasty, hereditary Emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, and their descendants.
150, The sons of Midian were Ephah , Epher Abida and Eldaah. All these were descendants of Keturah.
151, Many of the early French fur traders and some English traders married First Nations women. Their children and descendants are the Metis people.
152, The churches of the West, descendants of Greco - Roman civilization, celebrated Easter on a Sunday.
153, Those who do no repent, and thereby do not reverse the curse upon them, cause sinfulness (because of the bad influence, ) among their descendants as well, even until the third or forth generation.
154, and so that you may live long in the land that the LORD swore to your forefathers to give to them and their descendants, a land flowing with milk and honey.
155, Because the variation of methylation's pattern in plant can usually transmit for descendants through miosis.
156, Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
157, In the invading metaphase , the hyphae of the pathogen can invade the cortical area of cells of susceptible varieties, but only can invade the outer cortex cells of resistant descendants.
158, These were the classes of the gatekeepers, descendants Kore and Merari.
159, These were the descendants of Shuthelah: through Eran , the Eranite clan.
160, In the middle of the eighth century, both the Eastern and Western Turki khanates disappeared, their descendants being assimilated by other ethnic groups.
161, The descendants of Manasseh: Asriel was his descendant through his Aramean concubine. She gave birth to Makir the father of Gilead.
162, The Romance languages are the modern descendants of Latin, the language of the Roman Empire.
163, In one case , the species dies out completely and leaves no descendants.
164, They are the descendants of plants imported by the early settlers.
165, A few relic species or their descendants might be traced to their origin of the Tethys, mainly the Gondwanaland, that are very important data for explaining the origin of flora in the studied arca .
166, The next prophecy is against the Ammonites (east of the Jordan), descendants of Lot's son Ben- Ammi (Gen. 19:38).
167, This burrowing plant louse devastated European vineyards between 1860 and 1880 and its descendants are now ravaging Californian grape vines.
168, A century later one of his descendants, Babar, raised an army and invaded India.
169, Black Americans, mostly the descendants of slaves carried away from a few places in west Africa, cannot possibly be representative of the whole continent.
170, The sons of Midian : Ephah , Epher, Hanoch, Abida and Eldaah. All these were descendants of Keturah.
171, Don't you know that the Lord , the God of Israel, has given the kingship of Israel to David and his descendants forever by a covenant of salt?
172, Tufts of grass dot the shores of Ocracoke Island, site of an early European settlement and still home to descendants of the pirate Blackbeard.
173, New evidence appears to confirm that the ancient creatures were endothermic, or warm-blooded,(Sentence dictionary) like their modern descendants - birds.
174, These days of Purim were never to fallamong the Jews, nor into among their descendants.
175, Director about actors'training for the cast of DESCENDANTS OF THE EUNUCH ADMIRAL!
176, If this generation does not tackle climate change, its descendants will not think much of it.
177, It is one of the largest cities in the world and very multi-ethnic, with descendants of people from Italy, Germany, Japan, Lebanon, Syria, Spain, Portugal and more.
178, In the descent of estates in fee simple conditional, only the lineal descendants were admitted.
179, Interfax news agency reported the birth of 30 healthy descendants of the pioneering cockroach Nadezhda (Hope), who conceived last September in an orbiting laboratory named Foton-M.
180, A Native American people formerly inhabiting north-central Missouri, with present-day descendants living with the Oto in north-central Oklahoma.
181, Why should we, their latter-day descendants, be devoid of this tiny bit of wisdom?
182, Objective To study the effects of lead exposure during pregnancy on learning, memory and nerve growth factor(NGF) expression in hippocamp us of descendants.
183, His descendants, the Capetian, Valois and Bourbon dynasties, ruled France until 1792, when the French Revolution established the French First Republic.
184, A great grandmother of mine, who was a friend of Gibbon, lived to the age of ninety-two, and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendants.
185, Department of green tile brick temple built by the descendants call the " ant gnaw temple. "
186, A group of Native American peoples formerly inhabiting the southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent foothills of the Sierra Nevada, with present-day descendants in the same area.
187, These Cultists maintain ties with the modern descendants of the fae and initiate their members through the wild parties of the satyrs .
188, Ostriches are descendants of dinosaurs, and the researchers liken ostrich movements to those of bipedal dinosaurs.
189, What the logic of inscription imposes on the ethnologist is to see how the women travel between the lines of descendants.
190, The Savoia family was condemned to exile and only in this last years the descendants could come back to Italy.
191, Certainly the basic language syntax and built - in commands are direct descendants of the Bourne Shell's.
192, At the seedling stage, the resistance of the disease of leaf mold of the descendants of receptor into which exogenous DNA had been introduced was tested with the EA, Caruso and Hashi 5 as the check.
193, Manitoba became a province after some controversial events involving the federal government and the Metis, French-speaking descendants of French fur traders who married American Indian girls.
194, Its descendants will reign over it forever, whether gifted or boobies.
195, These are the same Pashtun tribesman whose descendants are today's Taliban.
196, Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child, the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation.
197, The autochthonous poetic content dug out by him became subject matter of poem which was intonated by the descendants in Wuling time and again.
197, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
198, Today's oil giants Exxon and Chevron are the descendants of the company.
199, The Chinese in Singapore were the descendants of illiterate landless, peasants from Guangdong and Fujian.
200, The genes that control PEPOEFL transmitted to the descendants were mainly based on additive effect , but also with the non-additive effect .




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