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单词 Visual
1 I have a very good visual memory.
2 These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.
3 The building makes a tremendous visual impact.
4 The film is a visual art.
5 Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
6 Her designs have a strong visual appeal.
7 Near-sightedness is a visual defect.
8 Tiredness also affects visual acuity.
9 She can't drive because of her visual handicap.
10 The photographs she takes are a visual record of her travels.
11 Animals use a whole rang of acoustic , visual,[] and chemical signals in their systems of communication.
12 Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.
13 The visual image is steadily replacing the written word.
14 Visual material aids the retention of information.
15 A motorist needs good visual acuity .
16 Bad spellers have a weak visual memory.
17 We work on improving visual acuity.
18 I did a quick visual check of the engine.
19 He has a visual impairment in the right eye.
20 The play is also a visual feast .
21 His designs have a strong visual appeal.
22 An audio - visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship.
23 She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.
24 Some car alarms have no visual indication that they are in operation.
25 At the required level of visual verisimilitude, computer animation is costly.
26 Their dreams commonly involved complex stories with visual imagery .
27 He became famous as an inventor of astonishing visual and aural effects.
28 I was no good at art?I have a very poor visual imagination.
29 At this age, the infant begins to react more to visual stimuli.
30 The film is directed with a technical bravura and visual splendour.
1 I have a very good visual memory.
2 These virus infections display obvious visual symptoms.
3 The building makes a tremendous visual impact.
4 The film is a visual art.
5 Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
6 Near-sightedness is a visual defect.
7 Tiredness also affects visual acuity.
8 She can't drive because of her visual handicap.
9 The photographs she takes are a visual record of her travels.
10 Animals use a whole rang of acoustic , visual, and chemical signals in their systems of communication.
11 Music, mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions.
12 His designs have a strong visual appeal.
13 An audio - visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship.
14 The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.
31 The tall tower adds to the visual impact of the building.
32 The opera was an aural as well as a visual delight.
33 Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.
34 The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre and ballet to literature, cinema and the visual arts.
35 He had no visual image of her, only her name.
36 We are responding to the visual cues.
36 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
37 Rostov checked the visual display again.
38 It is communicated both by auditory and visual cues.
39 Visual formats make the drawing of conclusions simpler.
40 By making the most of new visual aid technology.
41 There are integrated visual display units attached. 3.
42 Visual Caf automatically creates the Appleti object.
43 What is their relationship to the visual cortex?
44 Time-charts and time-lines should become important visual aids.
45 Body language is probably the most important visual cue.
46 Is the visual display area adequate? 6.
47 The Macintosh casing was so distinctive that its visual presence would become as recognizable as a Volkswagen bug.
48 There were numerous illustrated broadsides and woodcuts which carried their message in visual form.
49 For example, our visual system maps visual space on to the surface of our visual cortex.
50 The striking visual appearance of that black and white outline has sparked off innumerable creative ideas.
51 In this sense, it will be as much about the decoding of visual commercial messages as about photography.
52 Part of the problem is that they are often on tasks that are also severely impaired after destruction of primary visual cortex.
53 Kirstein was an artistic matchmaker in the manner of Diaghilev, bringing together choreographers, composers and visual artists.
54 We then went on to describe the Johnston-McClelland model of visual word recognition and the Cohort model of auditory word recognition.
55 This is premised on modern of visual communication which draw upon linguistics and, in particular, psychoanalysis.
56 Visual lust and inconsistency make fine bedfellows, I can tell you.
57 The visual material generated an enormous amount of interest and critical comment.
58 You find that cells in adjacent parts of the visual cortex are activated by stimulation in adjacent parts of the visual field.
59 The missed approach is commenced immediately on reaching decision height, if visual contact has not been made at this point.
60 No scientific lecture is ever given without slides or other visual aids, especially if chemical structures are to be shown.
61 The images are reproducible electronic versions of scanned illustrations, slides, microscopic and other visual material.
62 The sound track gives us the aural before the visual cue; it is as if the thunder arrives before the lightning.
63 A visual input excites detectors for visual features in the display.
64 In short, the whole project was carefully designed to produce a comprehensive visual cross-section of society in motion.
65 Matters are further complicated by the fact that information from the two eyes is brought together in the primary visual cortex.
66 Visual discrimination is exercised in reading print, which can demand some fine visual tasks such as discriminating between letters of similar shape.
66 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
67 Look instead for books for his age with plenty of visual clues, and read them together.
68 Without benefit of notes, visual aids, gestures or humor she spoke for ninety oddly mesmerizing minutes.
69 Damage to a visual area in the brainstem, the superior colliculus, had the reverse effect.
70 The visual skills of scanning and reorientation, for example, from book to blackboard will be difficult.
71 Warner Digital Studios is one of a handful of studio in-house operations that have entered the increasingly competitive visual effects business.
72 Visual effects feature largely in this community arts venture, and have included helium balloons and fireworks.
73 Window dressing isn't visual deceit if the window display accurately represents what the school is about.
74 Coaches are always yelling at referees, remarking on their visual impairments and attention deficit disorders.
75 This exhibition examines his impact not only on the visual arts but also on literature and science.
76 Frequent measurements of visual fields and acuity are obtained to detect optic nerve damage.
77 What I have in mind is a small selection of visual material with a minimum of caption text.
78 Slowly, aided by a remarkable memory for visual patterns, he became familiar with the endless series of new star groups.
79 But for the visual cortex, light flashes work pretty well.
80 Nor are women so fixated by visual cues, so obsessed with physical rivalry.
81 Any visual aid should be carefully selected and planned to add clarity to the presentation. 2.
82 It focusses them on some of the visual clues they might otherwise miss.
83 The first is to take visual systems apart, identify their components and characterize the way these components work.
84 A general introduction to the practice of the visual arts.
85 The ordinary cues for traveling, the visual sense of distance and motion, are absent during the descent to the seafloor.
86 The amount of pigmentation tends to increase slightly with age up to adolescence and brings with it a gradual improvement in visual acuity.
87 Nevertheless, rats can be trained to carry out visual discrimination tasks and will use visual cues to guide their natural behaviour.
88 A routine visual check of the plane was carried out before takeoff.
89 In this agent-dominated world, brands will be quickly disassociated with visual trademarks, since people will rarely see them.
90 Maximum public acceptance will require that interactive catalog services have a more entertaining visual appearance than traditional text-intensive catalogs have had.
91 Part of the event are exhibitions of indigenous art and a colloquium on visual anthropology.
92 Despite her irritating affectations, she did have a genuine flair for divining quality in both literature and the visual arts.
93 The visual element of documentary material is quite different - at least when location shots are used.
94 Yet when he spoke of himself, his gaze frequently wandered, as though in search of visual ballast.
95 Full use should be made of visual aids and internal specialist advice should be taken.
96 This is the cue for interactive sculpture by contemporary artists and computer-generated visual effects.
96 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97 It is the combination of verbal and visual that has the desired effect.
98 The same response was then produced withholding the visual display.
99 The association between echographic measurement and visual scales is a simple method of evaluating the relationship between the stomach and appetite.
100 We have already seen that there are cells in the visual cortex that recognize edges.
101 Other things being equal, visual improvements are conducive to survival and reproduction.
102 When questioned directly about these findings, the patient admitted to the presence of visual abnormalities since early adolescence.
103 On the other side of the terrace a raised bed provides visual balance and accommodates a specimen juniper and winter flowering heathers.
104 Therefore, with a half to 1 minute still to run we should be able to establish visual contact.
105 Visual sensibility is a prerequisite of art appreciation, and a genuine aesthetic experience is both self-sufficient and disinterested.
106 Moreover, visual input produces direct emotional arousal, which is the most potent neurochemical condition for learning and attitudinal change.
107 The visual evidence accumulates in the courtroom without argument: maps, video footage, satellite imagery and photographs.
108 We are not really aware of how we draw on visual clues in our interpretation of what we hear.
109 These apparent discrepancies in visual behaviour can easily be misunderstood.
110 The contrast arises because the two tasks reflect distinct stages of visual processing.
111 However, these criticisms are outweighed by the visual impact which pie charts have.
112 In general, all visual aids were used for a purpose.
113 To give the learner visual, tactile and aural stimuli, which increase the learning experience.
114 It can also influence learned and voluntary reactions to visual stimuli when the visual cortex is absent.
115 Schizophrenia is a brain disorder that can cause, among other things, visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions and distorted thinking.
116 He also argues that, in its turn, the Scientific Revolution had some effect on the visual arts.
117 They can help the reader to develop the appreciation and enjoyment of pictorial material by offering a range of rich visual experiences.
118 The monkeys were easily able to discriminate between the different objects, according to their visual appearance.
119 Such vision would be recorded as 6/60 and would indicate severely reduced visual acuity.
120 The panels can be used as a visual communication system for stricken users when computer systems fail.
121 Attractions include jazz bands, a punch and judy show, craft workshops and an outdoor display of visual arts.
122 He has inverted the traditional precepts governing the photographic image, demonstrating the value of visual contradiction.
123 In spoken discourse, there is not the visual prompt of paragraph-initial line indentation to indicate a division in the discourse structure.
124 Involvement in the visual arts is one way in for many young people today.
125 The contents of any message stored in the teleprinter's memory can be viewed on the visual display unit. 8.
126 The verbal judgement would seem to be thought of, rather, as an adjunct to the visual image.
127 At Hollybush we took information on board in a democratic, communal fashion, grouped with notebooks and pencils around visual aids.
128 As said before, there is no complete list of these items, no visual catalogue.
129 News directors accommodate the visual needs of politicians because television needs pictures.
130 Roma Ryan tells me she was a visual artist - she specialised in batik before she met Nicholas and produced a family.
131 Visual aids can make lessons much more interesting and comprehensible.
132 In these senses this show contributes to contemporary radical perspectives within the visual arts, especially as contextualised within the gallery.
133 They quickly detect changes in the visual image and tend to exaggerate them.
134 This is why the letter detectors are referred to as abstract: they do not provide information about specific visual form.
135 Perhaps the most surprising absentee from most general discussions of colour is its use in the visual arts.
136 The strongest evidence for such a contribution comes from studying the effects of removal of the primary visual cortex.
137 Why so many climbers unwittingly created so much visual pollution?
138 We are such thoroughly visual animals that we hardly realize what a complicated business seeing is.
139 The simplified scale in Figure 1 gives an indication of the range of vision as described in terminology based on visual acuity.
140 Pupils with field defects who therefore do not have a complete visual panorama may have difficulties of this kind.
141 Care must be taken in making visual estimates, and results are usually much less accurate than with point counting techniques.
142 Children themselves needed more visual encouragement to react to enable the book to compete with the attractions of video and television.
143 Visual communication is not the exclusive domain of the graphic designer or the advertising executive.
144 Nordenfalk's book includes the scrupulous examination of visual evidence always welcome and often found in writing by a museum curator.
145 Haematoxylin gives a bright blue colour and is suitable for visual comparisons, but the colour of the reagent prevents spectrophotometry.
146 Yet back in the primary visual cortex, the fourth layer is the most impressive of all.
147 Some electricity companies do free visual wiring checks for elderly or disabled people.
148 Don't miss this funny, poignant, visual production written and directed by acclaimed playwright John Godber.
149 Description and decision are delayed until an extended visual search is completed.
150 Fir is native to these mountains, and the pattern would add to the overall beauty without being a visual distraction.
151 Many anatomists identified three such stages of visual analysis in the cortex.
152 For example, edges tend to activate the visual system more than areas of uniform brightness.
153 Since the computer database does not incorporate visual images, corresponding photographs are kept on file.
154 A new trust has been formed with more than £100,000 in its coffers to spend on visual arts, it was announced yesterday.
155 Media mavens contend that the visual comparison of the two men side by side is half the battle.
156 Any variation will generate both an audio and visual alarm at Grid Control.
156 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
157 A recent explanation is that the stripes are a mechanism for visual bonding.
158 It bears repeating that the photograph opens up an immense visual field.
159 They also use a range of visual clues of the kind we spoke about earlier in this chapter.
160 It is the biggest visual production ever printed on the work of contemporary women artists in this country.
161 Here, visual acuity is not so sharp, nor is our ability to judge distances so good.
162 If you do not want to use a pelmet, curtain rails and poles can also provide great visual variety.
163 In such a system, visual and auditory linguistic signifiers are in changing, unstable correspondence with the concepts they stand for.
164 At the same time due consideration must always be given to the visual effect of the grain markings.
165 Once there it may appear on editor's data bank visual display unit as a single-line headline.
166 The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention.
167 A range of third party applications is also available, providing analysis capabilities and visual displays.
168 Granston is a graphic artist who now teaches visual arts and journalism at the college.
169 Indeed, it is extremely difficult to distinguish between the primary visual cortex and surrounding areas in this species.
170 This not only augments the supply of visual aids, but is an excellent method of learning.
171 The eyes transmit electrical signals to the visual cortex in the brain.
172 Location inserts potentially give the strongest visual clues to programme content.
173 Visual acuity is often normal even when the field of vision is so poor that the child is registered as blind.
174 The reproducible symbolic visual image became a mode of defining a social area of credit or of power.
175 The pod began to shudder and Rostov quickly checked the visual display.
176 This analogy can be helpful, particularly if it gives a visual dimension to our thinking.
177 The laboratory had some elegant computer-controlled apparatus for teaching the monkeys to discriminate between visual forms such as letters.
178 Soon, Louisa was using her strong capacity for visual imagery to compensate for her difficulty in remembering words and sentences.
179 Fischler and Bloom conclude from these results that in visual word recognition the effect of context is essentially inhibitory rather than facilitatory.
180 In patients with active disease, the visual score tended to under estimate disease activity.
181 Conversely a child who is weak in visual perceptions can be helped to use auditory and verbal skills to comprehend other children.
182 Theories of visual perception have altered significantly in the twentieth century.
183 Therefore we need to study in greater depth the role played by television and other visual media in contemporary society.
184 In the case of the visual cortex, no one knows yet.
185 There are many illustrations throughout which offer a visual display of the technique or design which the text is referring to.
186 It is the same with visual responses to light and darkness, to summer and winter, to beautiful creatures or plants.
187 Should our carriers become separated during attacks by enemy aircraft, they will endeavor to remain within visual touch.
188 Lehmann also had an active interest in the visual arts, and in particular promoted the neo-romantics.
189 The physicality of sport, its speed and grace, along with the emotional intensity of victory and defeat are supremely visual.
190 Like Watson, Carr has assembled generous visual material on the best-known artists of abstract expressionism, especially Pollock and de Kooning.
191 What Albers did for Black Mountain as a community emphasizing the visual arts, Olson did for it as a literary community.
192 In measuring visual acuity in this way, a figure which looks like a fraction is recorded.
193 Vologsky erased the visual print-out and switched off all auxiliary power.
194 As a visual aid to anatomical familiarity, a reference book such as this has undoubted value.
195 Further, its Art Deco settings ensure that the film is jagged with visual style.
196 Contact lenses sometimes give better visual acuity in these cases and the field of vision is nearly always improved.
197 It stopped an admiring eye like a visual speed bump.
198 Almost every photographic aberration is now legible because of its constant recurrence in all the vehicles of visual mass communication.
199 Some films show their makers grappling with contemporary issues, without always the level of visual inventiveness applied elsewhere.
200 This has very strong visual impact, like a corsair.
201 The focus here is visual flashiness and gratuitous technology.
202 Integrated graphical viewer for visual inspection of the layouts.
203 Men are visual creatures, so treat him to that oh-so-arousing sight of you on your knees, worshipping his penis – by looking directly into his eyes while giving him a blowjob.
204 Objective To evaluate visual impairment by visual function and quality of life assessment in elderly population.
205 The stimuli were presented in the monitor via tachistoscopic visual half-field technique, and the subjects were required to perform the lexical-decision tasks.
206 This is a gross generalisation because attraction is such a complex mechanism but men are visual creatures and attraction is more likely, at least in the initial stages, to be based on what they see.
207 Donald Trump's hair has become as much a trademark of his visual identity as his trophy wife and oversize yacht.
208 These elements serve as a visual mnemonic across all of NPN's branding elements, from logo and packaging to website and athlete sponsorship materials.
209 Be responsible for visual check control against visual - inspected pharmaceutical infusion and injection solution.
210 It's likely in part a biologically based brain disorder, and there may even be a perceptual abnormality, some kind of fundamental visual processing problem.
211 As denying the visual field that it opens up the agreement with new responsibility to one kind of the responsibility theory of the absolute contract.
212 Moreover, a new visual control scheme based on artificial neural network is designed, and the visual tracking problem is converted into a servo problem in image feature space.
213 They also do equally well at programming a computer, which is neither visual nor spatial.
214 This suggests information from the visual system can override attention to tactile sensation (or lack thereof) from the hands, to create an apparently impossible sensation.
215 Innovative Graphic Display is used for easy commissioning, visual status & diagnostics.
216 Widgets can be both visual (in that they render visual content,[/visual.html] such as a chart) or nonvisual (in that they provide some form of discrete function or access to a service).
217 No more pictures of a rotating auto chassis, no visual engineering design, no CAD (computer-aided design) for buildings, kitchens, highways, etc.
218 Thus, image segmentation algorithm and image visual feature extraction method are briefly introduced at the beginning of this paper.
219 The special effect of associated object's affecting visual selective attention is clearer in experiment 2. "
220 The defect of visual field was detected in all patients, including completely homonymous hemianopsia (12 cases, 67%) and partly homonymous hemianopsia (5 cases, 28%).
221 Taking the visual image promotion of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as the breakthrough point, it analyzed the visual image promotion and the propagation path of our country during the Olympic Games.
222 Meanwhile, your VISUAL sense was getting stronger, and you SAW that the people were SPEAKING.
223 We discuss this idea of rich visual modeless feedback in Chapter 25.
224 The landscape plan shall include an explanatory statement and drawings in 1:1000 scale or other appropriate scale outlining the landscape and visual mitigation measures.
225 Perception: Visual Scene Analysis, Object Recognition, Auditory Scene Analysis, Depth Perception, Stereo Vision, Stereograms.
226 The author proposes that visual literacy should be taught in the diagnostic medical imaging.
227 Conclusion Visual function of some suspected early AMD patients with drusen may be damaged, though the central visual acuity appears normal.
228 Metabolic factors play an important role in visual field loss. These also reveal the automated perimetry is an effective and potential examination in DR patients.
229 Hydrate plug forecast software (GGP-NGH 1.0) whose language is Visual Basic has been developed that furnish the foundations for predicting hydrate blocking problems of gas gathering pipelines.
230 ObjectiveTo explore the dinical value of visual flow machine monitoring in high-risk uterine abortions.
231 The PDA system uses software method to demultiplex and decode MPEG-2 TS stream, reverts the visual signal and audio signal.
232 A better solution might be to transform the gravestone itself into a powerful visual icon.
233 Pyrography and painting, oil painting rich in color, has a strong visual sense and feeling pyrograph classical comparison, do not really have a flavor.
234 Therefore, either realism or abstractionism or modern arts has an inseparable relation with visual experience.
235 The experimental variable was the dispersion of polygons, and the dependent variable was the rate of visual information transfer.
236 We measured female visual responses to paired males , UV - blocking and UV - transmitting Plexiglas partitions.
237 A novel topological map is proposed in this paper, and its nodes are represented with the visual scale-invariant features and the beam features of the laser range finder.
238 Once the transformation is created, Smooks' Execution Report (Figure 5) allows a visual review of the sequence of steps that have been executed during transformation.
239 This treatise is based on the analysis of the philosophical fundamental of Iconology which has been scrutinized in purpose on an open critical platform of Visual Culture.
240 Objective To investigate the relationship of visual loss with nasorbital fracture and zygomaticamaxillary complex fracture .
241 No matter be the liner of vamp, bootlace, upper or shoe, used the material of all sorts of quality of a material, decorative pattern, this also brought new visual influence undoubtedly.
242 Modern Chinese paintings strive to visual and conceptual knowledge, which shows the compromise with the depth of feeling, also must conform to the picture plane.
243 Objective To determine the correlation between the changes of visual evoked potential(VEP)and the concentration of blood methanol in patients suffered from acute methylismus.
244 An important visual signal of the contemporary printing media is the so-called "cover girl".
245 The investigators found visual acuity, visual field loss, and degree of papilledema at presentation and follow-up was worse in black patients.
246 Objective Probe into the iconic memory mechanism in visual pattern masking.
247 Those visual arts linearcharacter , such as drawing and engraving, esp. those that involve printing and printmaking.
248 Paper copies of visual presentation materials should be distributed before the recitation.
249 Conclusion: GPS can reflect the glaucomatous visual field loss. Heidelberg retina tomograph glaucoma probability score can be used for diagnosis and observation of CACG.
250 This publication is 16 open, entire colored art paper fine printing, has the greatly strengthened visual impulse.
251 This member function is called by the framework when a visual aspect of an owner-drawn status bar changes.
251 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
252 Laryngomalacia was the most frequent airway problem (8/23, 34%) and strabismus the commonest visual disorder (1/23).
253 Reasearch on integrated environment for visual performance analysis of parallel and distributed computing.
254 We present a female patient wills clinical manifestation of pituitary tumor but visual field reveals homonymous hemianopsia.
255 Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD) has been more and more applied in electric products, such as VCD, DVD etc. It is with wider visual field, vivid display effect, rapidly reaction speed and more colors.
256 Objective To observe the visual function and vision quality after blue - light filtering intraocular lens ( Acrysof Nature ) implantation.
257 Since the work of Hubel and Wiesel, it is generally accepted that visual orientation and direction selectivity are achieved by processes in the visual cortex in the higher mammals.
258 The effect of VDT on operators visual function is studied by experimental research and field survey.
259 Attribute of visual sensation according to which an area appears to emit more or less light.
260 Visual design is an important part of an application's interface.
261 OBJECTIVE : To observe the visual acuities, complications in and after surgery(), theafter the foldable Iol implantation.
262 Different phenotype and penetrance give variant visual results and prognosis.
263 Objective To probe the possibility visual function of electroretinogram ( ERG ) maximum combined response for retinal vein occlusion ( RVO ).
264 CONCLUSION:IOL implantation by scleral tunnel incision in aphakic eyes after vitrectomy can improve the visual acuities.
265 The Paeonia ludlowii distributes in the southeast of Tibet which has high breeding and visual value.




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