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单词 Precarious
1. He earned a precarious living as an artist.
2. The museum is in a financially precarious position.
3. The world is a precarious and unstable place.
4. She makes a rather precarious living as a novelist.
5. Our financial situation had become precarious.
6. The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
7. This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.
8. My financial position is rather precarious at the moment.
9. Her health remained precarious, despite the treatment.
10. A soldier leads a very precarious life.
11. That ladder looks very precarious.
12. They eke out a precarious existence .
13. Many borrowers now find themselves caught in a precarious financial position.
14. They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.
15. The path down to the beach is very precarious in wet weather.
16. They looked rather comical as they crawled up precarious ladders.
17. He was unable to get down from his precarious position on the rocks.
18. The path down to the beach was a precarious one, tiny steps hewn out of the sheer rock face.
19. Washington struck me as a precarious place from which to publish such a cerebral newspaper.
20. He watched the game from his precarious perch on top of the wall.
21. She knew my employment status was precarious.
21. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
22. Charles's position was far more precarious.
23. Her existence is more precarious than most.
24. The rigger was in the more precarious position.
25. Are there any twisted or precarious joints?
26. The situation here is precarious, quite unstable.
27. We had to cross a precarious rope bridge.
28. His political position has become extremely precarious.
29. Alive, but in a very precarious position.
30. The financial concessions granted to British Aerospace were, he said, of a precarious character.
1. He earned a precarious living as an artist.
2. The museum is in a financially precarious position.
3. The world is a precarious and unstable place.
4. Our financial situation had become precarious.
5. The lorry was lodged in a very precarious way, with its front wheels hanging over the cliff.
6. This year's Budget looks set to be a precarious high-wire act for the Chancellor.
7. A soldier leads a very precarious life.
8. They eke out a precarious existence foraging in rubbish dumps.
31. Levin is in a precarious state of health.
32. Grand Isle is a precarious headland, little more than a sandy breakwater, a mile across and less in some places.
33. In the 1700S, when science itself was new, most subjects were in this precarious state.
34. For centuries, their descendants led a harsh and precarious existence, relying heavily on the sea to provide food.
35. In his precarious state he became a friend of Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan.
36. The health of some of the hunger strikers was reported on May 31 to be precarious.
37. Positions might have been changed and the precarious political balance upset by any intensification of the spiritual pollution campaign.
38. In essence the surrealist quandary minors the avant-garde's precarious existence.
39. Yet charities' resources are often severely limited and funding in this sector is notoriously precarious.
40. The result was seen as having strengthened the somewhat precarious position of Prime Minster Toshiki Kaifu within the party.
41. The history of astronomy also disclosed a succession of hypotheses, which made claims for physical truth look precarious.
42. And his complex emotional relationship with Elizabeth, which I had but glimpsed, made the situation that much more precarious.
43. A stable and balanced agrarian economy had degenerated into precarious monocultures and backwater towns.
44. Nature is a precarious system, likely to accelerate to catastrophe if tampered with, is one extreme view.
45. One must be held by May 1997 anyway, even if the precarious Conservative majority holds.
46. On both sides some artists lived a precarious existence while their more successful colleagues lived well.
47. Because of its sometimes precarious economic position, no rank would refuse to accept the king's wage.
48. What seems clear to an outsider, however, is that in the Fouassis family survival seemed a precarious business.
49. If Britain's intervention was purely military, it would be right to describe it as precarious.
50. In the years that followed, achievements by one side or the other alternated, maintaining a precarious balance of power.
51. Getting into the precarious cable car, the ebullient engineer had himself hauled to the far side and back again.
52. However, this relative prosperity tends to obscure the precarious living conditions of the 3.5m Kurds who live in the area.
53. The bottle was in a precarious position on the edge of the table.
54. His hand closed over grass which was instantly torn from the soft earth and his boots were dislodged from their precarious footholds.
55. And now those precarious narrow roads were hard to find.
56. Despite Zborowski's frantic efforts to sell his work, Modigliani's living was still very precarious.
57. The release of the individual from accountability lays a precarious basis for a new democratic political culture.
58. As the war continued, the position of southerners became more precarious.
59. The sets include a precarious raked stage and symbolic elements that reveal themselves as the opera unfolds.
60. The market system holds out opportunities for the peasant, but it also makes his situation more precarious.
61. And then he noticed the step-ladder, abandoned quickly, left in a precarious tilt against a column of boxes.
62. In some countries the drive for rugby excellence pushed student rugby into a precarious position.
63. It was a long, tense moment as they adjusted the ropes and wrestled with the banner in their precarious position.
64. The living conditions of many of these migrants in illegal squatter settlements is often precarious.
65. And they believe that what makes the current situation precarious is the continuing uncertainty over the outlook for sterling.
66. Slowly the rhythm returned again and I eased my precarious existence up the river.
67. Greenspan must assume his share of the blame for the precarious situation the global economy is now in.
68. Another is a close-up of a mud-encrusted hand reaching back toward a worker at the top of a precarious twig ladder.
69. Mary Mara makes the volatile Ruth a mainspring of precarious tension, capable of a solitary three-way argument over a peanut-butter sandwich.
70. In this precarious financial position, the party can hardly afford the restrictions on its fund-raising recently decreed by President Clinton.
71. Without a political settlement any truce in Bosnia remains precarious.
72. Conservatism may represent the attempt to establish some continuity and order in these precarious circumstances.
73. You made the precarious climb up the side of the bus using a ladder.
74. Each country was affected by the unprecedented military build up, the collapse of the precarious economy and the human suffering.
75. It evokes a precarious world which is so rickety that it may, at any time, collapse.
76. The position of Spenser's Elizabethan gentleman is revealed to be a precarious one.
77. For the destitute, the impoverished, the sick, the hunted and the bereft, life was intolerably precarious.
78. Sport is but one and, seductive as it may be, it is precarious and, inevitably, short-term.
79. Harsh repression firmly put it down, outlaws taking as usual to a scattered and precarious existence in the Weald.
80. No one would lend money to a company in such a precarious position.
81. The typical peasant farmer has a precarious existence, at the mercy of flood,(sentence dictionary) disease and famine.
82. The situation is growing precarious as more and more corporations are peopled by temporary employees.
83. Are you sure he's safe on that ladder? It looks very precarious up there.
84. The motor trade is still in a very precarious state, with many dealers just treading water and others going bust.
85. But reason told her it was a precarious business at the best of times.
86. Now that balancing act has become more precarious than ever.
87. Unwritten rules may be a precarious basis on which to run a factory.
88. We find intelligence and life spooky because they maintain a precarious state far from equilibrium.
89. Rain sped along the wide empty road between the blue sea and the high mountains where ochre patches were precarious villages.
90. Opposing forces were in precarious balance, and resolving their tug-of-war was his prime concern.
91. The next restoration project will be of the melodramatic pyramid memorial to Canova, which is in a dangerously precarious state.
92. It held even its most precarious seats, and increased its share of the vote over the Tories in their former heartlands.
93. Our financial situation is still precarious.
94. I'm sure you have heard of his precarious infancy.
95. Would not that be precarious for him?
96. The future is precarious: repressive tendencies still exist.
97. Living on cloud nine is intoxicating and precarious.
98. He holds his life on a precarious tenure.
99. They were going to cross a precarious suspension bridge.
100. It was a precarious operation at the start — as all farming was in the new colonies—and it became precarious enough again in these past few years to peter out at last.
101. What he desired most, as an aging man and precarious actor, was respect rather than admiration.
102. Even when I was holding onto a towel rack , the situation felt precarious.
103. The situation is more precarious for producers in labour intensive, low - margin industries.
104. Her home now is a precarious lean-to made from a couple of stained, fraying sheets tied to some sticks.
105. For a few precarious seconds, the chaplain tingled with a weird, occult sensation.
106. They also had set up a treadmill in a precarious place: on the edge of a countertop overlooking an open tank of flesh-eating fish.
107. "Oh-eh, oh-eh, " calls Roberto Luppi, a Venetian- born gondolier, each time he reaches a precarious bend.
108. The Slovaks , who had been used as a pawn by Germany, obtained a precarious autonomy.
109. International relations expert Soli Ozel of Istanbul's Bilgi University said this has put Turkey in a precarious position.
110. Scotland , his native country, stood at this time in a very precarious and doubtful situation.
111. Even preserving what we have achieved - the Indochina settlement,(http:///precarious.html) for example - would become precarious.
112. They are nearly40 miles south of the Sea of Galilee, under the precarious ruins of abridge that was bombed during the Six Day War of June 1967.
113. The 12 January earthquake that caused widespread damage in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince is exacerbating an already precarious health situation.
114. Tyson's behavior sullied boxing's always precarious reputation, making the sport synonymous with freakishness.
115. Did he gain his precarious bread by some petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?
116. Early - modern governments were engaged in a precarious hand - to - mouth living.
117. But that sense of increasing physical security remains precarious, and psychological security is something else.
118. Did he gain his precarious bread petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?
119. A recovery team had to burrow horizontally, punch through two collapsed and precarious floors and then remove mounds of crumbled concrete from over the man, Mr. Juncosa said.
120. Tan Qing Rui right away gets off and see 120 many year old, the tears cover the face feme clime to Xiang river male iron big bridge south side rail, precarious.
121. The financial situation for the automakers grows more precarious by the day.
122. However, the Ministry of Cities still faces many serious problems, the most immediate being its precarious institutional organization, small team and limited budgetary resources.
123. Late last year the International Press Institute put Sri Lanka on its watch-list of countries where the media's situation is precarious, along with Russia.
124. My position was thus at the same time unprecedently strong and precarious.
125. Fragile letters in which the painter Vincent van Gogh revealed the precarious state of his mental health and finances will be displayed next winter at the Royal Academy, it was announced today.
126. Those in precarious dis-synergistic union accolade dis-achievement of self. The dis-achievement fails to renew self and may render spirit and the energy field.




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