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单词 Sore
1. An old dog bites sore.
2. Better eye sore than all blind. 
3. I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
4. My leg is still very sore.
5. My stomach is still sore after the operation.
6. He was rubbling his sore scalp.
7. I have a sore throat.
8. My leg is sore, it hurts.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. He is a sore loser.
10. His feet were sore after the walk.
11. All the dust has made my eyes sore.
12. He gets lonely and sore, and pikes out.
13. Mary has a bad cold and sore throat.
14. He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.
15. I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.
16. The singer complained of a sore throat after Wednesday's show.
17. It's years since I've had a sore throat like I did last night.
18. These tablets will do nothing to remedy my sore throat.
19. His throat is sore.
20. She had sore feet from walking on hard pavements all day.
21. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.
22. My chest is still sore from the surgery.
23. Nobody likes a sore loser.
24. She moved slowly, dragging her sore feet.
25. This medicine should soothe your sore throat.
26. Gargling with salt water may help your sore throat.
27. I've got a sore place in my back.
28. On her leg was an angry sore.
29. I bought some lozenges to soothe my sore throat.
30. When he's just woken up he's like a bear with a sore head.
1. I had a sore throat and aching limbs.
2. My stomach is still sore after the operation.
3. He was rubbling his sore scalp.
4. I have a sore throat.
5. My leg is sore, it hurts.
6. He is a sore loser.
7. His feet were sore after the walk.
8. All the dust has made my eyes sore.
8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
9. He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.
10. I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow.
11. The singer complained of a sore throat after Wednesday's show.
12. It's years since I've had a sore throat like I did last night.
13. His throat is sore.
14. She had sore feet from walking on hard pavements all day.
15. My throat is so sore that it really hurts when I swallow.
16. She had a sore throat.
17. Her eyes were red and sore because of all the chlorine in the pool.
18. Though the sore being healed, yet a scar may remain.
31. I've got a sore throat and a blocked nose.
32. You're a sight for sore eyes!
33. I had a sore throat and could only croak.
34. I've got terrible earache and a sore throat.
35. Losing the election was a sore disappointment.
36. Sore throats may be relieved by cold compresses.
37. Symptoms include a sore throat and dry, persistent cough.
38. My feet were sore and my back was aching.
39. She had a sore throat.
40. She's still a bit sore after the accident.
41. He's still a sore point about his sister's death.
42. My feet were sore with all the walking.
43. His father's throat is a bit sore.
44. Her sore foot bothers her.
45. The chlorine in the pool makes my eyes sore.
46. I repent me full sore.
47. Mac's still sore because I didn't invite him.
48. My arms are sore from all the lifting.
49. Symptoms include a headache and sore throat.
50. Gargle with salt water if your throat is sore.
51. I've got a sore throat.
52. My eyes feel really sore.
53. The cream works immediately to relieve sore skin.
54. The sore is still discharging pus.
55. Sore nipples can inhibit the milk supply.
56. He had a sore on his foot.
57. It sounds like you've got a sore throat.
58. I'm out of action with a sore back.
59. This medicine will quell your sore throat.
60. The dinner is formal(),[] if you don't wear the correct clothes you'll stick out like a sore thumb.
61. She feels sore about not being invited to the party.
62. It's a sore point with Sue's parents that the children have not been baptized yet.
63. A nice hot bath - just the thing to relax sore muscles.
64. The continuing presence of American troops on Korean soil remains a very sore point with these students.
65. Don't be sore at me - I just forgot to tell you.
66. You're like a bear with a sore head this morning. What's wrong with you?
67. I should keep out of his way. He's like a bear with a sore head this morning.
68. Everyone else was in jeans and casual gear and I had my office clothes on - I stuck out like a sore thumb.
69. I had to be careful not to get a sore throat and lose my voice.
70. He had a sore throat,[/sore.html] so he turned away from drinking and smoking.
71. Just don't mention it - it's always been a sore point with him.
72. Shaw has been nursing a sore ankle, and is not expected to play on Sunday.
73. The sore is still weeping a lot so you'll have to change the dressing once a day.
74. Her eyes were red and sore because of all the chlorine in the pool.
75. The blue building stood out like a sore thumb among the whitewashed villas.
76. Though the sore being healed, yet a scar may remain.
77. Inner city schools are in sore need of extra funds.
78. After cycling for the whole day, my backside was very sore.
79. Your back looks sore you've really caught the sun today.
80. You're a sight for sore eyes I thought you'd gone for good!
81. You stick out like a sore thumb in that uniform.
82. Rachel had a sore throat and runny nose all day yesterday.
83. I wouldn't ask him about his job interview; it's rather a sore point with him at the moment.
84. I think I'm getting a cold-I've got a sore throat and a runny nose.
85. If your skin becomes red, sore or very scaly, consult your doctor.
86. If you wear a suit to the party, you'll stand out like a sore thumb.
87. She was a sore trial to her family at times.
88. Mining and the condition of miners has been a running sore in the country for many years.
89. The border dispute was a running sore in relations between the countries.
90. He's got all the classic symptoms of a cold - the coughs and sneezes and the sore throat.
91. The President declined to deliver the speech himself, on account of a sore throat.
92. The modern office block sticks out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area.
93. With sore legs and aching chest he shuffled over to the bathroom.
94. The result is that they are now all feeling very sore at you.
95. He swallowed, checking for a sore throat, his ears.
96. Robin has a sore throat and a runny nose.
97. We stand out like sore thumbs.
98. We knew the sore facts we had both escaped.
99. Sore throat with swollen glands and a stiff neck.
100. My legs are still sore today.
101. Grant uses a homemade preparation for his sore muscles.
102. Or possibly a sheep with a very sore throat.
103. Sore throat, runny nose, head like a cottage loaf.
104. Take as an example a simple sore throat.
105. My neck is so sore.
106. I felt stiff and sore and hot.
107. Initial symptoms include fever and mild sore throat.
108. He was sore from constant injections.
109. Restless, anxious, aching sore and bruised pains, tearing pains.
110. He was like Doctor Cooper poking a sore appendix.
111. Shaw has been nursing a sore ankle.
112. He moved his shoulder experimentally; still sore.
113. This is a sore spot with me.
114. I mean, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
115. And Nat was like a running sore, crabby, miserable.
116. Her poor old eye is very sore.
117. He began kneading my sore shoulder muscles.
118. Mrs Krueger seemed to have very sore feet.
119. The potential restriction of physician income is a major sore point.
120. The discharges irritate and make the skin sore; salivation may be profuse; the breath offensive.
121. They are likely to bend forward and flex the limbs in order to gain relief from the tightness. Very sore to touch.
122. Senior Pat Graham is playing on a sore, possibly broken, foot.
123. Sore eyes I may have, but at least I am not blind and can still darn my own stockings.
124. A searing drive by utility infielder Mark Lewis careered into her ribs, leaving a sore, big bruise.
125. Performances had to be canceled when she had a sore throat.
126. Her arm was aching from his weight, and her body was sore from his eager lovemaking.
127. Me and my sore back composed a letter to Martina.
128. And Ceballos' counterpart on the Rockets, Robert Horry, was also sidelined, nursing a sore knee.
128. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
129. Any sore that does not heaL Progressive changes in size or color or feeling in a wart or mole.
130. Tom gently washed Willie's body again and smoothed witch-hazel on to the sore spots.
131. Linebacker Gary Plummer and tight end Greg Clark are both nursing sore lower abdominal muscles.
132. This is characterised by a scaly and sometimes itchy scalp, but it shouldn't be red or sore.
133. Well, I say that, but of course me and my sore back got up to all kinds of stuff.
134. And now she had pierced her again in this sore spot.
135. Ryan Klesko sat Wednesday, his smoldering bat idled by a sore right wrist.
136. Victor Alexander, just acquired in a trade with Toronto, has a sore foot.
137. That'd be a sight for sore eyes with that one.
138. The sore, bruised, aching feeling makes him restless; always having to change position.
139. And what had he got in return but mouthfuls of dust and sore feet?
140. You can't come to the restaurant dressed in jeans. You'd stick out like a sore thumb.
141. Graduate entry with resultant opportunities for promotion was then - as now - an especially sore point.
142. Having a whole batch together should make an odd one stick out like a sore thumb.
143. Sore muscles are not the only possibility to explain cough and chest pain.
144. The afflicted person will complain of aches and pains, headache, sore throat, loss of appetite, and general malaise.
145. He returned carrying some tepid water and cleaning material, and gently began wiping the sore cut.
146. The sore of primary syphilis is followed after six to eight weeks by the development of the secondary stage.
147. The box at Marske-in-Swaledale, which turns its blank stainless steel back to the main road, is a particularly sore thumb.
148. Symptoms can include stomach upsets, headaches, sore throats, asthma and tiredness.
149. And they were sore as a boil, and righteously so.
150. In spite of her sore butt and the strange sensation between her legs, she wasn't unduly stressed.
151. Our feet often became too sore and blistered to be put into shoes, so we walked home in our stockinged feet.
152. If you have a sore throat, are you blocking communication?
153. His back is sore and a calf injury bothers him.
154. Balancing Breathing - do this more often when you have colds or sore throats.
155. GUHgl-MUHgl n. A folk remedy for sore throats and colds.
156. All the same, I had sore feet and was feeling sorry for myself.
157. My ribs were sore when I coughed, my tummy was bloated and painful, and I felt so miserable.
158. But finally, she would make of it an ulcer[sentencedict .com], a running sore that would never heal.
159. He was nursing a sore right side, where he was grazed by a police bullet.
160. Anyway, he doesn't say much; maybe his mouth is still sore from his visit to the dentist's.
161. My heart is still sore for the loss of him.
162. Just another scheme from the putrid sore of the northwest.
163. Severe sore throats persisting more than a day or two in a young child without signs of improvement.
164. It turns out her nose is sore but unbroken, not even bruised.
165. For these reasons feminist values stand out like a sore thumb.
166. A day's work still to do before the Sabbath and they would have sore heads in the morning.
167. I'm sorry - I didn't mean to touch your sore arm.
168. For this the sore is gently scraped and any fluid that exudes can then be looked at under the microscope.
169. She was damp, she was sore from scrubbing with the shower mitt, her hair hung in rats' tails.
170. In more serious cases your doctor may prescribe you an oral antibiotic which will reduce the number of sore and inflamed spots.
171. Another sore point was de Gaulle's fondness for theatricality and rhetoric, which sometimes came at the expense of substance.
172. Sore experience on the Debenham house made him very aware of how easily original details can be lost in inexpert hands.
173. She may also complain of sore muscles, stomach aches, and other pains.
174. This remedy may come up after a Belladonna sore throat has gone down on the chest.
175. For Horace it might have been a short madness; in Frere it threatened to become a running sore.
176. Respiratory system Runny or congested nose, constant sore throat, catarrh or post-nasal drip, difficulty in breathing, hyperventilation.
177. He began to shout it out with a giggle in his sore voice.
178. The children, aged 10 and 12, constantly complain of colds, bronchial coughs and sore bones.
179. Marlon Farlow, who is nursing a sore hamstring, gained 25 yards on four rushes.
180. My hips go, my knees get too sore, my back stiffens up and I can't bend.
181. Such protestations ferment a running sore which breeds contempt for the authorities.
182. He pulled himself into the saddle, settled his sore thighs, and pushed the rifle into its holster.
183. Martin was unable to score at all in the game, complaining of a sore knee.
184. It started with a sore throat and became a week of total misery.
185. In fact Meadowell is an Elastoplast name like Sizewell, invented in the 1970s to disguise what was already a running sore.
186. After a twelve hour plane ride, my back was stiff and sore.
187. Steve Nash is nursing various aches and pains, including a sore hamstring.
188. The next thing I knew, it was dark and I was lying in the beach cold and sick and sore.
189. You stick out like a sore thumb in that ghastly uniform, Charles.
190. There is usually a painless swelling of the lymph glands which drain the area of the primary sore.
191. He recommended coral for skin troubles, sore eyes and bites, to choose a single example.
192. The matter was not carefully investigated because Thebes was in sore straits at the time.
193. But the wound was still so sore and tender that she could hardly bear to think about it.
194. The first is a surface sore which starts off as a red mark.
195. Chest very sore and tight, children may cry before they cough.
196. Billy Owens, limited to two quarters because of a sore foot, added 18 points and six assists.
197. The patient should be advised to report immediately the occurrence of easy bruising, pallor, persistent sore throat, or fever.
198. Your spirits can sore with the skyscrapers beckoning upward, upward.
199. Finally, there are plans to provide custodians a sore point to enable the churches to open for two hours a day.
200. But one summer when I was around ten or eleven I developed a nasty sore throat which the doctor thought was tonsillitis.
201. Consistent testing Implicit in the anecdote about the sore head was the need to test the utterance.
202. He was 15 and had gone to the doctor with a sore throat.
203. Such people are like a bear with a sore head.
204. Inside were two cockerels in opposite corners, sore, bald things with a vestige of feathers.
205. You have laboured up an unending hill with heavy feet which are swollen, sore and tired.
206. You can partially relieve muscles sore from coughing by giving simple pain medicine such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
207. His sore leg was a pretext. He just wanted a day off work.
208. Her only problem was a sore throat, which made speaking difficult.
209. The corners of the mouth may be cracked and sore and the tongue unusually red.
210. If you've got a cold or sore throat, they can advise which over-the-counter medicines to take.
211. Me and my sore back had cocktails with Butch Beausoleil.
212. His passing leaves a sore gap in his family circle and in his wider circle of friends and acquaintances.
213. A visit to the Westonbirt Arboretum with its 13,000 trees and shrubs is always a sight for sore eyes.
214. Jenkins left the game when his chronically sore knees began bothering him.
215. Four months after the show opened in October 1995, she missed 10 performances because of a sore throat and cough.
216. There's no cover, and - as happened to me - any stranger sticks out like a sore thumb.
217. My back ached, my bum was sore and my mouth caked with the rich tang of the wine.
218. Dodgers catcher Mike Piazza, who participated in the 1993 series, returned with a sore arm.
218. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
219. Her tweed skirt was soaking and its friction rubbed sore patches behind her knees.
220. This band sounds like an ulcer, a festering sore, a self-consuming but none the less exhilarating secretion of bile.
221. I discovered he was teething - the sucking made his gums sore so he could only do it for a short time.
222. During the peri-operative period pressure sore should be prevented by regular changes of position.
223. Doing so lowers the risk of waking up stiff and sore.
224. She was sore because she wasn't asked to the wedding.
225. Luch slept quietly on a pallet in the corner, her sore arm bandaged, her baby tucked safe beside her.
226. By plunging a knife into the sore spots-dependence, lack of democracy, powerlessness-the Gulf War shattered something deep within us.
227. Unused muscles can feel very sore when you start exercising.
228. Prominent projections of the bones can become sore to touch,() especially the cheek bones.
229. Private Eye was indeed an extremely sore point with Branson.
230. It is still a sore point with both grandparents that neither Alice nor Henry have been baptized.
231. Me and my sore back have had several meetings now with Fielding's moneymen.
232. Anyone who suffers from rheumatism, arthritis, backache, cramp or sore joints would feel immediate relief.
233. Despite sore feet and blisters, they completed the 26 and bit miles to raise thousands of pounds for charity.
234. It took him fifteen minutes and by the end his hand was sore from all the shaking.
235. By lunchtime the next day, her eyes were so sore and swollen that she could hardly see.
236. Cormier has been limited to long-tossing so far after reporting with a sore back.
237. She missed more than ten performances that year due to a persistent sore throat and cough.
238. They would do this for hours until my neck grew sore.
239. Nurse found the worst patches around his ears where he had scratched the scalp sore.
240. It's a warm good wine; it hits some little sore spot.
241. The shifting mist was choking. Without the mask, her eyes were dry and sore.
242. I who did not help my comrade in his sore need.
243. You may also have a dry irritating cough, a sore throat and a runny, itchy nose.
244. Doreen was a girl who always sounded as though her nasal passages were obstructed or her throat sore.
245. Sore chest or stitching pain with the cough or deep breathing.
246. Salt water is a good home remedy for a sore throat.
247. Having said that, in some of the bits of Shoreditch I passed through I stuck out like a sore thumb.
248. Carrington did not suit up because of his sore knee.
249. His throat was a bit sore anyway, and with luck it might turn into a cold.
250. The heat in her tail burnt like a furnace, as the little strap continued to pummel her sore behind.
251. His eyes looked red and sore, as if he had been rubbing them.
252. Myeloski awoke like a grizzly bear with a sore head.
253. Charles Smith has missed the last five games with a chronically sore right knee.
254. Oh yeah and me and my sore back got hold of little Selina late one night.
255. Licorice root tea is great for sore throats.
256. ObjectiveExplore Portable vacuum-assisted closure for treatment of Pressure sore.
257. Unless otherwise directed, use this medicine five times a day for 5 days, even if the cold sore begins to heal.
258. Methods From 1993 to 2001,17 cases of huge sacral pressure sore were repaired using the pedicled upper part gluteus maximum myocutaneous flap .
259. This gargle will relieve your sore [ s ] throat.
260. Why do you have to stick out like a sore thumb?
261. Objective:To summarize and evaluate the preventative method of pressure sore for the patients with osseous metastasis from tumor and provide guidance for pressure sore of clinical tumor.
262. In the foot-care section of drug stores, you'll find donut-shaped foam pads in several diameters. They're made for corns but can help you ride more comfortably with a saddle sore(), too.
263. This just becomes these achieving to drop the biggest sore point of copartner.
264. The tragedy happened in Fanyi broke up the running sore of Chinese skin in the semicolony and semifeudal society and exploded the guilty in the old chinese family.
265. Helen Bostock, a horticulture advisor at the UK's Royal Horticultural Society, says that while a true-blue rose sounds fabulous, it could stand out like a "sore thumb".
266. Inchoate skin mucous membrane is damaged (sore of first phase, 2 period mildew) can check cadaverous helicoid.
267. Sore at Humboldt? He's too fantastic to be sore at.
268. To observe the therapeutic effect of the patients with pressure sore treated with Algoplaque Film.
269. There may be only one canker sore or several and they often return.
270. Objective: To investigate treatment and nursing for paraplegia and renal insufficiency patients with severe pressure sore.
271. Although its characteristic is the sore shape is small, but the root foot is hard, has like shape of the nail, the condition change is rapid, easy to create poisonously disperses evilly.
272. Ruth will be absent today. she is incapacitated by a sore throat.
273. It usually starts with a sore throat, sneezing and a runny nose.
274. Among the other areas the cold sore virus can infect are the finger (herpetic whitlow) and the eye (ocular herpes).
275. An example is slippery elm for sore throat and laryngitis.
276. I now have sore nuts due to a direct hit from a broom handle.
277. Influenza ordinarily is a respiratory illness with fever, headache, sore throat, nasal stuffiness and cough. And body aches are real common.
278. The primary clinical endpoint of the study was the evaluation of the number of patients who developed a canker sore with and without treatment.




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