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单词 Rural
1. He is vicar of a large rural parish.
2. The government wants to encourage viable self-contained rural communities.
3. We left the city for a rural home.
4. Crops are often in rural areas.
5. Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.
6. All rural settlements were classified according to their size.
7. This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery.
8. They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.
9. The people in the rural areas use mud bricks only as an immediate(sentence dictionary), practical necessity.
10. Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of the pastoral/rural idyll.
11. The informative asides about rural life make this wine guide rather special.
12. In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.
13. Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities.
14. The paper is largely circulated in the rural regions.
15. Textile weavers receive low wages in the rural areas.
16. Recent economic doldrums have damaged the rural west.
17. We have campaigned for better rural transport.
18. Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike.
19. He grew up in a rural backwater.
20. Agriculture forms the backbone of the rural economy.
21. A large percentage of the rural population was illiterate.
22. Two mobile units provide healthcare in rural villages.
23. Most of the country, except the east, is rural.
24. The central plank of the bill was rural development.
25. Mobile shops are invaluable to people in rural areas.
26. Their cottage is in an idyllic rural setting.
27. He has a romantic view of rural society.
28. Consort has a population of 714 and is about as rural and isolated as you can get.
29. The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.
30. A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas which surround them.
1. The government wants to encourage viable self-contained rural communities.
2. Crops are often in rural areas.
3. Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.
4. All rural settlements were classified according to their size.
5. This mail service is called Rural Free Delivery.
6. They announced the initiation of a rural development programme.
7. The people in the rural areas use mud bricks only as an immediate, practical necessity.
8. Consort has a population of 714 and is about as rural and isolated as you can get.
9. Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of the pastoral/rural idyll.
10. The plan has the added advantage of bringing employment to rural areas.
11. The informative asides about rural life make this wine guide rather special.
12. A county usually consists of several towns and the rural areas which surround them.
13. In France patois was spoken in rural, less developed regions.
14. Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.
15. Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas.
16. It is a love story set against a backdrop of rural Irish life.
31. He was ordained minister of a small rural congregation.
32. Desegregation may be harder to enforce in rural areas.
33. Thousands of teachers were redeployed into rural areas.
34. There is an ambivalent feeling towards rural workers.
35. Crops are grown in rural areas.
36. The area is still very rural and undeveloped.
37. She lives in a quiet corner of rural Yorkshire.
38. He lived a rural life.
39. The dialect is spoken principally in the rural areas.
40. She was elected to a rural constituency.
41. It's very rural round here,(http://) isn't it ?
42. The hotel is in a tranquil rural setting.
43. The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.
44. Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.
45. In the rural areas, illiteracy is widespread.
46. These incidents are best understood in the broader context of developments in rural society.
47. In rural areas, the corollary of increased car ownership has been a rapid decline in the provision of public transport.
48. In the Balearics pockets of rural life and inland villages are undisturbed.
49. The lure of rural life is proving as strong as ever.
50. For many, the essence of French living is to be found in the rural heartlands.
51. She used a fair amount of poetic licence when describing her life in rural France.
52. In the rural areas, family and tribal loyalties continue to be important.
53. Her journal is an important document of Victorian rural life.
54. He has caught the zeitgeist of rural life in the 1980s very well indeed.
55. The austerities of life in a small rural community were not what I was used to.
56. Much of his early work is concerned with the minutiae of rural life.
57. Figures showed that crime was rising more quickly in the Shire Counties and rural areas than in the major cities.
58. Millions have migrated to the cities because they could not survive in rural areas.
59. 60 years ago half the French population still lived in rural areas.
60. These plants have a tendency to grow in the more rural areas.
61. People in rural areas are even worse off, as they have no regular bus service.
62. Rural railway lines risk being axed because they are unprofitable.
63. All this romance is set against a backdrop of rural Irish life.
64. Rail services to rural areas could be withdrawn without undue hardship.
65. She finds that the sleepy town she moves to isn'tthe rural idyll she imagined.
66. The rural environment lent itself to the restoration of his health.
67. The authorities have revoked their original decision to allow development of this rural area.
68. Children who live in the country's rural areas are very likely to be poor.
69. The early 90's finds an unprecedented tide of rural workers flooding into big cities in China.
70. Sickness was rampant in the rural areas of this country.
71. The Land Protection Bill was talked out by MPs from rural areas.
72. The natural growth rate of population is revving up in rural areas.
73. In rural areas, the school is often the focal point for the local community.
74. Many rural areas around the city have been suburbanized now.
75. East Anglia is by no means typical of rural Britain.
76. The development detracts from the rural character of the area.
77. The problem of poverty is particularly acute in rural areas.
78. The museum contains some interesting exhibits on Spanish rural life.
79. She's carrying out a comparative study of health in inner cities and rural areas.
80. Transport networks need to be expanded to remote rural areas.
81. The rural population has become increasingly politicized in recent years.
82. Planners are committed to developing the city's brownfield sites before granting permission to build on the rural outskirts.
83. Growing numbers of people in the rural areas are too frightened to vote.
84. Cheap rural housing is vanishing in the south of the country.
85. The rural people have been impoverished by a collapsing economy.
86. The film captures the flavour of rural life in this area.
87. The recycling scheme gets its first try-out in rural Dorset.
88. There's a growing need for new housing in many rural areas.
89. At the end of the 17th century England was still overwhelmingly rural.
90. There are tax breaks for businesses that locate in rural areas.
91. This is early-20th-century rural Sussex, when horses still pulled the plough.
92. We can legitimately ask what competence an official based in Whitehall has to solve the problems of rural Scotland.
93. It is a love story set against a backdrop of rural Irish life.
94. Some rural schools have 50 pupils, while at the other end of the scale are city schools with nearly 5,()000 pupils.
95. Rural areas have been traditionally thought of as a stronghold of old-fashioned attitudes.
96. In the rural areas, people could scrape by, thanks to what they grew themselves.
97. As rural factories shed labour, people drift towards the cities.
98. Rural depopulation is a matter of serious concern.
99. Many rural areas have acted in similar fashion.
100. Compared to Los Angeles, Santa Barbara almost seems rural.
101. The combined effect has been to translate regions that were once largely rural into bastions of urbanization.
102. A once charming rural idyll, Emmerdale had become a moral cesspit.
103. Even now it is the magnet that draws the rural peasants and small businessmen looking for work and casual labour.
104. In the more traditional agrarian societies these mobile constructors formed an important bridge between rural and industrial life.
105. By far the greatest proportion of those joining the new congregations were Presbyterians and they were mostly from rural areas.
106. Why did this chronic shortage of rural council housing persist?
107. The authors point out that their study was done in a rural area and results may differ with urban clients.
108. West Cranmore Station Somerset typical of the rural branch lines of the country.
109. Further along, one could see where the street passed over a round-backed bridge and on into more rural surroundings.
110. Meanwhile, authorities can take advantage of experience with the existing system in both rural and urban areas.
111. In many rural areas the tree was deemed sacred and thus is widely planted in churchyards.
112. The proportion of the population living and employed in rural areas declined sharply.
113. Much academic attention has been focused on the classification of the social groups comprising the new types of communities in rural areas.
114. This model will be used to evaluate alternative policies for encouraging economic development in rural Grampian and similar rural areas.
115. Car ownership rates are higher in rural areas than the national average.
116. The stability of the rural economy may, inpart be dependent on the effects of climatic change.
117. Changing economic circumstances and social aspirations have led to increased interest in rural life and in the particular problems facing rural people.
118. The regenerative technologies are beneficial for both farmers and rural environments.
119. The first principal component, carrying 50 percent of the original variance, was dominated by land-cover differences in the rural area.
120. To overcome these problems, small schools in some rural areas have formed cooperative clusters whereby teachers provide curriculum support for each other.
121. In spite of the variations, crime rates are significantly higher in urban areas than in rural areas.
122. I have suggested that many people believe that there is a valid way of life argument against closing any rural primary school.
123. It is the main medium on which the government relies to communicate its message to the public, especially to rural communities.
124. Assisting people in rural areas by making concessionary fares on local public transport widely available.
125. Rural community autarchy, even if it were an acceptable aim, is a Utopian dream.
126. It sees them as little more than rural ghettoes designed by previous hated white regimes to keep blacks and whites apart.
127. This is aimed at encouraging subscriptions from smaller towns and rural areas where there are no Internet service providers.
128. As expected, rural residents will value and conserve water if they pay for it.
129. And Samuel Turner Stevens, on fretless banjo, demonstrates the ties between white hillbilly music and rural blues.
130. Community Based Planners will have to consider alternatives to accommodating the needs of those living in more rural areas.
131. Colourful parasols dot its fine shingle beach and, inland, rolling rural landscapes await those who like to explore.
132. From 1918 to 1923 there are four more brilliant fireballs over rural areas on land.
133. The rich get richer and the rural population is doomed to remain in absolute poverty.
134. We ranked rural postcode sectors in ascending order of proportions of oil workers among economically active men.
135. Although Kilmarnock is an industrial area, there is a large rural area in the constituency in the heart of Ayrshire.
136. This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
137. Rural industry and agriculture could help to conserve our countryside and its people.
138. Educationists must modify or supplement teacher training courses soas to cater for those who will work in rural schools.
139. On the other, is the rural enclave with archaic traditional technological knowledge which is fast decaying.
140. The transformation of rural communities, therefore, has led to new social divisions.
141. Almost half of the population of the world lives in rural regions and mostly in a state of poverty. Such inequalities in human development have been one of the primary reasons for unrest and, in some parts of the world, even violence. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
142. Those who saw rural values being challenged by modern urban ideas found another cause to support in 1925.
143. A shift in emphasis back to the rural areas was manifested by what might be termed an urbanization of the countryside.
144. The same strategy seems to have characterized the work of most development agencies in rural areas.
145. Furthermore, the use of subsidies needs to be clarified and directed more towards rural electricity and renewable energy.
146. Most of the cases affected rural families where children slept near stored grain that investigators believed was contaminated with the fungus.
147. Farming is therefore identified as fundamental in achieving the two objectives of maintaining rural populations and conserving the countryside.
148. What is possible for a large suburban congregation is out of the question for a tiny congregation in a rural situation.
149. Our rural ancestors, with little blest, Patient of labour when the end was rest, Indulged the day that housed their annual grain, With feasts, and off'rings, and a thankful strain. Alexander Pope 
150. Increasingly, Labour and Conservative support has become polarized between North and South and between urban and rural areas.
151. Farmers' activities, which are the backbone of the rural economy, are vital to the survival of whole communities.
152. The vast benefits many farmers saw as accruing to cities as a result of rural exploitation were no more than illusory.
153. Too often, policies have worked only or mainly to the benefit of the rural elite or the local bureaucrats.
153. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
154. The assessment of structural adjustment loans is even more problematic than the assessment of rural development projects.
155. In the rural areas, angry farmers prevented officials from evicting those who were in arrears with their mortgage payments.
156. Forty percent of biology teachers in rural Kansas describe themselves as creationists; the number drops in urban areas.
157. Vitro knows all about being dirt poor in the rural South and growing up in a broken home.
158. In one account, a rural policeman shot an arrow into his leg.
159. Scott spent his early childhood living with his parents in a one-room shack in a rural area outside of Tacoma.
160. Their cultural background is that of a small rural community where women tend to go out with family members or neighbours.
161. People in rural communities are much less likely to become the victim of violence, researchers found.
162. This was true of the industrial areas but also the rural communities which had ancient Catholic communities.
163. Its strong defence of farming interests is designed to win the support of the large rural community.
164. More importantly, the definition of the adventitious population stresses an element of choice in rural residence.
165. This was mainly rural farmland with a few market towns and small coastal resorts.
166. The commune was doomed by the spread of market relations and the peasantry were becoming divided between capitalists and propertyless rural labourers.
167. One other key variable that has traditionally been used to delineate rural areas is the percentages employed in agriculture and forestry.
168. Wiltshire Community Foundation says policies fail to acknowledge the greater cost of providing rural services.
169. Rural areas supplied not only agricultural products but also a considerable proportion of manufacturing output.
170. Rod Grams recently appointed a Pennington County extension agent to his rural policy task force.
171. The most difficult part of the Boards' programme of expanding the distribution system was in rural areas.
172. They join a rural community life and a society based on mutual aid.
173. These visitations began at 8 a.m. and covered nine rural and local cemeteries.
174. Even since the war industrial relocation schemes for rural areas have been half-hearted and inadequate.
175. Introduction Evidence has mounted that the incidence of childhood leukaemia can be increased by population mixing, particularly in a rural area.
176. The urban street and the rural village are both, in their different ways, educational backwaters.
177. However, comprehensives in relatively affluent rural and suburban areas will become richer.
178. The women answer job adverts in local newspapers in the poorer, usually rural, areas of their homelands.
179. Settlement policies have a complementary role, in that they affect the distribution of employment, services and housing within rural areas.
180. The central plank of the new policy was rural development.
181. Inquiries must continue, however, to discover if Trevor Graham, a chartered surveyor, takes rural walks.
182. Reasons are not clear-cut, but various aspects of rural social life have been suggested.
183. Much of the peripheral area is former coal field rather than rural.
184. Parishes For local government purposes the parish had only existed within the boundaries of the former rural district councils.
185. In rural areas, the figure drops to one in three.
186. A survey of farmers' attitudes, and of possible social effects in rural areas will complete the study.
187. Can he give any assurance about the future of such services in rural areas?
188. But Sophie Ryder is a sculptor who finds artistic merit in the more mundane aspects of rural life.
189. Most lived in rural areas, where they eked out meagre livings as cultivators.
190. The Council argued the proposed change of operating centre on tree nursery land did not conform with rural development in that area.
191. They reflect a tough tradition among rural women of shouldering a heavy economic burden and speaking their mind.
192. This meant that the cities which ultimately grew up within this rural society were of a different character from the surrounding countryside.
193. In rural areas which had never before been exposed to the agent, an increase in childhood leukaemia cases resulted.
194. All these factors were intensified by rural population growth, although it was not in itself caused by the family-based allowance scheme.
195. With rising rural population and the end of the cereal boom, farm wages away from industrial areas simply stagnated.
196. It refers to urban decline and work on rural and coastal areas.
197. Officials in rural districts covering a large area may drive long distances to perform their regular duties.
198. For details of schemes in the target areas and general advice on rural out-of-school schemes, ring her.
199. Sparsity of population in some rural counties of Britain can create considerable problems for bus operators.
200. One reason may be the chronic shortage of funds that requires many rural schools to make up their budgets by irregular means.
201. In some rural areas the population served may need to be even smaller if villages are far apart.
202. But what is life like for people living in rural areas who can't afford a car?
203. The early success and popularity of rural reforms encouraged the introduction of economic change in urban areas.
204. Economic disparity between rural and urban areas is not limited to South Carolina.
205. Thomas's colorful history began years before with the tent shows that traveled the South bringing entertainment to rural areas.
206. I will attempt to do this with reference to the issue of the social consequences of closing primary schools in rural areas.
207. Rural areas beyond immediate urban influence did not all behave similarly.
208. A preference for country living is clear, and in some remoter rural districts there was even a significant growth in population.
209. This would have the added advantage of bringing some employment to rural areas.
210. Industrialization in rural areas has increased, and has been more rapid than in metropolitan areas.
211. Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments.
212. Anyone involved in a rural business or community could apply-it's not just for farmers.
213. He is being exhaustively briefed on such things as rural medicine and trends in the insurance market.
214. The Republican senator established the task force to help build consensus and draft legislation on issues facing rural areas of the state.
215. Her son, Herschel, who lived in rural Michigan(Sentencedict), was conspicuous in his absence.
216. The department responsible for food stamps and improving conditions for the rural poor should rightfully be held to the highest human-rights standard.
217. I understand the desire to protect the small rural communities which rely on agriculture.
218. It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals.
219. My wife lives alone five days a week in a rural area in upstate New York.
220. In rural areas the heavy regional accents added to the problem.
221. District councils came into being as a result of the 1974 legislation which, interalia, abolished rural district councils.
222. In rural areas, the Khmer Rouge is not universally despised, as the government in Phnom Penh maintains.
223. In 1941, the constitution of the Rural Areas Committee was finally approved.
224. Other experiments were conducted entirely in secret, often in plants of large companies tucked away in small rural towns.
225. The ever-increasing flow of scientific and technological advances is of little significance to a rural population living at or below subsistence level.
226. The guidance appears to suggest that the approach to urban and rural industrial and commercial developments should be basically similar.
227. It was not until the second half of the nineteenth century that houses for the rural working class really began to improve.
228. Lack of internal capital and entrepreneurial experience mean that rural people are often not able to take advantage of such opportunities.
229. The larger size of authorities has produced complaints about remoteness from rural areas.
230. In correct rural circles(), having your lawn turfed is regarded in the same light as wearing made-up bow ties.
231. Most of the loss is attributed to population growth and rural poverty, leading to land clearance for agriculture.
232. The rural poor were not compensated by lower prices or by the greater availability of jobs for wives and children.
233. Moreover, tensions exist between the rural population and the town-dwellers who buy second homes in the more accessible areas of countryside.
234. In official meetings over the course of the day, Wolfowitz shared his enthusiasm about what he had seen in rural Andhra Pradesh.
235. We launched a pilot project for a new rural pension insurance system in 30 counties - a historic step forward in the development of China's social security system.
236. Among the rural population there is banked up a great mass of purchasing power.
237. "Slack Winter Learning"can be defined as an education model, which was carried out in slack time of winter and aimed to organize rural people to learn.
238. Its occupation was to speculate on Laetitia Dale's modest enthusiasm for rural pleasures.
239. The influences of income level, demand elasticity and rural residents' income distribution on consumption structure of rural resident in China are analyzed based on ELES model and Panal Data model.
240. Rural residents who move to cities find themselves subsidies for health care, education and housing.
241. A positive rural financing and investing system might have effectively changed funds into productive capital so as to stimulate productivity.
242. The term of rural land usufruct is more logical and more scientific than that of land contract.
243. Based on data from the monographic survey, the article indic atesthat there is a remarkable disparity in the family support of the rural aged people, which is due to their different marriage status.




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