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单词 handlebars
释义  Related topics: Bicycles, carts, horses, Motor vehicleshan·dle·bars /ˈhændlbɑːz $ -bɑːrz/ ●○○ noun [plural] (also handlebar [countable])   TTBTTCthe bar above the front wheel of a bicycle or motorcycle that you turn to control its direction 〔自行车或摩托车的〕把手 →4  See picture of 见图 BICYCLE 1 →5 see picture at 见图 bicycle, motorbikeExamples from the Corpushandlebars• It was shiny metal, with a large black leather seat and huge black handlebars.• She took a helmet from the handlebars.• Louise was carrying a large bag which she had managed to balance on the handlebars of her scooter.• Diamond Jim Brady ordered her a gold-plated bicycle, with her monogram set in diamonds and emeralds on the handlebars.• In another case, two police officers spotted a man cycling without his hands on the handlebars.• The trike skidded and tumbled, throwing Grimm over the handlebars.• Even in a bulky warm-up suit, sitting hunched over the handlebars, she looks skinny.• The tendency for anyone unused to such enormous forces is literally to be thrown over the handlebars.han·dle·bars nounChineseSyllable  or above the Corpus bar of front wheel bicycle a the motorcycle




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