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单词 handle
释义 Word family  noun handle handler handling verb handle  Related topics: Tradehan·dle1 /ˈhændl/ ●●● S1 W2 verb  1  do work 工作 [transitive] to do the things that are necessary to complete a job 处理〔工作〕 I handled most of the paperwork. 大部分文书工作是我做的。 The case is being handled by a top lawyer. 此案正由一位顶尖律师负责处理。 The finance department handles all the accounts. 财务部处理所有账目。 Computers can handle huge amounts of data. 计算机能处理大量数据。 →5  See picture of handle 柄, door handle 门把手, handle提手 ...2  deal with a situation 处理情况 [transitive] to deal with a situation or problem by behaving in a particular way and making particular decisions 应付〔局面〕,处理〔难题〕 The headmaster handled the situation very well. 校长很好地处理了这一情况。 I knew I had handled the matter badly. 我知道这件事我处理得很糟糕。 Leave it to me. I can handle it. 把它交给我吧,我能应付的。 Most customers were satisfied with the way their complaints were handled. 大多数客人对自己投诉的受理方式感到满意。 Opposition leaders will be watching carefully to see how the prime minister handles the crisis. 反对党领导人将密切注意首相如何处理这一危机。► see thesaurus at deal3  deal with a person 对待某人TREAT/BEHAVE TOWARDS [transitive] to deal with a person or behave towards them in a particular way, especially in order to keep them happy 应付,对待〔某人〕 Some customers are quite difficult to handle. 有些客人很难应付。4  not become upset 不慌乱 [transitive] to not become upset in a difficult situation 泰然承受[处理] She can’t handle it when people criticize her. 她受不得别人对她的批评。 He doesn’t handle stress very well. 他不太会调节压力。5  hold 拿 [transitive]HOLD to touch something or pick it up and hold it in your hands 触;摸;碰;拿 He had never handled a weapon before. 他以前从未碰过武器。 We teach the children to handle the animals gently. 我们教孩子们要温柔地抚摸动物。 He was roughly handled by the mob. 他受到暴民粗暴的推搡。► see thesaurus at touch6  control a vehicle 操纵车辆 a) [transitive]CONTROL to control the movement of a vehicle or an animal 驾驶;驾驭 I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle such a large vehicle. 我不知道我能不能驾驶这么大一辆车。 b) [intransitive]CONTROL the way a vehicle handles is how easy it is to control 〔车辆容易或难以〕驾驶handles well/badly The car handles well, even on wet roads. 这辆汽车很好开,即使在湿滑的路上也没问题。7  move goods 移动货物 [transitive] to move goods from one place to another 运送 The Post Office handles nearly 2 billion letters and parcels over the Christmas period. 圣诞节期间邮政局要处理近20亿件信件和包裹。8  buy/sell goods 买/卖货物 [transitive]BBT to buy or sell goods 经销;买卖 Bennet was charged with handling stolen goods. 贝内特被控买卖赃物。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushandle• The whole situation has been very badly handled.• There were a few problems, but nothing I couldn't handle.• Jones has handled a wide variety of criminal cases.• You'll receive specific training on how to handle angry customers.• This extends across all five years and gives students the opportunity to handle animals from the start of the course.• I can only handle Bob for about fifteen minutes.• This violin is very old and valuable and must be handled carefully.• A lot of people find it difficult to handle criticism.• Three or four staff members handle incoming telephone calls.• You were very discreet about the whole thing - I appreciate the way you handled it.• It is the key format for handling large volumes of information.• He handled me the way I wanted to be treated.• I knew I would have to be very careful how I handled Odette - she was so emotional.• At one time, AT&T handled over 70% of the nation's long-distance calls.• Francis is a natural leader. He's very good at handling people.• You should wash your hands after handling raw meat.• Bennet was charged with handling stolen goods.• HPC Architects handled the architectural work.• Carver handles the basketball with confidence and skill.• Please do not handle the fruit and vegetables.• She doesn't want anyone to think she can't handle the pressure.• It's her first year as a doctor, but she is handling the pressures of the job very well.• The better way to handle the situation is to render the cats infertile without actually neutering them.• Cleaning the beat meant fitting each new situation into past patterns, trying to handle them according to traditional recipes.• Lieutenant Richards will tell you that each of the weapons was carefully handled to preserve any possible latent fingerprints.• Always handle your food jar with care.handles well/badly• On the road it handles well.• Products which fall in the top left-hand group are those which are in attractive markets and which the company handles well.• But it handles well and comes with a comprehensive safety package.• The paint is soft, handles well and is easily thinned with water, though of course it is waterproof when dry.• And it handles well on independent coil suspension with roll well controlled.handling stolen goods• At Teesside Crown Court yesterday, Francis, 36, admitted handling stolen goods.• Jacqueline MacPherson faced a charge of handling stolen goods.• John Henry, 26, of Bexley Heath, will be sentenced later for handling stolen goods.• Rootham, of Tower Green, Middlesbrough, also admitted theft and handling stolen goods.• They swallowed it and said they were charging me with handling stolen goods.• Randhawa admitted obtaining by deception, burglary, handling stolen goods and making a threat to kill Miss Nazir.Related topics: Daily life, Technologyldoce_146_ehandle2 ●●● S1 W3 noun [countable]  1  DTthe part of a door that you use for opening it 〔门的〕把手,拉手 Then he turned the handle and went in. 然后他转动把手走了进去。2  DTthe part of an object that you use for holding it 柄,把手,拎手 a knife with a carved wooden handle 带雕花木柄的刀 the handle of his cup 他杯子的柄 a broom handle 扫帚柄3  get a handle on something UNDERSTANDto start to understand a situation, subject etc 开始掌握[了解]某事 It’s difficult to get a handle on how widespread this problem is. 很难了解这个问题的普遍程度。 → fly off the handle at fly1(16)Examples from the Corpushandle• Many silver pap boats were converted into cream boats by adding a handle and feet.• a knife with an ivory handle• The Blue Fog features large patches of rust, an oil leak, a loose handle and a temperamental pull cord.• In front of Twoflower, at chest height, was a small handle shaped like a brass dragon.• I take the box, and hold it proudly by its string handle.• Sensing trouble, I let go of the handles of my new barrow and ran into the crowd.• She went over and tried one of the handles, but the cabinet was locked.• Then she was twisting the handle and discovering Oliver was not home.From Longman Business Dictionaryhandlehan‧dle /ˈhændl/ verb [transitive]1to deal with a difficult situation or problemFirst-time travelers get some peace of mind when an agency handles everything.2to deal with a particular client or productShe handles all our major clients.3if you handle a particular job, you are responsible for doing itHe will handle merchandising and advertising as well as retaining his duties as president.4COMMERCEto buy, sell, or deal with goods or services in business or tradeDomestic car manufacturers have said their dealers are free to handle foreign cars if they wish.5TRANSPORTto move goods etc from one place to anotherWe handle large volumes of imported goods.→ See Verb tableOrigin handle2 Old Englishhan·dle1 verbhandle2 nounChineseSyllable  things do the are to that complete Business to Corpus a necessary




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