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单词 Lab
1. The professor took the students to the chemistry lab.
2. "He went back to the lab", Iris exclaimed impatiently.
3. Lab workers must wear protective clothing.
4. It was reassembled in the physics lab.
5. I'll meet you outside the science lab.
6. The lab assistants wear long white coats.
7. The lab assistant was wearing a white overall.
8. The cell samples are analyzed by a lab.
9. You're taking your time with the lab tests. We need the results now.
10. The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
11. The new chemistry lab was paid for by friends of the college.
12. It was a fun lab project.
13. Not out in the main lab.
14. The weeks in the lab slid by without difficulty.
15. Diane came back without the lab coat.
16. Your basic bad hair day at the photo lab.
17. He let me do lab tests sometimes.
18. This is Gram's lab of diffusion.
18. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
19. A building next to the lab was being demolished.
20. A lab report detects a kidney disease.
21. The chemistry lab carefully hidden under two olive trees.
22. This is Graham's lab of effusion.
23. Gluck led the way to the science lab.
24. He even does a bit of lab work.
25. My biology lab notes are written on green-tint quadrille.
26. We're not yet a police lab even if you do walk in and out of the place as if it's your own kitchen.
27. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
28. He has distilled many wonderful stories from his experiences as a crime lab technician.
29. Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab.
30. He felt tempted to find out by inventing a number of startling discoveries made through lab tests on the chair.
1. The professor took the students to the chemistry lab.
2. "He went back to the lab", Iris exclaimed impatiently.
3. Lab workers must wear protective clothing.
4. Students learning computer studies spend two days each week in a computer lab and four days in the classroom.
5. It was reassembled in the physics lab.
6. The lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug.
7. The new chemistry lab was paid for by friends of the college.
8. Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab.
31. It is the first stand-alone research lab to be registered to ISO9001.
32. But I've put a plan of the Lab in my office for you.
33. His lab is administering chemokines to monkeys to see whether the substances guard against infection.
34. The agency has maintained an anti-piracy hotline and offers $ 2, 500 for information that leads to a pirate video lab.
35. Its wealth depended on the scientists who worked in a large lab behind the administrative block.
36. Lab report over the radio-telephone, the rushes with the copter.
37. Since then, scientists have gone back to the lab and improved it.
38. To learn new skills, I worked my way from one lab to another over much of a decade.
39. But the land lab continues to function as a base for their operations.
40. Dream Lab allows young writers to work with professional playwrights.
41. Robert had an accident in the lab. He was opening a bottle of acid and he spilt some on his hands.
42. He'd need to push the lab for a more definitive result.
43. The Lab is working on futures in parallel processing, distributed data-sharing systems, transaction processing, graphics, multimedia and visualisation.
44. In the forties, many lab scientists labored at their benches pursuing vaccines with inactivated or killed viruses.
45. It's a shame that teachers don't make use of the new computer lab.
46. Scenes of dancing cups and mad-scientist lab equipment ultimately create order out of disorder.
47. The most accurate way is to have your running style videotaped and analysed by a biomechanics lab.
48. They also helped uncover a drug manufacturing lab and handled an arrest warrant, according to the State Attorney General's Office.
49. The first slide showed a normal-size mouse eating a balanced diet of lab food pellets.
50. Back to the Lab Kidney stones are solid concretions of material excreted by the kidney.
51. By contrast, some past winners have lamented that the prize diverts them from their beloved lab work.
52. An altercation ensued at the lab, and Angeli was convicted this week of disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.
53. It wasn't exactly fun being pursued round the potion lab and shoved into jars.
54. He was known for facilitating the process whereby tumor markers, or lab tests for tumors, were brought into the marketplace.
55. He subsequently alleged that the lab had produced sloppy, misleading or fabricated evidence in a number of major probes.
56. Howarth has got a string quartet going at the Lab and they gave a concert there.
57. The lower limits of normal for serum uric acid are arbitrarily defined and may vary from one lab to another.
58. He also criticized crime lab officials for not allowing him to do a proper evaluation of the case.
59. The researchers used a radio with similar frequency and power to a typical mobile phone to demonstrate the effect in their lab.
60. Approval of the plans for the new science lab is expected by next month.
61. First, many critics see this as a silly game of publication counting, a bogus guide to merit in the lab.
62. We had our lab in a basement room of the old building.
63. The discovery came after analysts began examining debris taken to the lab from the Oklahoma City bombing site.
64. Evidence reports were changed by supervisors without telling the lab personnel who had written the documents.
65. An alarm will signal any unauthorized entry into the lab.
66. His eyes bulged in fury at the destruction that had been wreaked on his lab.
67. Because these tests were run by a private lab at the request of a concerned supervisor at Tucson Water.
68. He often worked late and most of the Lab staff knew that he proposed to do so last night.
69. In the lab and in the courtroom, the evidence linking implants and disease is lacking.
70. He was a punctilious blighter and I can't see him using the Lab as a convenient place for a rendezvous.
71. Morenz would be caught by the police sooner or later, the lab technicians would be subpoenaed-it would make the scandal worse.
72. In November a fracas developed between two factions within the Lab, but Haynes and Moore remained.
73. I'd never worked in a lab before I came here.
74. Meanwhile a new school in Maine tried to do the same thing with its library, cafeteria and science lab.
75. A beagle with her intestines lying on the concrete, and lab technicians microwaving animals out of boredom.
76. The company says there is no limit to the body parts it could grow in its lab.
77. The government lab urgently asked drugmakers to send samples of every anti-retrovirus drug on their shelves.
78. Today[], an important scientific paper may represent the best thinking and patient lab work of hundreds of people.
79. The research lab will form part of a space station.
80. During her six months at the lab, Faith and the others have grown accustomed to the testing.
81. In obligatory white lab coat and cotton cap he was touring the Boots factory in Airdrie.
82. A lab fee of $25 is payable during the first week of class.
83. And Whitehurst suggested that, when technical instruments produced conflicting results, lab guidelines at times were unclear on how to proceed.
84. Lab officials disclosed this week that the plume had been growing for at least six years.
85. Jerry, what did you do in my lab that Sunday evening?
86. The problem was not helped by each lab having its own preference for the indicator to be used with sodium carbonate.
87. Instead he fills them with any of the dozens of different varieties of liquid that line the walls of his lab.
88. When she did, on Nov. 2, two plainclothes detectives reported to the photo lab near Kendall Square.
89. Both Sir John and the Harwell Lab had the highest reputations, and so the confident media were unequivocal.
90. Mum, did you know that our Lab is the oldest forensic science lab in the country?
91. This job at the lab would do Brenda very well until she married.
92. Like carbon and oxygen, what is known has been extrapolated from reductionist experiments in the lab and computer modeling.
93. He will identify those two automatic pistols as weapons he test-fired at the Ballistics Lab in order to obtain exemplary rounds.
94. Did you know that Hoggatt's has got a small Wren chapel in the Lab grounds?
95. But only lab tests, he said, will prove a definitive link.
96. You told me yourself it was unheard of for somebody like you to have done all that lab work by yourself.
97. A stack of copies was piled up at the entrance to the Arts Lab.
98. The anti-viral drug has also been shown to inhibit the growth of borna virus in lab tests.
99. This addition complements Labspace's existing business in the manufacture of lab furniture, fume cupboards and associated equipment.
100. Then they donned booties, rubber shoes and lab coats, all yellow, plus cotton glove liners and orange rubber gloves.
101. Organisms such as these are useful in the lab because of their simplicity and relatively short growth periods.
102. You beat the holy hell out of me and we lied at the X-ray lab and said I fell off a bike.
103. The breath samples, stored in special vacuum tubes, are sent to Meretek for lab analysis.
104. The incumbent is now off in hot pursuit of government funding for the much-enlarged interoperability lab, see above.
105. The lab will test samples and, within 24 hours, fax the results to inspectors.
106. And when they have outlived their usefulness, they are slaughtered or sold cheaply for lab experiments.
107. He solved the Chelsi problem by having her noisily eaten by a Stygian panther in the lab menagerie.
108. But it would not be impossible to get a nude photo printed at a Perfecta lab.
109. Researchers have to be very thorough to make sure lab results are accurate.
110. Perhaps the lab Tucson Water normally sends its samples to reports what Tucson Water wants to hear.
111. The group is working to establish national crime lab standards.
112. The scale of the enterprise is so large that fourteen nations combine their efforts at this single lab.
113. The admitting doctor had taken a specimen from the child's spine and sent it to the Lab.
114. That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening.
115. Dr. Harris is usually in the lab[/lab.html], bowed over a microscope.
116. Or listen, on Bell Lab discs, to the first transatlantic phone calls by radio.
117. They had come to take specimens from the patients to send to a virology lab in Johannesburg.
118. So although many researchers had tested muscle performance in the lab, nobody had ever put them to use in a robot.
119. If the lab results are questionable, a patient may be asked to return for another test.
120. Dasgupta and his team then cloned RNA from the yeast and inserted it into human cells in a lab.
121. Now I know what it feels like to be a lab rat.
122. This was a concoction one would throw out in chemistry lab or wash the sinks with after a failed experiment.
123. Sure, a print can be straightened out in the lab, but slide shows are unforgiving.
124. He describes clusters of young workers dressed in white lab coats learning about the latest mechanical instrument introduced in the plant.
125. Ian plugged away at the lab that was to become Roslin, trying to improve the technology of animal transgenesis.
126. The centre also has a lecture theatre and processing lab.
127. He crouched in a cold sweat as the black Lab scratched at the door; growling.
128. At issue is a coffee table book chronicling 24-hours in cyberspace on which Smolan and the Media Lab were to collaborate.
129. Lawrence Livermore Lab was also affected, but apparently not as severely as others, a spokesman there said.
130. Von Stein had fallen to his knees, and stared dazedly about him at the ruined lab.
131. Lab tests failed to detect blood on Hicks' clothing and no weapon was found.
132. SunSoft Inc claims to have a multiprocessing version of Solaris 2.0-on-Intel running in the lab.
133. Air leaving the lab is filtered.
134. Mr Zhu is showing the students the chemistry lab.
135. The chemistry lab threw off a blast of odor.
136. Therefore, in his lab except one of Germen origin(), the rest five were all Asian origin.
137. In control field, there are so many difficult problems to overcome in modeling and controller design for nonlinear and unstable systems, which makes it necessary to do research in the lab first.
138. Statistical data analysis, time series analysis, and error estimation will be discussed in the context of each lab.
139. In the lab, Hodgins tells Cam about the specialized twine used to tie together Ed's hands.
140. The accuracy of the measuring bridge for loading detecting instruments on the lake basin in lake sedimentation simulation lab is analyzed.
141. There are plenty more surprising six-figure jobs that don't require a necktie or lab coat.
142. In this lab, the students will configure a default route and use RIP to propagate this default information to other routers .
143. In fact, Edwards' first exposure to the spray drying process occurred when he was working with a spray dryer to produce highly respirable drug aerosols in a food science lab.
144. His lab at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital in Memphis is the world's only laboratory that studies the human-animal interface of influenza.
145. The reliability lab ship fuel oil donkey boiler controlled by relay control system is evaluated using counting method, and mean time to failure (MTTF) of the control circuit is educed.
146. In order to get more oil from this block, we employed a couple of ways such as Lab experiments, correlations from home and abroad and field data to predict the final recovery rate.
147. This lab is to configure a default route and use RIP to propagate this default information to other routers .
148. The thermal cooling solution is practiced and verified with validity in the lab.
149. In addition, there are no flames in microwave heating as that in ordinary gas lamp, which can reduce the danger in lab.
150. To him, the lab was the tower of ivory, in there, he can explore the theory science contently.
151. Shi says he earns less in China than at Princeton, where he ran a structural biology lab and helped found a drug-discovery company.
152. Complete routine maintenance of functional lab, including instruments, consumables, etc.
153. The - time monitoring system for laser welding installed in one key lab andwell.
154. The results of the antagonistic test in the lab and the control experiment in the fields show that the agricultural chemical carbendazim is able to inhibit this disease spreading effectively.
155. Roel Schouwenberg, senior researcher at Kaspersky Lab, says the rogue certificates have all the marks of an intelligence operation, but it isn't clear whether that is the case here.
156. But the lab bench is not a farm field, and many scientists question the usefulness of these early experiments.
157. Mintels only! Mintel program is the only English learning tool installed in the ELD computer lab.
158. See the labs section for detailed information about each lab.
159. To them, the lab cowboy and his sperminator portended a dystopia of mass - produced boys.
160. In contrast, lab animals that live unusually long with extra antioxidants may be deficient in those chemicals to begin with.
161. Through lab simulative research, the influence of leachate refluence on the stabilization in the landfill site was investigated under different conditions.
162. This paper relates a lab research job of preparation of PSNAMA terpolymer by terpolymerization of styrene cationic nitrogen compound with acrylamide and acrylic acid.
163. HOUSTON — In the lab, the Moon rocks look nondescript — dark gray basalt, a whitish mineral called anorthosite and mixtures of the two with crystals thrown in.
164. We don't want people filling out more forms on the lab bench, " says Mayer."
165. Lab studies suggest that black mulberry juice, wild grape juice, pomegranate juice, and black raspberry juice also interfere with CYP3A4.
166. An important transition period is moving from being a postdoc to starting one's own lab, which presents a set of novel challenges.
167. Electric power station always measures moisture as received coal through samples and lab measurements.
168. The 79-year-old Nobelist, who has led the lab in various capacities for nearly 40 years, will continue to live on the CSHL campus.
168. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
169. The despot will not be coming to the cloning lab today.
170. Is the first domestic enterprises approved by the lab, marking a new air conditioning fan's experimental data with each other and the international authority of the self-willed.
171. Overall, diabetes control between 2001 and 2006 improved by 44 percent, according to the study, which was conducted by lab testing company Quest Diagnostics Inc.
172. From these requirements , the Lab develops the protection methodology and procedures.
173. A qualified amphoteric ionic surface active agent achieved in a lab through an organic synthetic reaction.
174. The lab could be equipped with a shutter w made of non - cotton and non - synthetic fibre materials.
175. In a Biological Safety Level 2 lab, scientists grow a batch of Erwinia Herbicola, a plant bacteria that is a simulant of a dangerous pathogen, but which itself is not dangerous.
176. This article describes how I configured Active Memory Sharing in my non-production AIX lab environment.
177. He completed the degree in only two and half years, and in 1995 he started work at Pacific Solar, a startup spun out of Green's lab that was commercializing a new type of thin-film solar cell.
178. An analog experiment results of thermograph in Lab are summarized.
179. But the Tianhe-1A was not housed in some lab in Silicon Valley or Japan; it was in the northeastern Chinese city of Tianjin, at the National Supercomputing Center.
180. Lord Rayleigh later put it into a theoretical framework, explaining the hexagonal patterns observed in the lab, Feingold told
181. The paper mainly deals with the sampling methods and gas and mud analytic procedure in the field lab of the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling project (CCSD).
182. These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.
183. You're not supposed to wear athletic shoes in this lab.
184. The country's only public defender of animals, Mr. Goetschel is a vegetarian who has no pets and avoids taking medication because of his opposition to research on lab animals.
185. I like chemistry not because itself is interesting because are many experiments in chemistry lab.
186. Our lab is one of the largest bio-containment facilities in the world dealing with animal pathogens, some of which have the potential to infect and kill humans.
187. The clinical expression of result patient and lab examination all accord with acute to spend toxic sex liverish to diagnose a standard again.
188. Typical lab tests can take hours (if not days) to analyze, process, and confirm a specific biological agent, and that's only if the lab knows exactly what antigen it's looking for.
189. In addition, we fund an active research lab searching for a cure for chronic hepatitis B.
190. He also has regular part - time work as a lab technician.
191. Only small amounts of wurtzite boron nitride and lonsdaleite exist naturally or have been made in the lab so until now no one had realised their superior strength.
192. Later digs will focus on bringing samples to its microscope and wet chemistry lab.
193. “I didn’t know there would be another granola, ” said Alex Crosier of Granola Lab, eyeballing the competition for her ginger-molasses and cranberry-cashew mixtures.
194. On the appointed day, the study volunteers were once again brought into the NIMH lab.
195. The computer center is next to the library and the chemistry lab is opposite the library.
196. Then experimental investigation of structural vibration control was made on a cantilever beam in lab.
197. It's October of 1957, and Sputnik has just launched, and we're in Laurel Maryland, at the applied physics lab associated with Johns Hopkins University.
198. Saxe's lab is now studying the role of theory of mind in judging situations where the attempted harm was not a physical threat.
198. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
199. Yet teachers now face a climate in which parents ghostwrite students' homework, airbrush their lab reports — then lobby like a K Street hired gun for their child to be assigned to certain classes.
200. The mixture of nanotubes created in Tour's lab includes both semiconducting nanotubes and conducting nanotubes.
201. This lab is equipped with dual-trace oscilloscope, signal generator, DC power supply, digital multi-meter and TPE-SXZ training tables.
202. The lab currently studies the hypoxia signaling, prolyl hydroxylases and cancer, specifically breast and renal cell carcinoma.
203. The importance of the natural environmental test was emphasized because it' s a basic' standard to verify results of the Lab test.
204. At the cardiac catheterization lab, you will lie on a table.
205. Document and report all observations and results to originator of lab request.
206. Charles River, which is based in Wilmington, Massachusetts, is already one of the world’s largest providers of animals for lab testing, with revenues of about $1.2 billion last year.
207. To assist and support customer's lab work: color match, formulation adjustment and production line assistance.
208. Their relatively cheap technology hasn't made it out of the lab, but Argonne is working with a startup to commercialize it.
209. In the 1970s, Todd Hennessey claimed that paramecia, the single-celled pond dweller, could be conditioned in the lab.
210. A guy in a lab coat was there to make sure he did it (again no real shock was being delivered, but the subject of course did not know this).
211. Be adept in metallurgic inspection and material analysis . be proficient in most lab equipments theory and operation.
212. And this is the only lab with carbon - dating equipment?
213. And the image of a man being slurped on a moving toboggan by a pesky dog is too cartoonishly good to be true - unless the reader realizes how much universal Lab behavior is immortalized here.
214. An Upflow Anerobic Sludge Blanket(UASB)is adopted in lab to treat starch wastewater collected from a cassava starch factory in Nanning.
215. Formaldehyde is a carcinogen that has been shown to cause cancer in lab animals.
216. Use the lab and prepare some plant food for young tomatoes.
217. Unwilling to deal with Shockley's mood swings and lack of business acumen, eight of his top employees broke off from the lab to form a new company.
218. Here in the Madison lab, scientists grumble about how fragile the precious colonies are.
219. Additionally, a bug was found and fixed by Bin, a post doc in our lab, that may have been causing the "1%" continual loop.
220. Professor Li Shaoqian, now professor and doctorial tutor of University of Electronic Science and Technology, director of communication anti-jamming technology state key lab.
221. I ground them in the lab, and extracted from the pulp a thick brown liquid.
222. When the participant baulked at giving the electrical shocks, the experimenter - an authority figure dressed in a white lab coat - ordered them to continue.
223. Wolfsheim, incidentally, has turned out to be a rival in my affair with Shulamith, and confessed affection for her yesterday in the biology lab.
224. The lab experiments showed that under the single phase fault status, the system could be accurate and reliable to detect the fault line and to drive the trip.
225. The rest of the time, energy is dissipated through a set of energy states that do fluoresce in the lab.
226. The lab applies statistical and computational Methods: To functional genomics data.
227. All photos inside keychains are printed in a professional photo lab and are in mint condition.
228. When you select a lab option menu field, the Ajax script invokes a GET Web service in DivisionsResource in the Resource Request Handler, which returns an array of divisions for the selected lab.
229. The evaporating dish in the lab has already been burned to hot heat.
230. Researchers at MIT's Lincoln Lab have built a radar system that can penetrate walls enough to give an "instantaneous picture of the activity on the other side."
231. Until a reasonably priced, easier method could be designed, autonomous robots were trapped in the lab.
232. Each couple appeared in split screen, although they'd sat across from each other in the lab.
233. Each 2.672 experiment is installed on its own bench . Lab # 6 is frontmost in the picture.




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