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单词 Consist
1. Health does not consist with intemperance. 
2. Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice. 
3. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and decoration.
4. The politician's actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches.
5. Their lives consist of the humdrum activities of everyday existence.
6. True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
7. Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
8. Love doesn't consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.
9. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
10. Theory should consist with practice.
11. Our deeds must consist with our words.
12. The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.
13. Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.
14. The award will consist of a lump sum to a maximum value of $5000.
15. The atmosphere consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.
15. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
16. With a conventional repayment mortgage, the repayments consist of both capital and interest.
17. At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.
18. Many jazz trios consist of a piano, guitar and double bass.
19. A company's assets can consist of cash, investments, buildings, machinery, specialist knowledge or copyright material such as music or computer software.
20. "What does your market research consist of?"— 'Well. the thing is. it depends on our target age group.'
21. The area does not consist entirely of rich people, despite popular belief.
22. The development will consist of 66 dwellings and a number of offices.
23. Atoms consist of positively-charged protons, negatively-charged electrons and neutral particles called neutrons.
24. The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.
25. The listening texts consist of short, bite-sized chunks which are accessible to beginners.
26. The typical family may remain childless and consist only of a man and a woman.
27. Society does not consist of isolated individuals, but people in a network of relationships.
28. Without you Sunshine Breakfast would only consist of Cornflakes.
29. Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.
30. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
1. A home does not consist in the quality of its architecture and decoration.
2. True education does not consist in simply being taught facts.
3. consist in sth to have sth as the main or only part or feature: The beauty of the city consists in its magnificent buildings.
4. Happiness does not consist in how many possessions you own.
5. The atmosphere consist of more than 70 % of nitrogen.
6. At this point esch chromosome consist of a pair of chromatids and the two associated chromosomes are termed a tetrad.
31. Ideally the netting team should consist of three people.
32. Women's teams consist of three competitors plus one reserve.
33. The residue will consist of cold, invisible, subatomic ashes.
34. The reproductive systems consist of filamentous tubes.
35. The lobes consist of many follicles.
36. These consist mainly of extensions, alterations and garages.
37. What in Northern Ireland does routine policing consist of?
38. The top team could consist of the board.
39. Diffusion Solids consist of closely packed particles.
40. If supplied, each entry must consist of two parts.
41. However, society does not consist of isolated individuals.
42. Alphanumeric fields consist of letters, numbers, or both.
43. These consist of a capital letter followed by numbers.
44. They consist of a small box built of fear.
45. Some harp parts consist almost entirely of zig-zag lines!
46. The theater's inaugural season will consist of three plays.
47. Currently both bodies consist mainly of educators.
48. Substrate can consist of fine gravel(Sentencedict), aquarium sand or powdered lava.
49. About 30 percent of the time, these largely involuntary vocalizations consist of shouting words, sometimes obscenities.
50. These mains spikes sometime consist of surges of thousands of volts, albeit for very brief periods.
51. First is the fact that his capitalist society seemed to consist of mechanisms and relationships with universal effects throughout capitalism.
52. Your life might consist of lazing about all day and partying all night but mine certainly doesn't - time is precious.
53. He conjectured that light itself might consist of such waves.
54. Ron's talk will consist mainly or entirely of cine film.
55. Some 42 percent of households containing an elderly person consist of a lone woman.
56. The body is heavy and fairly thickset, and the contrasting skin surface markings consist of zigzag or diamond-shaped patterns.
57. The first thing to realize is that it must consist in categorical imperatives(), which are to be distinguished from hypothetical imperatives.
58. That means our discussion programmes, for example, should not simply consist of white able-bodied men.
59. The performance indicators which are produced consist mainly of data on payment, which makes useful analysis difficult.
60. A decentralised business will usually consist of independent profit centres or divisions.
61. The perceived world, however, seems to consist of stable objects as well as events occurring in them.
62. This might consist of: special in-house courses, attendance at outside professional courses, plus evening college lectures and private study.
63. The diet of the red kite seems to consist largely of carrion and some birds.
64. They consist of a copper core, which carries the signal, surrounded by a braided mesh of fine copper wire.
65. These precautions will usually consist of instructions sent out to managers.
66. Contentment consist not in adding more fuel, but in taking away some fire. Thomas Fuller 
67. For example, may consist of just and a the most recent changes in the short and long rates.
68. Portfolio controls consist of special deposits, supplementary special deposits, reserve requirements, directives, and moral suasion.
69. These so-called always deductible expenses usually consist of home mortgage interest and real estate taxes.
70. Some smooth plains consist of infill in some medium sized craters.
71. They consist of ridges of shingle and sand projecting above high water level and generally lying a few kilometres offshore.
72. State board licensing examinations vary, but they usually consist of written and oral parts and include a demonstration of practical skills.
73. This could include ELT and non-ELT material and will mostly consist of documentary programmes or extracts from current affairs programmes.
74. To start with, nearly all the warning patterns consist of pale bands or light patches against black backgrounds.
75. The male organs consist of a single continuous testis and a vas deferens terminating in an ejaculatory duct into the cloaca.
75. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
76. These are created in conjunction with a skeleton layout for whatever document you wish to produce and consist of a number of tags.
77. From these observations, Hofmann and I proposed that plumes consist in part of deeply subducted oceanic crust and sediment.
78. These depths consist of vast mountain ranges, deep canyons, mighty steaming lava flows.
79. A scale of this kind would normally consist of a number of such statements.
80. The clays consist of silica tetrahedra and the octahedra contain magnesia surrounded by oxygen atoms and hydroxyl groups.
81. Without the system electronically stored data/information can only consist of proto-records.
82. The group can consist either of other elderly people, or special groups for people of all ages with an alcohol problem.
83. During the waiting days your pay will consist of the sickness allowance.
84. The parallel money markets consist of various markets in short-term finance between various financial institutions. 6.
85. With girls the aggression is more likely to consist of a verbal attack.
86. A chemical system may consist of atoms, molecules and ions or any combination of these.
87. But who is to provide this training and of what should it consist?
88. A third, smaller group will consist of veterans whose illnesses can not be tied to Gulf War service, he said.
89. Despite their title, lecturers' teaching does not consist only, or even mainly, of giving lectures.
90. The creditors' committee must consist of at least three and not more than five creditors.
91. A successful activity will consist of a series of varied lessons and tasks.
92. Many of the pills and capsules which are sold to slimmers as appetite suppressants consist largely of methyl cellulose.
93. They consist of highly mobile young people and families, commuters, and tourists, as well as disadvantaged groups such as refugees.
94. Our attempts at modeling physical reality normally consist of two parts: 1.
95. Improved thrombolytic therapy will most likely consist of potent specific plasminogen activators in combination with targeted anticoagulant and/or antiplatelet agents.
96. Choices for correcting the imbalance between public good and private cost consist, basically, of: 1.
97. Primary schools consist mainly of: Infant schools - for children aged 5-7 years.
98. They do not consist of an abstract duty to maximise profits or otherwise to act in the interests of society.
99. Virtue does not consist in abstaining from vice but in not desiring it.
100. And their dull appearance is often accompanied by teaching methods that consist mostly of scribbling graphs on a blackboard.
101. They consist of processing elements, or units, that attempt to model some of the properties of neurons.
102. Typically a test might consist of measuring how many symbols could be copied in 2 minutes.
103. Soon the whole species would consist only of parthenogenetic females.
104. It will consist of three zones, in a pleasant natural setting.
105. Poultry burgers must consist of 100 percent poultry meat of the kind indicated on the label.
106. Light-cured glass ionomers consist of a complex mixture of components.
107. The external changes during growth are comparatively slight and consist mainly of an increase in size at each moult.
108. Materials and teaching practices may consist of commercial letter-of-the-week programs, math worksheets with accompanying workbooks, and mastery assessments.
109. The so-called secondary categories consist of almost equally linguistic concepts: negation and opposition, comparatives, modes, and so on.
110. It was suggested that courses should consist of three main elements.
111. This should ideally consist of a period in each of the different sections of a local authority legal department.
112. In detail barrier reefs consist of whole series of individual reefs and may have small islands on them.
113. These should consist entirely of high upland in which no agricultural or forestry activities would take place.
114. And psychiatric treatments consist these days primarily of drugs, psychotherapy, and shock treatments.
115. These codes consist of a string of binary numbers in the form of on-off states.
116. These consist of the treatment of dominant firm monopolies, restrictive practices and mergers.
117. Evening meals consist of excellent traditional dishes, and always include an extensive salad buffet.
118. These might consist of old ocean crust or material from one of the boundary layers.
119. The world seemed to consist of spongers like Marc, supporters like Christopher, and victims like Francis.
120. As Table 4.1 shows, over 80 percent of building society assets consist of mortgage loans for the purchase of property.
121. However, X-ray analysis has shown that all these forms of carbon consist of small graphite-like crystals.
122. They are about 8 microns in diameter and probably consist largely of chlorides, that is, of compounds containing chlorine.
123. The large majority of one-parent families consist of a mother trying to cope without a partner.
124. Intellectual Dublin seemed no longer to consist of writers, but of folk singers, bearded or otherwise.
125. Nations consist of people. And with their effort, a nation can accomplish all it could ever want. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam 
126. Without them, customer service departments would probably consist of one or two people playing solitaire in some small back room.
127. Some fluid mechanics laboratories consist mainly of standard flow systems into which different experiments can be introduced.
128. Crystallizable polymers consist of a mass of tiny crystals, usually mis-oriented with respect to one another and embedded in non-crystalline material.
129. Photographs showed it to consist of twenty or more radiant pieces in a straight line, embedded inside an extensive bright cloud.
130. Fights usually consist of three three-minute rounds, with a one-minute break between each round.
131. They consist of two layers of paper with wood chips sandwiched between them, and are ideal for hiding minor wall irregularities.
132. These consist of pale neutral shades of blue, green and brown with some definite greys included.
133. As often as not, land reforms consist of turning large privately owned farms into state-or communally owned cooperatives.
134. These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field.
135. It may consist in a rejection of the specific schemes or lines of evolution propounded by nineteenth-century authors.
136. Basic banks are obliged to maintain certain reserves, which consist of cash in hand and deposits at the National Bank.
137. They consist mostly of quartz and feldspars, with a little mica or amphibole.
138. Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
139. Much of their work will consist of assessing how much impact the measures are having.
140. True education does not consist in being taught just anything, any more than true religion consists in believing just anything.
141. Even large physical objects like stars consist of a rather limited array of parts, more or less haphazardly arranged.
142. Of course, complicated things consist of lots of simpler things.
143. Systems consist of a very small number of terms which thus constitute closed sets.
144. Assuming voluntary labour in sport to consist of half manual and half professional work gives an average value per hour of £10.38.
145. At rest they consist mostly of head and neck and their wings project well beyond the tail.
146. In this view, television news should consist only of those events that would interest the audience.
147. The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
148. These consist of a motor-driven continuous sanding belt, held against the work by a metal plate under the body.
149. It should not consist merely of spending money, in terms of the framework established earlier.
150. Clearly therefore the clouds do not consist of water, at least not in their upper reaches.
151. The augur's skill didn't consist in luck with the omens, but in reading them right.
152. Ecosystems consist of compartments such as communities, populations, organisms, cells and genes.
153. Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
154. Finally, the remaining three components seemed to consist of uninterpretable noise.
155. Cultivation: Ideally the growing medium should consist of some amount of clay.
156. Mabs and Tashie's contribution seemed to consist of amiably teasing Nigel and Henry.
157. The mixture should consist of a layer of coarse sand, with a thin layer of peat and clay immediately below it.
158. One group might consist of the younger consumer end of the market and one might be business women of thirty-plus.
159. For example, a site may consist largely of a number of postholes, all dating to the Neolithic period.
160. It seems to consist of an affront to the dignity of the House or a Member of it.
161. They consist of: £29 a day subsistence allowance to cover meals, taxis and other incidentals.
162. Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.
163. A scale like this will normally consist of a series of such statements tapping the same attitudinal dimension.
164. They are called delta frames and, typically, may consist of no more than 5 kilobytes of data.
165. Since sentences often consist of more than one clause, they will have several layers of thematic structure.
165. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
166. Each service may consist of one or more channels, video on-demand, or two-way interactive service.
167. The programmes consist of excerpts from recorded classes which are then discussed during the programme.
168. Cultivation: The planting medium should consist of clay, peat, loam or leaf mould and a good layer of sand.
169. The household may now consist of several teenagers or an elderly relative.
170. The creative group will usually, as we have seen, consist of a writer and an artist.
171. Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems.
172. These organizations usually consist entirely of older people committed to fighting elderly issues directly.
173. They consist of roughly circular depressions and of more elongated depressions, and are radar-dark.
174. A child's education may consist largely of the mastery of traditional skills to be done in a traditional way.
175. Dignity does not consist in possessing honors, but in the consciousness that we deserve them. Aristotle 
176. Payroll taxes consist of two different kinds of tax, an employer-paid tax and withheld taxes.
177. Later tombs here have no tumulus above but consist of a single large room cut into the stone.
178. The organisation will consist of executive and advisory boards and adhoc committees and task forces will be set up for specific projects.
179. Ideally, the site should consist of well drained, dry, granular soil.
180. The commission would consist of eight members, appointed for 10 years.
181. Democracy cannot consist solely of elections that are nearly always fictitious and managed by rich landowners and professional politicians. Che Guevara 
182. The electronics inside the pistol consist of a light detector or photo-diode and a small amplifier and buffer.
183. The classes consist of immigrants, and students who will return to their home countries at the end of the course. The latter group are preparing for the Cambridge Proficiency Certificate.
184. The super slurpers consist of copolymers made from cornstarch.
185. Atlantic Ocean catches consist mostly of yellowfin.
186. This lagoon " divider " consist of sand.
187. The United Nations Organization consist of over 160 nations.
188. Treatment may consist of administering progesterone or ovulation drugs.
189. Health do not consist with intemperance.
190. Ultra - violet recorders consist in principle of geophones.
191. The insurance period of AXA assistance service should be consist with this policy.
192. The practice load of optimal athletic phase and athletic keeping phase is consist with Chinese Track and Field Training Outline at whole training phases.
193. The results indicates that the chief chemical components of Jasminum Nudiflorum Linde consist of flavonoids and carotenoids.
194. Carbon-coated iron nanoparticles consist of iron encapsulated in carbon, which may be directly used for drug absorption.
195. The content and requirement of authority of law consist in paramountcy, supreme sacredness, utmost valuableness and complete faith.
195. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
196. Products consist of Continental, Chinese, modern, animation series etc... Carving correctly and carefully, we filled the signages industry's gap in the field of basso-relievo signages.
197. Working mechanism organ in double-action press consist of many links mechanism.
198. The symptoms can consist of vaginal discharge, uterine cramping and pain, and fever.
199. Absolute majority oocytes consist in mammalian ovary in preantral follicles , antral follicles a small portion.
200. The reservoir sandstones consist mostly of lithic sandstones and feldspathic litharenite with lower mineral maturity.
201. It consist of four big parts: mechanism section, lubricating system, pipeline system and electrical control system.
202. The main products consist of diamond drilling bit, round sawing blade and grinding wheels, etc.
203. The majority of kidney stones consist of an insoluble compound of calcium and oxalic acid.
204. Results Psychosomatic demands mainly consist of safety, life care and the knowledge related to infusion.
205. Status Offline The backbone will consist of fiber optic cable configured in a star topology ...
206. The consist, feature and design rules of the cooling system of air-cool compressors and water-cool compressors are made for various compressors.
207. A sentence can consist of a major clause one or more subordinate clauses.
208. Natural eco - environmental index consist of climate, biology, hydrology and soil index.
209. Based on concrete program language, test cases will be translated into test scripts, which consist of a series of source code file.
210. The result shows that the main parameters that affect deep profile consist of residual resistance coefficient, viscosity of polymer solution and amount of profile control agent.
211. Mullite gels are excellent precursors for preparing fine mullite. Mullite gels consist of monophasic gel and diphasic gel.
212. The five dimensions based on the research consist of reception service, cleanness and virescence, security, repairing service , and total evaluation.
213. Besides, preamble, it is consist of general provisions, preventive measures, criminalization and Law enforcement, and international cooperation.
214. The immediate orchard boundary should consist of a fire - break.
215. The company's products consist of three kinds and forty categories of Dyestuffs - sulphur dyes, direct dyes, acid dyes besides intermediates - Sulphanilic acid and Sulphanilic acid sodium salt.
216. Shaun recently released a new album titled "Shaun Wish" all over Asia. His band consist of guitarist Li Shengzhi, bassist Tico, keyboardist Jumbo and drummer Bill.
217. Oven consist of two zone, preheating, solidify zone, and with high speed hot air recirculation system.
218. Submission of plan by Tenderer at stage one ( conceptive plan ) shall consist of the following.
219. Scientific studies find that the four kinds of daintiness that human can perceive respectively consist in four representative foods: kelp, mushroom, bonito fish, and chicken soup.
220. Receive and deliver the direct and indirect material; keep accounts to consist with the substance.
221. The sulfur emissibility during burning cement clinker with calcium sulfate, calcium sulfite gypsum and desulphurize slag that consist of CaSO3 separately were studied in laboratory electric stove.
222. These consist of small grains of monocrystalline silicon. The cells consist of many small, shiny elements.
223. Rear panel and wall trims must be heat-resistant and consist of a non-flammable material.
224. There was no excuse which didn't consist of the inexcusable.
225. Code representations of information in machine-readable form. The data consist mainly of letters and numerals with additional symbols and punctuation marks.
225. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
226. Generally, financial markets consist of money market, capital market, foreign exchange market and gold market.
227. The article is consist of preface, straight matter text, conclusion, Bibliography.
228. Most older filling stop motions consist of fork-like devices which feel for the presence of the filling yarn.
229. Coeloconic sensilla and basiconic sensilla , the main chemical odor receptors on antennae of B. tabaci, consist of cuticular wall, sheath cells, sensillum lymph and dendrites.
230. ADVANTAGE plate heat exchangers consist of a number of stainless steel transfer plates that are held in place between a fixed plate and a movable pressure plate to form a complete unit.
231. Tips: You might consist second more slow-witted, but nonetheless , your consistency will make it up.
232. Exocrine Glands may consist of only single cells that make mucus.
233. This open day will consist of basic rugby skills, fun and games followed by lunch in the clubhouse provided by Bath RFC.
234. Cloudy Akka (e.g. the commercial add-on product suite) will consist solely of operations stuff such as monitoring, management, provisioning, dashboard, EC2 support etc.
235. The weather will consist of sun shine interchanging with periods of light rain.
236. The reasons for sports injury are often the combination of many factors, and the main factors consist of lack of warming-up, poor body function, and unreasonable application of tactics.
237. In a related story, Republicans have announced that Sotomayor's confirmation hearing will consist of three questions and a timed obstacle course.
238. In this paper, authors evaluate the coal washability using the petrological method of clean coal yeild and coal density consist in Wuda coalfield.
239. In research of combustion of coal powder, the main techniques adopted in the measurement of combustion kinetic parameters consist of thermogravimetry, DTFS and pyro test.
240. Red marabou flower can absorb the ammonia in xylene, toluene and consist in chemical fibber, paint.
241. Synchronised competitions will consist of Preliminaries and a Final as per Rule 1 etc.
242. Result The result that ( FCO ) 2 have trans - and cis - conformers are consist with spectrum analysis.
243. The government society-cost consist of cost control of natural resource, cost control of public policy function and cost control of human resource.
244. Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations ( PAVMs ) consist of a direct connection between the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein.
245. The matched filter outputs consist of the signal space spanned by the users channel vector and the centers of the sets are extracted by clustering procedure.
246. At the beginning of prophase the chromosomes each consist of two highly condensed chromatids attached to each other at a centromere .
247. The broad sense of remission consist remission, transmission, indirect remission and double renvoi.
248. The images of the cloudy and gloomy archetypes in Mauriac's novels consist of the waste land, Erebos, fog and fire, and so on.
249. Ores consist of pyrite, blende, aurum, zinckenite, tennantite, antimonite, realgar, and orpiment, belong to typical Low-temperature minerals assemblage.
250. Iodic much consist in is marine in using a plant, wait to contain rich iodine like shrimp of sea fish, sea, jellyfish, kelp, laver.
251. The available depreciation methods consist of the straight-line method, unit of production method, double declining balance method, sum of the years digits method, etc.
252. Authorized rights consist of the right to acknowledge for litigants, the right of conciliation and the right to countercharge and so on.
253. This data could consist of e-mail messages using the Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) or Web pages rendered through the Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP).
254. Recently, the treatment techniques of water hyacinth may consist of bio-treatment, chemical-treatment, physical-treatment and comprehensive treatment.
255. The diatreme breccia pipes belong to volcanic crater phase and volcanic conduit phase, and consist of breccias and binding material.
256. But barmy carbohydrate appears in starch and candy, include those consist in food to counteract the starch in be being added into treatment food and candy.
257. Their condition only proves what squalidness may consist with civilization.
258. According to a distribute computer automatic alarm system that consist of dorminant, preposition and terminal computer, We introduced its communication system.
259. The main points in of cash budget control consist of prediction of cash flow, early warning management, cash budget check.
260. I do not know what soundness of mind exactly consist of.
261. Explosive magnetic frequency generators consist of a spiral magnatocumulative generator with a small capacitive load.
262. Binary numbers, which consist of the digits 0 and 1, can represent conveniently the two states of a bistable device.
263. Shall consist of no 2 unalloyed copper wire scrap nodules, chopped or shredded. Minimum 97 % copper.
264. The backbone will consist of fiber optic cable configured in a star topology to support all communication systems as described in this Communication and Data Systems Philosophy.
265. The rocks at the top of the seamount consist of serpentinized ultramafic harzburgite.
266. The usual stored information may consist of the 'A' Weighted Leq, LN values, SPL values and perhaps 1:3 Octave Band information for tonal analysis.
267. The security services provided by JSSE consist of the transport-level message integrity and confidentiality (encryption), server authentication, and optional client authentication.
268. The main assembly shall consist of two independently operating torsion spring check assemblies, two resilient seated isolation valves, and four ball valve type test cocks.
269. The project consist in the installation of oil - heating boiler and chip drier both fueled with residues.
270. Thread bodies consist of active running threads and dead joinable threads.
271. The heat analysis of binary current leads which consist of copper current lead and high temperature super conducting was made on condition that the lead was cooled by two-stage refrigerator.
272. The sex organs appear about 5 weeks after sowing. The antheridia consist of 3 cells. The archegonial neck usually consists of 4 rows and 4 columns of cells at maturity.
273. The standards of good law consist of two aspects : standards in form and standards in substantiality.
274. Many kinds of insects sex pheromones consist of conjugated alkadiene. The activity of a pheromone has a lot to do with its configuration, position of the alkadiene.
275. October 17 You are a three-fold being. You consist of body, mind and spirit.
276. The natural resources in the exclusive economic zone referred to in this Law consist of living and non-living resources.
277. The research contents mainly consist of symbol rate estimation, carrier frequency offset estimation, modulation recognition and blind demodulation.
278. Zhu Ming's performances consist of either enveloping himself with an immense blanket of sudsy bubbles or encasing himself within a plastic balloon, often in brutal and physically demanding ways.




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