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单词 Running mate
1. Within moments of Bush's certification, Gore's running mate, Sen.
2. Tommy Thompson, a potential Dole running mate.
3. Dukakis' Democratic vice presidential running mate, Sen.
4. Bob Dole will pick as his running mate.
5. Don Nickles, R-Okla., as a running mate.
6. Who is his running mate for vice-president? 16.
7. Perot threw his last running mate, retired Adm.
8. Kennedy chose Johnson as his running mate in the 1960 presidential election.
9. Bush could have used the choice of running mate to make a statement about the kind of changes he seeks.
10. Another goal in picking a running mate is to avoid selecting a candidate who might add trouble to the ticket.
11. He announced that his vice-presidential running mate was James B. Stockdale, a retired admiral with little political experience.
12. Were Dole to select his running mate strictly on ability and integrity, he would name Arizona Sen.
13. He has not yet found a running mate, although he has approached several minor political figures.
14. The first test was his choice of a running mate.
15. Michael Dukakis ignored the urgings of his much-admired running mate, Sen.
16. Thomas Eagleton of Missouri as his running mate, then replaced him after discovering that Eagleton had undergone electroshock therapy for depression.
17. If a candidate for president wins the election, his/her running mate becomes the vice president.
18. The presidential nominee was advised to choose a woman as a running mate.
19. The presidential candidate is expected to announce his choice for a running mate Saturday in his native Russell,[/running mate.html] Kan.
20. If Hillary is the perfect partner, then in Al Gore he had the perfect running mate.
21. Indeed she is sometimes spoken of as a possible running mate in November.
22. Over the next five months, Dole must also pick a running mate.
23. Bob Dole would love to make Colin Powell his running mate.
24. The formal sessions begin Saturday, with Perot and his 1996 running mate, Pat Choate, the keynote speakers.
25. The final day will feature speeches by Dole and his running mate.
26. The following year, Ford picked fellow middle westerner Dole as his running mate instead.
27. I know it has something to do with a battle, a running mate and a presidential election.
28. Republican John McCain introduced Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate Friday.
29. Yahoo ! Email account of Senator John McCain's Vice Presidential running mate, Sarah Palin , has been hacked.
30. The 2008 Republican presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, selected Palin as his running mate.
31. Speaking in ( Tampa ) , Florida, McCain said he and his running mate are the true reformers.
32. McCain also praised his vice-presidential running mate, Alaska governor Sarah Palin, saying she has a clear record of reform.
33. McCain's running mate says Obama would give the detainees too many legal protections.
34. But most extraordinary was the selection of Sarah Palin as a running mate.
35. Senator Jim Webb, the Virginia Democrat, former Navy Secretary and once and forever Marine, said unequivocally today that he was not interested in serving as Senator Barack Obama's running mate.
36. Now that John Kerry has chosen Edwards as his running mate, cartoonists are sharpening their pencils.
37. And speaking of McCain's running mate, another effect of the crisis is that it seems to have ended, finally, the Palin-mania phase of the race.
38. The disclosure was made just days after Palin was chosen as John McCain's Republican vice-presidential running mate in the presidential election.
39. Senator McCain's vice presidential running mate, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin , campaigned against Obama in Colorado.
40. The two senators are expected to come back to Washington for Wednesday's vote, as is Obama's vice-presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden.
41. On April 2, Jerry Brown was booed in a speech to the Jewish Community Relations Council in New York for suggesting Jesse Jackson as his running mate.
42. Old-time Reaganites point out that the issue of Reagan's age evaporated when he chose a safe pair of hands in the form of George Bush senior as his running mate.
43. Used by the Whig party in 1840, when William Henry Harrison, the hero of the Battle of Tippecanoe, was the Whig presidential candidate,[/running mate.html] and John Tyler his running mate.
44. She was 75. Ms Ferraro, a Democratic Party congresswoman, was catapulted to national prominence when she became the running mate to the 1984 presidential nominee, Walter Mondale.




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