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单词 dishevelled
释义  Related topics: Clothes & fashiondi·shev·elled British English, disheveled American English /dɪˈʃevəld/ adjective  DCif someone’s appearance or their clothes, hair etc is dishevelled, they look very untidy 〔外表或衣服、头发等〕不整齐的,凌乱的 Pam arrived late, dishevelled and out of breath. 帕姆迟到了,衣冠不整,上气不接下气。Examples from the Corpusdishevelled• One is relaxed, the other dishevelled.• He looked dishevelled and felt it.• Her hair was dishevelled and her green eyes full of sleep.• She was conscious of her rather dishevelled appearance.• In the fourth cell there is a man with long dishevelled hair.• The other passengers drew back from the dishevelled river dwellers, so far out of their element.• The distressed and dishevelled schoolgirl was found whimpering in the garden by the owner of the bungalow.• She sat in the dishevelled shabby glamour of her bedroom and stared out of the window for hours at a time.• His landlady had said that Drew had returned in a dishevelled state about 1.00am from the opposite direction from the theatre.di·shev·elled adjectiveChineseSyllable  appearance clothes, Corpus if someone’s their hair or




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