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单词 disheartened
释义 Word family  noun heart heartlessness heartiness adjective heartened ≠ disheartened heartening ≠ disheartening heartless hearty verb hearten ≠ dishearten adverb heartily heartlessly hearteningly ≠ dishearteningly  dis·heart·ened /dɪsˈhɑːtnd $ -ɑːrtnd/ adjective formal  DISAPPOINTEDdisappointed, so that you lose hope and the determination to continue doing something 沮丧的,气馁的,灰心的 If young children don’t see quick results they grow disheartened. 如果小孩子不能很快地看到成果,他们会变得灰心。 —dishearten verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpusdisheartened• Each day, Lou came back from the mailbox disheartened.• My only worry is that, with the ground drying up, they might go so fast that he gets disheartened.• A disheartened army continued towards Taunton where, hearing of the superior army approaching from London, Warbeck slipped away.dis·heart·ened adjectiveChineseSyllable  and to determination disappointed, lose you hope so the Corpus that




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