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单词 Cycle
1. Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle.
2. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
3. I never cycle up that hill it's too steep.
4. Life is a natural cycle, just like the changing seasons.
5. Sometimes the only way to break the cycle of violence in the home is for the wife to leave.
6. Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flames.
7. My cycle is broken, so I shall have to walk.
8. We're going for a cycle ride this afternoon.
9. Cycle across America? Sounds a bit dodgy to me.
10. It's easier to cycle with the wind behind you.
11. The long cycle ride exhausted her.
12. This washing machine has a 50-minute cycle.
13. Beetles undergo a complete metamorphosis in their life cycle.
14. I usually cycle home through the park.
15. Cars are not allowed in the cycle lanes.
16. Stefano used a motor cycle to herd the sheep.
17. This cycle repeats itself ad infinitum.
18. That hill's far too steep to cycle up.
19. Do you cycle to work?
20. This cycle of events continually repeats itself.
21. They completed their journey by cycle.
22. Cycle organizations are gearing up for National Bike Week.
23. Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.
24. You cycle on and I'll meet you there.
25. To complete the cycle, oxygen is necessary.
26. We need to break the cycle of poverty and crime in the inner cities.
27. The pedals of a cycle are attached to a crank.
28. The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.
29. The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.
30. There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.
1. Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle.
2. We went for a cycle ride on Sunday.
3. The dormant period is another stage in the life cycle of the plant.
4. Life is a natural cycle, just like the changing seasons.
5. Sometimes the only way to break the cycle of violence in the home is for the wife to leave.
6. There are a multitude of small quiet roads to cycle along.
7. My cycle is broken, so I shall have to walk.
8. The business cycle is a series of peaks and troughs.
31. There was a cycle path running along this side of the wall, right at its base.
32. Her own preferred methods of exercise are hiking and long cycle rides.
33. Male and female adults mate, the female lays eggs, and the cycle begins all over again.
34. Security forces and militants are locked in a vicious cycle of killing.
35. The number of young produced per breeding cycle varies from species to species.
36. It's a good walk to the town centre, so I usually cycle.
37. The average length of a woman's menstrual cycle is 28 days.
38. Eddie parked his cycle against a lamp post and padlocked it.
39. A thousand people took part in the region's biggest-ever cycle race.
40. The insurance business suffered from a vicious cycle of boom and bust.
41. It's one in a cycle of plays that are being performed on successive evenings.
42. Motherhood seemed to her an unending cycle of cooking, washing and cleaning.
43. The chip runs at speeds of up to 100MHz and executes two instructions per clock cycle.
44. Asia'semerging economies will be on a self-sustaining cycle of growth.
45. You're tempting fate by riding your bike without wearing a cycle helmet.
46. The package includes cycle hire for the duration of your holiday.
47. Such areas should also be served by dedicated cycle routes.
48. He called on terrorists on both sides of the sectarian divide to end the cycle of violence.
49. The European market is simply going through an economic cycle.
50. Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.
51. They could not break the cycle of harvest failure, food shortage, price increase and misery.
52. The UK cannot afford another stop-go cycle of economic development.
53. He's never going to cycle all the way to Manchester!
54. By early morning, per and timeless levels are once again very low, and the circadian cycle begins a new day.
55. Besides, even within cell biology, ideas on the cell cycle were still in the formative stages.
56. Women with bulimia may also be ignorant of how their behaviour perpetuates their symptoms, creating a vicious cycle which traps them.
57. And next year, the requests might double, with the whole dreary cycle restarting at an upped ante.
57. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
58. This is also known as the citric acid cycle or Krebs cycle.
59. The framework remained, the ordered cycle of worship and the charitable works, though much diminished.
60. So, pack your cycle clips and either pick up a brochure from your local travel agent or call us on freephone.
61. It forms the backbone of an important result in algebra, known as the Cycle Decomposition Theorem for Modules.
62. It's best to go with an organised group if you want to cycle or paddle your way through the area.
63. Lie flat on your back and cycle backwards with the legs 30 times.
64. Constable McLennan stated that children of primary school age were allowed to cycle on the pavement.
65. The old Roman calendar of festivals contained a cycle of urban celebrations reaching back to the city's legendary foundation.
66. A fault in the drying cycle means that the machine overheats and can catch fire.
67. Eventually, the economy reaches the peak of the cycle - the so-called boom period.
68. Nights, sometimes, Anton would cycle over for a visit to Rab, to play chequers.
69. Most take place at high points in the stockmarket cycle, when investors are at their most bullish.
70. When this landmass begins to warm up that section of the mantle, the cycle begins anew.
71. Rather than just evolving in a gradual, uniform manner, the earth may actually be caught up in a repeating cycle.
72. From beginning to end, each cycle of boom and slump lasts, Kondratiev argued, for about fifty years.
73. Whitelegg said that any less severe measures would fail to break the cycle of dependence on road transport and consequent congestion.
74. This version did receive approval and the weekly cycle of episode recording commenced in earnest.
75. Only by sharing parenting, she wrote, could we break the cycle.
76. To what degree is that positive cycle of challenge and autonomy happening for you in your work now?
77. It is likely to be converted into cash and is part of the operating cycle therefore a current asset.
78. This cycle causes considerable market uncertainty affecting the occupiers, developers, investors and planners involved in new building.
79. Her life was miserable because she could only live in that cycle: borrowing from the trader and selling it to him.
80. This same basic cycle could also operate on the interconversion of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide plus oxygen.
81. These observations defined the structure of the cell cycle experiments, as carried out in January and February of 1995.
82. Conclusions- Increasing waist-hip ratio is negatively associated with the probability of conception per cycle, before and after adjustment for confounding factors.
83. The shift of emphasis, from degree of differentiation to cell cycle, is crucial and huge.
84. Therapists also teach couples new ways of speaking and listening, to break the blame cycle.
85. The mean period is 331 days, but both the period and the amplitude change from one cycle to another.
86. It'sthis seasonal bounty to which the Eleonora's breeding cycle is geared, and the falcons harvest it in abundance.
87. The cycle can be used to determine the lattice enthalpy of sodium chloride.
88. If this is the case a two-day fast on fruit juice and water will break the cycle.
89. Going into mid-1993, the company had yet to break this cycle.
90. So the vicious cycle continues: we create daughters who have difficulty articulating their own needs and perceptions.
91. Prospective information on cycle variability during treatment would have led to potential selection bias.
92. As cyclists choose shortest routes, the network should be dense, with virtually all roads accessible for cycle movement.
93. Not only can it be introduced by contaminated water changes but it is also self-generated as part of the biological filtration cycle.
94. Minor movements of less than a hundred metres or so are probably best regarded as interruptions in one main cycle.
95. With figure 4.2, however, the cycle is seen as going diagonally across the matrix rather than running along one axis.
96. The group organises monthly social and sporting activities, including cycle sessions, and has bought nine tandems through sponsorship and fundraising.
97. Many differentiated cells retain the ability to return to the cell cycle when confronted with the appropriate mitogenic stimulus.
98. Rosie was determined to break out of the cycle of poverty that had trapped so many migrant workers.
99. Supposing the Elders of a Carpet Snake clan decided it was time to sing their song cycle from beginning to end?
100. The lives of peasants are dictated by the arduous and endless cycle of their crops.
101. In the early 1980s, there was another severe drought cycle but the adverse impact was less.
102. In those days Lawrence and I had very little idea indeed of what the cell cycle actually is.
103. The elaborate cycle was repeated numerous times as the inaugural address neared.
104. For many teachers a business secondment breaks their personal career cycle of school, university to school.
105. The amicable resolution suggested the reformist president and hard-line parliament may be trying to break their cycle of confrontation and deadlock.
106. We will also insure you in the same way following an accident involving any trailer while attached to your motor cycle.
107. Alongside is a fine recreation ground, with cycle and other tracks, bandstand, etc.
108. Lattice enthalpies determined through the Born-Haber cycle can be regarded as experimental values since the lattice enthalpies are calculated from experimental values.
109. And cycle it certainly is: area tutors and in-bureau tutors come from the ranks of the advice workers.
110. It really worries me what the impact could be in a few years when we hit the bottom of the business cycle.
111. Now that the media is busily engaged in the scrub cycle, Forbes' will no longer be an unexamined life.
112. The higher thermal efficiency resulting from the topping cycle reduces the amount of carbon dioxide produced per unit of power generated.
113. The image of the Supercontinent Cycle adds yet another twist to this age-old theory.
114. Their third suggestion is that the cell cycle is important and may need to be controlled.
115. Thirteen months of twenty days gave a cycle of 260 days that formed the core of the Maya almanac.
116. Sometimes a mood, or a phase of the menstrual cycle, will bring about a definite aversion to keeping up appearances.
117. Yet breaking the endless cycle of global poverty that powers these wars is achievable, Mr Annan says.
117. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
118. This is where the market research which is analysed in the first three parts of the planning cycle can help.
119. Something else was important, too; and that something else was the cell cycle.
120. A new cycle of chain reactions could destabilize the system of people who use, provide and pay for health care.
121. Did I hear someone mention a vicious cycle?
122. It adds up to a vicious cycle of destruction.
123. It adds up a vicious cycle of destruction.
124. Which TSA is a Simulink simulation cycle time.
125. Such may reduce variable star the luminous cycle.
126. Aging test research methods are moving towards multi-factor, synchronous cycle, the complexity and computer simulation of materials bearing the aging process direction.
127. Life cycle cost of torpedo is affected by many factors. Effects are different for different factors.
128. In order to shorten the development cycle, the rapid prototyping technique, including the computer simulation, the hardware-in-loop simulation and the road test, was suggested.
129. The first part of the thesis has expounded the cycle undulatory theory and financial early - warning theory.
130. This paper presents a fast demodulation algorithm of a 2FSK signal based on short time cycle autocorrelation.
131. Yet the flight of capital could create a vicious cycle.
132. Should be started as a composite of various cycle patterns under attack.
133. The tryout will have a direct impact on the smooth mold production cycle.
134. Proposes an optimum mathematical model of heating systems with a minimum life cycle cost being the programming object.
135. This paper briefly introduces and analyzes the control mode and function of bypass control system for combined cycle units in Huizhou LNG Power Plant.
136. In the system, the size sample with signal with N level cycle in the whole cycle is reduced to read-in the second memory.
137. By means of analyzing the equivalence relation of reversible gate logic network to permutation group, the reversible gate network cascade was converted into the cycle of symmetric group.
138. And it may lead to a vicious cycle in which women are first objectified and, as a result, underperform, confirming the notion that women's looks are more important than what they can do.
139. The life is just as a tree. the time cover you one day by day as well as cycle by cycle of the growth ring.
140. Mould, manufacturing cycle, the n back - propagation ( BP ) neural network, the mathmatical model.
141. Text checking can into a vicious cycle, and it can easily be avoided,'she added. "
142. Such as the requirement of anti wet and heat cycle for fibriia sheet to supplier XXXX.
143. Two simple biogeochemical cycle models(PM and CM) were developed to demonstrate the influence of chromium on the biogeochemical cycle from human activities in this paper.
144. The infrastructure construction has the features of the older building cycle, greatly capital input amount, the longer recovery stage.
145. Reverse Cycle Type: pump body mounted directly on the motor flange for easy vaporization of liquid.
146. Moreover , he presumed that cycle times for development were long.
147. Therefore, during sports training the effects of the menstrual cycle on substance metabolism should be considered in order to fully exert physiological potentials of female athletes.
148. The trick is to generate the highest frequency possible but keep the average duty cycle constant.
149. So that is why this is called the Born-Haber Cycle.
150. Crime leads to prison , which leads to unemployment , which leads to crime. It a vicious cycle.
151. The cycle sum of the rotation group of the octahedron was calculated.
152. Without productivity gains, would be difficult to change this vicious cycle.
153. The split system is including water cycle heating type and refrigerant cycle heating type. Our products have been sold to Europe, Middle east, Southesat Aisa,(sentence dictionary) etc more than 20 countries and region.
154. Cyclin D1 encodes the regulatory subunit of a holoenzyme that phosphorylates and inactivates the retinoblastoma protein and promotes progression through the G1-S phase of the cell cycle.
155. If we want to help the problem we can all do something by eating less meat. Eating meat is the dominant driver of the nitrogen cycle in Europe.
156. NRSP allowed users to submit jobs to be run in the system and to run jobs submitted by other users on any resources available over the Internet, sharing the available processor cycle efficiently.
157. The influence of welding thermal cycle on structure and properties in grain-coarsening region of X80 pipeline steel was investigated by weld thermal simulation technique and the charpy test.
158. Buying luxury goods, conversely, tends to be an endless cycle of one-upmanship, in which the neighbors have a fancy new car and — bingo! — now you want one, too, scholars say.
159. First, seasonal factors. And secondly, the end of the product life cycle.
160. China's online games industry appears to be trapped in a culture indifferent to the vicious cycle.
161. Foreclosures place downward pressure on house prices, contributing to a vicious cycle of economic pain.
162. So if you're too tired to exercise, you set off another vicious cycle.
163. The vicious cycle of life and death is an everyday event in the wild.
164. Treating IT as if it were a separate corporate entity sets up a vicious cycle.
165. Developers should make their intentions known and work with their managers to schedule time in the next cycle to accomplish specific customer interaction goals.
166. Objective To observe the ultrastructural changes of infundibulum epithelium of rat's oviduct during the genital cycle in rat.
167. However, cylindrical anodes have weaknesses such as long processing cycle and poor suitability.
168. Classical Business Cycle Analysis: Market-Clearing Macroeconomics; Keynesianism: The Macroeconomics of Wage and Price Rigidity.




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