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单词 Tribunal
1 The tribunal ordered the execution of 42 coup plotters.
2 A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
3 The tribunal has the power to arbitrate in disputes.
4 The tribunal heard complaints against the director.
5 She took her case to an immigration appeals tribunal.
6 The tribunal held its first session later that month.
7 The rent tribunal reduced my rent.
8 The dismissed workers decided to go to a tribunal.
9 The tribunal found for her employers .
10 The tribunal found in favour of the defendant.
11 The case was referred to an industrial tribunal.
12 The tribunal ruled in her favour.
13 His case comes before an industrial tribunal in March.
14 The tribunal decided that his behaviour was perfectly proper.
15 The police gave evidence at the tribunal.
16 A large number of witnesses testified to the tribunal.
17 She took her case to a tribunal.
18 The dispute was settled by a tribunal.
19 He told the tribunal his career had "taken a nosedive" since his dismissal last year.
20 The tribunal is unique because Mr Jones is not subject to the normal police discipline code.
21 They were handed over to a military tribunal for trial.
22 The tribunal has commanded that all copies of the book be destroyed.
23 The tribunal had been set up to arbitrate in the dispute.
24 An industrial tribunal has no jurisdiction to decide whether an employee was fairly or unfairly dismissed.
25 He went to the industrial tribunal to seek redress for the way his employers had discriminated against him.
26 Nearly 100 law firms are being referred to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal.
27 If the clubs cannot conclude a deal,[] an independent tribunal will decide.
28 The sacked workers were in defiant mood as they entered the tribunal.
29 She said that she had had a very fair hearing from the disciplinary tribunal.
30 The fee for the player will be decided by tribunal.
1 The tribunal ordered the execution of 42 coup plotters.
2 A war crimes tribunal was set up to prosecute those charged with atrocities.
3 The rent tribunal reduced my rent.
4 They were handed over to a military tribunal for trial.
31 She remitted the case to a new tribunal for reconsideration.
32 She told the tribunal that she was a victim of sex discrimination.
33 The case has been remitted from the appeal court to a lesser tribunal.
34 Last February the tribunal agreed he had been the victim of racial discrimination.
35 The accused will appear before a specially constituted military tribunal.
36 The tribunal decided that Mr Matthews had been unfairly dismissed .
37 The case of your redundancy will be heard by an independent tribunal.
38 The tribunal will convene tomorrow.
39 The Employment Appeal Tribunal did not accept that argument.
40 In assessing compensation, a tribunal has wide discretion.
41 The tribunal returns and the chairman announces their decision.
42 Will they give themselves up to the tribunal?
43 External pressure for an independent, international war crimes tribunal has been rebuffed.
44 A tribunal was decided on in Rome and Philip sent ambassadors to plead his case.
45 Today's result is in marked contrast to the Glenn Hoddle tribunal last month.
46 Further, the court would interfere if the tribunal exceeded its jurisdiction.
47 The tribunal members retire and deliberate once both sides have presented their cases.
48 A tribunal must make a compensatory award if it has made a basic award.
48 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
49 Substitution of judgment would also be avoided because the tribunal would determine which precise meaning should be adopted.
50 Any tribunal will have two questions which it has to answer.
51 The tribunal concluded that he should be dismissed and banned for three years from public office, forfeiting his seat in parliament.
52 The outside world talks of a war crimes tribunal but nobody supposes that anything will come of that.
53 This principle was extended to civil servants who had the alternative remedy of taking their complaints to an industrial tribunal.
54 Mr Perl denied making the remarks but the tribunal found against him.
55 Any such tribunal does however possess the discretion to allow the individual to be assisted by such an adviser. 4.
56 In 1986, the Employment Appeal Tribunal suggested that the going rate under this heading was £100.
57 The Police Complaints Authority may direct that disciplinary charges are heard by a tribunal rather than by a chief officer sitting alone.
58 As for Mr Gilbert, an industrial tribunal dismissed his claim of unfair discrimination.
59 He leads the reader into assuming that the tribunal is anything other than a kangaroo court.
60 Tribunal chairman David Williams said the employers had acted reasonably.
61 Today, that could land you in front of a war crimes tribunal.
62 This means that the Tribunal has to ask whether the Minister acted reasonably in exercising his discretion to grant a warrant.
63 It is assumed that a tribunal will not be willing to make an order for reinstatement or re-engagement.
64 We will improve access to legal aid and, when resources allow, extend it to tribunal hearings.
65 The tribunal says it has received over 3,000 personal injury claims.
66 Those sacked for wildcat strikes would lose their right to appeal against unfair dismissal to an industrial tribunal.
67 After careful consideration of all the evidence and relevant law the Tribunal either upholds or dismisses the appeal.
68 The tribunal must also determine whether to permit a third party to intrude upon a bilateral, consensual relationship.
69 Those convicted by the tribunal face a maximum penalty of life in prison.
70 The Tribunal hears appeals by prospective residential home owners against local authorities' refusal to register.
71 The chairman historically was a person who had served on the tribunal as an ordinary member for some time.
72 A recent hearing of the Disciplinary Tribunal highlighted the dangers, albeit in a case involving two sole practitioners.
73 Is it unreasonable that it should also be empowered to decide on the judgment of a state tribunal enforcing such unconstitutional law?
74 Any tribunal might err in a finding that it makes: no tribunal is infallible.
75 If the tribunal upholds the appeal, then last Sunday's race, won by Senna, would be annulled.
76 Agreements resulting from conciliation are normally registered with the tribunal as a form of consent decision.
77 Last month an industrial tribunal unanimously rejected their claim for unfair dismissal.
78 A court or tribunal will be reluctant to conclude that your contract has been frustrated.
79 And soon after this military tribunal was ended, the circuit court met, peacefully transacted its business, and adjourned.
80 The tribunal ruled she was unfairly dismissed from her £14,000-a-year job at the union's regional headquarters in Edge Lane, Liverpool.
81 The three-man tribunal did allow, however, that the exclusion appeared to be too harsh for the alleged crime.
82 If you are still out of work, the tribunal has to gaze into its crystal ball.
83 The tribunal ruled that all three women were entitled to redundancy pay.
84 These general grounds have been elaborated by decisions of the Employment Appeal Tribunal on appeal from decisions of industrial tribunals.
85 An employee who is refused a written statement can go to an industrial tribunal to enforce their right to receive one.
86 It is important to have a clear understanding of the impact of legal aid on tribunal representation.
87 A conveyancing appeals tribunal will be set up to hear appeals against the decisions of the board.
88 Milosevic, who has been indicted on war crimes charges by an international tribunal, rarely appears in public.
89 These factors are given: their meaning can not be altered by the tribunal itself.
90 It remains open pending the outcome of the tribunal, which is expected to last 3 weeks.
91 Therefore, a tribunal or inferior court acts ultravires if it reaches its conclusion on a basis erroneous under the general law.
92 Parties and witnesses are entitled to allowances for loss of earnings, subsistence and travel to and from the tribunal.
93 The breadth of the spectrum would be dependent upon the type of tribunal and the content of the enabling legislation.
94 Lord Reid stated that jurisdiction in a narrow sense meant only that the tribunal be entitled to enter upon the inquiry.
95 Customs refused to meet the costs claimed but the chairman of the tribunal disagreed.
96 In 1982 pre-hearing assessments were requested in six percent of cases filed, about half by the tribunal of its own motion.
97 Such a person is not given a right of appeal to the Appeal Tribunal.
98 The £35,000-a-year ad rep told a London tribunal the detective misinterpreted his movements.
99 A tribunal is given authority to decide upon a particular issue.
100 They had been tried without benefit of defence counsel before the Public Tribunal, a special court which was subject to Government influence.
101 The tribunal can award you up to £14,000 compensation or order your reinstatement.
102 The Tribunal decided that the mental condition was attributable to service and allowed the Appeal.
103 When the international criminal tribunal in the Hague indicted Milosevic for war crimes two months later, Western governments were relieved.
104 The tribunal will also have considerable discretion in deciding whether or not the reasons given are adequate.
105 The lay members are intended to bring industrial experience and practical knowledge to bear on the issues coming before the tribunal.
106 In any case, the Tribunal will give written notice of its decision to both parties within 28 days of the meeting.
107 She complained to an industrial tribunal alleging discrimination on the basis of the age range specified and she was successful.
108 Nevertheless, the Employment Appeal Tribunal held that the termination date occurred only upon expiry of the 12-week notice period.http:///tribunal.html
109 Employees aggrieved by the actions of their employers may seek redress through the courts or at an industrial tribunal.
110 Sixteen years later the same workers failed to get equal pay at an industrial tribunal under the 1983 amended Equal Pay Act.
111 The industrial tribunal is not bound by its own previous decisions.
112 The decision of the Tribunal is that a salary increase of 1.69% should apply for 12 months from 1st March 1993.
113 A medical tribunal upheld four complaints laid by local health authorities against William McBride, 65, for false and misleading statements.
114 A party aggrieved by a decision of an industrial tribunal has 42 days in which to file an appeal.
115 Anyone who believes they have been subject to unfair dismissal can complain to an industrial tribunal.
116 Milosevic has been indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal.
117 The work which can be done is any work a solicitor normally does other than representation in a court or tribunal.
118 To combat some of these problems, there should, argued Bell, be increased opportunities for representation before the tribunal.
119 All four have been charged with crimes against humanity by the Hague International Tribunal.
120 This can not be decided finally by the tribunal itself.
121 The award will be the amount that the tribunal considers just and equitable in all the circumstances.
122 The industrial tribunal has no enforcement powers of its own.
123 An employment tribunal has ruled that food retailers are fully justified in refusing to employ men who wear them.
124 If a furnished tenancy exists the tribunal may adjudicate on the rent.
125 The implications for the tribunal system of the change to a system of benefit based on entitlement seems to have been overlooked.
126 The tribunal chairman and members will also ask questions as the case proceeds.
127 He was represented at the hearing of his Appeal by the Association and the Tribunal increased the assessment to 80%.
128 In February 1916 a tribunal met in Saltash Guild Hall to consider two claims for exemption from compulsory military service.
129 Conversely, a body may be styled a tribunal and yet be a court for present purposes.
130 Mr Racan's written complaint against the extraditions was overruled by the tribunal.
131 It is impossible to exaggerate the revolutionary significance of the recognition of a binding judicial tribunal external to the realm.
132 Most industrial tribunal buildings are purpose built and are reasonably comfortably equipped.
133 The military tribunal had condemned six other officers to life imprisonment.
134 The cost of this extended power is that governors will be liable to defend their decision before an industrial tribunal.
135 In the dream he became a participant, as a prisoner of a revolutionary tribunal whose judges included Marat and Robespierre.
136 Had this tribunal the legal power and authority to try and punish this man?
137 Officials with the tribunal said Levar is the first tribunal witness to be killed in apparent retaliation for his testimony.
138 A tribunal is master of its own procedure, and this provides the foundation from which it can permit such representation./tribunal.html
139 If it ever comes to a war crimes tribunal for him, our town can provide a few witnesses for the prosecution.
140 But it provides guidelines as to what constitutes reasonable behaviour and it carries considerable weight at an industrial tribunal.
141 Read in studio A man who was refused a job because of his beard has lost his appeal at an industrial tribunal.
142 He has been netted by the Hague tribunal because no one showed greater loyalty to Karadzic.
143 N. tribunal lacks its own police and must rely on states to arrest those it has indicted.
144 Here the tribunal is the decision-making instrument chosen by government for the implementation of some scheme of government regulation.
145 He was brought before the tribunal for trial.
146 The powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.
147 The Appeal Tribunal has reversed the Disciplinary Committee's decision on the licensee.
148 The states had no recourse but to await the verdict of the high tribunal.
149 They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera.
150 Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs.
151 The division also provides counsel to the Insider Dealing Tribunal.
152 The dread Tribunal of five Judges, Public Prosecutor, and determined Jury, sat every day.
153 In the criminal adjudication tribunal of British Royal Superior Court.




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