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单词 Utter
(1) To my utter amazement she agreed.
(2) The ship's interior was an utter shambles.
(3) She's an utter stranger to me.
(4) I've never heard such utter twaddle!
(5) What he is doing is utter stupidity!
(6) He felt an utter fool!
(7) He didn't utter a syllable.
(8) The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.
(9) He could not utter a word.
(10) This company treats its employees with utter contempt .
(11) The meeting was a complete and utter waste of time.
(12) It's utter folly to go swimming in this cold weather.
(13) Our new radio is an utter failure.
(14) That's complete and utter nonsense!
(15) She didn't utter a word all night.
(16) The battle/election was a complete and utter rout.
(17) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roomates.
(18) I hold those fools in utter contempt.
(19) The report shows utter contempt for women's judgement.
(20) He surveyed the scene of utter devastation beneath him.
(21) My duty pricked me on to utter that.
(22) She sat in the corner in utter dejection.
(23) These reports are total and utter rubbish.
(24) She stared at them both in utter confusion.
(25) This, of course(Sentencedict), is utter nonsense.
(26) Don't talk such utter rot!
(27) What Charles was saying was utter tripe.
(28) His career is a story of utter disaster.
(29) Complaints are the greatest offerings that God obtains from human beings, as well as the most faithful prayers human beings might utter to God.
(30) As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. John F. Kennedy 
(1) To my utter amazement she agreed.
(2) The ship's interior was an utter shambles.
(3) I've never heard such utter twaddle!
(4) What he is doing is utter stupidity!
(5) He felt an utter fool!
(6) He didn't utter a syllable.
(7) The battlefield was a scene of utter carnage.
(8) He could not utter a word.
(9) This company treats its employees with utter contempt .
(10) The meeting was a complete and utter waste of time.
(11) That's complete and utter nonsense!
(12) She didn't utter a word all night.
(13) I hold those fools in utter contempt.
(14) His career is a story of utter disaster.
(15) A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.
(16) He was in utter despair.
(17) This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.
(18) She could see the utter futility of trying to protest.
(19) Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness.
(31) The performance was an utter mockery.
(32) He didn't utter a single sound throughout the meeting.
(33) How can you utter such falsehoods?
(34) He was talking utter nonsense as usual.
(35) A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him.
(36) He was in utter despair.
(37) The film exposes the utter horror of war.
(38) They looked on in utter stupefaction.
(39) The night regressed into utter silence and solitude.
(40) I almost admired the utter gall of the man.
(41) I was overcome with a feeling of utter despair.
(42) To my utter astonishment , she remembered my name.
(43) I had those fools in utter contempt.
(44) Lying back in the hot bath was utter bliss.
(45) I made a complete and utter mess of it!
(45) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(46) This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.
(47) She did not utter a word during lunch .
(48) She could see the utter futility of trying to protest.
(49) I won't go into all the depressing details; suffice it to say that the whole affair was an utter disaster.
(50) Words are timeless. You should utter them or write them with a knowledge of their timelessness.
(51) I watched in complete and utter horror as he pulled out a gun.
(52) Christie retaliated by sending his friend a long letter detailing Carl's utter incompetence.
(53) "I don't believe it!" cried Henry in tones of utter amazement.
(54) Ever since our secretary walked out, the office has been in a state of total/utter chaos.
(55) When the boy was about to utter words,he was bellowed off.
(56) She dismissed the findings as utter twaddle/a load of old twaddle.
(57) His remarks betray an utter contempt for the truth .
(58) A look of utter confusion swept across his handsome face.
(59) When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion.
(60) Doctors worked day and night amid scenes of utter chaos.
(61) Neil's ability to utter banalities never ceased to amaze me.
(62) As he walked through the door, she stared at him in utter bewilderment.
(63) That new multi - storey car - park is an utter monstrosity!
(64) I stood staring at them in utter bewilderment.
(65) That's complete and utter hogwash.
(66) Utter shambles, said one Tory candidate.
(67) For a moment there was utter silence.
(68) Treat him with the utter contempt he deserves.
(69) By his own criteria it was an utter failure.
(70) What complete and utter balls!
(71) Evelyn had never experienced such utter despair.
(72) I stared at him in utter disbelief.
(73) It was total and utter confusion.
(74) A complete and utter lack of vision.
(75) She treated herself with what seemed like utter severity.
(76) Harriet's house was a scene of utter confusion.
(77) There aren't the words. Utter despair.
(78) He would not utter those names lightly.
(79) He's an absolute utter loony.
(80) The utter silence fell like a loud explosion.
(81) I shall have you drummed out of this establishment in utter disgrace!
(82) They were ... yes I now concede(Sentence dictionary), complete and utter bozos.
(83) There was something in his utter stillness - a tension that communicated itself to her.
(84) A bitter reply rose to Alexei's lips, but he suppressed the urge to utter it.
(85) With what appeared to be utter exhaustion, he put his head in his hands as the question reverberated in the nave.
(86) To go on with the utter silence or to break the silence, pretending nothing had happened.
(87) Intensity of feeling, passionate belief, and utter commitment to the behavior therapist are rare.
(88) He opened his eyes and was instantly aware of utter, spine-chilling silence.
(89) That contrast of tender sensibility and senseless brutality was etched into my mind, exposing the utter meaninglessness of violence and war.
(90) What has burned his bacon is the utter shame of it.
(91) I stopped about twenty yards away from the shed, appalled at the scene of utter desolation and neglect.
(92) He insists on very great freedom to choose, even when there is stark and utter contradiction between the rival approaches.
(93) Wearing an expression of utter boredom, Harry turned back to his book.
(94) Many species will, in complete darkness, utter a few snatches of song if disturbed at their roosts.
(95) I stopped and slumped dazedly back on my heels, facing utter defeat.
(96) But for the occasional bitow to the rear of the crowd, the Swan was a vacuum of utter silence.
(97) She could not utter a sentence for giving a tinkle of value to some innocent word.
(98) Parties utter a loud trilling whistle, rising and falling in pitch.
(99) He was forced to return to the earth alone, in utter desolation.
(100) Normal mice, too, slimmed down to utter sleekness when they had a little leptin.
(101) As this dream-man called Duvall advanced towards him in slow motion, Jimmy's dream-brain raced, providing answers with utter certainty.
(102) But when she entered the house, she was confronted by a scene of utter chaos.
(103) No one had ever heard Thomas utter an unkind word.
(104) Having narrowly survived utter extermination, a despised, persecuted minority becomes the toast of Pennsylvania Avenue within a generation.
(105) The young people were draped about the furniture or lay in couples on the floor in utter silence whilst the firelight flickered.
(105) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(106) Despite the profit-making prospects in this it has been treated with utter contempt on the grounds that charity begins at home.
(107) Morris further believed that forcing anyone to be active during the contemplative phase, or vice versa, causes utter misery.
(108) In the most organic, visceral way possible they now felt bonded with utter intimacy to their Chapter, digested by it.
(109) We are at least half way through the looking glass, on our way to utter chaos.
(110) On the face of it they were an utter failure.
(111) Without it, she was racked by a feeling of utter desolation.
(112) Nobody from her handpicked half-dozen is going to utter a mumbling word.
(113) Shortly after shooting them, Conroy displayed utter contempt for his two victims, the court heard.
(114) Open lips, wrinkled forehead, the skin expressing utter surrender, traits of the original person.
(115) Hence the complete and utter mental breakdown of whoever contracts the disease.
(116) The only way to steer reclamation away from utter financial disaster in the Missouri Basin was to subsidize it with hydropower revenues.
(117) That glimpse into Miranda's contented mind was all she needed to complete a sense of utter peace.
(118) Still, he posed several questions that he said proved the plaintiffs' case was utter nonsense.
(119) Obviously the play is a protest against a brutal system: the horror ofthe sand-shifting lies in its utter pointlessness.
(120) To another it might have seemed utter confusion, but Chen had been born here.
(121) As I entered, the door slammed behind me, sealing me in utter darkness.
(122) The recollection induced in Converse a sense of utter despair which he found soothing.
(123) In order to utter meaningful sentences I must come to grasp my position as a speaker.
(124) When designer Rei Kawakubo tucks pillows under blouses and shows her collection in utter silence, simple clothes become disconcerting theater.
(125) He tried for years without success until finally, in utter despair, he threw himself into the kiln.
(126) I felt the nausea of awakening to a brand new day of suffering, a dawn of utter exclusion from my fellow mortals.
(127) I was so high on adrenalin that for all I knew I was talking utter rubbish.
(128) A sick child was the first step toward utter family ruin.
(129) He had gone from shouting to silence, utter silence, and had walked out of the house.
(130) According to his lawyer, Brooks claims he heard some one utter the N-word, so he stepped on the gas.
(131) A moment later Charlie heard the colonel utter the name of Captain Guy Trentham.
(132) I am not free to utter any fancied measurements I please.
(133) Another step forward and Pooley noted to his utter stupefaction that it had vanished altogether into empty air.
(134) Then she found she was doing all this already, and a sigh of utter contentment shivered through her.
(135) It gave her infinite pleasure simply to utter Joss Barnet's name.
(136) Morrissey armed himself with a self made shield of absolute and utter confidence.
(137) Indeed,(http:///utter.html) many forms of treatment by hypnosis do not call for the patient to utter a word.
(138) The 7,000 delegates were handpicked for loyalty, and did not utter a word of criticism.
(139) Ezra threw Morrill a look of utter disbelief and shook his head.
(140) A traveller passing through the area afterwards reported scenes of utter devastation.
(141) When they do utter word phrases, they tend to omit the verb endings, most pronouns, and the conjunctions.
(142) We padded through those quiet, leafy roads in utter silence.
(143) Never-absolutely never in my experience-did President Reagan really lose his temper or utter a rude or unkind word.
(144) The tears came, and rapidly dissolved her angry expression to one of utter despair.
(145) As we squelched along the road and into the farmyard I felt a feeling of utter exhaustion.
(146) She sat on the bed looking at the utter chaos around her.
(147) Meanwhile, those garrulous starlets who utter a quotable phrase almost every time they open their mouths are few and far between.
(148) The scene in the courtyard was one of utter devastation.
(149) Nothing is worse than feeling screwed up inside or suffering from a sense of utter emptiness and loss of interest or emotion.
(150) Time-travellers? Utter nonsense, surely?
(151) Paul Reichmann threw up his hands in protest at the suggestion, but did not utter a sound.
(152) The visitor would understandably back off quickly and there would either be pandemonium or an utter, stunned silence.
(153) I had risen above him and was now in the state of dung-hai, or complete and utter superiority to Quigley.
(154) A specific point of view of a space, in a fleeting moment of time, could be held in utter stillness.
(155) In fact, I challenge Prescott to utter 16 words on any subject without making an utter fool of himself.
(156) Cantor was barely able to utter this single word, so full of suspense, desire, triumph, and some deviousness.
(157) When he did utter a word or two, rarely, his voice was coarse and stern.
(158) And then she found herself wondering what had prompted her to utter remarks concerning his private affairs.
(159) Fergus woke in utter darkness, wondering where he was; he felt as though he was falling backwards for ever into darkness.
(160) Jeanne Tripplehorn pairs with Dylan McDermott in this comedy about a ridiculous romantic and an utter realist brought together by destiny.
(161) But as they passed him, their eyes and gestures... silently declared what their lips were forbidden to utter.
(162) In utter confidence she begins to sweetly whisper her secrets to the writer, who listens, transfixed.
(163) It looked like utter chaos to me, but organised chaos.
(164) At times these difficulties combined with a muddled administrative situation to produce utter confusion and dismay.
(165) Having won their votes from the gullible, as well as the dedicated, the republicans now show their utter contempt for democracy.
(166) At first the class met the request with utter bafflement.
(167) I went to rejoin the train and it was utter chaos.
(168) Mandy had the utter audacity to roll her eyes coyly at Matthew.
(169) Instead he would gaze at the jury, his face an impassive study in utter disbelief.
(170) She could hear Penry's heart pounding against hers, as her kisses matched his in utter frenzy.
(171) He was utter egoist of bricks and mortar.
(172) His tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his audience.
(173) British policy in Cyprus was an utter disaster.
(174) She didn't utter a syllable at the meeting.
(175) They said something that words were powerless to utter.
(176) The mandate in own type utter creature.
(177) The utter lack of intuition that distinguishes Jong's young Sappho makes her authorship of this material simply impossible to believe.
(178) To utter a succession of light chirping or tremulous sounds; chirrup.




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