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单词 Barrier
1. Show your ticket at the barrier.
2. The police put a barrier across the road to stop the traffic.
3. The car crashed into the safety barrier and burst into flames.
4. The Sahara Desert is a natural barrier between North and Central Africa.
5. Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work.
6. The lorry shaved the barrier, scraping its side.
7. She took a step nearer to the barrier.
8. The trees formed a dark and impenetrable barrier .
9. The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier.
10. Unemployment figures have broken through the three million barrier.
11. We went snorkelling along the Great Barrier Reef.
12. The age barrier appeared insurmountable.
13. The barrier absorbed the main impact of the crash.
14. The language difference proved an insurmountable barrier .
15. Please show your ticket at the barrier.
16. A large crowd crushed past the barrier.
17. You must show your ticket at the barrier.
18. The fans pushed against the barrier.
19. I realized I had to surmount the language barrier.
19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The river formed an impassable barrier for migrating animals.
21. Ozone is the earth's barrier against ultra-violet radiation.
22. The police put a barrier across the road.
23. The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.
24. Lack of confidence is a psychological barrier to success.
25. The language barrier makes debate impossible.
26. England's World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier.
27. While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.
28. In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.
29. The lorry went into a skid and crashed into the barrier.
30. They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .
1. Show your ticket at the barrier.
2. England's World Cup hero is determined to play through the pain barrier.
3. While we're in Australia, we're hoping to squeeze in a trip to the Barrier Reef.
4. The police put a barrier across the road to stop the traffic.
5. In Bermuda, Sam's father took him on an excursion to a coral barrier.
6. The car crashed into the safety barrier and burst into flames.
7. The lorry went into a skid and crashed into the barrier.
8. Problems with childcare remain the biggest barrier to women succeeding at work.
9. They fell in love in spite of the language barrier .
10. The angry crowds would not keep back the barrier.
11. The age barrier appeared insurmountable.
12. A large crowd crushed past the barrier.
13. Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.
14. lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
31. The mountains form a natural barrier between the two countries.
32. No matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation, there is some barrier or attitude to keep her down.
33. I didn't speak much Japanese, and I was worried that the language barrier might be a problem.
34. He was one of the last of the crowd to pass through the barrier.
35. The mountains acted as a natural barrier to the spread of the disease.
36. There was an impassable barrier between the white race and the one which they had reduced to slavery.
37. Duties and taxes are the most obvious barrier to free trade.
38. It's only been latterly that we've discovered that it's lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
39. As each woman reached the barrier one of the men glanced at her papers.
40. Iona reached the final, but she had to go through the pain barrier to get there.
41. The invading army could only penetrate the mountain barrier at one point.
42. There is no reason why love shouldn't cross the age barrier.
43. Soon they were outward bound for the Great Barrier Reef.
44. There was no safety barrier, but the court ruled that the child's parents must share the blame for the accident.
45. At the given signal, the group rushed forward to the barrier.
46. Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.
47. There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind.
48. There's an invisible barrier that keeps women out of top jobs.
49. There are fears that the existing flood barrier may prove insufficient.
49. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
50. The packaging must provide an effective barrier to prevent contamination of the product.
51. Cost should not be a barrier to the use of legal services.
52. They are fearful that unemployment will soon break the barrier of three million.
53. The police locked arms to form a barrier against the protesters.
54. He ran towards the barrier in an attempt to break through.
55. The car crashed through the barrier and came to rest in a field.
56. As Kerr fled towards the exit, Boycott collared him at the ticket barrier.
57. The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east.
58. They put up a barrier to divide the women's section off from the men's.
59. Some people experience shyness as a barrier to communication, but this can be broken down gradually.
60. lots of individual reefs, around about 2,900 separate reef systems which make up the Great Barrier Reef.
61. I broke through the poverty barrier and it was education that did it.
62. There is usually a sonic boom when an aircraft breaks the sound barrier.
63. A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform.
64. He made good his escape from a crowd of journalists by jumping over a barrier.
65. The train came to a stop just yards from the barrier.
66. I'm hoping to crash the 20-second barrier in the final and get a bronze.
67. Another rammed a barrier wall and broke its neck.
68. And the family blames a faulty motorway crash barrier.
69. Barbara remains aloof behind the barrier of her menu.
70. Up to half a dozen may break the barrier.
71. This restriction creates a barrier for global electronic commerce.
72. Barbara remained aloof behind the barrier of her menu.
73. The automatic barrier lifted as we drove up.
74. They act as a barrier, holding in moisture.
75. Jubilee 2000 remove the barrier of international debt.
76. There was an invisible, somehow natural, barrier.
77. Ballet is entertainment without a language barrier.
78. It came down against the crash barrier.
79. Thatcher erect new barrier to monetary unity.
80. Then there is the language barrier.
81. There was, first, the language barrier.
82. On either side of each barrier it leaves similar pockets of high and low cloud cover, of arid and lush terrain.
83. But the report said few secondary schools advertised at less than £60,000, and primary headships had broken through the £50,000 barrier.
84. The simplest protective barrier is a geographical one, namely to conduct the training away from other centres of activity within the organisation.
85. Saunders' body was lying against him as he tried to manoeuvre it against the protective barrier.
86. The nature of the learning experiences in each room eliminates another barrier, competitiveness.
87. Both act as a barrier against the elements in winter, but are rather unsuitable choices for summer.
88. To begin with, these forces have created the most formidable barrier to animal movement on earth.
89. The stiff upper lip is a barrier against the trembling which could lead to tears.
90. Sections of the barrier were brought to the inquest and forensic scientist David Price said it hadn't been welded together properly.
91. Managing director of Aberdeen Airport at 33, she had not met any barrier to career progression.
92. He wants you to destroy willingly the barrier you've erected between Him and you.
93. They work by forming an invisible barrier to prevent water loss.
94. I pushed through the barrier and went closer to the three men, the ones who were linked.
95. However, many new serums act as a protective barrier and seem to improve hair suppleness, too.
96. Only a flimsy barrier stops the crowd from spilling onto the field.
97. Footsteps are heard ascending the stairs to platform I passing clean through the locked barrier gates and proceeding along the platform.
98. After that, they reckon, they can face any pain barrier.
99. Completion of the eastern counties railway network removed the last barrier; now labour was prepared to move rather than tolerate chronic want.
100. Ryker vaulted the barrier and ran after them, slipping one hand into his jacket, touching the hilt of the knife.
101. The biggest barrier to entry into the video shopping arena has been the lack of available channels offering variety to customers.
102. One of them parked across the narrow track leading away from the building; it acted as a barrier.
103. Vic hoots impatiently at the barrier; the security man's face appears at the window and flashes an ingratiating smile.
104. Adoption of Technology Standards Adoption of standards is a major barrier to the I-way construction.
105. Kellock has since retitled its service Cashflow Finance in an attempt to overcome this barrier.
106. Macintosh has certainly expanded my view of information, enabling me to break the barrier between text and graphics.
107. Barrier reefs and atolls are very like each other in general form and zonation.
108. Planners and firefighters wanted Shade to stay open because a barrier would hinder emergency response.
109. Sexuality affords us the opportunity of transgressing the barrier separating life from death.
110. It is the organs of articulation which are used to create this barrier.
111. After the catch, he crashed hard into the barrier but held on to the ball.
112. Suddenly a barrier of logs and brush blocked his path.
113. Actually, she influenced every decision I ever made but I always felt she put a barrier between us.
114. There are times when the way a woman uses her tears in a relationship is a barrier to her growth.
115. It crashed through the barrier and then something horrible began.
116. It was true they were very quiet which the Girls thought was a combination of shyness and the language barrier.
117. If it was a blue barrier then, hopefully, by jumping on to a blue button the barrier would deactivate.
118. We had to staple a polythene vapour barrier to the rafters of a pitched roof.
119. The environmental coalition also has proposed some type of barrier to prevent further expansion of the underground plume.
120. Security of on-line payments remains a major barrier to this feature.
121. In fact islands with multiple barrier reefs are unknown, although a very few double reefs are known.
122. The whole of Berlin seemed to be on the move that day, spreading itself along the barrier like ivy.
123. The lack of communication is emphasized by the language barrier.
124. For a start, sheer distance put a well-nigh insurmountable barrier be-tween me and my peers.
125. They had scarcely addressed a word to her but from behind her barrier of quiet she observed them closely.
126. There they were met by a cordon of police, standing in front of a barrier of police tenders.
127. Its wooden centre section can be raised and lowered to form a defensive barrier.
128. There are splendid views of this great alpine barrier to the south from the twisting road between Urnerboclen and Linthal.
129. The greatest barrier to full voice operation is the difficulty of achieving voice recognition.
130. The Dolphin Centre has maintained its usual popularity with attendances again breaking the one million barrier.
131. Ultracare 3 is quickly absorbed into the skin and forms a protective grease-free barrier.
132. The vapour barrier also served to protect the timber from rainfall during the time that the roof was being constructed.
133. But every now and then some patient managed to break through the mental barrier erected by training, habit, and self-defence.
134. Fast fighter jets -- many traveling within earshot of the sound barrier -- will headline the shows.
135. If she fixed her focus with enough concentration she could envisage the invisible barrier.
136. Benbulbin, that great hill, acts as a barrier between Ulster and Connaught.
137. The yellow and black police barrier was still there as a warning to other drivers coming over the crest of the hill.
138. But research suggests that in many or most countries, male attitudes are not a major barrier to family planning.
139. Albright will be lowering yet another barrier to the advancement of women in public life.
140. The driver slowed down as he approached the police barrier.
141. Beyond the barrier lay some of the most toxic chemicals known, awaiting destruction by fire.
142. Because of the language barrier and culture shock, such insights are far too rare.
143. With the much lower production costs of the late 1980s, small circulation was no longer the same barrier to profitability.
144. In 1979, Stanley Barrett broke the sound barrier on land.
145. But the figure waiting at the customs barrier looked exactly the same.
146. An armed soldier, a member of the Taman guard, flagged them down at the barrier.
147. By progressively melting and falling off, an ablative heat shield can form a very effective protective barrier.
148. You poke it up and in before the action begins, thus providing a protective barrier against pregnancy and sexually-transmitted diseases.
149. That perception of inferiority in turn means that some sort of caste barrier is erected between black and white.
150. Thus, pre-emptive patenting can be a highly effective strategic entry barrier.
151. Various accessories are available for corner trims. Vapour barrier, sealed at overlaps, is laid on top of ply roof deck.
152. John Kennedy broke the barrier against Catholics, Ronald Reagan against the divorced.
153. Shooting starch goes a long way in erasing the barrier between spectator and spectacle.
154. But only this year has the industry cracked a barrier that is critical to many consumers: price.
155. But she put up a barrier around her, and allowed no one to pass.
156. You see kids who just throw off their clothes, they want to break down that barrier and get natural again.
157. There is strong evidence to suggest that the Great Barrier Reef will have disappeared in 20 years time.
158. William Farrell had seen a Renault 25 car parked beside a crash barrier as he drove past.
159. Close to the door, rows of slatted chairs were set out behind a rope barrier.
160. A coating of butter or water soluble barrier film prevents oxidisation and makes subsequent soil removal easier.
161. Whether clipped into shape or left natural, barberry is a formidable barrier thanks to its dense foliage and profusion of thorns.
162. But this normally impenetrable barrier is easily breached by fat-soluble ethanol molecules, which slip through like little ghosts.
163. They also have a certain charm, when seen from the comfort and security of an armchair behind a glass barrier.
164. The introduction to this book said that the Himalayas have formed an impassable barrier in the distribution of Eastern wildlife.
165. Two soulless black eyes from out of the crowd by the barrier were pinned to her face.
166. It ploughed off the motorway, behind the motorway bridge crash barrier, and into the concrete upright.
167. There was always a difficulty in obtaining enough currency, a major barrier to trading with the west.
168. What is it, this force of attraction, that leaps across every barrier humans have ever been able to construct?
169. A rose hedge can become a useful, impenetrable barrier if clipped regularly.
169. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
170. It achieves this by forming an ice barrier to lessen heat loss from the ground it covers.
171. In detail barrier reefs consist of whole series of individual reefs and may have small islands on them.
172. Jackie Robinson breaks color barrier in Major League Baseball in 1947.
173. Some experts fear the disease may have crossed the barrier between species again.
174. Such efforts reveal one big barrier for the technology, however: it is not yet clear how the economics will work.
175. What aspects of our ecclesiastical tradition facilitate and what create a barrier to our communication attempts?
176. Their age too, was a bigger barrier than either ever thought.
177. A male is caged on one side of a barrier separating him from the females in the same cage for 2 days.
178. Barrier layer cells are transducers that convert light energy into electrical energy.
179. The soldiers of the two sides occasionally conversed pleasantly across this barrier.
180. During phosphorylation, the active-centre torsion-angle strain should facilitate the phosphotransfer reaction by lowering the activation-energy barrier.
181. Hakkinen was taken to the circuit for a routine check after suffering minor concussion when his car crashed into a barrier.
182. You will remember that consonant sounds are made by creating a brief barrier to the flow of breath.
183. A major barrier between human beings and digitally stored information had been lifted.
184. Preoccupation with status itself may be the greatest barrier to intellectual achievement.
185. But once hard drives broke the 100-megabyte barrier, that was no longer feasible.
186. Baseball has had four black managers since Jackie Robinson broke the sport's racial barrier in 1947.
187. Time and again as boss of Rangers and Liverpool, Souness has smashed the million-pound barrier to sign players.
188. Cut to size, push between rafters, and conceal behind plasterboard lined with vapour barrier.
189. Instead she has developed a strict routine for short haul trips to get her across her pain barrier.
190. This barrier is a complex structure that prevents many drugs and chemicals in the blood from entering the brain.
191. As she rounded the final corner, the trees were in front of her, a dark and impenetrable barrier hiding the house completely.
192. Pre-coating clean brander plates with a proprietary release water soluble barrier film is a cheaper alternative.
193. You should remember, however, that this can not act as a barrier if you have damp problems.
194. The fourth side of the clearing was sheer cliff drop, attended by a barrier of split rails.
195. There was little evidence to support the presence of a primary defect in the colonic barrier in patients with ulcerative colitis.
196. If they are allowed automatically to keep them, this becomes a major barrier to new entry.
197. Gastric acid is the primary barrier against orally ingested enteric pathogens, and a major regulator of small bowel flora.
198. There was thought to be a high barrier between hamsters and mice.
199. By that single, fluid act, a barrier had been removed, a bridge had been crossed.
199. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
200. Password Schemes One straight forward security solution, a password scheme, erects a first-level barrier to accidental intrusion.
201. And that put the biggest barrier of all between them.
202. The Government plans to remove the statutory barrier to the formation of partnerships between solicitors and non-solicitors.
203. A lack of education is a barrier to many good jobs.
204. Perhaps the biggest barrier to economic success was the power of the Unions.
205. This torsion-angle strain would lower the activation-energy barrier for the phosphorylation of His15.
206. They blame his death on a faulty motorway crash barrier.
207. The intact skin acts as a barrier between the internal and the external environment which contains many potentially harmful agents.
208. He clenched his jaw as the pain barrier seemed to break with every passing second.
209. It will act as a barrier to you in putting your own psychological discoveries directly to your reader.
210. She grasped at the barrier between us and gently eased the wire apart.
211. Wooden planters filled with annuals formed a low protective barrier around the perimeter.
212. This huge stretch of coastline is dominated by offshore barrier islands built by the surf out of drifting sand.
213. Then it seemed that class differences were an insurmountable barrier, but this too was not the only answer.
214. But once that barrier has been broken, what is the fight about then?
215. These were deposited in lagoonal, intertidal and sabkha environments, respectively, that became established behind the barrier complex.
216. Now the council is waiting for the car parks firm to solve the crash barrier problem.
217. Fields will be surrounded by barrier strips to prevent phosphate, nitrate, and pesticide pollution of water-courses.
218. A decade ago this was Checkpoint Charlie, one of the few gaps in an otherwise impenetrable barrier a hundred miles long.
219. Yet some people seem to learn to live with imperfection and others find it an impenetrable barrier.
220. It is known to act as a barrier to the development of delinquent tendencies, among other things.
221. It is less satisfactory if there is a danger of creating a psychological barrier to doing something positive about getting another job.
222. This does not present the same barrier to pupils use of algebraic ideas within computer programming environments.
223. We ran around a complete circuit before the first barrier came upon us.
224. I try to maintain a very porous barrier between myself and the rest of the world.
225. He is concerned with the existence of invisible power within the state,() creating a barrier between it and the people.
226. One touch, one thought, one look was enough to break through the flimsy barrier.
227. Our friendship is a triumph of overcoming every known barrier.
228. Being a visible physical barrier, the grilles are an excellent deterrent.
229. He was equally certain they could cross the barrier between gorgio and Romany together.Sentencedict
230. Profiled insulation panels are laid on top of vapour barrier and then covered with Rockwell sheet.
231. These were sealed in the same way as the rooflights, with air / vapour barrier material and plenty of butyl tape.
232. I handed in my ticket and walked through the barrier to the front of the station where the car park was.
233. The farm version is self-fertile, which places it behind a barrier.
234. Excessive regulation may also be an effective barrier to entry, thus reducing competition and providing large profits for the incumbents.
235. If you are agreeable to the suggestion, the financial arrangements need not be a barrier to you.
236. Leyba suggested putting a bracket or a barrier between the cable and the spot where it entered the machine.
237. Thus, the fringing reef would be changed into a barrier reef and finally into an atoll if the island subsided completely.
238. We would need a large number to hold these off, form a barrier.
239. At the time of his death Campbell was unsuccessfully seeking backers for a jet-driven car to go through the sound barrier.
240. However, the biggest single barrier remains the memory limitation inherent in chip storage.
241. A vapour barrier is formed by packaging the salt in foil lined boxes.
242. She presented him with barrier after barrier of enigmatic remarks, as now.
243. Denial by the physically abused person is another barrier to obtaining accurate figures.
244. The rationalist opposition replaced the murder of the imam with the triumph of reason as the barrier against despotism.
245. Blake tried to see but the people had formed a barrier preventing him from seeing what was on the ground.
246. If there were a colonial mentality that could covet territory across the species barrier, this was it.
247. Schools unwittingly erect a language barrier which must exclude great numbers of parents.
248. He caught a last glimpse of a grey Mercedes on the far side of the central barrier railings.
249. The cost was an insurmountable barrier for many small businesses, and these new business strategies created many side effects.
250. The conflict between my parents was the last real barrier to leaving the camps.
251. To Jody, it feels as if the barrier between her and Red is beginning to crumble a little at the edges.
252. Polyethylene is an excellent barrier to water vapor.
253. The government have lift trade barrier on foreign car.
254. A dam is a barrier holding water back.
255. A large quantity of zirconia powder is used for plasm spraying to prepare thermal barrier coatings.
256. Trade barrier is broken gradually, country economy is more free.
257. OBJECTIVE : To investigate the permeability of lomefloxacin through blood - pancreatic barrier in rats.
258. Mar. 6 : A Palestinian woman stands below a barrier watchtower decorated with two portraits.
259. The parallax barrier is the main technology to realize auto stereoscopic display.
260. The green trade barrier regards environmental protection as a reason, with largely concealment,(http:///barrier.html) vivid and complexity.
261. Article 6 The application for trade barrier investigation must be submitted in the form of writing.
262. Arginine enriched TPN has protective effect on gut barrier of rats with acute pancreatitis.
263. In this way both in wrapping paper and formed a sterile air barrier.
264. He was surprised at one of the guarded, a white woman, so easily evading this barrier.
265. Therefore it is imperative to study environmental trade barrier and break through the barrier.
266. The request of thermal barrier aluminium profiles standard were analyzed. Some countermeasures were given.
267. A typical thermal barrier coatings system consists of an bondporous thermally - insulating ceramic coat ing.
268. Most individuals engaging in oral sex are unlikely to use barrier protection.
269. Chapter One briefly introduces the conception, designing and preparation of graded thermal barrier coatings.
270. This paper discusses the performance and the application of the zirconia thermal barrier coating.
271. Green trade barrier has produced much pressure on and challenged our country's export business. "
272. The intestinal morphology, permeability of intestinal mucosa, bacterial translocation and gut immune barrier function were compared.
273. Technical trade barrier will have double impacts on economy and trade.
274. Instead dumps into in the contemporary international trade the best trade barrier method.
275. Ceramic thermal barrier coatings ( TBCs ) have been increasingly used to extend the durability of aircraftturbine engine.
276. Second, the route of spread is controlled and acoustic barrier is set up(), especially in viaduct.
277. An autostereoscopic display based on parallax barrier is the main optical technology autostereoscopic display devices.
278. Non - trade barrier replaces tariff to be trade condition within cross - border service delivery.
279. Barrier cream for a delicate baby's bottom , helping to prevent nappy rash.
280. THz switch based on the double barrier RTS is studied.
281. The conclusion summarizes the dissertation, approves the necessity rationality and validity of Green Trade Barrier.
282. For the technique trade barrier of the our country situation, have exterior reason and internal reason.
283. Let your love see me even through the barrier of nearness.
284. The union have ask the government to impose trade barrier on foreign car.
285. The Yangtze River is a natural barrier to the north - east.
286. Preliminary analyses of thermal residual stress of ceramic thermal barrier coatings are performed in this thesis.
287. Technical the biggest obstacle that trade barrier already became commodity of our country trade to export.
288. The electron beam induced current ( EBIC ) character of palladium silicide - silicon ( P - type ) Schottky Barrier Diode ( SBD ) is observed.
289. We should take active attitude and feasible countermeasures to stride over the green trade barrier.
290. The green trade barrier essence is a kind of new form of Technical barriers to trade.




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