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单词 Germination
1. The poor germination of your seed could be because the soil was too cold.
2. Walls and ceilings in the germination rooms and steeping areas have been clad with plastic panelling to facilitate cleaning.
3. The germination success, compared with a control with 35% was about 60% for seeds from the faeces.
4. The influence of rehydration rate on germination of artificially dried seed has been also verified.
5. Temperature is most important for seed germination.
6. Light intensity didn't affect conidial germination obviously.
7. Excessive moisture is unfavourable for soybean germination.
8. The germination tests take sand bed as the best.
9. Germination branches and long branches wide, oval, palmate.
10. There are many ways to accelerate germination of branches.
11. Distinguish between sporogenesis and germination.
12. The method of germination: selecting seeds, soaking and germinating.
13. Oospore germination differed significantly among different isolates.
14. Although the rate of mycelial growth and sclerotial germination of the small round disease pathogen were superior to that of small black disease pathogen in all different to drought water potentials.
15. Field germination, nodulation status and growth parameters were varied significantly in the soil amended with sludges in comparison to control.
16. This paper deals with aseptic germination, proliferation culture, plumule elongation and root inducing in tissue culture of Leucadendron floridum.
17. At germination, the embryo produces gibberellin, which stimulates the aleurone layer to synthesize enzymes, especially amylase.
18. The ecotoxicological effects of oxytetracycline(OTC) on the germination of wheat(Triticum aestivum) seeds and the early development of wheat seedlings were investigated.
19. Keep the seeds in warm, damp conditions to encourage germination.
20. The comprehensive tour included barley purchase, intake, laboratory, steeping, germination, kilns and malt dispatch.
21. In a dry season this prevents the soil surface drying out and enhances the germination rate.
22. When barley is harvested it is taken to a maltings where the grains are soaked in water to encourage germination.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. In order to explore the methods to promote the seeds germination of Rhus chinensis, researches were conducted on the effect of sulfuric acid treating to seeds germination.
24. The thick epicarp of Helicia nilagirica is a restricted factor for its seed germination, it could be shucked off before seeding so as to accelerate germination and raise seed germinated rate.
25. The effect of common chemicals at conventional field use concentrations on conidial germination, mycelial growth and conidial product of Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill were discussed.
26. The incidence of microorganisms was higher in unpigmented accessions than pigmented accessions. Capacity of seed germination was influenced by malformation and shrivelling.
27. Fig. 3 . Effect of temperature on the conidium germination of powdery mildew fungi in cucurbits.
28. As a phytohormone, abscisic acid regulates many aspects of plant growth and development, such as seed dormancy, germination, vegetative growth, and environment stresses.
29. This study examined the effects of temperature, seed size, and substrate type on the germination of Nitraria sphaerocarpa.
30. We performed artificial culture and induction of C. deserticolaio study seed germination, haustorium generation and morphologic development by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.
31. Such indexes as gemination rate, germinate speed, seedling growth, index of vigor, index of germination were measured.
32. His research interests lies in: 1) insect fungal pathogenesis and strain improvement by genetic modification; 2) fungal conidiation, conidial germination and dimorphism.
33. Result The results showed that the glume of Johnsongrass had physical obstructing and chemical inhibiting effects on seed germination, and it was the major cause of seed dormancy.
34. Dormancy of cucurbit seeds results from embryo dormancy, seed coat barrier, germination inhibiting substance and phytohormone imbalance.
35. These phenomena are quite similar to the model system of seed germination presented by dicot plants, suggesting that this model may be conserved in both dicot and monocot plants.
36. Inhibition of 10% Score to the hyphe growth(76.5%)and spore germination(54.4%)was obvious for B cinerea, the second was Chlorothalonil(60.6 and 50.7%).
37. Based on thin-layer drying tests, the prediction model is developed for germination rates of drying maize seeds. The parameter of model is optimized through genetic algorithm.
38. The results of the experiment indicated that the essential of germination was a process of releasing multi-enzyme from proenzyme active substances.
39. The effects of temperature and illumination on seed germination of Melastoma penicillatum and changes of germination capacity during its storage under different temperature were studied.
40. The purpose of the research was to discuss the effects of membrane permeability of Hevea brasiliensis seeds on their germination rates under different storage conditions.
41. The effects of different concentrations of arsenic on spore germination and rhizoid and prothallium growth of Pteris vittata under aseptic condition were studied.
42. Wheat-germ agglutinin (WGA) was purified and the effect of WGA on the germination of spores of puccinia recondita was tested. The result of this experiment showed that the germination was inhibited.
43. Morphological and physiological maturities of somatic cells directly affect plantlet germination and plantlet regeneration frequency.
44. Germination is a measure of the capacity of a grain kernel of producing a normal seedling.
45. This paper reports the rate of germination of seeds of Spartina anglica being more rapid in distilled water than in sea water at room temperature of dry storage or at low temperature of moist storage.
46. On germination, the zygospore undergoes meiosis to produce haploid cells that give rise to a new thallus.
47. Better germination is obtained if the seed is sown or drilled shortly after a shower.
48. The epidermal cells of the proximal end of hypocotyl of Sagittaria sag-ittifolia L. differentiate into trichoblast before seed germination.
49. Epigeal germination Seed germination in which the cotyledons form the first photosynthetic organs above the ground, e. g. sunflower (Helianthus). Compare hypogeal germination.
50. Decrease of germination index , and acid phosphoesterase activity sensitive parameters in assessing seed quality, happened earlier than that of germination percentage.
51. With the method of DIPA living fluorescence staining, the process of germination, infection and propagation of Nosema bombycis had been observed in vitro .
52. There was prominent difference in the germination indexes of cumin seed that had been stored for different time.
53. Germination was faster in paper bed than in sand bed.
54. Conclusion GA3 and Z can promote germination of American ginseng seed,[http:///germination.html] but cannot ignite the development of proembryo.
55. The results showed that the high concentration aqueous extract of Areca catechu L. had inhibition on the germination and growth of Z. mays, C.
56. Methods:Large-leaved gentian seeds were treated with the drug and hot water treatment of seeds, et al. The difference of germination ratio by different ways was compared with statistical way.
57. The effect on conidial germination and mycelial growth of Beauveria bassiana and Verticllium lecanii was determined for 3 insecticides and 3 fungicides at conventional field use concentrations.
58. The results showed that pollen germination rate, pollen tube bursting rate and net pollen germination rate had difference in the various culture mediums.
59. At the same time, Low temperature soakage can also enhanced the ability of seed germination.
60. As for wampee seed, the dormancy was kept for 12 months with germination percentage above 90% but no growth of plumule, though the rabicle elongated.
61. Tests on spore germination indicated that the fermentation product of N18 had an inhabitation of 98.47% and 96.15% against Bipolaris sorokiniana and Cercospora sorghi, respectively.
62. Through a series of comparative experiments, it was shown that many pretreatments for quick germination of Tectona grandis fruit had definite effect if being used appropriately under its requirements.
63. Studied the affection of medical stone on the seed germination and cell division of cucumber.
64. Spring germination of mimosa, green green, the pole is only 1 - 2 decimetres long.
65. Effects of eutrophic water on seed germination and seedling growth of Lolium perenne L. was studied.
66. Potato nutrient-rich, but contain solanine base, but the germination of immature potatoes and potato with a higher base-Kwai, easily poisoning after eating.
67. This paper studied the effects of different depth sand burying on the caryopsis germination, seedling emergence and growth of Bromus inermis Leyss.
68. The pollen germination of Avena nada appeared to be normal on the stigma of Avena magna and the pollen tubes grew into the style and entered the embryo sacs.
69. The highly concentrated two kind of compound ion pair seed germination and the growth have the obvious inhibitory action .
70. As a phytohormone , abscisic acid (ABA) regulates many aspects of plant growth and development , such as seed dormancy, germination , vegetative growth , and environment stresses .
71. And the bioassay showed they all have the function of restraining seed germination of Cryptomeria fortunei.
72. Impacts of different germination beds on germinating percentage of Coriandrum sativum L.
73. But in the same salt concentration, both germination rate and germination activity of Lepidium latifolium were much higher than that of Arabidopsis thaliana.
74. Water absorption behaviours and germination performances of Elymus sibiricus and Elymus dahuricus seeds under different temperatures with hydration-dehydration treatments were probed.
75. The results were as follows:of the three stromata the germination effect of gauze is best, then sponge, and the filter paper is worst.
76. The interaction of cold-wet stratification, illumination, temperature fluctuation could increase the germination rate of Setaria viridis, Agropyron cristatum and Achnatherumn inebrians.
77. Treatments with moist sand and high temperature on the seeds of Actinidia chinensis could break their dormancy and evidently raise their germination percentage.
78. The basidiospore germination has been obtained by the liquid culture with 10—20% sporophore extract. The germination percentage is about 8—15%.
79. The germination rate is different in the germination of various-maturity Cucurbita ficifolia seeds.
80. Germination of strong plastic pomegranate tree , grow within a year, several new branches.
81. Leaf-stem, flower, bulb of lily as donor materials, the allelopathy of lily plant every organs aqueous extracts on seed germination and seedling growth of receiver materials were studied.
82. To study germination characteristics of Mirabilis jalapa and Althaea rosea by soaking their dormant seeds.
82. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
83. Objective: To investigate the influences of lightness and temperature on seeds germination of Salvia officinalis, and offer the basis for the standardized cultivation of S. officinalis.
84. At the onset of germination, the hypocotyl elongates rapidly by cell enlargement.
85. Experiments on seed germination and seedling emergence of two annual plants in microbiotic crusts and sand (as for contrast) were conducted in greenhouse.
86. The development of them is restricted by the unsuitable climate and soil, which shows in the difficulties in bourgeon and low germination rate of seeds.
87. It is implicated in the uptake of calcium, the development of apical meristems, and pollen germination.
88. Every bean has its black. , the ancients have in a lifetime to do evil, to face death before germination can convict, a good idea, so get a reward.
89. The gliadin and HMW- glutenin patterns are not affected by the seed mature grade and light germination.
90. The effects of heat shock on the conidial germination, colony growth, colony and mycelium morphology of Setosphaeria turcica were analyzed in this paper.
91. The germination characteristic of Euonymus bungeanus seeds was studied in this paper.
92. The effects of cantaloupe seeds carried by recoverable satellite on the germination ability of seeds, the biological and economic characteristics of the fruits were studied.
93. Germination and elutriation were used to study potential weed communities of continuous dry-cropping fields to compare the difference between the two methods.
94. This paper dealt with the formation and germination traits of bulbils, and the effect of water levels on the seedling growth in Sagittaria wuyiensis .
95. About weeks after pollination, the tip cells of nucellus broke and secreted liquid into ovular canal, which promoted pollen movement to the nucellus and played important role for pollen germination.
96. Many ideas require years or even decades of germination before they are enacted into law.
97. Secondly define career education and hackle the whole process of the idea of career education from germination to maturity systematically.
98. Tests on embryo culture indicate that substances which inhibit epicotyl germination don't exist in cotyledons, but probably in epicotyl or plumule.
99. Polygonum orientale L. Seeds have low germination rate for the seed coats.
100. Protonema ( pl . protonemata ) The young bryophyte gametophyte that develops following spore germination.
101. The germination capacity of Platycladus orientalis seeds is obviously improved after the seeds are soaked with the different concentrations of natural brassinolide (NBR).
102. The effect of different concentrations of vanadium on seed germination, seedling growth and parts of biochemical indexes of two kinds of Oryza sativa L including T259 and J63 were studied.
103. The result showed that exogenous GA3 promoted the seed germination of Salicornia Bigelovii Torr under salt stress.
104. The author put forward a concept of seed germination inhibition relative index, and it has good corking adaptivity to explain the seeds germination capacity of Pinus tabulaeformis under water stress.
105. The germination and invasion of conidium could be observed on the surface of the flowers by SEM. The germinating conidium and invading hyphae could also be observed in...
106. OBJECTIVE: This study reported the effects of different temperature on the medicinal plant seed germination and dormancy of Rutaceae.
107. OBJECTIVE:To study the influences of different temperature conditions on the medicinal plant seed germination of mint family (Labiatae).
108. When relative humidity reached 100 % or in water, the percentage of conidial germination was highest.
109. Based on the normal distribution theory of of seed germination rete loss during drying, a predicting model is developed.
110. Compared with check sample, the biggest increase of germination rate is 17.9%. Electrolyte exosmosis rate is improved in different degree.
111. The cultivation of wild Osmunda japonica Thumb alone or intercropped with other crops resulted in high survival rate and germination rate of the healthy seedlings.
112. The results showed that AM fungi improved the root activity of sweet pepper and promoted the germination and growth of fibrous root.
113. The results of seed storage property tested with the artificial aging method showed that the germination of aged coated seeds did not decrease, but improved, an.
114. In this experiment, Jingya grape had been graphed on rootstocks Beda and Vitis amurensis, and of served the two kinds of root stocks on the growth, bud germination and blooming.
115. But the seed germination and seedling growth of wheat, maize and soybean were inhibited when the suitable concentration extract of Platanus orientalis leaf reached 4%.
116. The results showed that the seed germination percentage, germination index, dehydrogenase and acid phosphoesterase activity decreased in the process of ageing.
117. The changes of storage matter, respiratory intensity, activities of catalase and esterase isoenzyme have been studied during seed germination in sugarbeet.
118. Four kinds of fungicides had neither phytotoxic effect on the germination rate nor influence on the vigour of vegetable seeds.
119. Formation of sporangium and germination of spores of Phytophthora capsici L. were inhibited by the filtrate from F-310 fermentation liquid.
120. The conidium germination was 72. 6% in relative humidity 100%and 85. 2% in water.
121. Pollen grain germination and tube growth were investigated in intergeneric crosses between Brassica species and O.
122. The germination percentage of Fraxinus chinensis seeds covered with sand are high.
123. Compared with paper bed, sand bed could increase germination percentage by reducing seed mildew and roting.
124. Effects of different temperature on germination rate and mitochondrial activity during germination of Beta vulgaris L. seeds were studied.
125. A white colony mutant, 1-40-271, was normal in sporulation and spore germination, but defective in appressorium development and totally lost in pathogenicity.
126. The fat-soluble phosphorus index was found to be lineally proportional to the water-soluble nitrogen index, germination rate and the acid value of oil of soybean.
127. Along with the increase of disturbance grades, the germination rates of wild liquorice were observed to be in the descending trend except the cultivated type.
128. The study results showed that germination ratio of Verbena hybrida could be increased by the treatment of low temperature on seeds.
129. The results had shown that the effects of heat shock on conidial germination depended on the temperature.
130. A laboratory study was made on seed weight, viability of seed, natural seed coat, absorption, and germination characteristics of Seriphidium(Bess.
131. The potato dextrose liquor and indian jujube leaf liquor could promote conidia germination obviously.
132. The encroach process includes conglutination, spore germination, penetration, growth and host death.
133. Seed germination and seedling morphogenesis of Bletilla striata on the different media under sterile conditions were studied.
134. At bread dough when fermenting, germination maize was very obvious to strengthen the saccharomycete grows.
135. MethodsThe conditions of germination and storage of Polygala tenuifolia seeds were mainly investigated by widely used methods.
136. The results were as follows:(1) Soaking the seeds with different concentrations of paclobutrazol delayed germination of seeds, decreased germinating rate and plant height of peanut.
137. Also, the abnormalities of polar growth, septation and actin organization were observed during conidial germination and hyphal elongation of the mutant.
138. The percentage seed germination of C. tubulosa in all three species peaked at 82%, and the percentage haustorium formation of C. sala peaked at 52%.
139. The germination of Artemisia frigida was above 60% in different plots, but the seedling could not be found.
140. In order to remove mucosa, sand bed could be used as germination bed.
141. A shepherd's purse seed as long as the appropriate place to fall, it will doggedly rooting and germination.
142. When ABA biosynthesis was inhibited by nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA), an inhibitor of the ABA anabolic enzyme 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED),[] rice seed germination showed no response.
143. The seeds of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis were dressed with special repellents(RPA), and the germination and growth test were conducted indoor.
144. The result showed: germination maize starch promoted the growths of bifidobacterium bifidum and L. bulgaricus of bacillus in sour milk.
145. In addition, advancements in the life cycles of five microspora pathogenic to Bombyx mori, the dimorphism, the structure and function of polar tube, and the spore germination were also reviewed.
146. Sorbus amabilis is a beautiful ornamental tree of Rosaeeae which seed have much low germination percentage due to seed dormancy in nature.
147. The crude toxin (filtered culture fluids) inhibited tomato seeds germination, roots growth and kill cells of the tomato root cap.
148. Garlic extracts from fresh bulbs had stronger inhibiting effect than the extract from dry garlic bulbs on the germination of sporangia and zoospores.
149. The germination potential and rate of germination are declined, the growth of embryo and radicle are inhibited with salt concentration increasing, though with some exception.
150. By applying saturated D optimal design method, the effect of high-voltage electrostatic field strength and function on Rheum tanguticum seed germination and vigor were studied.
151. This paper deals with the effect of leaching liquor of Conyza canadensis on seed germination and seedling growth of three crops including wheat, rape and cabbage.
152. The protein have wide antifungal spectrum, which can inhibited spore germination and penetrated hyphae , dan cause transmogrification of hyphal shape also.
153. Allelopathic effects of aquatic extraction substance from residue of Pleurotus ostreatus on seed germination and seedling growth of cotton were studied by the method of water culture.
154. One of them, designatedas stg 2 ( salt tolerance during germination 2 ) was studied.
155. A flowering plant with two embryonic seed leaves or cotyledons that usually appear at germination.
156. A mathematical model for the intensity of constant magnetic field and seed germination was up by mean of computer analysis.
157. The natural germination percent of Idesia polycarpa is nearly zero. Treated seed germination rate can reach 17.8% at nursery.
158. The optimum seed MC and the change of seed heat-stable protein after storage for 8 years were compared using germination tests and heat-stable protein determination.
159. The rate of germination transmission of silkworm pebrine is a main factor to influence the inspection technique of commercial silkworm eggs.
160. The radicle and hypocotyl length and number of lateral roots increased with increasing germination time and decreased with increasing ploidy.
161. The germination rate and root fresh mass of snapdragon were not significantly inhibited by the root exudates of lily cv. Pollyanna,() and the other targets were significantly inhibited.
162. The index had germination rate, the weight of radicle, the weight of embryo, seedling rate, plant height, the number of seminal root, the total length of seminal root and dry weight of seedling.
163. Biological characteristics such as hyphal growth, sporulation, conidium germination and stress resistance of the transformants and the original strain were tested.
164. In this way, postmodernism might be seen as the delayed germination of an older seed, planted by artists like Marcel Duchamp, during modernism's high noon of the 1920s and 1930s.
165. Sclerotia could germinate in 0.05% glucose solution, distilled water and water agar, and the germination percentage is the highest in 0.05% glucose solution.
166. The extract of Acacia catechu did not inhibit the growth of mycelium, but restrained the spore germination by 100%.
167. The main reason for low germination rate of Medicago lupulina L. was that hard seed made it difficult to extracted water or stopped embryo to stretch.
168. The results are that germination capacity, growth speed, the yield of metabolic product ethanol, the content of by-product biacetyl and activity of related enzymes for the cells change obviously.
169. I have always been and did not think the result ah, but you give me a germination at least efflorescence of opportunity!
170. There is neither residue problem with ethyne in grain fumigated, nor effect on both quality of grain and germination capacity of seeds.
171. The spore germination needs light and is of the Osmunda type.
172. Treatments had been carried out for germination of water dropwort[http:///germination.html], The results indicated that water dropwort seeds have a low germination percentage and dormancy characteristic.
173. Cu and Cr had antagonistic effects on seeds germination and root elongation of Pakchoi Meanwhile, the antagonism of Cu against Cr was in response to the concentration of Cu.
174. The highest germination rate of conidium was found in ginseng leaf sap 1% sugar solution and dew under saturated humidity, the lowest, in distilled water.
175. These results of the experiments made sure that the accumulation of growth hormone and the degradability of control hormone was correlative to the germination of Cyclocarya paliurus seeds.
176. Meanwhile, 15% triadimefon WP and 77% copper hydroxide WP had a significant effect on mycelial growth, but no obvious effects on sporulation, spore germination and sporoduct growth.
177. The nursery trial showed that the seeds of Pinus ponderosa has a high percentage of germination, can sprout without any treatment (e. g. stored in sand), but it is irresistant to moisture.
178. Fungicide screen assays in lab were by the spore germination and the mycelium growth rate.
179. The root exudates of resistant hosts or non-crucifer (tomato) plants stimulated the germination of spores.
180. Effect of dews on cucumber leaves and juice of cucumber leaves of different varieties on the ratio of germination, quantity of sprout and length of hypha was different.
181. Conidia was sensitive to light . Germination ratio and germ tube all met their maximum ...
182. Someenzyme levels ( catalase , peroxidase, α - amylase, and phosphatase of the seedlings ) wereobserved during germination.
183. In the phonological development submodel, the PDT from sowing date to germination, seedling, flowering, fruit setting and harvest were quantified as 4, 9, 45, 56 and 102 days, respectively.
184. During germination, a very short germ tube is produced and basidiospore grows as a budding way.
185. It was found that germination rate was high in the dew on tea leaf surface.
186. This paper made a study on the influence of different germinative substrates and different storage measures on the seeds germination of Kmeria septentrionalis.
187. In the seed germination stage of Euryale ferox the cotyledons absorb nutritive substances from its perisperm for the growth and development of young seedling and perform a haustorial function.
188. Sainfoin seed germination was selected to test the toxicity of crude toxin. The result showed that the crude toxin which was cultured had definite toxicity.
189. Cortical microtubules and spiny vesicles appear in the cytoplasm after germination of the pollen tube.
190. Effects of ecological factor such as water depth and light on turion germination of Potamogeton crispus L. had been studied much.
191. The sporogenesis and spore germination were not affected by light.
192. The study on the germination strategy of Eragrostis pilosa under different storage and environmental conditions showed that freshly collected E.
193. Effects of different temperature on germination rate and mitochondrial activity during germination of Beta vulgaris L.
194. The sowing date, storage treatment, sowing depth, substrates in seed germination of Viburnum macrocephalum were studied.
195. The allelopathic effect of the water extract of rubber( Hevea brasiliensis )leaves on the germination and seedling growth of tea ( Cammelia sinensis var. assamica )was investigated.
196. The pollen viability of Iphigenia indica, which was grown in artificially cultivated conditions under different medium components, was determined by means of in vitro pollen germination method.
197. The fertilizer also raises the early-mature seed germination rate, seedling length and weight(), as well as the acid phosphoesterase activity.
198. The germination capacity and its relative alkali damage rate showed a continuous and near normal distribution in F3 lines.
199. This study employed moist stratification, submersion, and detached seed endocarp to investigate the degree of seed dormancy and the measures to break dormancy and to facilitate germination.
200. ObjectiveTo study the effects of temperature, soaking time, light and storage on germination of seeds.
201. Scirpus pumilus had no reaction to any factor or combination and its seed germination rate was all zero.
202. This paper covers spore germination and protonema development of 4 species of mosses from Mt.
203. The process from basidiospore germination to primordium formation of Pleurotus sajor-caju was observed with microscope.
204. The results showed that the concentration diluted to 25% of the eutrophic water had little effect on seed germination of Lolium perenne L.
205. Mutations of conchospores occurred immediately along with spores germination[/germination.html], revealing the genetic characters as the changes of cell ploidy befell.
206. The result shows that the germination percent and thousand seed weight can reach a maximisation, if the fruit collected from green-ripening to full-ripening stage turn to red and soft stored in room.
207. In this article the effect of saltish water treatment on the germination and emergence of maize and cotton is studied.
208. Not as same as Mirabilis jalapa, the germination percentage and germination potentiality of Althanes Rosea both much significantly responded to different soaking time.
209. Susceptibility of paddy rice to penoxsulam in seed germination and influence of temperature on it were conducted by the method of Agar-agar bed.
210. Based on thin-layer drying tests, the prediction model is developed for germination rates of drying maize seeds. The parameter of model is optimized throng Genetic algorithm.
211. The effect of seed vernalization show :Keep seed in cold temperature storage and treat with GA3 has significant effects on germination rate and could shorten time of sprouting .
212. The influence of different temperature, germinating beds and light on germination characteristics of Bromus rigidus Roth were tested in this study.
213. The fresh seeds (true seed with endocarp) of Viburnum odoratissimum have dormancy, with their uneven germination lasting for approximately 6 months.
214. Conidiospore calcium chloride suspension germination rate was less than 10%.
215. From the very beginning of seed germination, the genetic factors and environmental factors affect the mortality rate of seedlings generated on cut-over area.
216. Methods and preserve ocimum seeds according to and investigated the germination rate during different preservation period.
217. During imbibition and germination, germination percentage and the content of soluble sugar in Chinese wampee seeds increased, the content of starch in seeds decreased.
218. This paper gives an overview of the different and conserved features of fern spores and spermatophyte pollen germination.
219. About 4 weeks after pollination, the tip cells of nucellus broke and secreted liquid into ovular canal, which promoted pollen movement to the nucellus and played important role for pollen germination.
219. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
220. And provenance No. 1 of silver linden has similar phenophase with Tilia amurensis from date of germination to defoliation.
221. BTH had no direct inhibition to the spore germination and mycelial growth.
222. One of the best place of seed germination and seeding growth is on the flood plain, flood is essential condition of germination and seeding number increment.
223. The results showed that seed germination and mortality of Zygophyllum xanthoxylum were significantly affected by winged perianth, and varied with the burial depth and duration.
224. The seed plumpness , seed viability and germination ability of 27 mating combinations were studied.
225. The experiments about seed germination test of Cuminum cyminum L. was conducted, using various conditions, such as chamber's temperatures, moisture contents of the germinating bed.
226. According to experiment results on seed disposal method of Akebia Trifoliata, this paper discussed the seed germination technology.
227. The cells of the root cap of the radicle abound with chloroplast up to early stages of seed germination.




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