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单词 At odds
1. They're at odds over the funding of the project.
2. Briggs found himself at odds with his colleagues.
3. He was at odds with his Prime Minister.
4. They're constantly at odds with each other.
5. At odds of 10-1 he bet a hundred pounds.
6. He's always at odds with his father over politics.
7. She is at odds with her boss.
8. Gavin Jones, who put £25 on Eugene, at odds of 50 to 1, has won £1,250.
9. The two politicians were at odds over what was the truth.
10. She gave him a sweet smile, totally at odds with the look of dislike in her eyes.
11. The horse was running at odds of ten to one.
12. These findings are at odds with what is going on in the rest of the country.
13. Mark's account of what happened is at odds with Dan's.
14. Immediate desires can be at odds with longer-term satisfactions.
15. Her description is at odds with Tiller's.
16. Here, however, perception is often at odds with reality.
17. Say you made your wager at odds of 40-1.
18. Femininity and athleticism have long been at odds with each other.
19. But too often we find ourselves at odds with each other.
20. This attitude has put them at odds with some other groups.
21. The two sides are still at odds over a pay increase for airline pilots.
22. Enduring success was at odds with all history and could not be expected.
22. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
23. An adviser said there was no reason why the two countries should remain at odds.
24. He had a shy, retiring side to his personality that was completely at odds with his public persona.
25. This more sophisticated view of literary production is clearly at odds with the vulgar Marxist criticism of Zhdanov, Radek and Stetsky.
26. The Piagetian / constructivist vision is that educational practice and development need not and should not be at odds.
27. More recently, however, party and interest group practice has been seen as at odds with liberal-democratic theory.
28. What should we do when confronted with claims which are conspicuously at odds with the general run of experience?
29. In this way, individual operations can be shaped to be realistic rather than at odds with the likely outcome.
30. Leprosy was known to have a long incubation period-a fact considerably at odds with popular misconceptions about instant deformity.
31. Indeed, some of the individuals cited above would unquestionably find themselves at odds with certain of our conclusions.
32. At odds of about eight to one, however, I was overwhelmed, seriously injured and left for dead.
33. Clinton and congressional Republicans have been at odds over a plan to balance the federal budget in seven years.
34. Indeed, the logic of commercialism may lead the enterprise to pursue activities at odds with other government objectives.
35. Crucially, though, you can see intuitively that totipotency and differentiation seem to be at odds with each other.
36. First, the political demands on public enterprises lead to objectives that are confusing, changeable and often mutually at odds.
37. Poor leadership might also lead to conflict, with the goals of individuals or groups diverging and at odds with each other.
38. Their pleasure was tempered with concern that the policy change was at odds with what they requested.
39. However, public perception of risk is often at odds with the objective measures used by engineers.
40. Beefy has backed himself to complete the 23-day marathon hike in 130 hours at odds of 16-1.
41. The theories which sociologists and economists use to explain business life are almost entirely at odds with one another.
42. Environmentalists and representatives of the timber industry, nearly always at odds, find themselves supporting a policy of increased burning.
43. The organization that compulsively seeks to minimize the costs of its actions is for ever at odds with the reality of its performance.
44. David disliked this trait of Harriet's, a fatalism that seemed so at odds with the rest of her.
45. Living at such close quarters with them, Anne found herself at odds with the princesses.
46. This was at odds with the view of mathematics and the theory of learning underpinning the innovation with which she was involved.
47. There are laughs to be had in putting James at odds with his own Americanness, and indeed his own prototypical modernity.
48. Far from it, what they say for public consumption appears to be at odds with what they are saying privately.
49. Sometimes these two books are at odds with one another.
50. The two sides have been at odds in recent years as reformists tried to implement changes.
51. While my first injury had been an occasion of oneness, the second put us at odds.
52. The two sides are also at odds over the timing of any pay increase the pilots may receive.
53. The government decision to raise taxes was at odds with their policies on inflation.
54. The traditional liberal interpretation is rooted in an approach to history fundamentally at odds with that of Soviet historiography.
55. More often, however, navigation engineers were at odds with drainage men,[http:///at odds.html] especially when they were working on existing rivers.
56. That decision is at odds with the fact that consumer organisations have been established to monitor larger privatised industries.
57. Certainly, such views as these do not sit comfortably with managerialism and are equally at odds with restricted professionality.
58. Price and the number purchased vary directly. and these real-world data seem to be at odds with the law of demand.
59. The young composer at odds with his family, who want him to follow a less daring course.
60. Improvisation is at odds with the legitimate caution in managerial concerns over decision making, strategy organization design, and compliance.
61. Square-cut and staid to behold, it packs a potent punch quite at odds with its looks.
62. At odds of 10-1 he bet a hundred pounds he could complete 200 miles in less than nine hours on horseback.
63. It seems that the lamp and control gear industries are at odds with each other.
64. If the police chief and mayor had not been at odds in 1992, we may not have had a riot.
65. They radiated a fierce interest in their work which was at odds with their taciturn manner.
66. His disciplinarian approach was seen to be at odds with West Ham's tradition as a freewheeling and creative team.
67. But the role has put him at odds with the United States and stirred controversy in his own country.
68. This was at odds with everything the rangers had said about Adivassi laziness, Adivassi stupidity.
69. The Buchanan trade plank is at odds with long-standing Republican endorsements of free trade.
70. Britain and France were constantly at odds with each other throughout the negotiations.
71. The two, often at odds during work hours, greeted each other like old friends and made lunch plans.
72. The happy couple warring in public, being at odds over what really was the truth.
73. John Nelson has been re-examining the evidence, and his conclusions are greatly at odds with the story so far.
74. The brokerage we just described is but one example of an enterprise at odds with itself.
75. Although they enjoyed the session provided, it was at odds with their expectations.
76. The interests of scholarship and pedagogy are at odds here.
77. Jaq's sensual lips were definitely at odds with his sceptical ice-blue eyes.
78. It's no necessary to be at odds with them.
79. That's a lesson we badly need to learn if we're going to make sound policy decisions in an era in which science and politics seem increasingly at odds.
80. And no one likes to be at odds with history.
81. Hariri notes that the findings at first glance seem to be at odds with work he and others have done that links particular genetic variants to amygdala activity in humans.
82. The Digital Economy Bill would be at odds with the way the European Commission handles enforce copyright infringements.
82. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
83. A friend - or a sweetheart - may be at odds with you on nobody's favorite day, September 17.
84. However, there are situations where risk reduction and immediate value creation are at odds with each other.
85. Nomadism has always been at odds with the fixed boundaries of the nation state, and over the last few decades controversial government programmes have forced most Bajau to settle on land.
86. Canada and the United States are at odds over the sovereignty of the Northwest Passage that links the Atlantic to the Pacific oceans.
87. Mourinho is said to be at odds with both chief executive Peter Kenyon and owner Roman Abramovich, though Kenyon has rubbished reports.
88. In particular he points out that the notion of entity service delivering, for example, customer information can be at odds with DDD.
89. Perhaps it is time to consign to cultural history the notion that traditional knowledge systems are at odds with the ideals of modern science.
90. Such generosity is at odds with Mr Tyler 's reputation for cost cutting.
91. Lamarchism is completely at odds with the central dogma of molecular biology.
92. Even the epigraph to The Line of Beauty - a passage from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - suggests a playfulness at odds with his ascetic reputation.
93. But they remained at odds over how to punish Kim Jong - il's regime.
94. The primness of Indian cinema is at odds with wider society.
95. The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity.
96. One study showed that even watching a recording of yourself that may be at odds with your self-perception does not change that self-perception.
97. Even though the performance and price factors are seemingly at odds with each other, end users still expect high graphics performance at a modest price.
98. Any interference with news coverage will be at odds with promises made seven years ago when Beijing was awarded the games.
99. The company then said it would end self - censoring search results, putting it at odds with Beijing.
100. Despite its non-committal language, however, the 45-page report still paints a picture of a country whose military build-up appears worryingly at odds with its stated peaceful intentions.
101. But the two sides were at odds over the potential role of the Azerbaijan radar.
102. Ascension and the "good life" may be at odds with one another.
103. Commentators have noted David's apparently uncircumcised form, which is at odds with Judaic practice, but is considered consistent with the conventions of Renaissance art.
104. DB2 proves here that good coding style and benchmarking don't have to be at odds with each other.
105. That conflation is part of what makes it impossible Haze even if he wants to answer it in a way that's at odds with how, for example, his grandfather, the preacher, would answer it.
106. This approach, he says without rancour, has put him at odds with conventional Joyce scholars: "No one hates a populariser more than an intellectual."
107. Ms. Silverstein is often at odds, angry even, with her doctors.
108. Levitov's translation, though , was at odds with the Cathars'well - documented theology.
109. The two seem to be unwaveringly at odds, which could mean a lawsuit is on the horizon, but what would that mean for free software distribution?
110. One challenge of the two roles is that they can appear to be at odds with each other.
111. Vergil: Unfortunately, our souls are at odds brother. I need more power!
112. China and South Korea are at odds over a part of the East China sea.
112. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
113. The pacifistic peasants, who seek some basic rights, are at odds with local authorities and later, the army.
114. Much of the explanation has been that "traditional culture and values, including traditional Arab culture and values, can be at odds with those of the globalizing world."
115. Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies.
116. The alternative is that golf continues on a path where developments are increasingly perceived to be at odds with international environmental policy and more informed and influential public opinion.
117. The true founder of Athenian democracy was probably Cleisthenes, a nobleman at odds with his class.
118. Skeeter is a bluestocking, having developed liberal notions and journalistic aspirations at college that put her at odds with her old friends Hilly and Elizabeth.
119. On occasion, it can be at odds with the national interests of the host country.
120. These days I only kick up a fuss if a film completely fails to be consistent with itself, or a "science thing" is just completely at odds with its own logic.
121. The Irrawaddy River in Myanmar is a source of continuity and hope in a country at odds with itself.
122. When the neighbors were at odds with her, they called her strumpet and carrion.




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