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单词 Onwards
1. I'm usually at home from 5 o'clock onwards.
2. He walked onwards to the head of the lake.
3. The crowd began to move onwards.
4. The pool is open from 7 a.m. onwards.
5. From that day onwards the situation worsened .
6. They lived there from the 1980s onwards.
7. We drove onwards towards the coast.
8. He'll be here tomorrow from about seven o'clock onwards.
9. We sailed onwards in a westerly direction.
10. A room has been booked from September onwards, in the interim, meetings will be held at my house.
11. I can see things just going onwards and upwards for us now.
11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
12. With exports strong, the business is moving onwards and upwards .
13. In many courses, work from the second year onwards can count towards the final degree.
14. He cursed, and spurred his long-suffering mount onwards again.
15. At St-Denis, from 867 onwards, Charles himself was lay-abbot.
16. Our report is mainly concerned with 1984 onwards.
17. And set off, onwards and upwards.
18. He loosed the brakes and the jeep rolled onwards.
19. From the twelfth century onwards, this imperial system col-lapsed.
20. From 1254 onwards, while remaining close to Simon, Peter's career also developed independently.
21. All the orchestral music from 1784 onwards is conceived in broader strokes, while the solo parts become ever more complex.
22. From 1968 onwards, the growth targets became somewhat lower but continued to be too optimistic.
23. From the first day of competition onwards there was the complicated process of conquering the logistics of the Stadio Olimpico complex.
24. From the 1970s onwards, however, the moves began to accelerate and involved quite different factors.
25. A single egg is laid, usually from November onwards, and is incubated for about eight weeks.
26. The new council will be meeting in the guildhall from next month onwards.
27. He measured the distance to the nearest Antarctic coast, and onwards to the South Pole.
28. For Schroder-Sonnenstern, who lived in psychiatric institutions from 1919 onwards, drawing was a means of communicating with the world.
29. All this gave powerful ammunition to urban sociologists writing from the mid-1970s onwards.
30. The price in column 4 is simply 20 percent on the corresponding average cost from year 2 onwards.
1. I'm usually at home from 5 o'clock onwards.
2. He walked onwards to the head of the lake.
3. A room has been booked from September onwards, in the interim, meetings will be held at my house.
31. Eight machines per year should be upgraded from April 1993 onwards.
32. From then onwards I have liked drawing the ideas that come to me, and translating every idea into an image.
33. From Easter onwards, the area is laid with eight tennis courts and three five-a-side pitches.
34. The rift between the two was never really healed, and from the 1930s onwards they pursued their separate paths.
35. Instead, the combined amount payable from next April will be £19.40 for the first child and £18.65 for the second onwards.
36. Revived by the proximity of his goal, Charles hurried painfully onwards along the road to the familiar white gates.
37. From Cambrian times onwards temperatures had been alternating between warm, moderate and glacial.
38. I certainly received that signal and pressed onwards to the Alps.
39. From the late 1780s onwards evangelicals contributed substantially to the pamphlet literature against the slave trade.
40. From 1851 onwards the recorded ages were supposed to be accurate and the precise places of birth were noted.
41. From the fourteenth century onwards considerable building was carried out in the Gothic style.
42. Increased tin and gold metal prices from 1980 onwards encouraged prospecting for these commodities.
43. From about 1913 onwards he became a reclusive eccentric, shunning both London and local society.
44. From 1872 onwards he contributed student articles to the Telegraphic Journal, which later became the Electrical Review.
45. The Brackley blooms are brought out early with a little help from 400 watt lamps sunning them from January onwards.
46. From that day onwards I entertained a high regard for his dexterity and skill in public affairs.
47. From the 1950s onwards there was considerable improvement to the standard of living.
48. From that time onwards, when other children were out playing, they were practising their tennis and improving their game.
49. From that time onwards there was reason still, but not so much reason, to distinguish between trusts and legacies.
50. From 1927 onwards, the objective was no longer solely not to be a loser by achieving bourgeois academic success.
51. This may have been done in the Middle Ages, but many warrens seem to date from the sixteenth century onwards.
52. Modern industrial enterprises were started by Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Sumitomo and Yasuda from the late 1920s onwards.
53. After the last recession ended, unemployment climbed onwards and upwards for another five years.
54. The name also appears repeatedly in the parish registers from 1562 onwards.
55. While the deals continued, there was a palpably different mood about the show from the second half of the week onwards.
56. From the 1970s onwards, the cold war increasingly became an obstacle to economic and political stability.
57. Enrolments at both primary and secondary levels fell sharply in the early 1980s before beginning to rise steadily from 1984 onwards.
58. Nevertheless, the Exchequer was, from 1554 onwards, the central and predominant financial institution, the national treasury.
59. From the 1970s onwards governments restricted aggregate demand by a variety of means.
60. His need was to exist, and to move onwards at the greatest possible risk, and with a maximum of privation.
61. From then onwards, Winterthur's development into the city of today was rapid.
62. In both countries, optimistic expansion strategies fell victim to the harsher financial climate of the mid-1970s onwards.
63. From chapter 8 onwards the theme of suffering is the major preoccupation of the book.
64. He was an active member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool from 1837 onwards and served as its treasurer.
65. By the time it had been persuaded onwards the victoria was out of sight.
66. It shows the decline in the percentage of the Gross Domestic Product devoted to Defence from 1946 onwards.
67. Prime Stilton is available from the autumn onwards, being made with summer milk.
68. Also featured are pictures of oil tankers from 1892 onwards and original artefacts from the vessels and interactive displays.
69. Peasants tended to move onwards in short stages, so their progression across Siberia was not sudden.
70. From 1984 onwards cases have been ascertained directly from hospitals throughout the Northern region.
71. It holds a vast collection of manuscripts dating from 1965 onwards.
72. Personal selling and sales promotion activities, by contrast, tend to be more effective from Stage 3 onwards. 4.
73. Still the road seemed to stretch onwards endlessly, darkness replacing darkness, as he staggered forward.
74. In fact, the government's policy from 1982 onwards became somewhat less rigid.
75. Changes in the occupational structure Sociologists from Marx and Weber onwards have debated how best to define social classes.
76. Lukewarmness was far from his prevailing mood as he strode onwards.
77. From 1754 onwards marriages were entered on printed forms, otherwise no standard procedure was laid down until 1813.
78. From the late eighteenth century onwards, normal parliamentary Acts of Enclosure authorised the break-up of many thousands of acres of fenland.
79. Its ancestors served abroad from the 1630s onwards(), and the tradition of foreign service continues today.
80. From then onwards Kasparov tore through the leading ranks of the grandmasters like a whirlwind.
81. It has records of the older companies and boards, plus plans and letter books dating from the eighteenth century and onwards.
82. He zipped himself up and strode onwards. - strange sense of purpose filled him, even a sense of honour.
83. As ever we hurtle onwards, like that old film clip showing the London-to-Brighton journey in four minutes.
84. A similar system was also used in the West Country on steep hillsides from the seventeenth century onwards.
85. Large sums might also be required for fortifications, especially from 1588 onwards.
86. From July onwards the town of Whaddon had waited with bated breath.
87. Before they headed onwards, Boswell wrote a note at their unappetising inn.
88. From birth onwards, male mortality rates exceeded those of females.
89. After eighty yards we came to the rails and sleepers themselves under a foot of water leading onwards into the blackness.
90. Everything in her life - all the pain, blood and death - had been pushing her onwards and into the desert.
91. From the middle of the eighteenth century onwards a growing chorus of voices had championed the creation of a professional police.
92. From the mid-eighties onwards, I sensed a change in the cultural scene.
93. From the eleventh century onwards, and as long as economic growth continued, the lot of the peasants rapidly improved.
94. From 326 onwards pagan temples began to suffer the gradual loss of old endowments.
95. From this point onwards, attitudes to El Cid were divided.
96. Among these the Underworld was the great unknown and was therefore the dominant feature of funerary texts from the Middle Kingdom onwards.
97. From the eleventh century onwards Persian was increasingly used for books on popular science.
98. From the seventh month onwards, with adequate care, a child born before full term has a good chance of survival.
99. In a wet season the soil begins to cool down rapidly from the beginning of September onwards so early sowing is essential.
100. But from 1941 onwards there was a gradual increase in optimism.
101. From 1945 onwards there were steady improvements in magnetic tape.
102. Up to that time coal was chiefly used as a domestic fuel but from 1812 onwards it went to sea as bunker fuel.
103. From now onwards my teacher will be stricter.
104. I shall be at home from 8 o'clock onwards.
105. From 1820 onwards gold was mainly appreciated.
106. Dude, don't backpedal ,() you know. Onwards!
107. The most important thing now is to move onwards.
108. From tomorrow onwards decision " hunger strike. "
109. The shop is open from this day onwards.
110. The company is going to ajust my stipend from this month onwards.
111. From 1966 onwards, young men wore green uniforms Sam Browne belt and military shoes.
112. It was virulently attacked in Congress, and Steinbeck's subsequent success in Russia eroded his reputation from the cold war onwards.
113. From this day onwards, high Qishuang days, on the Fengqing, the temperature gradually dropped from the heat.
114. They travelled onwards , not stopping during the day or at night.
115. From the wort holding tank onwards there is a continuous flow through the boiling section.
116. From IDS 11.5 onwards, an SD secondary supports committed read and committed read last committed isolation levels as well as dirty read.
117. From the mid-seventies onwards , the U. S suffered from"stagflation", that is , the occurrence of stagnation and inflation at the same time.
118. The preschoolers are taught the basics and then from age six onwards they are encouraged to go to formal schools even as they continue getting the support they need at the creche.
119. From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colours. They have been doing so since ancient Egypt.
120. From Southern Song Dynasty onwards until the Yuan Dynasty, with the advocating of view of chasteness over time, the remarrying of women was regarded as a disgraceful behavior.
121. From adolescence onwards, they cosmetically adorn their lips, applying lipstick and colours.
122. From this day onwards, English Zone will give us the new form named Daily Note to share the hr English and something interesting.
123. Right then. From this day onwards you're allowed to be the lifetime servant of mine.
124. From Sunday 10am onwards, 50 over modified cars will be on the spot showing their glamourous side.
125. From 1999 onwards the city began to take on a new look.
126. From Shangri-la onwards, my feelings flipped back and forth from wonder at the sheer natural beauty to horror at the power of 21st-century industrial development.
127. From this day onwards, I will write diary everyday. Due to in fact that write diary can improve my En.
128. The big liner sailed onwards for the next port of call.
129. But from the second time onwards, primacy effect and recency effect were found to function alternately.
130. Remembrance Day in Australia is dedicated to Australians who died as a result of war, particularly from World War I onwards.
131. From this day onwards ,(http:///onwards.html) in the vast universe of the fluttering banner in the beginning with five-star red flag of China.
132. From the age of two months onwards, children have to be left with the creche workers.
133. Starting with POWER5 onwards, two user interface tools, Hardware Management Console (HMC) and Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM), are available for operational management of logical partitions.
134. Reclusive billionaire Howard Hughes racked up millions of dollars in hotel bills while staying on and off for 30 years at the four bungalows at the Beverly Hills Hotel from 1942 onwards.
135. May the Venerable Gotama accept me as a lay follower who has taken refuge from this day onwards while life lasts.
136. The standards were approved Ministry of labour and social security the February 29,2008 onwards.
137. From this day onwards, I will write diary everyday. Due to in fact that ...
138. Drumbeat to Victory Draw the sword and march onwards: complete one quick battle.
139. Soundex algorithms have been used to index all US censuses from 1920 onwards, and are a staple of family history software.
140. From the 1950s onwards, the collective turned a once sleepy, small town of 6, 000 into a city with massive high-rise buildings and a population of exactly 67, 881 in 1989.
141. From this day onwards, you have to be gigolo for three months.
142. Fortunately, and with no disrespect to Nigerians in general, 98% of the plane continued onwards to Lagos, depositing us in the alliterative capital of Addis Ababa .
143. Cao Cao from then onwards, let down his guard on Liu Bei.
144. The medical professional bodies reply that development from fertilisation onwards is a continuum.
145. Our projections show that even with continued participation in the Champions League the club will not continue to trade profitably from 2009 onwards with its current cost base and debt levels.
146. A few days later he came to me and said, From this day onwards, I swear I'll never take drugs, drink alcohol or smoke another cigarette.
147. The manilla rings of West Africa were one of the currencies used from the 15th century onwards to buy and sell slaves.
148. From today onwards, begin to find out the name of the people who serve you such as your postman and newsagent.
149. From the seventeenth century onwards the customs of merchants and many of the rules of the law merchant were incorporated into the common law.
150. The Library will resume regular opening hours from 21 August 2006 onwards.
151. A second damning report, due to be published by the end of June, will detail the abuse of hundreds of children in the Dublin archdiocese from 1940 onwards.
152. Human settlement of the area can be proven from neolithic period onwards.
153. Pen stopped, hesitated - nodded his head fiercely, and pointed onwards.
154. After the turbulent period following the Russian Revolution of 1917, from 1921 onwards Kiev was an important city of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic, and, from 1934, its capital.
155. From 1978 onwards, the Park is held every year Juzhan winter jasmine and the Mid - Autumn Festival.




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