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单词 Tucson
1, Tucson pop band Shoebomb kick some serious ass.
2, Jim's going to Tucson on Saturday.
3, Tucson audiences are passionate, to put it mildly.
4, In Tucson, January golf tournaments do the trick.
5, The old highway weaved its way through Tucson.
6, Tucson glassmaker Alfredo Rivera goes solo at Davis Dominguez.
7, Olson and Vargas were rushed to Tucson area hospitals.
8, The wildly successful Rent returns to Tucson two years after its sold-out run at Centennial Hall.
9, But word has it that the Tucson Symphony is taking over the building sometime in mid-December.
10, The league brings together a cross-section of Tucson, the young and old, the movers and shakers.
11, One is to ask the Tucson City Council to place the idea before the voters as an advisory referendum.
12, But they interviewed only one candidate -- former Tucson city councilman and recently retired state employee Hector Morales.
13, Millennium, which is still cutting its teeth on Tucson stages, is boldly determined to present local audiences with challenging productions.
14, Her passing marks a loss for those everywhere who love the printed word, and Tucson is the poorer for it.
15, You may know him as the talented creator of that incisive Tucson Weekly comic strip, Staggering Heights.
16, For the 10 pairs of rusty-colored owls hiding out in the Tucson basin, finally, at least somebody gives a hoot.
17, There was -- Diamond interests received a 25-year extension on the contract to manage Old Tucson, without a competitive bid.
18, Among local community leaders there are differing opinions about why Tucson is so poor.
19, Michael Cajero used to walk down to the barrio after school at Tucson High and never felt afraid.
20, The Citizen is not circulated to my part of the world, and but little even in Tucson.
21, The report did not include studies of areas as hot as Tucson.
22, True believers are adamant that without annexation there can be no financial or social equity in Tucson -- end of discussion.
23, As a projectionist, how did you find theater conditions in Tucson?
24, But to him, the only fair deal benefits him,[http:///tucson.html] not Tucson.
25, Gazing into our crystal ball, we see Scott breaking her campaign promise to not privatize Tucson Water.
26, This conversation reminded me of the most remarkable thing about Tucson.
27, That process differs substantially from how the City of Tucson usually leases property.
28, Somehow we get the feeling this is not quite what Tucson Mayor George Miller had in mind.
29, Now Lute has suffered a loss beyond words and Tucson is diminished by the passing of one of its nicer people.
30, She was always calling from distant hotel rooms, lecturing in Milwaukee or Tucson.
31, Admission is $ 7 at the door, $ 6 in advance and $ 5 for Tucson Blues Society members.
32, An 1874 picture by one Dudley P.. Flanders shows a circus performing in the open air in Tucson.
33, We apologize to everyone else who has the slightest complaint or modification regarding the first annual Tucson Musicians Register.
34, They were mixed in age and race, but all favored raising the minimum wage in Tucson.
35, What's amazing is that Tucson has been lucky in that such accidents have occurred outside the city limits.
36, Incorporation foes who argue Tucson will be ringed by suburbs ought to realize it already is.
37, Space would be found for a brand-new Tucson Museum of Art.
38, The water Tucson needs to sustain its unhealthy rate of growth will not be available.
39, About 250 San Diegans were offered jobs in Tucson, but many more remain jobless or have moved away.
40, Award-winning entertainment that flies in the face of gravity lands in Tucson for two nights only.
41, The Arizona players are extremely sensitive on the talent-gap issue, especially when reminded of it by Tucson columnist Greg Hansen.
42, It is diverted hundreds of miles along aqueducts to slake the thirst of Los Angeles, Phoenix and Tucson.
43, One Tucson businessman announced that he was organizing such an effort in early 1995, but it never got off the ground.
44, First off, let me say that when it comes to sushi, Tucson is no culinary slouch.
45, In the 1970s, Tucson was a leader in historic preservation.
46, They acquired a Tucson resort in 1991 and a Hyatt hotel in Houston in 1992.
47, He complains people living outside the city use Tucson services without paying their fair share.
48, And their gardening shows are designed for audiences who live somewhere other than the sizzling hell that constitutes summer in Tucson.
49, It was only enough to buy a tiny place in South Tucson, far from their old friends.
50, Improvisation and ingenuity, not tradition, are the backbone of a unique dance troupe that is becoming a Tucson favorite.
51, Did Bill Clinton wallow in the mud with a group of Tucson sorority girls?
52, Tucson is a city that's very supportive of cycling in general, and El Tour in particular.
53, Head east on Interstate 10 to just past Tucson, then south on Arizona 83 to Sonoita.
54, Eldridge Rigg says Tucson was a much smaller place then, and that Oracle Road was still a major route through town.
54, try its best to collect and build good sentences.
55, Preble, meanwhile, stands by her allegations and has filed a formal complaint with the Tucson Police Department.
56, Because these tests were run by a private lab at the request of a concerned supervisor at Tucson Water.
57, The recall was the first and only nonpartisan city council election in Tucson history.
58, But they also use many city services, from the Community Center to Tucson parks and recreation facilities.
59, They came away empty-handed, but one Tucson psychic, Joyce Martin, said she plans to continue searching on her own.
60, But the idea of one consolidated government for metropolitan Tucson quickly faded when Volgy left office.
61, The turn of the year seemed like the right time to bring the job home to Tucson.
62, The Paladins are practically regulars here in the Old Pueblo, making their round of Tucson stages on an almost quarterly basis.
63, What some consider an isolated situation in Tucson Water is actually a phenomenon occurring the world over, according to Ullery.
64, Those behind the proposition are a group of hard-working volunteers who want to improve Tucson.
65, But their efforts left out the Triple-A Tucson Toros, who are now seeking to move into the new stadium.
66, The Chamber of Commerce promoted a sleek, sophisticated image of metropolitan Tucson as a good place to live.
67, Ray Clarke, director of the Tucson Urban League, takes a slightly different view of the issue.
68, The Committee is also recommending campaign finance provisions similar to those now in place in the City of Tucson.
69, Bisbee is located about 90 minutes southeast of Tucson; take I-10 east to Benson, turning south on Highway 80.
70, They wish to convert Pima County supervisors into potted plants like the Tucson mayor and council.
71, The experts also say many potential big-wig Tucson visitors have a hankering to play golf when they attend a convention.
72, After all, these are the Galiuro Mountains, a mostly untamed range of the old west 70 miles northeast of Tucson.
73, At my home in Tucson, summer days that reach I1O0F may be followed by nights that drop to 700F.
74, Susan Zakin is the most perceptive and eloquent political columnist in print in Tucson and probably in the whole damn state.
75, Tucson residents financially support libraries outside the city limits as well as those inside them.
76, If current trends continue, the two could finish dead even or with Tucson slightly ahead.
77, Symington's deposition was taken as part of a lawsuit between the City of Tucson and the Metropolitan Water District.
78, Tucson is blessed with an abundance of restaurants and small eateries, with new ones popping up almost daily.
79, But then the Great Society poured money into cities, including Tucson, and the bulldozers arrived.
80, While economic theories disagree over the impacts of raising the minimum wage, so do some Tucson business people.
81, "This project is great news for Tucson," opined the Mayor.
82, Those of us who live in the City of Tucson want you wealthy welfare freeloaders off our backs.
83, Tattoos will be raffled off by the Tattoo Shops of Tucson at this 18-and-over event.
84, Then there was the time Hammond bravely rowed out to an island on the golf course at the Tucson Country Club.
85, At about dusk last Saturday, it was approaching a civilian airstrip in Marana[http:///tucson.html], about 25 miles northwest of Tucson.
86, Tickets are $ 6, with a $ 1 discount for Tucson Community Food Bank donations.
87, If only we had access to such diversity on stations here in Tucson.
88, During his 1995 mayoral campaign, Miller was adamantly opposed to letting Tucson Water slip into private hands.
89, Tucson now faces a critical shortage of workers for optics companies like Breault's.
90, Stephen Buchmann is an adjunct professor of entomology at the University of Arizona, Tucson.
91, Apparently nobody at Tucson Water could come up with the names.
92, However, one business manager said Tucson companies could cope with the increase.
93, Packets are available at gyms, athletic stores and pet shops throughout Tucson, or by calling 647-7572.
94, One of the 21st century's rising stars is in Tucson today to play the piano.
95, Linda Ronstadt narrates this fitting tribute to a Tucson treasure.
96, Event begins at noon today, and 10 a. m. tomorrow and Sunday in Oracle, located 45 minutes north of Tucson.
97, Seibel has exclusive rights to play the late, witty illustrator, and comes to Tucson as part of a national tour.
98, And what better place than Tucson for a play about service industry workers?
99, And Los Descendientes del Presidio de Tucson recognize that pending milestone with a party in honor of our cultural traditions.
100, Furthermore, I am tired of hearing complaints that Tucson is a low-wage, service-based economy city.
101, He also has my undying respect and jealousy for having been fortunate enough to have been born and raised in Tucson.
102, Only this season, his second in Tucson, has Davis avoided the myriad off-court problems that plagued his career since childhood.
103, Now her travels come full-circle as she returns to Tucson to practice her craft in the surrounding desert.
104, Yet the public art programs can make only a small difference in the visual mess that Tucson is fast becoming.
105, As long as that remains the status quo, there will be uncontrolled sprawl in Tucson.
106, Westside resident Jose Espinoza told Tucson police that the legendary chupacabras, or goatsucker, attacked his three-year-old son.
107, Privatization of Tucson Water will not remove any lead or sewage from our tap water.
108, Perhaps the lab Tucson Water normally sends its samples to reports what Tucson Water wants to hear.
109, Today, Dominique Sennelier, third-generation director of the prestigious company, makes a pilgrimage to Tucson.
110, If nothing else, Amlee points out, the recall showed that in Tucson, water is a very political issue.
111, Like the annexation of Tucson Mall a decade earlier, these three areas could provide a substantial profit for the city.
112, As a child, Tucson physician Lewis Mehl-Madrona was steeped in the traditional healing practices of his Cherokee grandmother.
113, Earlier this week, a 1990 letter that Symington wrote to partners in a Tucson office project was added to that list.
114, Today they exist in a scattering of settlements on the outskirts of Phoenix and Tucson.
114, try its best to gather and create good sentences.
115, Cowboys, trail dust and great six-stringed hokum converge on Tucson this week with the ninth-annual Western Music Festival.
116, Tonight, she brings her deeply rooted Southwestern style to Tucson.
117, A week does not go by without representatives from around the world arriving to view the Tucson cluster model.
118, The book includes historical snippets and essays from longtime Tucson residents.
119, She came to work for McGrory about 15 months ago from Tucson, Ariz., where she was assistant city manager.
120, He never mentioned the fact that Tucson detectives had shown him her photo.
121, This migrant painting is hardly the first in the Tucson painter's political oeuvre.
122, Tucson has tried scheme after scheme to lure crowds to the city center.
123, Sharpton claims that Tom threw a tirade after a loss to Tucson High.
124, The author just got back to her adopted city of Tucson after a three-month book tour.
125, Video links were set up in Tucson and Phoenix for family therapy conference calls.
126, San Diego, of course, lost everything that Tucson gained, and jobs were simply moved from one pocket to another.
127, So now is the time to start talking -- and doing -- something about reducing poverty in Tucson.
128, In 1951 it was renamed the DeAnza, and sold again in 1957, when it became the Tucson Holiday Motel.
129, It could start by reducing the property tax rate, charging everyone less, including Tucson residents.
130, And recently Tucson Water has gone to great lengths to become a private utility.
131, Of course, Tucson Water is a public utility, and therefore is required to keep its records open to the public.
132, Instead, the friendly green thumbs at Tucson Botanical Gardens choose to throw open their gates for free.
133, It was this clientele which Hunter and his administrative staff took on in Tucson, in January 1994.
134, Often Tucson has been compared to Austin, Texas for its size, cost of living, and growth potential.
135, Romo says civil rights violations by the Border Patrol are rampant in Tucson.
136, Traditionally, Tucson Water officials have also been allowed to call the shots.
137, In the near future, Tucson voters will be asked to decide whether to privatize Tucson Water.
138, In 1990, Tucson had a poverty rate 40 percent higher than Phoenix and almost double the rate of Las Vegas.
139, The proposed charter ultimately makes the supervisors even more impotent than the current Tucson City Council.
140, The destruction of the Thornydale and Cortaro intersection just reveals the pervasive mentality in Tucson.
141, Unfortunately, Tucson Water is an agency with an entrenched and willful bureaucracy.
142, Hammond responded to a call to remove a female bobcat from Tucson Raceway Park.
143, Wages are too depressed in Tucson, this businessperson said, adding the initiative seems like a great idea.
144, But the legacy it leaves behind on annexations and incorporations will have significantly changed Tucson for decades to come.
144, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
145, They predict the problem will only worsen as Tucson continues spiraling outward.
146, He notes battle lines are being drawn in the foothills of the Tortolita Mountains, just north of Tucson.
147, This way, Tucson can avoid falling prey to wildcat subdivisions on its fringes.
148, The day the City of Tucson awarded the first municipal cable television contract to Cox Cable.
149, Sam Behrend, executive director of Access Tucson, is angered by the survey.
150, A month ago at a one-day test heptathlon in Tucson, she threw almost 160 feet compared to 136-7 Friday.
151, The alleged cancer connection was disputed by scientists at the University of Arizona medical school in Tucson.
152, And what was up with the skunk that got under the Tucson Mortuary?
153, Why this didn't happen in a more widespread fashion in Tucson, I can't possibly imagine.
154, If the wealthy live outside the city and poor people live inside it, Miller warns, Tucson will choke economically.
155, Tucson faves Willie and Lobo bring their high-spirited nuevo flamenco acoustic gypsy music to town tonight, along with special guest Sunyata.
156, Tucson advocate a comprehensive domestic tourists and driving pleasure!
157, Tucson was first settled as a walled presidio.
158, London, unlike Tucson, is a maze.
159, A super place to base yourself with much to do including stargazing is Tucson, Arizona, a southwestern university town undergoing a renaissance – and a place that's very proud of keeping itself dark.
160, TUCSON, Ariz (Reuters) - A judge sentenced the former mayor of the small Arizona border town of Nogales on Monday to 3.5 years in prison for bribery and seven years of probation for fraud.
161, "El Dorado shifted geographical locations until finally it simply meant a source of untold riches somewhere in the Americas, " says Jim Griffith, a folklorist in Tucson, Arizona.
162, More thn 170 new homes re being built in Phoenix nd Tucson every dy, nd they re crowding out the flor.
163, The couple were married Nov. 7 in an outdoor ceremony near Tucson(), just outside the Saguaro National Park in the foothills of the Rincon Mountains.
164, The desire to preserve post - war houses is not limited to Tucson.
165, Tuition is about the same at another public university, the University of Arizona in Tucson.
166, On Saturday in Tucson, Arizona, a gunman opened fire on a small crowd meeting outdoors with a congresswoman.
167, Tucson, home of the University of Arizona , is a scenic, affordable place to retire.
168, In the desert 175 miles north of Tucson, Meteor Crater is the scar where a boxcar-size hunk of iron slammed into Earth 50,000 years ago.
169, We're in an observatory on the summit of Mount Lemmon, a 9, 000-foot peak north of Tucson, Arizona.
170, A U.S.Air National Guard F-16 fighter from the Air National Guard-Air Force Reserve Command Test Center, Tucson, Ariz., launched the AIM-9X airframe that carried the NCADE seeker.
171, Stark - white San Francisco Xavier del Bac Mission, south of Tucson, Arizona, lacks a right cupola.
172, Tuition in is about the same at another public university, the University of Arizona, in Tucson.
173, Golden Envy is a heart doctor at the university of Arizona, college of medicine in Tucson.
174, "Having about a per cent of acetylene is potentially interesting from the life point of view[], " says team member Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona in Tucson.
175, The bright lights of Tucson, Arizona, are more than matched by a flash of lightning far above the city skyline. The sunset scene shows a classic cumulonimbus cloud formation.
176, An ocean beneath the surface of Enceladus is the best way to account for the sodium, says Jonathan Lunine of the University of Arizona in Tucson, a Cassini researcher not part of Kempf's team.
177, The congresswoman is among 13 people wounded in the shootings in Tucson, Arizona, and is recovering from a gunshot wound to the head.
178, A city of southern Arizona south of Tucson on the Mexican border adjacent to Nogales, Mexico. Both cities are ports of entry and tourist centers.
179, The findings challenge the traditional textbook view that the main job of the hippocampus is to encode new memories, says Lynn Nadel, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Arizona in Tucson.
180, The Great Dane from Tucson, Arizona stands 3 feet, 7 inches tall.
181, Then it is to check out the Hoover Dam, to Phoenix, Tucson, Tombstone, and then Viva Mexico!
182, Instead of Earth being like a spinning top made of steel, explains geologist Vic Baker at the University of Arizona in Tucson it has "a bit of plasticity that allows the shape to deform very slightly.
183, The car ride home to Tucson was undoubtedly one of the longest I recall.
184, Margo Sasse Tucson I was interested to read about the study of Israeli rulings on convicts' parole requests.
185, "We risk losing iconic charismatic megaflora such as saguaro cactus and joshua trees," co-author Steven Archer of the University of Arizona, Tucson, said at a press conference.
186, A cactus bee (Diadasia sp.) pollinates a barrel cactus in Tucson, Arizona.
187, "Life on Earth has radiated into every conceivable - and in some cases almost inconceivable - ecological niche," says Chris Impey of the University of Arizona in Tucson, US.
188, In Tucson, it is illegal for women to wear pants.
189, History is not, perhaps, the first thing that springs to mind in Tucson.
190, Miller and other museum officials said spring break, along with special events like the NCAA basketball tournament in Tucson, Ariz., are contributing to increased foot traffic.
190, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
191, Burgess can display old photographs of the desert that show in a relatively short time -- over a few decades -- patches of Saguaro drifting over the Tucson basin.
192, Tucson appearance in a dynamic fashion is still continuation of the design.




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