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单词 In a moment
1 It was said in a moment of anger.
2 He will be here in a moment.
3 I'll be back in a moment.
4 I really must be getting home in a moment.
5 In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.
6 He had walked out in a moment of anger.
7 I'll write you a cheque in a moment.
8 In a moment her eyelids flickered, then opened.
9 I will return to this problem in a moment.
10 In a moment he was gone.
11 I'll come in a moment.
12 I'll come back to that point in a moment.
13 The whole family blotted out in a moment!
14 I agreed in a moment of weakness.
15 In a moment of rashness, I agreed to do a parachute jump for charity.
16 He talked to the press in a moment of indiscretion.
17 In a moment of madness I agreed to go with him.
18 The nurse will take your blood pressure in a moment.
19 I lent him & 5 in a moment of rashness.
20 In a moment of blind panic she had pulled the trigger and shot the man dead.
21 In a moment of madness, I agreed to have the party at my house.
22 She'll be by in a moment and you can see her.
23 In a moment of madness she had agreed to go out with him.
24 In a moment of weakness I let him drive my car.
25 He was also an MP — I'll think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me.
26 The teacher will be down on any little mistake in the article in a moment.
27 The opening of the scene depicts Akhnaten and his family in a moment of intimacy.
28 If you'd like to take a seat,[] Mr Chang will be with you in a moment.
29 I wanted to raise a question to the chairman but in a moment I lost my nerve.
30 Hang on a minute - I'll be with you in a moment!
1 He will be here in a moment.
2 I'll be back in a moment.
3 In a moment of aberration, she agreed to go with him.
4 He was also an MP — I'll think of his name in a moment when it comes back to me.
31 In a moment of madness, I said I'd help him.
32 In a moment of jealous frenzy, she cut the sleeves off all his shirts.
33 He caught me in a moment of weakness.
34 Francis made his will in a moment of madness.
35 Which we will, in a moment.
36 And in a moment, 48 years melt away.
37 But in a moment it too ceased.
38 He became reverent in a moment.
39 Some are political, and to these we shall return in a moment.
40 Each seemed possessed by a serene sorrow, and in a moment he learned why.
41 We'll come to some examples of this in a moment.
42 The core of her body was in a moment melted. Long waves of pure ecstasy washed through and through her.
43 A Women's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love(), from love to matrimony in a moment. Jane Austen 
44 My hon. Friend gave the details and I shall return to them in a moment.
45 In a moment, a wave must have swept across the prison yard outside.
46 But in a moment or two he released Glover and shoved his two hands inside his armpits.
47 In a moment she would open her eyes to discover that it had all been an incredible, fantastical dream.
48 In a moment the candle was lit again, and I recognized my attacker.
49 Once, in a moment of despair, he snapped his Bible shut and squashed them to a paste.
50 In a moment, the child lay dead at my feet.
51 Not like shooting Sweet in a moment of blind panic.
52 What mattered was that one of the legs had been used by the gang in a moment of panic.
53 So much of history is mystery. We don't know what is lost forever, what will surface again. All objects exist in a moment of time. And that fragment of time is preserved or lost or found in mysterious ways. Mystery is a wonderful part of life. Amy Tan 
54 It is essential once a feed has been dropped that it should not be reinstated in a moment of weakness.
55 In a moment they would realise what she was doing and keep their fire at floor level.
56 Then, in a moment of appalled recognition[ ], she saw the lie for what it was.
57 This means that entertainment, sports, and news programs can be transmitted in a moment between most locations in the world.
58 It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations. Kahlil Gibran 
59 The next day, in a moment of grim rationality, I bought a double-barrel derringer as a secret, last-ditch weapon.
60 In a moment I saw that they formed the outlines of the familiar constellations.
61 In a moment of madness Rosenoir kicked Alan Kernaghan as he lay on the ground.
62 She rocked the cradle and in a moment the babies were asleep.
63 And, thanks to computer networks like the Internet, they can be whisked around the world in a moment.
64 Sure enough, in a moment the rushes whispered, and the tiny drift of air came again.
65 She thought, in a moment he will be gone, striding along the corridor, out of sight.
66 We shall see in a moment that there are problems with the nationalism which goes hand in hand with this outlook.
67 In a moment of weakness the President had accepted the invitation.
68 I couldn't get rid of the black Martin, purchased in a moment of island madness instead of a car.
69 She would in a moment, when she could summon up the energy.
70 In a moment of time too short to be measured, Space turned and twisted upon itself.
71 The Prime Minister I shall give way to the right hon. Gentleman in a moment.
72 Like the vampire bats that we shall meet in a moment, they are playing to well-ritualized rules.
73 It was over in a moment, and there she was, hooked to her consort, swinging like a pendulum!
74 A goal had to come, and it duly arrived in a moment of magic after 33 minutes.
75 The battery was annihilated by those volleys in a moment.
76 Their line in a moment front-faced to the north, facing me, and gave a salute, which I returned.
77 The bomb was between us and the exit; it would probably blow in a moment, and wreck the whole bar.
78 His desertion of her, his long forgetfulness, could not be forgiven in a moment because of his need.
79 In a moment they reddened and flared up, and before long the water was bubbling.
80 In a moment he will lift the latch and kick the bottom of the door.
81 We shall see in a moment why their activities are quite distinct.
82 But he had never noticed her eyes in a moment such as this: as grey and hard as any filing cabinet.
83 But in a moment, the sun was blazing, the sky blue as cornflowers.
84 In a moment the flight deck is an inferno of aviation fuel.
85 More on process state in a moment.
86 In a moment the troops were under arms.
87 In a moment the ceremony was in train.
88 Rosa was cowed in a moment.
89 His left signal light came on. In a moment he'd be gone.
90 In Paris, my tiredness after a full day's walking was gone in a moment when the sun touched the horizon and spilled its light over the Jardin de Tuileries.
91 But in a moment of faustian proportions, I pretended to be straight.
92 I held out my hand, and the horrible, soft-spoken, eyeless creature gripped it in a moment like a vice.
93 I knew in a moment, it must be St. Nick!
94 In a moment of deep dejection she thought of taking her own life.
95 "Love, free as air at sight of human ties , Spreads his light wings, and in a moment flies. "– Alexander Pope.
96 In a moment the red glare from the headlight streamed up the snow-covered track before the siding and glittered on the wet, black rails.
97 Wash Shu in a moment, bathed Shu to finish out to take meal!
98 Philip did not answer, and in a moment she broke into a sob.
99 An audience told reporter, he had heard that every Kamba people can dance and sing in a moment, now, this performance confirmed all.
100 The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a single nature.
101 An entire relationship was encapsulated in a moment without complications or heartbreak.
102 In a moment, the rain break wind, bright skies in a rainbow appeared!
103 "There, there, child, " Cabell was saying, patting her hand. "It will be over in a moment. "
104 And what I hear the hero say – in a moment when I am still, and quiet within – is this: "You are a spiritual being and you are alive forever more."
105 Sea orchid the Ni was weak to infirmly come a , the vision moves to open in a moment, in case this'crazy dog'misunderstanding.
106 The audio module controls the locus say-so traditionally, i. e. only one person is allowed to speak in a moment.
107 Not for me is the love that knows no restraint, but like the foaming wine that having burst its vessel in a moment would run to waste.
108 If anybody spoke of that grisly matter, I was all ears in a moment.
109 In a moment, the four pirates had swarmed up the mound and were upon us.
110 In a moment of energized organizing, we made ourselves these knitting-needle cases to arrange and store knitting needles.
111 Don't get hot and bothered -- I'll be able to start the car in a moment.
112 A flutter of a flitting touch brushed me and vanished in a moment, like a torn flower petal blown in the breeze.
113 Our booked passenger showed in a moment that it was his name. The guard, the coachman, and the two other passengers eyed him distrustfully .
114 The pictures that linger in his mind, called up in a moment by such sensations as the smell of roses or of new-mown hay, are of a simpler nature.
115 I knew in a moment it must be Saint Nick.
116 Take a seat please, Councillor Jones will see you in a moment.
117 Wise self limitation is not the same thing as text-book philosophy, and an ejaculatory prayer in a moment of mortal danger is not a theological treatise either.
118 You may commit in a moment what you may rue for years -- what life cannot cancel.
119 How to find out the man's mental age in a moment?
120 In a moment I'll be crying, she thought in a frenzy of wonder and excitement.
121 They had been tethered too long to regain the use of their limbs in a moment.
122 In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.
123 The martial of clear cover shad uses polycarbonate. Power source is used single-foot in a moment start floorescent tube lamp.
124 Earlier Monday, Obama led the nation in a moment of silence as flags across the country flew at half-staff to honor the victims.
125 I took my cue in a moment, and did the only rational thing there was to do.
126 In a moment she was alone, and mumbling to herself.
127 Then I heard footsteps on a stairs,(http:///in a moment.html) and in a moment the thickish figure of a woman blocked out the light from the office door.
128 The mulatto maid called Mrs. Lovell Mingott into the hall, and the latter came back in a moment with a frowning brow.
129 In a moment more the crowd began to gush forth from the doors of the church.
130 He might have let something slip in a moment of weakness.
131 A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.
132 And then LLD, we'll see in a moment[], this is for particularly long numbers which will become relevant especially as you're trying to process lots of information.
133 And Woolf , in a moment of panic , plants a desperate , passionate kiss on Vanessa's mouth.
134 Remember, Katish, that all this was done heedlessly , in a moment of anger, of illness, and then forgotten.
135 The operating system loader parses the import section, as you'll see in a moment.
136 His present aspect, coupled with the lack of all human forms in the scene, explained the old-time heliolatries in a moment.
137 I will give you two thousand, " answered the upholder of American honor; and then in a moment he added: "May I ask who gave you the thousand francs?"
138 It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation may be sacrificed in a moment of ill-considered action.
139 In a moment he was seated, diagonally opposite her, brow furrowed.
140 Wilbur watched him disappear into his tunnel. In a moment he saw the rat's sharp nose poke out from underneath the wooden trough.
141 He himself had once been led into temptation and was going home with a woman, but having touched his scapular by chance, saw in a moment an angel waving white wings in the air.




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