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单词 Stilton
释义  Related topics: FoodStil·ton /ˈstɪltən/ noun [uncountable]  DFa type of English cheese that is white with grey-blue marks and has a strong taste 〔英国的〕斯提尔顿干酪Examples from the CorpusStilton• Here we sit around the ancient ruins of a Stilton, eating and talking, drinking and smoking.• Crush Stilton with a fork and work until creamy, then mix with the Shape soft cheese and skimmed milk until smooth.• As he lifted the dust-cover from the Twinflush DeLuxe it crumbled, then collapsed like a hollow Stilton.• Left-over Stilton is very good for cooking and is an affordable substitute for Roquefort.• Prime Stilton is available from the autumn onwards, being made with summer milk.Origin Stilton (1700-1800) Stilton village in Cambridgeshire, England where the cheese was originally soldStil·ton nounChineseSyllable  marks that a white cheese of grey-blue English Corpus is with type




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