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单词 Schooling
1) She received the best schooling the town could offer.
2) She was deprived of schooling at ten.
3) Backward children need a special kind of schooling.
4) The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness.
5) A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.
6) Al's dad had only a few years of schooling.
7) She's been schooling her kids herself.
8) He has had no formal schooling.
9) An illiterate,(http:///schooling.html) later he received some schooling.
10) Jack didn't receive much formal schooling.
11) Compulsory schooling ends at sixteen.
12) In Britain, schooling starts at age 5.
13) Many children are disadvantaged by poor schooling.
14) There is a widespread impression that schooling needs to be improved.
15) She continued with her schooling after a long period of illness.
16) I have never let schooling interfere with my education. Mark Twain 
17) He had very little schooling.
18) Who's paying for her schooling?
19) We were lucky in their schooling.
20) Walter only had seven years of schooling.
21) Schooling is about more than just subject matter.
22) He had little formal schooling.
23) Strolling, they pondered public education versus private schooling.
24) It is a very iffy thing, this schooling.
25) He has not press-agented himself as an expert on schooling.
26) We will stay in this country, as we don't want her schooling to suffer.
27) Many of the canal children were constantly on the move, and lost out on regular schooling.
28) Children could be compelled to work on the farm, effectively denying them schooling.
29) Sam's mother said her son had a good upbringing and schooling.
30) Under our education system, you're supposed to be able to choose the type of schooling that your child receives.
1) She received the best schooling the town could offer.
2) The school is specially for children whose schooling has been disrupted by illness.
3) A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.
4) He has not press-agented himself as an expert on schooling.
5) An illiterate, later he received some schooling.
6) Compulsory schooling ends at sixteen.
31) Schooling is the route to lowering infant mortality.
32) Glimpses into the realities of schooling.
33) But this will avail us nothing unless we get primary and secondary schooling right.
34) Wisdom is not a product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it. Albert Einstein 
35) Although controversies still abound, there are some guiding principles for the conduct of daily schooling.
36) Education is the trickiest area, because of constant arguments over when segregated schooling is justifiable.
37) He slid into schooling like an athlete lowering himself into a whirlpool, feeling the heat deep in his tissue.
38) Inequalities of use in the crucial aspects of schooling have changed very little over the years.
39) I think private schooling would be well beyond our means.
40) There is a temptation among school reformers to fantasize about the future of schooling.
41) Rather than change their vision to fit the current structures of schooling, they have changed the structures to accommodate their vision.
42) Education services, of course, are a vitally important aid to parents in providing schooling and ancillary services.
43) We hear terrible things of your schooling system in my country, and I've met a lot of you.
44) Both documents seek to identify the skills and understandings which their respective subjects should seek to achieve at different stages of schooling.
45) The struggle for space within the curriculum and school day leads to this myopic view of schooling.
46) Unfortunately, Rose did not elaborate on the nature of such mixed schooling experiences.
47) This will help pupils to develop a personal love of reading which will continue after compulsory schooling.
48) It declared them educable, took them out of their own homes and hospitals and brought them into full-time schooling.
49) The court acknowledged that a state may punish a teacher who disrupts schooling.
50) This list is carried in publicity and in information given directly to pupils in their final year of compulsory schooling.
51) Though described as a gentleman, and obviously well educated, his birth, parentage, and schooling all remain obscure.
52) Full mixed-ability teaching, especially if it reached into the middle and later years of secondary schooling, was comparatively rare.
53) The move follows a growing number of concerns expressed by parents of dyslexic children who claim adequate schooling is not always offered.
54) The total of those favouring denominational schooling in the initial survey was less than one-third.
55) Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
56) Foinavon was lunged over jumps and popping over little schooling fences became a daily routine.
57) Though the war had interrupted her schooling, her intellectual precocity had quickly been recognized and appreciated by Stewart.
58) The defense also alleges that Cosby set up a trust account for Jackson in 1994 to pay for her schooling.
59) World Vision hope to provide some sort of schooling for these youngsters.
60) Starting with the daily schedule, we can see how deeply entrenched the factory model of schooling is in most secondary schools.
61) No one expects a newborn baby to go out and get a job before learning the basic life skills and getting schooling.
62) Mrs M no longer had the time to devote to the girl who sought schooling for herself.
63) They are also willing, within reason, to pay towards this schooling.
63) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
64) The Initiative has aimed to bring about major changes in the content and methods of schooling for 14-18 year olds.
65) First, seventy million children under age twelve are not receiving any schooling because they must work full-time.
66) We hope the move to Kansas won't disrupt the kids' schooling too much.
67) Are students exempt from compulsory schooling or from certain courses in the curriculum on religious grounds?
68) We learn from schooling, doing, experiences, reading. Reflection-thinking, listening and asking questions, and the more we learn the more thinking, optimistic and effective we are. Dr T.P.Chia 
69) Schooling often represents the only avenue of escape from a much more desperate situation.
70) Quite frankly it makes me angry to realise how the politicians, and fuzzy-thinking educationalists have cocked up my child's schooling.
71) Denying schooling, however, would just make a bad situation worse.
72) She was starting at zero as she had very poor schooling due to ill health.
73) And literacy, at least in the vernacular, could certainly be acquired without the aid of schooling.
74) Regarding structure, most studies conclude that children attain concrete operations around age 6 or 7 independent of formal schooling.
75) Village schooling and primary health care will be available locally, with more advanced education and medical services in the main centres.
76) The skills needed are mostly those which our schooling found useless and it has atrophied them without irreparably damaging them.
77) Compensation packages for expatriates coming to Britain usually cover schooling costs, private medical care and housing costs.
78) The Tinker test would favor the students as long as there was no substantial or material disruption of schooling.
79) This points to a significant disharmony between the rhetoric of schooling and the practice.
80) It means challenging some of the most sacred myths about public schooling.
81) It is not schooling but a nasty little trick he has to get the better of me.
82) Certificates are one outcome of schooling and will enable the pupil to compete effectively in the labour market.
83) The conference will also discuss the legalisation of the use and sale of cannabis and whether denominational schooling should be ended.
84) Day schooling was received by only a minority of children from the labouring classes, in some parishes a very tiny one.
85) This assumes a gap of some years after full time schooling.
86) In most cultures, children without formal schooling attain conservation as readily as children with schooling.
87) Formal electronics schooling teaches you about resistors, capacitors and transistors, obviously.
88) And, the Navy is having trouble filling shipboard billets with enough sonar and fire control technicians, who require extensive schooling.
89) There was also a massive expansion in the formal schooling system, with an emphasis on building rural schools.
90) Government policy centred on the question of integration through schooling in the values of the Republic rather than on multicultural education.
91) The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling.
92) The results of this investigation should help to clarify some of the complex issues involved in the debate on gender and schooling.
93) One of the most significant was in the increase in formal schooling,(http:///schooling.html) particularly of the young.
94) Schooling was seen by many parents as an irrelevance at best; at worst as a downright intrusion.
95) The distinction between education and schooling becomes clear in a rural society.
96) A child's access to schooling varies greatly from place to place.
97) I feel it is important to get a taste of a working environment before going straight through schooling into paid employment.
98) Sometimes a fifteen or twenty minute walk out before schooling helps the horse loosen-up before a session begins.
99) Pupils with temporary Problems might also include Traveller children affected by discontinuity of schooling.
100) Beyond these formal structures, the folks at Thayer challenge yet one more notion that often shapes the structures of schooling.
101) Even Illich's onslaught is directed at formal schooling and not at education as such.
102) But if the commonsense understanding of schooling is bracketed and belief suspended, another reality emerges, the life of the playground.
103) In 1911 he was initiated into the schooling process at the Ecole Primaire in Tours.
104) In a post-industrial information economy, the differences become more pronounced and more divisive as the length and necessity of schooling increase.
105) Many of the requests are for practical, technical and vocational literature for all levels, from secondary schooling upwards.
106) She will have responsibility for their upbringing, including a say in their future schooling and development.
107) So his Hebrew schooling thereby climaxed; his public participation galvanising him to accelerated study.
108) They would be helped enormously if other agencies of enlightenment, particularly the schooling system, contributed to the task.
109) For the first time Nizan was forced to confront the social reality of the process of schooling.
110) The use of education services has become more equal during the years of compulsory schooling.
111) If we wish children to develop awareness and sensitivity, Art and Nature must ramify their schooling from their early days.
112) Pupils in schools designated for those with moderate learning difficulties have often met failure throughout their schooling.
113) A horse that is fit for hunting may be unable to cope with a long schooling session.
114) Although the formal process of schooling began in 1911 and terminated in 1929, the critical phase was between 1917 and 1927.
115) Much more could be done to help assimilate our refugees - for example, help with schooling and specialist support.
116) As with any problem, try to correct it by schooling, but accept that an aid may be necessary.
117) What young people come to define as intellectual competence what it means to know things and use themis shaped by their schooling.
118) We pulled up at the end of the schooling stretch and trotted back to where Tremayne stood with his binoculars.
119) Then, when he was five or six years old, he entered a masculine world and his formal schooling began.
120) Some parents moved their children to rural areas to avoid the disruption and continue their schooling.
121) The study also called for a more interdisciplinary approach to schooling.
122) A good place to begin is with the encounter of educational psychology and schooling.
123) To compel a pupil to obey a teacher makes no sense without placing it in the context of compulsory schooling enforced legally.
124) There is a growing recognition by educators and others that traditional schooling does not adequately serve an increasingly large number of students.
125) I shall have to begin schooling myself in shrewdness.
126) High schooling female gets easily cervicitis and fibroid.
127) As a quasi-public product(/schooling.html), schooling has many external effects.
128) The Maoists, however, have done more to devastate schooling.
129) Education is much more open-ended and all-inclusive than schooling.
130) He had hardly any schooling.
131) Any of several oval-shaped schooling fishes of the family Kyphosidae, found in tropical parts of the Atlantic and often sighted swimming behind ships.
132) Training as a marriage counsellor would guarantee her some employment once her schooling was through.
133) So my first schooling was in Mandarin , in a clandestine class run by a married couple.
134) In Canada the French were schooling them in a rudimentary way.
135) I did not discover that Hamlet had his self-possession from no schooling but from indifference and passion conquering sweetness, and that less heroic minds can but hope it from old age.
136) There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process or schooling.
137) Popularization of compulsory nine - year schooling is the key goal of China's elementary education program.
138) To pay for his schooling, he worked as a cook, dishwasher, laundryman, and housekeeper.
139) In truth, Labour did not ignore problems such as drugs and woeful schooling.
140) It is ridiculous to argue that teachers will be replaced by computers one day, because such a dehumanised schooling can hardly be labelled "education".
141) The purpose of information superhighway is to provide remote electronic banking, schooling, shopping, taxpaying, game playing, video conferencing, movie ordering, medical diagnosing, etc.
142) Ralph Waldo Emerson and other Transcendentalist philosophers thought schooling and rigorous book learning put unnatural restraints on children.
143) Whereas schooling has a certain predictability, education quite often produces surprises.
144) I hereby apply for admission to Elmwood College. I agree to pay the tuition of my course, never to discounting schooling without appropriate reasons.
145) Paterson more than made up for the lack of schooling with self-directed education, voraciously reading the classics of poetry and literature.
146) British primary schooling, in contrast, turns out thousands upon thousands without elementary reading or numerical skills, kids condemned to failure at an obscenely early age.
147) In our view, formal schooling in youth is the essential foundation for learning throughout one's life.
148) Web-based training and learning seems to be a perfect way to reach a huge pool of potential students, as well as curtail the high infrastructure and personnel costs of traditional schooling.
149) There was no statistical interaction, they note, between exposure to atole at birth to age 24 months and years of schooling on either of these outcomes.
150) We have to drop our pretences and look squarely at schooling as it really is.
151) Job shadowing can be a great way try on a career before committing to more schooling.
152) Schooling is free of cost in USA and higher education is very expensive.
153) In conclusion, the merits of traditional schooling far overweigh those of learning from the Internet, though the latter form cannot be neglected neither.
153) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
154) The appellate court ruling stemmed from a child welfare case involving two children who enrolled in a parochial school that facilitated home schooling and were educated at home by their mother.
155) As when youths leave home for college, the Moon can become a schooling place, a stepping-stone to the boundless horizons of human destiny.
156) Parents have a legal duty to see to their children's schooling under the provisions of these laws.
157) Fetal alcohol syndrome is also an issue because affected children require special-needs schooling and other forms of specialized care.
158) Schooling is the main investment of human capital, so after graduation, students are faced with the situation of job selection and investment return.
159) Globally, there was an inverse association between years of schooling and self-rated poor health (odds ratio, OR: 0.929; 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.926–0.933).
160) There are definite conditions surrounding the formalized process of schooling.
161) Because of poverty father had no schooling and almost didn't know a B from a battledore.
162) The pencil, sharpener, color pens and coloring book I will use them next year, because I am not schooling this year.
163) Then, oriental Cambridge group from groom begin, change record of formal schooling to education gradually.
164) How relevant are consumerism and digital social networking to 21 st - century schooling and parenting?
165) To have access to literature, world literature, was to escape the prison of national vanity, of philistinism, of compulsory provincialism, of inane schooling, of imperfect destinies and bad luck.
166) Home - schooling expert Linda Dobson says many people have helped the movement grow.
167) Schooling consists of 6 years of primary education followed by a 3-year general or vocational training period and a 3-year academic or vocational program.
168) Boys are about to start schooling start learning on Monday.
169) Other countries in the Pacific do all their schooling in English because the market just isn't there to translate textbooks into Samoan or Tongan.
170) Though many aspects of schooling should be routinized , traditional theory seeks to routinize that which should be varied as well.
171) At the beginning of this treatise, Plutarch says that, following schooling, we have to learn to listen to logos throughout our adult life.
172) Her schooling, though, was a muddle, thanks to the war, and to the custody battle fought by her parents.
173) Even your cousin Shu - hua had very little schooling!
174) Discovering that I was only self-possessed with peo- ple I knew intimately, I would often go to a strange house where I knew I would spend a wretched hour for schooling sake.
175) Government-run schooling must be equally accessible to all citizens regardless of their ethnic or religious backgrounds, gender, or physical disabilities.
176) So when Agatha's mother sent her off to Paris a few years later, for further schooling, it was with the hope that Agatha might one day emerge as an opera star.
177) We then went on to show that the quality of traditional schooling declines the farther schools are from the urban center of New Delhi.
178) The government will be responsible for your asn your schooling needs. Be strong!
179) I have never been unfaithful to you or your schooling.
180) But atole consumption between the ages of 0 and 2 increased schooling in women by more than one grade, and reading comprehension increased significantly in both genders.
181) The author thinks that it is an unavoidable phenomenon in the transferring community, the schooling and family education also has to take in hand in this problem.
182) Lunch support during schooling and free education materials attracts them mostly.
183) And in that emphasis on the dark side of schooling, should give pause to adults who were looking for an understanding of why something like Columbine comes about.
184) " You get used to the flexibility of home schooling,'she said.




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